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      1 INTRO
      2 -----
      3 This directory (nightly/) contains a simple, automatic build-and-test
      4 system for Valgrind, intended to be run nightly by cron or a similar
      5 program.
      9 ----------------
     10 When run, the system checks out two trees:  the SVN trunk from 24 hours ago
     11 and the SVN trunk from now.  ("24 hours ago" and "now" are determined when
     12 the script starts running, so if any commits happen while the tests are
     13 running they will not be tested.)
     15 If the two trees are different (i.e. there have been commits in the past 24
     16 hours, either to the trunk or a branch) it builds ("make"), installs ("make
     17 install") and runs the regression tests ("make regtest") in both, and
     18 compares the results.  Note that the "make install" isn't necessary in order
     19 to run the tests because the regression tests use the code built (with
     20 "make") within the tree, but it's worth doing because it tests that "make
     21 install" isn't totally broken.  After checking both trees, it emails a
     22 summary of the results to a recipient.  All this typically takes something
     23 like 30 minutes.
     25 If the two trees are identical, the tests are not run and no results are
     26 emailed.  This avoids spamming people with uninteresting results emails when
     27 no commits have happened recently.
     30 SETTING UP
     31 ----------
     32 To set up nightly testing for a machine, do the following.
     34 (1) Check out just this directory from the repository, eg:
     36         svn co svn://svn.valgrind.org/valgrind/trunk/nightly $DIR
     38     where $DIR is the name of the directory you want it to be in.
     40     Note that this doesn't check out the whole Valgrind tree, just the
     41     directory containing the nightly testing stuff.  This is possible
     42     because the testing script doesn't check the code in the tree it belongs
     43     to; rather it checks out new trees (within $DIR) and tests them
     44     independently.
     46 (2) Choose a tag that identifies the test results.  This is usually the
     47     machine name.  We'll call it $TAG in what follows.
     49 (3) Create a configuration file $DIR/conf/$TAG.conf.  It is sourced by the
     50     'nightly' script, and can define any or all of the following environment
     51     variables.  (In most cases, only ABT_DETAILS is needed.)
     53     - ABT_DETAILS: describes the machine in more detail, eg. the OS.  The
     54       default is empty, but you should define it.  An example:
     56         export ABT_DETAILS="Ubuntu 9.04, Intel x86-64"
     58       You could also use some invocation of 'uname' or something similar
     59       to generate this string.  Eg. on Ubuntu Linux this works nicely:
     61         export ABT_DETAILS="`cat /etc/issue.net`, `uname -m`"
     63       And on Mac OS X this works nicely:
     65         export ABT_DETAILS=`uname -mrs`
     67       The advantage of doing it like this is that if you update the OS on
     68       the test machine you won't have to update ABT_DETAILS manually.
     70     - ABT_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS: gives extra configure options.  The default is
     71       empty.
     73     - ABT_EVAL: if provided, it must be the name of a shell script that
     74       executes the shell command $1 with arguments $2 .. ${$#}.  Allows to
     75       compile and run the Valgrind regression tests on another system than
     76       the system the 'nightly' script runs on.  It is assumed that the remote
     77       system shares the local filesystem tree through e.g. NFS.  It is the
     78       responsibility of the shell script to set the remote working directory
     79       such that it matches the local current directory ($PWD).
     81     - ABT_RUN_REGTEST: if provided, it must be the name of an argumentless
     82       shell function (also specified in the $TAG.conf file) that will be used
     83       to run the tests.  If not specified, the usual "make regtest" will be
     84       used.
     86     - ABT_JOBS: allows parallel builds -- it's passed as the argument to
     87       "make -j" when building Valgrind and the tests.  The default is 1.
     89     Note that the appropriate syntax to use in this file will depend on the
     90     shell from which the $DIR/bin/nightly script is run (which in turn may
     91     depend on what shell is used by cron or any similar program).
     93 (4) Create a mailer script $DIR/conf/$TAG.sendmail.  It must be executable.
     94     It's used to send email results to the desired recipient (e.g. 
     95     valgrind-developers (a] lists.sourceforge.net)  It must handle three command
     96     line arguments.
     98     - The first argument is the email subject line.  It contains
     99       $ABT_DETAILS plus some other stuff.
    101     - The second argument is the name of the file containing the email's
    102       body (which shows the tests that failed, and the differences between now
    103       and 24 hours ago). 
    105     - The third is the name of the file containing all the diffs from
    106       failing tests.  Depending on the test results you get, you could
    107       inline this file into the email body, or attach it, or compress and
    108       attach it, or even omit it.  The right choice depends on how many
    109       failures you typically get -- if you get few failures, inlining the
    110       results make them easier to read;  if you get many failures,
    111       compressing might be a good idea to minimise the size of the emails.
    113     The best way to do this depends on how mail is set up on your machine.
    114     You might be able to use /usr/bin/mail, or you might need something more
    115     elaborate like using Mutt to send mail via an external account.
    117     At first, you should probably just send emails to yourself for testing
    118     purposes.  After it's working, then sending it to others might be
    119     appropriate.
    121 (5) To run the tests, execute:
    123        $DIR/bin/nightly $DIR $TAG
    125     You probably want to put this command into a cron file or equivalent
    126     so it is run regularly (preferably every night).  Actually, it's
    127     probably better to put that command inside a script, and run the script
    128     from cron, rather than running $DIR/bin/nightly directly.  That way you
    129     can put any other configuration stuff that's necessary inside the
    130     script (e.g. make sure that programs used by the mailer script are in
    131     your PATH).
    135 ------------
    136 If the tests are run, the following files are produced:
    138 - $DIR/old.verbose and $DIR/new.verbose contain full output of the whole
    139   process for each of the two trees.
    141 - $DIR/old.short and $DIR/new.short contain summary output of the process
    142   for each of the two trees.  The diff between these two files goes in
    143   $DIR/diff.short.
    145 - $DIR/final contains the overall summary, constructed from $DIR/old.short,
    146   $DIR/new.short, $DIR/diff.short and some other bits and pieces.  (The name
    147   of this file is what's passed as the second argument to
    148   $DIR/conf/$TAG.sendmail.)
    150 - $DIR/diffs holds the diffs from all the failing tests in the newer tree,
    151   concatenated together;  the diff from each failure is truncated at 100
    152   lines to minimise possible size blow-outs.  (The name of this file is
    153   what's passed as the third argument to $DIR/conf/$TAG.sendmail.)  
    155 - $DIR/sendmail.log contains the output (stdout and stderr) from
    156   $DIR/conf/$TAG.sendmail goes in $DIR/sendmail.log.  
    158 - $DIR/valgrind-old/ and $DIR/valgrind-new/ contain the tested trees (and
    159   $DIR/valgrind-old/Inst/ and $DIR/valgrind-new/Inst/ contain the installed
    160   code).
    162 If the tests aren't run, the following file is produced:
    164 - $DIR/unchanged.log is created only if no tests were run because the two
    165   trees were identical.  It will contain a short explanatory message.
    167 Each time the tests are run, all files from previous runs are deleted.
    171 ---------------
    172 If something goes wrong, looking at the output files can be useful.  For
    173 example, if no email was sent but you expected one, check sendmail.log to
    174 see if the mailer script had a problem.  Or check if unchanged.log exists.
    176 Occasionally the SVN server isn't available when the tests runs, for either
    177 or both trees.  When this happens the email will be sent but it won't be
    178 very informative.  Usually it's just a temporary server problem and it'll
    179 run fine the next time without you having to do anything.
    181 Note that the test suite is imperfect:  
    182 - There are very few machines where all tests pass;  that's why the old/new
    183   diff is produced.  Some of the tests may not be as portable as intended.
    184 - Some tests are non-deterministic, and so may pass one day and fail the
    185   next.  
    187 Improving the test suite to avoid these problems is a long-term goal but it
    188 isn't easy.
    192 -----------
    193 The scripts in the nightly/ directory occasionally get updated.  If that
    194 happens, you can just "svn update" within $DIR to get the updated versions,
    195 which will then be used the next time the tests run.  (It's possible that
    196 the scripts will be changed in a way that requires changes to the files in
    197 $DIR/conf/, but we try to avoid this.)
    199 If you want such updates to happen automatically, you could write a script
    200 that does all the steps in SETTING UP above, and instead run that script
    201 from cron.