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     43     <table class="diffspectable">
     44       <tr>
     45         <td colspan="2" class="diffspechead">API Diff Specification</td>
     46       </tr>
     47       <tr>
     48         <td class="diffspec" style="padding-top:.25em">To Level:</td>
     49         <td class="diffvaluenew" style="padding-top:.25em">15</td>
     50       </tr>
     51       <tr>
     52         <td class="diffspec">From Level:</td>
     53         <td class="diffvalueold">14</td>
     54       </tr>
     55       <tr>
     56         <td class="diffspec">Generated</td>
     57         <td class="diffvalue">2011.12.12 18:47</td>
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     73 <h1>API&nbsp;Change&nbsp;Statistics</h1>
     74 <p>The overall difference between API Levels 14 and 15 is approximately <span style="color:222;font-weight:bold;">0.14%</span>.
     75 </p>
     76 <br>
     77 <a name="numbers"></a>
     78 <h2>Total of Differences, by Number and Type</h2>
     79 <p>
     80 The table below lists the numbers of program elements (packages, classes, constructors, methods, and fields) that were added, changed, or removed. The table includes only the highest-level program elements &mdash; that is, if a class with two methods was added, the number of methods added does not include those two methods, but the number of classes added does include that class.
     81 </p>
     82 <TABLE summary="Number of differences" WIDTH="100%">
     83 <TR>
     84   <th>Type</th>
     85   <TH ALIGN="center"><b>Additions</b></TH>
     86   <TH ALIGN="center"><b>Changes</b></TH>
     87   <TH ALIGN="center">Removals</TH>
     88   <TH ALIGN="center"><b>Total</b></TH>
     89 </TR>
     90 <TR>
     91   <TD>Packages</TD>
     92   <TD ALIGN="right">0</TD>
     93   <TD ALIGN="right">21</TD>
     94   <TD ALIGN="right">0</TD>
     95   <TD ALIGN="right">21</TD>
     96 </TR>
     97 <TR>
     98   <TD>Classes and <i>Interfaces</i></TD>
     99   <TD ALIGN="right">12</TD>
    100   <TD ALIGN="right">34</TD>
    101   <TD ALIGN="right">0</TD>
    102   <TD ALIGN="right">46</TD>
    103 </TR>
    104 <TR>
    105   <TD>Constructors</TD>
    106   <TD ALIGN="right">2</TD>
    107   <TD ALIGN="right">1</TD>
    108   <TD ALIGN="right">0</TD>
    109   <TD ALIGN="right">3</TD>
    110 </TR>
    111 <TR>
    112   <TD>Methods</TD>
    113   <TD ALIGN="right">25</TD>
    114   <TD ALIGN="right">3</TD>
    115   <TD ALIGN="right">0</TD>
    116   <TD ALIGN="right">28</TD>
    117 </TR>
    118 <TR>
    119   <TD>Fields</TD>
    120   <TD ALIGN="right">38</TD>
    121   <TD ALIGN="right">2</TD>
    122   <TD ALIGN="right">0</TD>
    123   <TD ALIGN="right">40</TD>
    124 </TR>
    125 <TR>
    126   <TD style="background-color:#FAFAFA"><b>Total</b></TD>
    127   <TD  style="background-color:#FAFAFA" ALIGN="right"><strong>77</strong></TD>
    128   <TD  style="background-color:#FAFAFA" ALIGN="right"><strong>61</strong></TD>
    129   <TD  style="background-color:#FAFAFA" ALIGN="right"><strong>0</strong></TD>
    130   <TD  style="background-color:#FAFAFA" ALIGN="right"><strong>138</strong></TD>
    131 </TR>
    132 </TABLE>
    133 <br>
    134 <a name="packages"></a>
    135 <h2>Changed Packages, Sorted by Percentage Difference</h2>
    136 <TABLE summary="Packages sorted by percentage difference" WIDTH="100%">
    137 <TR>
    138   <TH  WIDTH="10%">Percentage Difference*</TH>
    139   <TH>Package</TH>
    140 </TR>
    141 <TR>
    142   <TD ALIGN="center">7</TD>
    143   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.speech.tts.html">android.speech.tts</A></TD>
    144 </TR>
    145 <TR>
    146   <TD ALIGN="center">3</TD>
    147   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.service.textservice.html">android.service.textservice</A></TD>
    148 </TR>
    149 <TR>
    150   <TD ALIGN="center">2</TD>
    151   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.provider.html">android.provider</A></TD>
    152 </TR>
    153 <TR>
    154   <TD ALIGN="center">2</TD>
    155   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.database.html">android.database</A></TD>
    156 </TR>
    157 <TR>
    158   <TD ALIGN="center">1</TD>
    159   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.view.textservice.html">android.view.textservice</A></TD>
    160 </TR>
    161 <TR>
    162   <TD ALIGN="center">1</TD>
    163   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.os.html">android.os</A></TD>
    164 </TR>
    165 <TR>
    166   <TD ALIGN="center">1</TD>
    167   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.service.wallpaper.html">android.service.wallpaper</A></TD>
    168 </TR>
    169 <TR>
    170   <TD ALIGN="center">1</TD>
    171   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.appwidget.html">android.appwidget</A></TD>
    172 </TR>
    173 <TR>
    174   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    175   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.view.accessibility.html">android.view.accessibility</A></TD>
    176 </TR>
    177 <TR>
    178   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    179   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.webkit.html">android.webkit</A></TD>
    180 </TR>
    181 <TR>
    182   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    183   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.bluetooth.html">android.bluetooth</A></TD>
    184 </TR>
    185 <TR>
    186   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    187   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.media.html">android.media</A></TD>
    188 </TR>
    189 <TR>
    190   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    191   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.graphics.html">android.graphics</A></TD>
    192 </TR>
    193 <TR>
    194   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    195   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.text.style.html">android.text.style</A></TD>
    196 </TR>
    197 <TR>
    198   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    199   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.hardware.html">android.hardware</A></TD>
    200 </TR>
    201 <TR>
    202   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    203   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.opengl.html">android.opengl</A></TD>
    204 </TR>
    205 <TR>
    206   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    207   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.content.html">android.content</A></TD>
    208 </TR>
    209 <TR>
    210   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    211   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.html">android</A></TD>
    212 </TR>
    213 <TR>
    214   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    215   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.app.html">android.app</A></TD>
    216 </TR>
    217 <TR>
    218   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    219   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.view.html">android.view</A></TD>
    220 </TR>
    221 <TR>
    222   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    223   <TD><A HREF="pkg_android.widget.html">android.widget</A></TD>
    224 </TR>
    225 </TABLE>
    226 <p style="font-size:10px">* See <a href="#calculation">Calculation of Change Percentages</a>, below.</p>
    227 <br>
    228 <a name="classes"></a>
    229 <h2>Changed Classes and <i>Interfaces</i>, Sorted by Percentage Difference</h2>
    230 <TABLE summary="Classes sorted by percentage difference" WIDTH="100%">
    231 <TR WIDTH="20%">
    232   <TH WIDTH="10%">Percentage<br>Difference*</TH>
    233   <TH><b>Class or <i>Interface</i></b></TH>
    234 </TR>
    235 <TR>
    236   <TD ALIGN="center">33</TD>
    237   <TD><A HREF="android.os.RemoteException.html">
    238 android.os.RemoteException</A></TD>
    239 </TR>
    240 <TR>
    241   <TD ALIGN="center">25</TD>
    242   <TD><A HREF="android.webkit.WebSettings.LayoutAlgorithm.html">
    243 android.webkit.WebSettings.LayoutAlgorithm</A></TD>
    244 </TR>
    245 <TR>
    246   <TD ALIGN="center">7</TD>
    247   <TD><A HREF="android.graphics.SurfaceTexture.html">
    248 android.graphics.SurfaceTexture</A></TD>
    249 </TR>
    250 <TR>
    251   <TD ALIGN="center">7</TD>
    252   <TD><A HREF="android.view.textservice.SpellCheckerSession.html">
    253 android.view.textservice.SpellCheckerSession</A></TD>
    254 </TR>
    255 <TR>
    256   <TD ALIGN="center">7</TD>
    257   <TD><A HREF="android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.html">
    258 android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice</A></TD>
    259 </TR>
    260 <TR>
    261   <TD ALIGN="center">6</TD>
    262   <TD><A HREF="android.provider.CalendarContract.CalendarColumns.html">
    263 <i>android.provider.CalendarContract.CalendarColumns</i></A></TD>
    264 </TR>
    265 <TR>
    266   <TD ALIGN="center">6</TD>
    267   <TD><A HREF="android.service.textservice.SpellCheckerService.Session.html">
    268 android.service.textservice.SpellCheckerService.Session</A></TD>
    269 </TR>
    270 <TR>
    271   <TD ALIGN="center">6</TD>
    272   <TD><A HREF="android.speech.tts.TextToSpeechService.html">
    273 android.speech.tts.TextToSpeechService</A></TD>
    274 </TR>
    275 <TR>
    276   <TD ALIGN="center">5</TD>
    277   <TD><A HREF="android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView.html">
    278 android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView</A></TD>
    279 </TR>
    280 <TR>
    281   <TD ALIGN="center">4</TD>
    282   <TD><A HREF="android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecord.html">
    283 android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecord</A></TD>
    284 </TR>
    285 <TR>
    286   <TD ALIGN="center">4</TD>
    287   <TD><A HREF="android.database.CursorWindow.html">
    288 android.database.CursorWindow</A></TD>
    289 </TR>
    290 <TR>
    291   <TD ALIGN="center">4</TD>
    292   <TD><A HREF="android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech.html">
    293 android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech</A></TD>
    294 </TR>
    295 <TR>
    296   <TD ALIGN="center">4</TD>
    297   <TD><A HREF="android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech.Engine.html">
    298 android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech.Engine</A></TD>
    299 </TR>
    300 <TR>
    301   <TD ALIGN="center">3</TD>
    302   <TD><A HREF="android.view.textservice.SuggestionsInfo.html">
    303 android.view.textservice.SuggestionsInfo</A></TD>
    304 </TR>
    305 <TR>
    306   <TD ALIGN="center">3</TD>
    307   <TD><A HREF="android.media.CamcorderProfile.html">
    308 android.media.CamcorderProfile</A></TD>
    309 </TR>
    310 <TR>
    311   <TD ALIGN="center">3</TD>
    312   <TD><A HREF="android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.html">
    313 android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES</A></TD>
    314 </TR>
    315 <TR>
    316   <TD ALIGN="center">3</TD>
    317   <TD><A HREF="android.os.IBinder.html">
    318 <i>android.os.IBinder</i></A></TD>
    319 </TR>
    320 <TR>
    321   <TD ALIGN="center">2</TD>
    322   <TD><A HREF="android.provider.CalendarContract.AttendeesColumns.html">
    323 <i>android.provider.CalendarContract.AttendeesColumns</i></A></TD>
    324 </TR>
    325 <TR>
    326   <TD ALIGN="center">2</TD>
    327   <TD><A HREF="android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService.Engine.html">
    328 android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService.Engine</A></TD>
    329 </TR>
    330 <TR>
    331   <TD ALIGN="center">2</TD>
    332   <TD><A HREF="android.text.style.SuggestionSpan.html">
    333 android.text.style.SuggestionSpan</A></TD>
    334 </TR>
    335 <TR>
    336   <TD ALIGN="center">2</TD>
    337   <TD><A HREF="android.content.Intent.html">
    338 android.content.Intent</A></TD>
    339 </TR>
    340 <TR>
    341   <TD ALIGN="center">1</TD>
    342   <TD><A HREF="android.provider.MediaStore.html">
    343 android.provider.MediaStore</A></TD>
    344 </TR>
    345 <TR>
    346   <TD ALIGN="center">1</TD>
    347   <TD><A HREF="android.provider.CalendarContract.EventsColumns.html">
    348 <i>android.provider.CalendarContract.EventsColumns</i></A></TD>
    349 </TR>
    350 <TR>
    351   <TD ALIGN="center">1</TD>
    352   <TD><A HREF="android.app.Fragment.html">
    353 android.app.Fragment</A></TD>
    354 </TR>
    355 <TR>
    356   <TD ALIGN="center">1</TD>
    357   <TD><A HREF="android.media.MediaMetadataRetriever.html">
    358 android.media.MediaMetadataRetriever</A></TD>
    359 </TR>
    360 <TR>
    361   <TD ALIGN="center">1</TD>
    362   <TD><A HREF="android.widget.RemoteViews.html">
    363 android.widget.RemoteViews</A></TD>
    364 </TR>
    365 <TR>
    366   <TD ALIGN="center">1</TD>
    367   <TD><A HREF="android.hardware.Camera.Parameters.html">
    368 android.hardware.Camera.Parameters</A></TD>
    369 </TR>
    370 <TR>
    371   <TD ALIGN="center">1</TD>
    372   <TD><A HREF="android.webkit.WebSettings.html">
    373 android.webkit.WebSettings</A></TD>
    374 </TR>
    375 <TR>
    376   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    377   <TD><A HREF="android.opengl.GLES11Ext.html">
    378 android.opengl.GLES11Ext</A></TD>
    379 </TR>
    380 <TR>
    381   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    382   <TD><A HREF="android.Manifest.permission.html">
    383 android.Manifest.permission</A></TD>
    384 </TR>
    385 <TR>
    386   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    387   <TD><A HREF="android.provider.Settings.Secure.html">
    388 android.provider.Settings.Secure</A></TD>
    389 </TR>
    390 <TR>
    391   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    392   <TD><A HREF="android.view.KeyEvent.html">
    393 android.view.KeyEvent</A></TD>
    394 </TR>
    395 <TR>
    396   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    397   <TD><A HREF="android.content.Context.html">
    398 android.content.Context</A></TD>
    399 </TR>
    400 <TR>
    401   <TD ALIGN="center">&lt;1</TD>
    402   <TD><A HREF="android.view.View.html">
    403 android.view.View</A></TD>
    404 </TR>
    405 </TABLE>
    406 <p style="font-size:10px">* See <a href="#calculation">Calculation of Change Percentages</a>, below.</p>
    407 <br>
    408 <h2 id="calculation">Calculation of Change Percentages</h2>
    409 <p>
    410 The percent change statistic reported for all elements in the &quot;to&quot; API Level specification is defined recursively as follows:</p>
    411 <pre>
    412 Percentage difference = 100 * (added + removed + 2*changed)
    413                         -----------------------------------
    414                         sum of public elements in BOTH APIs
    415 </pre>
    416 <p>where <code>added</code> is the number of packages added, <code>removed</code> is the number of packages removed, and <code>changed</code> is the number of packages changed.
    417 This definition is applied recursively for the classes and their program elements, so the value for a changed package will be less than 1, unless every class in that package has changed.
    418 The definition ensures that if all packages are removed and all new packages are
    419 added, the change will be 100%.</p>
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