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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.deskclock.timer;
     19 import android.content.Context;
     20 import android.content.SharedPreferences;
     21 import android.os.Parcel;
     22 import android.os.Parcelable;
     23 import android.util.Log;
     24 import android.view.View;
     26 import com.android.deskclock.R;
     27 import com.android.deskclock.Utils;
     29 import java.util.ArrayList;
     30 import java.util.Collections;
     31 import java.util.Comparator;
     32 import java.util.HashSet;
     33 import java.util.Iterator;
     34 import java.util.Set;
     36 public class TimerObj implements Parcelable {
     38     private static final String TAG = "TimerObj";
     39     // Max timer length is 9 hours + 99 minutes + 9 seconds
     40     public static final long MAX_TIMER_LENGTH = (9 * 3600 + 99 * 60  + 99) * 1000;
     41     public static final long MINUTE_IN_MILLIS = 60 * 1000;
     43     public int mTimerId;             // Unique id
     44     public long mStartTime;          // With mTimeLeft , used to calculate the correct time
     45     public long mTimeLeft;           // in the timer.
     46     public long mOriginalLength;     // length set at start of timer and by +1 min after times up
     47     public long mSetupLength;        // length set at start of timer
     48     public View mView;
     49     public int mState;
     50     public String mLabel;
     51     public boolean mDeleteAfterUse;
     53     public static final int STATE_RUNNING = 1;
     54     public static final int STATE_STOPPED = 2;
     55     public static final int STATE_TIMESUP = 3;
     56     public static final int STATE_DONE = 4;
     57     public static final int STATE_RESTART = 5;
     58     public static final int STATE_DELETED = 6;
     60     private static final String PREF_TIMER_ID = "timer_id_";
     61     private static final String PREF_START_TIME  = "timer_start_time_";
     62     private static final String PREF_TIME_LEFT = "timer_time_left_";
     63     private static final String PREF_ORIGINAL_TIME = "timer_original_timet_";
     64     private static final String PREF_SETUP_TIME = "timer_setup_timet_";
     65     private static final String PREF_STATE = "timer_state_";
     66     private static final String PREF_LABEL = "timer_label_";
     67     private static final String PREF_DELETE_AFTER_USE = "delete_after_use_";
     69     private static final String PREF_TIMERS_LIST = "timers_list";
     71     public static final Parcelable.Creator<TimerObj> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<TimerObj>() {
     72         @Override
     73         public TimerObj createFromParcel(Parcel p) {
     74             return new TimerObj(p);
     75         }
     77         @Override
     78         public TimerObj[] newArray(int size) {
     79             return new TimerObj[size];
     80         }
     81     };
     83     public void writeToSharedPref(SharedPreferences prefs) {
     84         SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
     85         String key = PREF_TIMER_ID + Integer.toString(mTimerId);
     86         String id = Integer.toString(mTimerId);
     87         editor.putInt (key, mTimerId);
     88         key = PREF_START_TIME + id;
     89         editor.putLong (key, mStartTime);
     90         key = PREF_TIME_LEFT + id;
     91         editor.putLong (key, mTimeLeft);
     92         key = PREF_ORIGINAL_TIME + id;
     93         editor.putLong (key, mOriginalLength);
     94         key = PREF_SETUP_TIME + id;
     95         editor.putLong (key, mSetupLength);
     96         key = PREF_STATE + id;
     97         editor.putInt (key, mState);
     98         Set <String> timersList = prefs.getStringSet(PREF_TIMERS_LIST, new HashSet<String>());
     99         timersList.add(id);
    100         editor.putStringSet(PREF_TIMERS_LIST, timersList);
    101         key = PREF_LABEL + id;
    102         editor.putString(key, mLabel);
    103         key = PREF_DELETE_AFTER_USE + id;
    104         editor.putBoolean(key, mDeleteAfterUse);
    105         editor.apply();
    106     }
    109     public void readFromSharedPref(SharedPreferences prefs) {
    110         String id = Integer.toString(mTimerId);
    111         String key = PREF_START_TIME + id;
    112         mStartTime = prefs.getLong(key, 0);
    113         key = PREF_TIME_LEFT + id;
    114         mTimeLeft = prefs.getLong(key, 0);
    115         key = PREF_ORIGINAL_TIME + id;
    116         mOriginalLength = prefs.getLong(key, 0);
    117         key = PREF_SETUP_TIME + id;
    118         mSetupLength = prefs.getLong(key, 0);
    119         key = PREF_STATE + id;
    120         mState = prefs.getInt(key, 0);
    121         key = PREF_LABEL + id;
    122         mLabel = prefs.getString(key, "");
    123         key = PREF_DELETE_AFTER_USE + id;
    124         mDeleteAfterUse = prefs.getBoolean(key, false);
    125     }
    127     public void deleteFromSharedPref(SharedPreferences prefs) {
    128         SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
    129         String key = PREF_TIMER_ID + Integer.toString(mTimerId);
    130         String id = Integer.toString(mTimerId);
    131         editor.remove (key);
    132         key = PREF_START_TIME + id;
    133         editor.remove (key);
    134         key = PREF_TIME_LEFT + id;
    135         editor.remove (key);
    136         key = PREF_ORIGINAL_TIME + id;
    137         editor.remove (key);
    138         key = PREF_SETUP_TIME + id;
    139         editor.remove (key);
    140         key = PREF_STATE + id;
    141         editor.remove (key);
    142         Set <String> timersList = prefs.getStringSet(PREF_TIMERS_LIST, new HashSet<String>());
    143         timersList.remove(id);
    144         editor.putStringSet(PREF_TIMERS_LIST, timersList);
    145         key = PREF_LABEL + id;
    146         editor.remove(key);
    147         key = PREF_DELETE_AFTER_USE + id;
    148         editor.remove(key);
    149         editor.commit();
    150         //dumpTimersFromSharedPrefs(prefs);
    151     }
    154     @Override
    155     public int describeContents() {
    156         return 0;
    157     }
    159     @Override
    160     public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
    161         dest.writeInt(mTimerId);
    162         dest.writeLong(mStartTime);
    163         dest.writeLong(mTimeLeft);
    164         dest.writeLong(mOriginalLength);
    165         dest.writeLong(mSetupLength);
    166         dest.writeInt(mState);
    167         dest.writeString(mLabel);
    168     }
    170     public TimerObj(Parcel p) {
    171         mTimerId = p.readInt();
    172         mStartTime = p.readLong();
    173         mTimeLeft = p.readLong();
    174         mOriginalLength = p.readLong();
    175         mSetupLength = p.readLong();
    176         mState = p.readInt();
    177         mLabel = p.readString();
    178     }
    180     public TimerObj() {
    181         this(0);
    182     }
    184     public TimerObj(long timerLength) {
    185       init(timerLength);
    186     }
    188     public TimerObj(long length, String label) {
    189         this(length);
    190         mLabel = label != null ? label : "";
    191     }
    193     private void init (long length) {
    194         /* TODO: mTimerId must avoid StopwatchService.NOTIFICATION_ID,
    195          * TimerReceiver.IN_USE_NOTIFICATION_ID, and alarm ID's (which seem to be 1, 2, ..)
    196          */
    197         mTimerId = (int) Utils.getTimeNow();
    198         mStartTime = Utils.getTimeNow();
    199         mTimeLeft = mOriginalLength = mSetupLength = length;
    200         mLabel = "";
    201     }
    203     public long updateTimeLeft(boolean forceUpdate) {
    204         if (isTicking() || forceUpdate) {
    205             long millis = Utils.getTimeNow();
    206             mTimeLeft = mOriginalLength - (millis - mStartTime);
    207         }
    208         return mTimeLeft;
    209     }
    211     public String getLabelOrDefault(Context context) {
    212         return (mLabel == null || mLabel.length() == 0) ? context.getString(
    213                 R.string.timer_notification_label)
    214                 : mLabel;
    215     }
    217     public boolean isTicking() {
    218         return mState == STATE_RUNNING || mState == STATE_TIMESUP;
    219     }
    221     public boolean isInUse() {
    222         return mState == STATE_RUNNING || mState == STATE_STOPPED;
    223     }
    225     public void addTime(long time) {
    226         mTimeLeft = mOriginalLength - (Utils.getTimeNow() - mStartTime);
    227         if (mTimeLeft < MAX_TIMER_LENGTH - time) {
    228                 mOriginalLength += time;
    229         }
    230     }
    232     public boolean getDeleteAfterUse() {
    233         return mDeleteAfterUse;
    234     }
    236     public long getTimesupTime() {
    237         return mStartTime + mOriginalLength;
    238     }
    241     public static void getTimersFromSharedPrefs(
    242             SharedPreferences prefs, ArrayList<TimerObj> timers) {
    243         Object[] timerStrings =
    244                 prefs.getStringSet(PREF_TIMERS_LIST, new HashSet<String>()).toArray();
    245         if (timerStrings.length > 0) {
    246             for (int i = 0; i < timerStrings.length; i++) {
    247                 TimerObj t = new TimerObj();
    248                 t.mTimerId = Integer.parseInt((String)timerStrings[i]);
    249                 t.readFromSharedPref(prefs);
    250                 timers.add(t);
    251             }
    252             Collections.sort(timers, new Comparator<TimerObj>() {
    253                 @Override
    254                 public int compare(TimerObj timerObj1, TimerObj timerObj2) {
    255                    return timerObj2.mTimerId - timerObj1.mTimerId;
    256                 }
    257             });
    258         }
    259     }
    261     public static void getTimersFromSharedPrefs(
    262             SharedPreferences prefs, ArrayList<TimerObj> timers, int match) {
    263         Object[] timerStrings = prefs.getStringSet(PREF_TIMERS_LIST, new HashSet<String>())
    264                 .toArray();
    265         if (timerStrings.length > 0) {
    266             for (int i = 0; i < timerStrings.length; i++) {
    267                 TimerObj t = new TimerObj();
    268                 t.mTimerId = Integer.parseInt((String) timerStrings[i]);
    269                 t.readFromSharedPref(prefs);
    270                 if (t.mState == match) {
    271                     timers.add(t);
    272                 }
    273             }
    274         }
    275     }
    277     public static void putTimersInSharedPrefs(
    278             SharedPreferences prefs, ArrayList<TimerObj> timers) {
    279         if (timers.size() > 0) {
    280             for (int i = 0; i < timers.size(); i++) {
    281                 TimerObj t = timers.get(i);
    282                 timers.get(i).writeToSharedPref(prefs);
    283             }
    284         }
    285     }
    287     public static void dumpTimersFromSharedPrefs(
    288             SharedPreferences prefs) {
    289         Object[] timerStrings =
    290                 prefs.getStringSet(PREF_TIMERS_LIST, new HashSet<String>()).toArray();
    291         Log.v(TAG,"--------------------- timers list in shared prefs");
    292         if (timerStrings.length > 0) {
    293             for (int i = 0; i < timerStrings.length; i++) {
    294                 int id = Integer.parseInt((String)timerStrings[i]);
    295                 Log.v(TAG,"---------------------timer  " + (i + 1) + ": id - " + id);
    296             }
    297         }
    298     }
    300     public static void resetTimersInSharedPrefs(SharedPreferences prefs) {
    301         ArrayList<TimerObj> timers = new  ArrayList<TimerObj>();
    302         getTimersFromSharedPrefs(prefs, timers);
    303         Iterator<TimerObj> i = timers.iterator();
    304         while(i.hasNext()) {
    305             TimerObj t = i.next();
    306             t.mState = TimerObj.STATE_RESTART;
    307             t.mTimeLeft = t. mOriginalLength = t.mSetupLength;
    308             t.writeToSharedPref(prefs);
    309         }
    310     }
    312 }