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      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      2 <!-- 
      3   ~ Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
      4   ~
      5   ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6   ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7   ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8   ~
      9   ~      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10   ~
     11   ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12   ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13   ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14   ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15   ~ limitations under the License
     16    -->
     18 <resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
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     20     <!-- no translation found for applicationLabel (8490255569343340580) -->
     21     <skip />
     22     <string name="launcherDialer" msgid="8636288196618486553">"Telefon"</string>
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     25     <string name="menu_sendTextMessage" msgid="6937343460284499306">"Trametter in SMS"</string>
     26     <string name="recentCalls_callNumber" msgid="1756372533999226126">"Telefonar a(d) <xliff:g id="NAME">%s</xliff:g>"</string>
     27     <string name="recentCalls_editNumberBeforeCall" msgid="7756171675833267857">"Modifitgar il numer avant che telefonar"</string>
     28     <string name="recentCalls_addToContact" msgid="1429899535546487008">"Agiuntar als contacts"</string>
     29     <string name="recentCalls_removeFromRecentList" msgid="401662244636511330">"Allontanar da la glista da cloms"</string>
     30     <string name="recentCalls_deleteAll" msgid="6352364392762163704">"Stizzar la glista da cloms"</string>
     31     <!-- no translation found for recentCalls_trashVoicemail (7604696960787435655) -->
     32     <skip />
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     34     <skip />
     35     <string name="recentCalls_empty" msgid="247053222448663107">"La glista da cloms e vida"</string>
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     37     <skip />
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     39     <skip />
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     41     <skip />
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     43     <!-- no translation found for notification_voicemail_title:other (5513481419205061254) -->
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     45     <skip />
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     47     <skip />
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     49     <skip />
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     51     <skip />
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     53     <skip />
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     55     <skip />
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     57     <skip />
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     59     <skip />
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     61     <skip />
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     63     <skip />
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     65     <skip />
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     67     <skip />
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     69     <skip />
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     71     <skip />
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     73     <skip />
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     75     <skip />
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     77     <skip />
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     79     <skip />
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     81     <skip />
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     83     <skip />
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     85     <skip />
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     87     <skip />
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     89     <skip />
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     91     <skip />
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     93     <skip />
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    109     <skip />
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    112     <string name="description_digits_edittext" msgid="8760207516497016437">"numer da cumponer"</string>
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    114     <skip />
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    116     <!-- no translation found for action_menu_overflow_description (2295659037509008453) -->
    117     <skip />
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    119     <skip />
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    121     <skip />
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    123     <skip />
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    125     <skip />
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    127     <skip />
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    129     <skip />
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    131     <skip />
    132     <string name="add_2sec_pause" msgid="9214012315201040129">"Agiuntar ina pausa da 2 secundas"</string>
    133     <string name="add_wait" msgid="3360818652790319634">"Agiuntar Spetgar"</string>
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    135     <skip />
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    138     <skip />
    139     <string name="callDetailTitle" msgid="5340227785196217938">"Detagls dal clom"</string>
    140     <string name="toast_call_detail_error" msgid="7200975244804730096">"Impussibel da leger ils detagls dal clom dumand."</string>
    141     <string name="dialer_useDtmfDialpad" msgid="1707548397435075040">"Utilisar la tastatura dal telefon"</string>
    142     <string name="dialer_returnToInCallScreen" msgid="3719386377550913067">"Enavos al clom actual"</string>
    143     <string name="dialer_addAnotherCall" msgid="4205688819890074468">"Agiuntar in clom"</string>
    144     <string name="type_incoming" msgid="6502076603836088532">"Clom entrant"</string>
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    148     <skip />
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    151     <skip />
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    153     <skip />
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    155     <skip />
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    157     <skip />
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    159     <skip />
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    161     <skip />
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    163     <skip />
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    165     <skip />
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    167     <skip />
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    169     <skip />
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    171     <skip />
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    173     <skip />
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    175     <skip />
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    179     <string name="payphone" msgid="4864313342828942922">"Cabina da telefon"</string>
    180     <string name="dialerKeyboardHintText" msgid="5401660096579787344">"Utilisai la tastatura per cumponer il numer"</string>
    181     <string name="dialerDialpadHintText" msgid="5824490365898349041">"Cumponer il numer"</string>
    182     <string name="callDetailsDurationFormat" msgid="8157706382818184268">"<xliff:g id="MINUTES">%s</xliff:g> min <xliff:g id="SECONDS">%s</xliff:g> sec"</string>
    183     <string name="dialog_phone_call_prohibited_message" msgid="6554711866586660441">"Il clom n\' betg vegn exequ."</string>
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    185     <skip />
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    187     <skip />
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    189     <skip />
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    195     <skip />
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    197     <skip />
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    199     <skip />
    200     <!-- no translation found for call_log_missed_title (4541142293870638971) -->
    201     <skip />
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    203     <skip />
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    205     <skip />
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    207     <skip />
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    209     <skip />
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    211     <skip />
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    213     <skip />
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    215     <skip />
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    217     <skip />
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    219     <skip />
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    221     <skip />
    222     <!-- no translation found for dialpad_5_number (5492272478939926734) -->
    223     <skip />
    224     <!-- no translation found for dialpad_6_number (8044579516869379093) -->
    225     <skip />
    226     <!-- no translation found for dialpad_7_number (4175113016564167123) -->
    227     <skip />
    228     <!-- no translation found for dialpad_8_number (7949849563865941621) -->
    229     <skip />
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    231     <skip />
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    233     <skip />
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    235     <skip />
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    237     <skip />
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    239     <skip />
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    241     <skip />
    242     <!-- no translation found for search_shortcut_add_to_contacts (1853716708655789069) -->
    243     <skip />
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    245     <skip />
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    247     <skip />
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    249     <skip />
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    251     <skip />
    252 </resources>