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      1 /****************************************************************************
      2  ****************************************************************************
      3  ***
      4  ***   This header was automatically generated from a Linux kernel header
      5  ***   of the same name, to make information necessary for userspace to
      6  ***   call into the kernel available to libc.  It contains only constants,
      7  ***   structures, and macros generated from the original header, and thus,
      8  ***   contains no copyrightable information.
      9  ***
     10  ****************************************************************************
     11  ****************************************************************************/
     12 #ifndef _INPUT_H
     13 #define _INPUT_H
     15 #include <sys/time.h>
     16 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
     17 #include <sys/types.h>
     18 #include <asm/types.h>
     20 struct input_event {
     21  struct timeval time;
     22  __u16 type;
     23  __u16 code;
     24  __s32 value;
     25 };
     27 #define EV_VERSION 0x010000
     29 struct input_id {
     30  __u16 bustype;
     31  __u16 vendor;
     32  __u16 product;
     33  __u16 version;
     34 };
     36 struct input_absinfo {
     37  __s32 value;
     38  __s32 minimum;
     39  __s32 maximum;
     40  __s32 fuzz;
     41  __s32 flat;
     42 };
     44 #define EVIOCGVERSION _IOR('E', 0x01, int)
     45 #define EVIOCGID _IOR('E', 0x02, struct input_id)
     46 #define EVIOCGREP _IOR('E', 0x03, int[2])
     47 #define EVIOCSREP _IOW('E', 0x03, int[2])
     48 #define EVIOCGKEYCODE _IOR('E', 0x04, int[2])
     49 #define EVIOCSKEYCODE _IOW('E', 0x04, int[2])
     51 #define EVIOCGNAME(len) _IOC(_IOC_READ, 'E', 0x06, len)
     52 #define EVIOCGPHYS(len) _IOC(_IOC_READ, 'E', 0x07, len)
     53 #define EVIOCGUNIQ(len) _IOC(_IOC_READ, 'E', 0x08, len)
     55 #define EVIOCGKEY(len) _IOC(_IOC_READ, 'E', 0x18, len)
     56 #define EVIOCGLED(len) _IOC(_IOC_READ, 'E', 0x19, len)
     57 #define EVIOCGSND(len) _IOC(_IOC_READ, 'E', 0x1a, len)
     58 #define EVIOCGSW(len) _IOC(_IOC_READ, 'E', 0x1b, len)
     60 #define EVIOCGBIT(ev,len) _IOC(_IOC_READ, 'E', 0x20 + ev, len)
     61 #define EVIOCGABS(abs) _IOR('E', 0x40 + abs, struct input_absinfo)
     62 #define EVIOCSABS(abs) _IOW('E', 0xc0 + abs, struct input_absinfo)
     64 #define EVIOCSFF _IOC(_IOC_WRITE, 'E', 0x80, sizeof(struct ff_effect))
     65 #define EVIOCRMFF _IOW('E', 0x81, int)
     66 #define EVIOCGEFFECTS _IOR('E', 0x84, int)
     68 #define EVIOCGRAB _IOW('E', 0x90, int)
     70 #define EV_SYN 0x00
     71 #define EV_KEY 0x01
     72 #define EV_REL 0x02
     73 #define EV_ABS 0x03
     74 #define EV_MSC 0x04
     75 #define EV_SW 0x05
     76 #define EV_LED 0x11
     77 #define EV_SND 0x12
     78 #define EV_REP 0x14
     79 #define EV_FF 0x15
     80 #define EV_PWR 0x16
     81 #define EV_FF_STATUS 0x17
     82 #define EV_MAX 0x1f
     84 #define SYN_REPORT 0
     85 #define SYN_CONFIG 1
     87 #define KEY_RESERVED 0
     88 #define KEY_ESC 1
     89 #define KEY_1 2
     90 #define KEY_2 3
     91 #define KEY_3 4
     92 #define KEY_4 5
     93 #define KEY_5 6
     94 #define KEY_6 7
     95 #define KEY_7 8
     96 #define KEY_8 9
     97 #define KEY_9 10
     98 #define KEY_0 11
     99 #define KEY_MINUS 12
    100 #define KEY_EQUAL 13
    101 #define KEY_BACKSPACE 14
    102 #define KEY_TAB 15
    103 #define KEY_Q 16
    104 #define KEY_W 17
    105 #define KEY_E 18
    106 #define KEY_R 19
    107 #define KEY_T 20
    108 #define KEY_Y 21
    109 #define KEY_U 22
    110 #define KEY_I 23
    111 #define KEY_O 24
    112 #define KEY_P 25
    113 #define KEY_LEFTBRACE 26
    114 #define KEY_RIGHTBRACE 27
    115 #define KEY_ENTER 28
    116 #define KEY_LEFTCTRL 29
    117 #define KEY_A 30
    118 #define KEY_S 31
    119 #define KEY_D 32
    120 #define KEY_F 33
    121 #define KEY_G 34
    122 #define KEY_H 35
    123 #define KEY_J 36
    124 #define KEY_K 37
    125 #define KEY_L 38
    126 #define KEY_SEMICOLON 39
    127 #define KEY_APOSTROPHE 40
    128 #define KEY_GRAVE 41
    129 #define KEY_LEFTSHIFT 42
    130 #define KEY_BACKSLASH 43
    131 #define KEY_Z 44
    132 #define KEY_X 45
    133 #define KEY_C 46
    134 #define KEY_V 47
    135 #define KEY_B 48
    136 #define KEY_N 49
    137 #define KEY_M 50
    138 #define KEY_COMMA 51
    139 #define KEY_DOT 52
    140 #define KEY_SLASH 53
    141 #define KEY_RIGHTSHIFT 54
    142 #define KEY_KPASTERISK 55
    143 #define KEY_LEFTALT 56
    144 #define KEY_SPACE 57
    145 #define KEY_CAPSLOCK 58
    146 #define KEY_F1 59
    147 #define KEY_F2 60
    148 #define KEY_F3 61
    149 #define KEY_F4 62
    150 #define KEY_F5 63
    151 #define KEY_F6 64
    152 #define KEY_F7 65
    153 #define KEY_F8 66
    154 #define KEY_F9 67
    155 #define KEY_F10 68
    156 #define KEY_NUMLOCK 69
    157 #define KEY_SCROLLLOCK 70
    158 #define KEY_KP7 71
    159 #define KEY_KP8 72
    160 #define KEY_KP9 73
    161 #define KEY_KPMINUS 74
    162 #define KEY_KP4 75
    163 #define KEY_KP5 76
    164 #define KEY_KP6 77
    165 #define KEY_KPPLUS 78
    166 #define KEY_KP1 79
    167 #define KEY_KP2 80
    168 #define KEY_KP3 81
    169 #define KEY_KP0 82
    170 #define KEY_KPDOT 83
    172 #define KEY_ZENKAKUHANKAKU 85
    173 #define KEY_102ND 86
    174 #define KEY_F11 87
    175 #define KEY_F12 88
    176 #define KEY_RO 89
    177 #define KEY_KATAKANA 90
    178 #define KEY_HIRAGANA 91
    179 #define KEY_HENKAN 92
    180 #define KEY_KATAKANAHIRAGANA 93
    181 #define KEY_MUHENKAN 94
    182 #define KEY_KPJPCOMMA 95
    183 #define KEY_KPENTER 96
    184 #define KEY_RIGHTCTRL 97
    185 #define KEY_KPSLASH 98
    186 #define KEY_SYSRQ 99
    187 #define KEY_RIGHTALT 100
    188 #define KEY_LINEFEED 101
    189 #define KEY_HOME 102
    190 #define KEY_UP 103
    191 #define KEY_PAGEUP 104
    192 #define KEY_LEFT 105
    193 #define KEY_RIGHT 106
    194 #define KEY_END 107
    195 #define KEY_DOWN 108
    196 #define KEY_PAGEDOWN 109
    197 #define KEY_INSERT 110
    198 #define KEY_DELETE 111
    199 #define KEY_MACRO 112
    200 #define KEY_MUTE 113
    201 #define KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 114
    202 #define KEY_VOLUMEUP 115
    203 #define KEY_POWER 116
    204 #define KEY_KPEQUAL 117
    205 #define KEY_KPPLUSMINUS 118
    206 #define KEY_PAUSE 119
    208 #define KEY_KPCOMMA 121
    209 #define KEY_HANGEUL 122
    211 #define KEY_HANJA 123
    212 #define KEY_YEN 124
    213 #define KEY_LEFTMETA 125
    214 #define KEY_RIGHTMETA 126
    215 #define KEY_COMPOSE 127
    217 #define KEY_STOP 128
    218 #define KEY_AGAIN 129
    219 #define KEY_PROPS 130
    220 #define KEY_UNDO 131
    221 #define KEY_FRONT 132
    222 #define KEY_COPY 133
    223 #define KEY_OPEN 134
    224 #define KEY_PASTE 135
    225 #define KEY_FIND 136
    226 #define KEY_CUT 137
    227 #define KEY_HELP 138
    228 #define KEY_MENU 139
    229 #define KEY_CALC 140
    230 #define KEY_SETUP 141
    231 #define KEY_SLEEP 142
    232 #define KEY_WAKEUP 143
    233 #define KEY_FILE 144
    234 #define KEY_SENDFILE 145
    235 #define KEY_DELETEFILE 146
    236 #define KEY_XFER 147
    237 #define KEY_PROG1 148
    238 #define KEY_PROG2 149
    239 #define KEY_WWW 150
    240 #define KEY_MSDOS 151
    241 #define KEY_COFFEE 152
    242 #define KEY_DIRECTION 153
    243 #define KEY_CYCLEWINDOWS 154
    244 #define KEY_MAIL 155
    245 #define KEY_BOOKMARKS 156
    246 #define KEY_COMPUTER 157
    247 #define KEY_BACK 158
    248 #define KEY_FORWARD 159
    249 #define KEY_CLOSECD 160
    250 #define KEY_EJECTCD 161
    251 #define KEY_EJECTCLOSECD 162
    252 #define KEY_NEXTSONG 163
    253 #define KEY_PLAYPAUSE 164
    254 #define KEY_PREVIOUSSONG 165
    255 #define KEY_STOPCD 166
    256 #define KEY_RECORD 167
    257 #define KEY_REWIND 168
    258 #define KEY_PHONE 169
    259 #define KEY_ISO 170
    260 #define KEY_CONFIG 171
    261 #define KEY_HOMEPAGE 172
    262 #define KEY_REFRESH 173
    263 #define KEY_EXIT 174
    264 #define KEY_MOVE 175
    265 #define KEY_EDIT 176
    266 #define KEY_SCROLLUP 177
    267 #define KEY_SCROLLDOWN 178
    268 #define KEY_KPLEFTPAREN 179
    269 #define KEY_KPRIGHTPAREN 180
    270 #define KEY_NEW 181
    271 #define KEY_REDO 182
    273 #define KEY_F13 183
    274 #define KEY_F14 184
    275 #define KEY_F15 185
    276 #define KEY_F16 186
    277 #define KEY_F17 187
    278 #define KEY_F18 188
    279 #define KEY_F19 189
    280 #define KEY_F20 190
    281 #define KEY_F21 191
    282 #define KEY_F22 192
    283 #define KEY_F23 193
    284 #define KEY_F24 194
    286 #define KEY_PLAYCD 200
    287 #define KEY_PAUSECD 201
    288 #define KEY_PROG3 202
    289 #define KEY_PROG4 203
    290 #define KEY_SUSPEND 205
    291 #define KEY_CLOSE 206
    292 #define KEY_PLAY 207
    293 #define KEY_FASTFORWARD 208
    294 #define KEY_BASSBOOST 209
    295 #define KEY_PRINT 210
    296 #define KEY_HP 211
    297 #define KEY_CAMERA 212
    298 #define KEY_SOUND 213
    299 #define KEY_QUESTION 214
    300 #define KEY_EMAIL 215
    301 #define KEY_CHAT 216
    302 #define KEY_SEARCH 217
    303 #define KEY_CONNECT 218
    304 #define KEY_FINANCE 219
    305 #define KEY_SPORT 220
    306 #define KEY_SHOP 221
    307 #define KEY_ALTERASE 222
    308 #define KEY_CANCEL 223
    309 #define KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN 224
    310 #define KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP 225
    311 #define KEY_MEDIA 226
    313 #define KEY_STAR 227
    314 #define KEY_SHARP 228
    315 #define KEY_SOFT1 229
    316 #define KEY_SOFT2 230
    317 #define KEY_SEND 231
    318 #define KEY_CENTER 232
    319 #define KEY_HEADSETHOOK 233
    320 #define KEY_0_5 234
    321 #define KEY_2_5 235
    323 #define KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE 236
    324 #define KEY_KBDILLUMTOGGLE 237
    325 #define KEY_KBDILLUMDOWN 238
    326 #define KEY_KBDILLUMUP 239
    328 #define KEY_SEND 231
    329 #define KEY_REPLY 232
    330 #define KEY_FORWARDMAIL 233
    331 #define KEY_SAVE 234
    332 #define KEY_DOCUMENTS 235
    334 #define KEY_BATTERY 236
    336 #define KEY_UNKNOWN 240
    338 #define BTN_MISC 0x100
    339 #define BTN_0 0x100
    340 #define BTN_1 0x101
    341 #define BTN_2 0x102
    342 #define BTN_3 0x103
    343 #define BTN_4 0x104
    344 #define BTN_5 0x105
    345 #define BTN_6 0x106
    346 #define BTN_7 0x107
    347 #define BTN_8 0x108
    348 #define BTN_9 0x109
    350 #define BTN_MOUSE 0x110
    351 #define BTN_LEFT 0x110
    352 #define BTN_RIGHT 0x111
    353 #define BTN_MIDDLE 0x112
    354 #define BTN_SIDE 0x113
    355 #define BTN_EXTRA 0x114
    356 #define BTN_FORWARD 0x115
    357 #define BTN_BACK 0x116
    358 #define BTN_TASK 0x117
    360 #define BTN_JOYSTICK 0x120
    361 #define BTN_TRIGGER 0x120
    362 #define BTN_THUMB 0x121
    363 #define BTN_THUMB2 0x122
    364 #define BTN_TOP 0x123
    365 #define BTN_TOP2 0x124
    366 #define BTN_PINKIE 0x125
    367 #define BTN_BASE 0x126
    368 #define BTN_BASE2 0x127
    369 #define BTN_BASE3 0x128
    370 #define BTN_BASE4 0x129
    371 #define BTN_BASE5 0x12a
    372 #define BTN_BASE6 0x12b
    373 #define BTN_DEAD 0x12f
    375 #define BTN_GAMEPAD 0x130
    376 #define BTN_A 0x130
    377 #define BTN_B 0x131
    378 #define BTN_C 0x132
    379 #define BTN_X 0x133
    380 #define BTN_Y 0x134
    381 #define BTN_Z 0x135
    382 #define BTN_TL 0x136
    383 #define BTN_TR 0x137
    384 #define BTN_TL2 0x138
    385 #define BTN_TR2 0x139
    386 #define BTN_SELECT 0x13a
    387 #define BTN_START 0x13b
    388 #define BTN_MODE 0x13c
    389 #define BTN_THUMBL 0x13d
    390 #define BTN_THUMBR 0x13e
    392 #define BTN_DIGI 0x140
    393 #define BTN_TOOL_PEN 0x140
    394 #define BTN_TOOL_RUBBER 0x141
    395 #define BTN_TOOL_BRUSH 0x142
    396 #define BTN_TOOL_PENCIL 0x143
    397 #define BTN_TOOL_AIRBRUSH 0x144
    398 #define BTN_TOOL_FINGER 0x145
    399 #define BTN_TOOL_MOUSE 0x146
    400 #define BTN_TOOL_LENS 0x147
    401 #define BTN_TOUCH 0x14a
    402 #define BTN_STYLUS 0x14b
    403 #define BTN_STYLUS2 0x14c
    404 #define BTN_TOOL_DOUBLETAP 0x14d
    405 #define BTN_TOOL_TRIPLETAP 0x14e
    407 #define BTN_WHEEL 0x150
    408 #define BTN_GEAR_DOWN 0x150
    409 #define BTN_GEAR_UP 0x151
    411 #define KEY_OK 0x160
    412 #define KEY_SELECT 0x161
    413 #define KEY_GOTO 0x162
    414 #define KEY_CLEAR 0x163
    415 #define KEY_POWER2 0x164
    416 #define KEY_OPTION 0x165
    417 #define KEY_INFO 0x166
    418 #define KEY_TIME 0x167
    419 #define KEY_VENDOR 0x168
    420 #define KEY_ARCHIVE 0x169
    421 #define KEY_PROGRAM 0x16a
    422 #define KEY_CHANNEL 0x16b
    423 #define KEY_FAVORITES 0x16c
    424 #define KEY_EPG 0x16d
    425 #define KEY_PVR 0x16e
    426 #define KEY_MHP 0x16f
    427 #define KEY_LANGUAGE 0x170
    428 #define KEY_TITLE 0x171
    429 #define KEY_SUBTITLE 0x172
    430 #define KEY_ANGLE 0x173
    431 #define KEY_ZOOM 0x174
    432 #define KEY_MODE 0x175
    433 #define KEY_KEYBOARD 0x176
    434 #define KEY_SCREEN 0x177
    435 #define KEY_PC 0x178
    436 #define KEY_TV 0x179
    437 #define KEY_TV2 0x17a
    438 #define KEY_VCR 0x17b
    439 #define KEY_VCR2 0x17c
    440 #define KEY_SAT 0x17d
    441 #define KEY_SAT2 0x17e
    442 #define KEY_CD 0x17f
    443 #define KEY_TAPE 0x180
    444 #define KEY_RADIO 0x181
    445 #define KEY_TUNER 0x182
    446 #define KEY_PLAYER 0x183
    447 #define KEY_TEXT 0x184
    448 #define KEY_DVD 0x185
    449 #define KEY_AUX 0x186
    450 #define KEY_MP3 0x187
    451 #define KEY_AUDIO 0x188
    452 #define KEY_VIDEO 0x189
    453 #define KEY_DIRECTORY 0x18a
    454 #define KEY_LIST 0x18b
    455 #define KEY_MEMO 0x18c
    456 #define KEY_CALENDAR 0x18d
    457 #define KEY_RED 0x18e
    458 #define KEY_GREEN 0x18f
    459 #define KEY_YELLOW 0x190
    460 #define KEY_BLUE 0x191
    461 #define KEY_CHANNELUP 0x192
    462 #define KEY_CHANNELDOWN 0x193
    463 #define KEY_FIRST 0x194
    464 #define KEY_LAST 0x195
    465 #define KEY_AB 0x196
    466 #define KEY_NEXT 0x197
    467 #define KEY_RESTART 0x198
    468 #define KEY_SLOW 0x199
    469 #define KEY_SHUFFLE 0x19a
    470 #define KEY_BREAK 0x19b
    471 #define KEY_PREVIOUS 0x19c
    472 #define KEY_DIGITS 0x19d
    473 #define KEY_TEEN 0x19e
    474 #define KEY_TWEN 0x19f
    476 #define KEY_DEL_EOL 0x1c0
    477 #define KEY_DEL_EOS 0x1c1
    478 #define KEY_INS_LINE 0x1c2
    479 #define KEY_DEL_LINE 0x1c3
    481 #define KEY_FN 0x1d0
    482 #define KEY_FN_ESC 0x1d1
    483 #define KEY_FN_F1 0x1d2
    484 #define KEY_FN_F2 0x1d3
    485 #define KEY_FN_F3 0x1d4
    486 #define KEY_FN_F4 0x1d5
    487 #define KEY_FN_F5 0x1d6
    488 #define KEY_FN_F6 0x1d7
    489 #define KEY_FN_F7 0x1d8
    490 #define KEY_FN_F8 0x1d9
    491 #define KEY_FN_F9 0x1da
    492 #define KEY_FN_F10 0x1db
    493 #define KEY_FN_F11 0x1dc
    494 #define KEY_FN_F12 0x1dd
    495 #define KEY_FN_1 0x1de
    496 #define KEY_FN_2 0x1df
    497 #define KEY_FN_D 0x1e0
    498 #define KEY_FN_E 0x1e1
    499 #define KEY_FN_F 0x1e2
    500 #define KEY_FN_S 0x1e3
    501 #define KEY_FN_B 0x1e4
    503 #define KEY_BRL_DOT1 0x1f1
    504 #define KEY_BRL_DOT2 0x1f2
    505 #define KEY_BRL_DOT3 0x1f3
    506 #define KEY_BRL_DOT4 0x1f4
    507 #define KEY_BRL_DOT5 0x1f5
    508 #define KEY_BRL_DOT6 0x1f6
    509 #define KEY_BRL_DOT7 0x1f7
    510 #define KEY_BRL_DOT8 0x1f8
    513 #define KEY_MAX 0x1ff
    515 #define REL_X 0x00
    516 #define REL_Y 0x01
    517 #define REL_Z 0x02
    518 #define REL_RX 0x03
    519 #define REL_RY 0x04
    520 #define REL_RZ 0x05
    521 #define REL_HWHEEL 0x06
    522 #define REL_DIAL 0x07
    523 #define REL_WHEEL 0x08
    524 #define REL_MISC 0x09
    525 #define REL_MAX 0x0f
    527 #define ABS_X 0x00
    528 #define ABS_Y 0x01
    529 #define ABS_Z 0x02
    530 #define ABS_RX 0x03
    531 #define ABS_RY 0x04
    532 #define ABS_RZ 0x05
    533 #define ABS_THROTTLE 0x06
    534 #define ABS_RUDDER 0x07
    535 #define ABS_WHEEL 0x08
    536 #define ABS_GAS 0x09
    537 #define ABS_BRAKE 0x0a
    538 #define ABS_HAT0X 0x10
    539 #define ABS_HAT0Y 0x11
    540 #define ABS_HAT1X 0x12
    541 #define ABS_HAT1Y 0x13
    542 #define ABS_HAT2X 0x14
    543 #define ABS_HAT2Y 0x15
    544 #define ABS_HAT3X 0x16
    545 #define ABS_HAT3Y 0x17
    546 #define ABS_PRESSURE 0x18
    547 #define ABS_DISTANCE 0x19
    548 #define ABS_TILT_X 0x1a
    549 #define ABS_TILT_Y 0x1b
    550 #define ABS_TOOL_WIDTH 0x1c
    551 #define ABS_VOLUME 0x20
    552 #define ABS_MISC 0x28
    553 #define ABS_MAX 0x3f
    555 #define SW_LID 0x00
    556 #define SW_TABLET_MODE 0x01
    557 #define SW_HEADPHONE_INSERT 0x02
    558 #define SW_MAX 0x0f
    560 #define MSC_SERIAL 0x00
    561 #define MSC_PULSELED 0x01
    562 #define MSC_GESTURE 0x02
    563 #define MSC_RAW 0x03
    564 #define MSC_SCAN 0x04
    565 #define MSC_MAX 0x07
    567 #define LED_NUML 0x00
    568 #define LED_CAPSL 0x01
    569 #define LED_SCROLLL 0x02
    570 #define LED_COMPOSE 0x03
    571 #define LED_KANA 0x04
    572 #define LED_SLEEP 0x05
    573 #define LED_SUSPEND 0x06
    574 #define LED_MUTE 0x07
    575 #define LED_MISC 0x08
    576 #define LED_MAIL 0x09
    577 #define LED_CHARGING 0x0a
    578 #define LED_MAX 0x0f
    580 #define REP_DELAY 0x00
    581 #define REP_PERIOD 0x01
    582 #define REP_MAX 0x01
    584 #define SND_CLICK 0x00
    585 #define SND_BELL 0x01
    586 #define SND_TONE 0x02
    587 #define SND_MAX 0x07
    589 #define ID_BUS 0
    590 #define ID_VENDOR 1
    591 #define ID_PRODUCT 2
    592 #define ID_VERSION 3
    594 #define BUS_PCI 0x01
    595 #define BUS_ISAPNP 0x02
    596 #define BUS_USB 0x03
    597 #define BUS_HIL 0x04
    598 #define BUS_BLUETOOTH 0x05
    600 #define BUS_ISA 0x10
    601 #define BUS_I8042 0x11
    602 #define BUS_XTKBD 0x12
    603 #define BUS_RS232 0x13
    604 #define BUS_GAMEPORT 0x14
    605 #define BUS_PARPORT 0x15
    606 #define BUS_AMIGA 0x16
    607 #define BUS_ADB 0x17
    608 #define BUS_I2C 0x18
    609 #define BUS_HOST 0x19
    610 #define BUS_GSC 0x1A
    612 #define FF_STATUS_STOPPED 0x00
    613 #define FF_STATUS_PLAYING 0x01
    614 #define FF_STATUS_MAX 0x01
    616 struct ff_replay {
    617  __u16 length;
    618  __u16 delay;
    619 };
    621 struct ff_trigger {
    622  __u16 button;
    623  __u16 interval;
    624 };
    626 struct ff_envelope {
    627  __u16 attack_length;
    628  __u16 attack_level;
    629  __u16 fade_length;
    630  __u16 fade_level;
    631 };
    633 struct ff_constant_effect {
    634  __s16 level;
    635  struct ff_envelope envelope;
    636 };
    638 struct ff_ramp_effect {
    639  __s16 start_level;
    640  __s16 end_level;
    641  struct ff_envelope envelope;
    642 };
    644 struct ff_condition_effect {
    645  __u16 right_saturation;
    646  __u16 left_saturation;
    648  __s16 right_coeff;
    649  __s16 left_coeff;
    651  __u16 deadband;
    652  __s16 center;
    654 };
    656 struct ff_periodic_effect {
    657  __u16 waveform;
    658  __u16 period;
    659  __s16 magnitude;
    660  __s16 offset;
    661  __u16 phase;
    663  struct ff_envelope envelope;
    665  __u32 custom_len;
    666  __s16 *custom_data;
    668 };
    670 struct ff_rumble_effect {
    671  __u16 strong_magnitude;
    672  __u16 weak_magnitude;
    673 };
    675 struct ff_effect {
    676  __u16 type;
    678  __s16 id;
    680  __u16 direction;
    682  struct ff_trigger trigger;
    683  struct ff_replay replay;
    685  union {
    686  struct ff_constant_effect constant;
    687  struct ff_ramp_effect ramp;
    688  struct ff_periodic_effect periodic;
    689  struct ff_condition_effect condition[2];
    690  struct ff_rumble_effect rumble;
    691  } u;
    692 };
    694 #define FF_RUMBLE 0x50
    695 #define FF_PERIODIC 0x51
    696 #define FF_CONSTANT 0x52
    697 #define FF_SPRING 0x53
    698 #define FF_FRICTION 0x54
    699 #define FF_DAMPER 0x55
    700 #define FF_INERTIA 0x56
    701 #define FF_RAMP 0x57
    703 #define FF_SQUARE 0x58
    704 #define FF_TRIANGLE 0x59
    705 #define FF_SINE 0x5a
    706 #define FF_SAW_UP 0x5b
    707 #define FF_SAW_DOWN 0x5c
    708 #define FF_CUSTOM 0x5d
    710 #define FF_GAIN 0x60
    711 #define FF_AUTOCENTER 0x61
    713 #define FF_MAX 0x7f
    715 #endif