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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "net/http/http_stream_parser.h"
      7 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
      8 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
      9 #include "base/string_util.h"
     10 #include "net/base/address_list.h"
     11 #include "net/base/auth.h"
     12 #include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
     13 #include "net/base/ssl_cert_request_info.h"
     14 #include "net/http/http_net_log_params.h"
     15 #include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
     16 #include "net/http/http_request_info.h"
     17 #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
     18 #include "net/http/http_util.h"
     19 #include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h"
     20 #include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h"
     22 namespace net {
     24 HttpStreamParser::HttpStreamParser(ClientSocketHandle* connection,
     25                                    const HttpRequestInfo* request,
     26                                    GrowableIOBuffer* read_buffer,
     27                                    const BoundNetLog& net_log)
     28     : io_state_(STATE_NONE),
     29       request_(request),
     30       request_headers_(NULL),
     31       request_body_(NULL),
     32       read_buf_(read_buffer),
     33       read_buf_unused_offset_(0),
     34       response_header_start_offset_(-1),
     35       response_body_length_(-1),
     36       response_body_read_(0),
     37       chunked_decoder_(NULL),
     38       user_read_buf_(NULL),
     39       user_read_buf_len_(0),
     40       user_callback_(NULL),
     41       connection_(connection),
     42       net_log_(net_log),
     44           io_callback_(this, &HttpStreamParser::OnIOComplete)),
     45       chunk_length_(0),
     46       chunk_length_without_encoding_(0),
     47       sent_last_chunk_(false) {
     48   DCHECK_EQ(0, read_buffer->offset());
     49 }
     51 HttpStreamParser::~HttpStreamParser() {
     52   if (request_body_ != NULL && request_body_->is_chunked())
     53     request_body_->set_chunk_callback(NULL);
     54 }
     56 int HttpStreamParser::SendRequest(const std::string& request_line,
     57                                   const HttpRequestHeaders& headers,
     58                                   UploadDataStream* request_body,
     59                                   HttpResponseInfo* response,
     60                                   CompletionCallback* callback) {
     61   DCHECK_EQ(STATE_NONE, io_state_);
     62   DCHECK(!user_callback_);
     63   DCHECK(callback);
     64   DCHECK(response);
     66   if (net_log_.IsLoggingAllEvents()) {
     67     net_log_.AddEvent(
     69         make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogHttpRequestParameter(
     70             request_line, headers)));
     71   }
     72   response_ = response;
     74   // Put the peer's IP address and port into the response.
     75   AddressList address;
     76   int result = connection_->socket()->GetPeerAddress(&address);
     77   if (result != OK)
     78     return result;
     79   response_->socket_address = HostPortPair::FromAddrInfo(address.head());
     81   std::string request = request_line + headers.ToString();
     82   scoped_refptr<StringIOBuffer> headers_io_buf(new StringIOBuffer(request));
     83   request_headers_ = new DrainableIOBuffer(headers_io_buf,
     84                                            headers_io_buf->size());
     85   request_body_.reset(request_body);
     86   if (request_body_ != NULL && request_body_->is_chunked()) {
     87     request_body_->set_chunk_callback(this);
     88     const int kChunkHeaderFooterSize = 12;  // 2 CRLFs + max of 8 hex chars.
     89     chunk_buf_ = new IOBuffer(request_body_->GetMaxBufferSize() +
     90                               kChunkHeaderFooterSize);
     91   }
     93   io_state_ = STATE_SENDING_HEADERS;
     94   result = DoLoop(OK);
     95   if (result == ERR_IO_PENDING)
     96     user_callback_ = callback;
     98   return result > 0 ? OK : result;
     99 }
    101 int HttpStreamParser::ReadResponseHeaders(CompletionCallback* callback) {
    102   DCHECK(io_state_ == STATE_REQUEST_SENT || io_state_ == STATE_DONE);
    103   DCHECK(!user_callback_);
    104   DCHECK(callback);
    106   // This function can be called with io_state_ == STATE_DONE if the
    107   // connection is closed after seeing just a 1xx response code.
    108   if (io_state_ == STATE_DONE)
    109     return ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED;
    111   int result = OK;
    112   io_state_ = STATE_READ_HEADERS;
    114   if (read_buf_->offset() > 0) {
    115     // Simulate the state where the data was just read from the socket.
    116     result = read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_;
    117     read_buf_->set_offset(read_buf_unused_offset_);
    118   }
    119   if (result > 0)
    120     io_state_ = STATE_READ_HEADERS_COMPLETE;
    122   result = DoLoop(result);
    123   if (result == ERR_IO_PENDING)
    124     user_callback_ = callback;
    126   return result > 0 ? OK : result;
    127 }
    129 void HttpStreamParser::Close(bool not_reusable) {
    130   if (not_reusable && connection_->socket())
    131     connection_->socket()->Disconnect();
    132   connection_->Reset();
    133 }
    135 int HttpStreamParser::ReadResponseBody(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
    136                                        CompletionCallback* callback) {
    137   DCHECK(io_state_ == STATE_BODY_PENDING || io_state_ == STATE_DONE);
    138   DCHECK(!user_callback_);
    139   DCHECK(callback);
    140   DCHECK_LE(buf_len, kMaxBufSize);
    142   if (io_state_ == STATE_DONE)
    143     return OK;
    145   user_read_buf_ = buf;
    146   user_read_buf_len_ = buf_len;
    147   io_state_ = STATE_READ_BODY;
    149   int result = DoLoop(OK);
    150   if (result == ERR_IO_PENDING)
    151     user_callback_ = callback;
    153   return result;
    154 }
    156 void HttpStreamParser::OnIOComplete(int result) {
    157   result = DoLoop(result);
    159   // The client callback can do anything, including destroying this class,
    160   // so any pending callback must be issued after everything else is done.
    161   if (result != ERR_IO_PENDING && user_callback_) {
    162     CompletionCallback* c = user_callback_;
    163     user_callback_ = NULL;
    164     c->Run(result);
    165   }
    166 }
    168 void HttpStreamParser::OnChunkAvailable() {
    169   // This method may get called while sending the headers or body, so check
    170   // before processing the new data. If we were still initializing or sending
    171   // headers, we will automatically start reading the chunks once we get into
    172   // STATE_SENDING_BODY so nothing to do here.
    173   DCHECK(io_state_ == STATE_SENDING_HEADERS || io_state_ == STATE_SENDING_BODY);
    174   if (io_state_ == STATE_SENDING_BODY)
    175     OnIOComplete(0);
    176 }
    178 int HttpStreamParser::DoLoop(int result) {
    179   bool can_do_more = true;
    180   do {
    181     switch (io_state_) {
    182       case STATE_SENDING_HEADERS:
    183         if (result < 0)
    184           can_do_more = false;
    185         else
    186           result = DoSendHeaders(result);
    187         break;
    188       case STATE_SENDING_BODY:
    189         if (result < 0)
    190           can_do_more = false;
    191         else
    192           result = DoSendBody(result);
    193         break;
    194       case STATE_REQUEST_SENT:
    195         DCHECK(result != ERR_IO_PENDING);
    196         can_do_more = false;
    197         break;
    198       case STATE_READ_HEADERS:
    199         net_log_.BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_STREAM_PARSER_READ_HEADERS, NULL);
    200         result = DoReadHeaders();
    201         break;
    203         result = DoReadHeadersComplete(result);
    204         net_log_.EndEventWithNetErrorCode(
    205             NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_STREAM_PARSER_READ_HEADERS, result);
    206         break;
    207       case STATE_BODY_PENDING:
    208         DCHECK(result != ERR_IO_PENDING);
    209         can_do_more = false;
    210         break;
    211       case STATE_READ_BODY:
    212         result = DoReadBody();
    213         // DoReadBodyComplete handles error conditions.
    214         break;
    215       case STATE_READ_BODY_COMPLETE:
    216         result = DoReadBodyComplete(result);
    217         break;
    218       case STATE_DONE:
    219         DCHECK(result != ERR_IO_PENDING);
    220         can_do_more = false;
    221         break;
    222       default:
    223         NOTREACHED();
    224         can_do_more = false;
    225         break;
    226     }
    227   } while (result != ERR_IO_PENDING && can_do_more);
    229   return result;
    230 }
    232 int HttpStreamParser::DoSendHeaders(int result) {
    233   request_headers_->DidConsume(result);
    234   int bytes_remaining = request_headers_->BytesRemaining();
    235   if (bytes_remaining > 0) {
    236     // Record our best estimate of the 'request time' as the time when we send
    237     // out the first bytes of the request headers.
    238     if (bytes_remaining == request_headers_->size()) {
    239       response_->request_time = base::Time::Now();
    241       // We'll record the count of uncoalesced packets IFF coalescing will help,
    242       // and otherwise we'll use an enum to tell why it won't help.
    243       enum COALESCE_POTENTIAL {
    244         // Coalescing won't reduce packet count.
    245         NO_ADVANTAGE = 0,
    246         // There is only a header packet or we have a request body but the
    247         // request body isn't available yet (can't coalesce).
    248         HEADER_ONLY = 1,
    249         // Various cases of coalasced savings.
    250         COALESCE_POTENTIAL_MAX = 30
    251       };
    252       size_t coalesce = HEADER_ONLY;
    253       if (request_body_ != NULL && !request_body_->is_chunked()) {
    254         const size_t kBytesPerPacket = 1430;
    255         uint64 body_packets = (request_body_->size() + kBytesPerPacket - 1) /
    256                               kBytesPerPacket;
    257         uint64 header_packets = (bytes_remaining + kBytesPerPacket - 1) /
    258                                 kBytesPerPacket;
    259         uint64 coalesced_packets = (request_body_->size() + bytes_remaining +
    260                                     kBytesPerPacket - 1) / kBytesPerPacket;
    261         if (coalesced_packets < header_packets + body_packets) {
    262           if (coalesced_packets > COALESCE_POTENTIAL_MAX)
    263             coalesce = COALESCE_POTENTIAL_MAX;
    264           else
    265             coalesce = static_cast<size_t>(header_packets + body_packets);
    266         } else {
    267           coalesce = NO_ADVANTAGE;
    268         }
    269       }
    270       UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Net.CoalescePotential", coalesce,
    271                                 COALESCE_POTENTIAL_MAX);
    272     }
    273     result = connection_->socket()->Write(request_headers_,
    274                                           bytes_remaining,
    275                                           &io_callback_);
    276   } else if (request_body_ != NULL &&
    277              (request_body_->is_chunked() || request_body_->size())) {
    278     io_state_ = STATE_SENDING_BODY;
    279     result = OK;
    280   } else {
    281     io_state_ = STATE_REQUEST_SENT;
    282   }
    283   return result;
    284 }
    286 int HttpStreamParser::DoSendBody(int result) {
    287   if (request_body_->is_chunked()) {
    288     chunk_length_ -= result;
    289     if (chunk_length_) {
    290       memmove(chunk_buf_->data(), chunk_buf_->data() + result, chunk_length_);
    291       return connection_->socket()->Write(chunk_buf_, chunk_length_,
    292                                           &io_callback_);
    293     }
    295     if (sent_last_chunk_) {
    296       io_state_ = STATE_REQUEST_SENT;
    297       return OK;
    298     }
    300     request_body_->MarkConsumedAndFillBuffer(chunk_length_without_encoding_);
    301     chunk_length_without_encoding_ = 0;
    302     chunk_length_ = 0;
    304     int buf_len = static_cast<int>(request_body_->buf_len());
    305     if (request_body_->eof()) {
    306       static const char kLastChunk[] = "0\r\n\r\n";
    307       chunk_length_ = strlen(kLastChunk);
    308       memcpy(chunk_buf_->data(), kLastChunk, chunk_length_);
    309       sent_last_chunk_ = true;
    310     } else if (buf_len) {
    311       // Encode and send the buffer as 1 chunk.
    312       std::string chunk_header = StringPrintf("%X\r\n", buf_len);
    313       char* chunk_ptr = chunk_buf_->data();
    314       memcpy(chunk_ptr, chunk_header.data(), chunk_header.length());
    315       chunk_ptr += chunk_header.length();
    316       memcpy(chunk_ptr, request_body_->buf()->data(), buf_len);
    317       chunk_ptr += buf_len;
    318       memcpy(chunk_ptr, "\r\n", 2);
    319       chunk_length_without_encoding_ = buf_len;
    320       chunk_length_ = chunk_header.length() + buf_len + 2;
    321     }
    323     if (!chunk_length_)  // More POST data is yet to come?
    324       return ERR_IO_PENDING;
    326     return connection_->socket()->Write(chunk_buf_, chunk_length_,
    327                                         &io_callback_);
    328   }
    330   // Non-chunked request body.
    331   request_body_->MarkConsumedAndFillBuffer(result);
    333   if (!request_body_->eof()) {
    334     int buf_len = static_cast<int>(request_body_->buf_len());
    335     result = connection_->socket()->Write(request_body_->buf(), buf_len,
    336                                           &io_callback_);
    337   } else {
    338     io_state_ = STATE_REQUEST_SENT;
    339   }
    340   return result;
    341 }
    343 int HttpStreamParser::DoReadHeaders() {
    344   io_state_ = STATE_READ_HEADERS_COMPLETE;
    346   // Grow the read buffer if necessary.
    347   if (read_buf_->RemainingCapacity() == 0)
    348     read_buf_->SetCapacity(read_buf_->capacity() + kHeaderBufInitialSize);
    350   // http://crbug.com/16371: We're seeing |user_buf_->data()| return NULL.
    351   // See if the user is passing in an IOBuffer with a NULL |data_|.
    352   CHECK(read_buf_->data());
    354   return connection_->socket()->Read(read_buf_,
    355                                      read_buf_->RemainingCapacity(),
    356                                      &io_callback_);
    357 }
    359 int HttpStreamParser::DoReadHeadersComplete(int result) {
    360   if (result == 0)
    361     result = ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED;
    363   if (result < 0 && result != ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED) {
    364     io_state_ = STATE_DONE;
    365     return result;
    366   }
    367   // If we've used the connection before, then we know it is not a HTTP/0.9
    368   // response and return ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED.
    369   if (result == ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED && read_buf_->offset() == 0 &&
    370       connection_->is_reused()) {
    371     io_state_ = STATE_DONE;
    372     return result;
    373   }
    375   // Record our best estimate of the 'response time' as the time when we read
    376   // the first bytes of the response headers.
    377   if (read_buf_->offset() == 0 && result != ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED)
    378     response_->response_time = base::Time::Now();
    380   if (result == ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED) {
    381     // The connection closed before we detected the end of the headers.
    382     // parse things as well as we can and let the caller decide what to do.
    383     if (read_buf_->offset() == 0) {
    384       // The connection was closed before any data was sent. Likely an error
    385       // rather than empty HTTP/0.9 response.
    386       io_state_ = STATE_DONE;
    387       return ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE;
    388     } else {
    389       int end_offset;
    390       if (response_header_start_offset_ >= 0) {
    391         io_state_ = STATE_READ_BODY_COMPLETE;
    392         end_offset = read_buf_->offset();
    393       } else {
    394         io_state_ = STATE_BODY_PENDING;
    395         end_offset = 0;
    396       }
    397       int rv = DoParseResponseHeaders(end_offset);
    398       if (rv < 0)
    399         return rv;
    400       return result;
    401     }
    402   }
    404   read_buf_->set_offset(read_buf_->offset() + result);
    405   DCHECK_LE(read_buf_->offset(), read_buf_->capacity());
    406   DCHECK_GE(result,  0);
    408   int end_of_header_offset = ParseResponseHeaders();
    410   // Note: -1 is special, it indicates we haven't found the end of headers.
    411   // Anything less than -1 is a net::Error, so we bail out.
    412   if (end_of_header_offset < -1)
    413     return end_of_header_offset;
    415   if (end_of_header_offset == -1) {
    416     io_state_ = STATE_READ_HEADERS;
    417     // Prevent growing the headers buffer indefinitely.
    418     if (read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_ >= kMaxHeaderBufSize) {
    419       io_state_ = STATE_DONE;
    420       return ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TOO_BIG;
    421     }
    422   } else {
    423     // Note where the headers stop.
    424     read_buf_unused_offset_ = end_of_header_offset;
    426     if (response_->headers->response_code() / 100 == 1) {
    427       // After processing a 1xx response, the caller will ask for the next
    428       // header, so reset state to support that.  We don't just skip these
    429       // completely because 1xx codes aren't acceptable when establishing a
    430       // tunnel.
    431       io_state_ = STATE_REQUEST_SENT;
    432       response_header_start_offset_ = -1;
    433     } else {
    434       io_state_ = STATE_BODY_PENDING;
    435       CalculateResponseBodySize();
    436       // If the body is 0, the caller may not call ReadResponseBody, which
    437       // is where any extra data is copied to read_buf_, so we move the
    438       // data here and transition to DONE.
    439       if (response_body_length_ == 0) {
    440         io_state_ = STATE_DONE;
    441         int extra_bytes = read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_;
    442         if (extra_bytes) {
    443           CHECK_GT(extra_bytes, 0);
    444           memmove(read_buf_->StartOfBuffer(),
    445                   read_buf_->StartOfBuffer() + read_buf_unused_offset_,
    446                   extra_bytes);
    447         }
    448         read_buf_->SetCapacity(extra_bytes);
    449         read_buf_unused_offset_ = 0;
    450         return OK;
    451       }
    452     }
    453   }
    454   return result;
    455 }
    457 int HttpStreamParser::DoReadBody() {
    458   io_state_ = STATE_READ_BODY_COMPLETE;
    460   // There may be some data left over from reading the response headers.
    461   if (read_buf_->offset()) {
    462     int available = read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_;
    463     if (available) {
    464       CHECK_GT(available, 0);
    465       int bytes_from_buffer = std::min(available, user_read_buf_len_);
    466       memcpy(user_read_buf_->data(),
    467              read_buf_->StartOfBuffer() + read_buf_unused_offset_,
    468              bytes_from_buffer);
    469       read_buf_unused_offset_ += bytes_from_buffer;
    470       if (bytes_from_buffer == available) {
    471         read_buf_->SetCapacity(0);
    472         read_buf_unused_offset_ = 0;
    473       }
    474       return bytes_from_buffer;
    475     } else {
    476       read_buf_->SetCapacity(0);
    477       read_buf_unused_offset_ = 0;
    478     }
    479   }
    481   // Check to see if we're done reading.
    482   if (IsResponseBodyComplete())
    483     return 0;
    485   DCHECK_EQ(0, read_buf_->offset());
    486   return connection_->socket()->Read(user_read_buf_, user_read_buf_len_,
    487                                      &io_callback_);
    488 }
    490 int HttpStreamParser::DoReadBodyComplete(int result) {
    491   // If we didn't get a content-length and aren't using a chunked encoding,
    492   // the only way to signal the end of a stream is to close the connection,
    493   // so we don't treat that as an error, though in some cases we may not
    494   // have completely received the resource.
    495   if (result == 0 && !IsResponseBodyComplete() && CanFindEndOfResponse())
    496     result = ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED;
    498   // Filter incoming data if appropriate.  FilterBuf may return an error.
    499   if (result > 0 && chunked_decoder_.get()) {
    500     result = chunked_decoder_->FilterBuf(user_read_buf_->data(), result);
    501     if (result == 0 && !chunked_decoder_->reached_eof()) {
    502       // Don't signal completion of the Read call yet or else it'll look like
    503       // we received end-of-file.  Wait for more data.
    504       io_state_ = STATE_READ_BODY;
    505       return OK;
    506     }
    507   }
    509   if (result > 0)
    510     response_body_read_ += result;
    512   if (result <= 0 || IsResponseBodyComplete()) {
    513     io_state_ = STATE_DONE;
    515     // Save the overflow data, which can be in two places.  There may be
    516     // some left over in |user_read_buf_|, plus there may be more
    517     // in |read_buf_|.  But the part left over in |user_read_buf_| must have
    518     // come from the |read_buf_|, so there's room to put it back at the
    519     // start first.
    520     int additional_save_amount = read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_;
    521     int save_amount = 0;
    522     if (chunked_decoder_.get()) {
    523       save_amount = chunked_decoder_->bytes_after_eof();
    524     } else if (response_body_length_ >= 0) {
    525       int64 extra_data_read = response_body_read_ - response_body_length_;
    526       if (extra_data_read > 0) {
    527         save_amount = static_cast<int>(extra_data_read);
    528         if (result > 0)
    529           result -= save_amount;
    530       }
    531     }
    533     CHECK_LE(save_amount + additional_save_amount, kMaxBufSize);
    534     if (read_buf_->capacity() < save_amount + additional_save_amount) {
    535       read_buf_->SetCapacity(save_amount + additional_save_amount);
    536     }
    538     if (save_amount) {
    539       memcpy(read_buf_->StartOfBuffer(), user_read_buf_->data() + result,
    540              save_amount);
    541     }
    542     read_buf_->set_offset(save_amount);
    543     if (additional_save_amount) {
    544       memmove(read_buf_->data(),
    545               read_buf_->StartOfBuffer() + read_buf_unused_offset_,
    546               additional_save_amount);
    547       read_buf_->set_offset(save_amount + additional_save_amount);
    548     }
    549     read_buf_unused_offset_ = 0;
    550   } else {
    551     io_state_ = STATE_BODY_PENDING;
    552     user_read_buf_ = NULL;
    553     user_read_buf_len_ = 0;
    554   }
    556   return result;
    557 }
    559 int HttpStreamParser::ParseResponseHeaders() {
    560   int end_offset = -1;
    562   // Look for the start of the status line, if it hasn't been found yet.
    563   if (response_header_start_offset_ < 0) {
    564     response_header_start_offset_ = HttpUtil::LocateStartOfStatusLine(
    565         read_buf_->StartOfBuffer() + read_buf_unused_offset_,
    566         read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_);
    567   }
    569   if (response_header_start_offset_ >= 0) {
    570     end_offset = HttpUtil::LocateEndOfHeaders(
    571         read_buf_->StartOfBuffer() + read_buf_unused_offset_,
    572         read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_,
    573         response_header_start_offset_);
    574   } else if (read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_ >= 8) {
    575     // Enough data to decide that this is an HTTP/0.9 response.
    576     // 8 bytes = (4 bytes of junk) + "http".length()
    577     end_offset = 0;
    578   }
    580   if (end_offset == -1)
    581     return -1;
    583   int rv = DoParseResponseHeaders(end_offset);
    584   if (rv < 0)
    585     return rv;
    586   return end_offset + read_buf_unused_offset_;
    587 }
    589 int HttpStreamParser::DoParseResponseHeaders(int end_offset) {
    590   scoped_refptr<HttpResponseHeaders> headers;
    591   if (response_header_start_offset_ >= 0) {
    592     headers = new HttpResponseHeaders(HttpUtil::AssembleRawHeaders(
    593         read_buf_->StartOfBuffer() + read_buf_unused_offset_, end_offset));
    594   } else {
    595     // Enough data was read -- there is no status line.
    596     headers = new HttpResponseHeaders(std::string("HTTP/0.9 200 OK"));
    597   }
    599   // Check for multiple Content-Length headers with a Transfer-Encoding header.
    600   // If they exist, it's a potential response smuggling attack.
    602   void* it = NULL;
    603   const std::string content_length_header("Content-Length");
    604   std::string content_length_value;
    605   if (!headers->HasHeader("Transfer-Encoding") &&
    606       headers->EnumerateHeader(
    607           &it, content_length_header, &content_length_value)) {
    608     // Ok, there's no Transfer-Encoding header and there's at least one
    609     // Content-Length header.  Check if there are any more Content-Length
    610     // headers, and if so, make sure they have the same value.  Otherwise, it's
    611     // a possible response smuggling attack.
    612     std::string content_length_value2;
    613     while (headers->EnumerateHeader(
    614         &it, content_length_header, &content_length_value2)) {
    615       if (content_length_value != content_length_value2)
    617     }
    618   }
    620   response_->headers = headers;
    621   response_->vary_data.Init(*request_, *response_->headers);
    622   return OK;
    623 }
    625 void HttpStreamParser::CalculateResponseBodySize() {
    626   // Figure how to determine EOF:
    628   // For certain responses, we know the content length is always 0. From
    629   // RFC 2616 Section 4.3 Message Body:
    630   //
    631   // For response messages, whether or not a message-body is included with
    632   // a message is dependent on both the request method and the response
    633   // status code (section 6.1.1). All responses to the HEAD request method
    634   // MUST NOT include a message-body, even though the presence of entity-
    635   // header fields might lead one to believe they do. All 1xx
    636   // (informational), 204 (no content), and 304 (not modified) responses
    637   // MUST NOT include a message-body. All other responses do include a
    638   // message-body, although it MAY be of zero length.
    639   switch (response_->headers->response_code()) {
    640     // Note that 1xx was already handled earlier.
    641     case 204:  // No Content
    642     case 205:  // Reset Content
    643     case 304:  // Not Modified
    644       response_body_length_ = 0;
    645       break;
    646   }
    647   if (request_->method == "HEAD")
    648     response_body_length_ = 0;
    650   if (response_body_length_ == -1) {
    651     // Ignore spurious chunked responses from HTTP/1.0 servers and
    652     // proxies. Otherwise "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" trumps
    653     // "Content-Length: N"
    654     if (response_->headers->GetHttpVersion() >= HttpVersion(1, 1) &&
    655         response_->headers->HasHeaderValue("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked")) {
    656       chunked_decoder_.reset(new HttpChunkedDecoder());
    657     } else {
    658       response_body_length_ = response_->headers->GetContentLength();
    659       // If response_body_length_ is still -1, then we have to wait
    660       // for the server to close the connection.
    661     }
    662   }
    663 }
    665 uint64 HttpStreamParser::GetUploadProgress() const {
    666   if (!request_body_.get())
    667     return 0;
    669   return request_body_->position();
    670 }
    672 HttpResponseInfo* HttpStreamParser::GetResponseInfo() {
    673   return response_;
    674 }
    676 bool HttpStreamParser::IsResponseBodyComplete() const {
    677   if (chunked_decoder_.get())
    678     return chunked_decoder_->reached_eof();
    679   if (response_body_length_ != -1)
    680     return response_body_read_ >= response_body_length_;
    682   return false;  // Must read to EOF.
    683 }
    685 bool HttpStreamParser::CanFindEndOfResponse() const {
    686   return chunked_decoder_.get() || response_body_length_ >= 0;
    687 }
    689 bool HttpStreamParser::IsMoreDataBuffered() const {
    690   return read_buf_->offset() > read_buf_unused_offset_;
    691 }
    693 bool HttpStreamParser::IsConnectionReused() const {
    694   ClientSocketHandle::SocketReuseType reuse_type = connection_->reuse_type();
    695   return connection_->is_reused() ||
    696          reuse_type == ClientSocketHandle::UNUSED_IDLE;
    697 }
    699 void HttpStreamParser::SetConnectionReused() {
    700   connection_->set_is_reused(true);
    701 }
    703 bool HttpStreamParser::IsConnectionReusable() const {
    704   return connection_->socket() && connection_->socket()->IsConnectedAndIdle();
    705 }
    707 void HttpStreamParser::GetSSLInfo(SSLInfo* ssl_info) {
    708   if (request_->url.SchemeIs("https") && connection_->socket()) {
    709     SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket =
    710         static_cast<SSLClientSocket*>(connection_->socket());
    711     ssl_socket->GetSSLInfo(ssl_info);
    712   }
    713 }
    715 void HttpStreamParser::GetSSLCertRequestInfo(
    716     SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info) {
    717   if (request_->url.SchemeIs("https") && connection_->socket()) {
    718     SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket =
    719         static_cast<SSLClientSocket*>(connection_->socket());
    720     ssl_socket->GetSSLCertRequestInfo(cert_request_info);
    721   }
    722 }
    724 }  // namespace net