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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // The rules for parsing content-types were borrowed from Firefox:
      6 // http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/netwerk/base/src/nsURLHelper.cpp#834
      8 #include "net/http/http_util.h"
     10 #include <algorithm>
     12 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     13 #include "base/logging.h"
     14 #include "base/string_number_conversions.h"
     15 #include "base/string_piece.h"
     16 #include "base/string_util.h"
     18 using std::string;
     20 namespace net {
     22 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     24 // Return the index of the closing quote of the string, if any.
     25 static size_t FindStringEnd(const string& line, size_t start, char delim) {
     26   DCHECK(start < line.length() && line[start] == delim &&
     27          (delim == '"' || delim == '\''));
     29   const char set[] = { delim, '\\', '\0' };
     30   for (;;) {
     31     // start points to either the start quote or the last
     32     // escaped char (the char following a '\\')
     34     size_t end = line.find_first_of(set, start + 1);
     35     if (end == string::npos)
     36       return line.length();
     38     if (line[end] == '\\') {
     39       // Hit a backslash-escaped char.  Need to skip over it.
     40       start = end + 1;
     41       if (start == line.length())
     42         return start;
     44       // Go back to looking for the next escape or the string end
     45       continue;
     46     }
     48     return end;
     49   }
     51   NOTREACHED();
     52   return line.length();
     53 }
     55 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     57 // static
     58 size_t HttpUtil::FindDelimiter(const string& line, size_t search_start,
     59                                char delimiter) {
     60   do {
     61     // search_start points to the spot from which we should start looking
     62     // for the delimiter.
     63     const char delim_str[] = { delimiter, '"', '\'', '\0' };
     64     size_t cur_delim_pos = line.find_first_of(delim_str, search_start);
     65     if (cur_delim_pos == string::npos)
     66       return line.length();
     68     char ch = line[cur_delim_pos];
     69     if (ch == delimiter) {
     70       // Found delimiter
     71       return cur_delim_pos;
     72     }
     74     // We hit the start of a quoted string.  Look for its end.
     75     search_start = FindStringEnd(line, cur_delim_pos, ch);
     76     if (search_start == line.length())
     77       return search_start;
     79     ++search_start;
     81     // search_start now points to the first char after the end of the
     82     // string, so just go back to the top of the loop and look for
     83     // |delimiter| again.
     84   } while (true);
     86   NOTREACHED();
     87   return line.length();
     88 }
     90 // static
     91 void HttpUtil::ParseContentType(const string& content_type_str,
     92                                 string* mime_type, string* charset,
     93                                 bool *had_charset) {
     94   // Trim leading and trailing whitespace from type.  We include '(' in
     95   // the trailing trim set to catch media-type comments, which are not at all
     96   // standard, but may occur in rare cases.
     97   size_t type_val = content_type_str.find_first_not_of(HTTP_LWS);
     98   type_val = std::min(type_val, content_type_str.length());
     99   size_t type_end = content_type_str.find_first_of(HTTP_LWS ";(", type_val);
    100   if (string::npos == type_end)
    101     type_end = content_type_str.length();
    103   size_t charset_val = 0;
    104   size_t charset_end = 0;
    106   // Iterate over parameters
    107   bool type_has_charset = false;
    108   size_t param_start = content_type_str.find_first_of(';', type_end);
    109   if (param_start != string::npos) {
    110     // We have parameters.  Iterate over them.
    111     size_t cur_param_start = param_start + 1;
    112     do {
    113       size_t cur_param_end =
    114           FindDelimiter(content_type_str, cur_param_start, ';');
    116       size_t param_name_start = content_type_str.find_first_not_of(
    117           HTTP_LWS, cur_param_start);
    118       param_name_start = std::min(param_name_start, cur_param_end);
    120       static const char charset_str[] = "charset=";
    121       size_t charset_end_offset = std::min(
    122           param_name_start + sizeof(charset_str) - 1, cur_param_end);
    123       if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(
    124               content_type_str.begin() + param_name_start,
    125               content_type_str.begin() + charset_end_offset, charset_str)) {
    126         charset_val = param_name_start + sizeof(charset_str) - 1;
    127         charset_end = cur_param_end;
    128         type_has_charset = true;
    129       }
    131       cur_param_start = cur_param_end + 1;
    132     } while (cur_param_start < content_type_str.length());
    133   }
    135   if (type_has_charset) {
    136     // Trim leading and trailing whitespace from charset_val.  We include
    137     // '(' in the trailing trim set to catch media-type comments, which are
    138     // not at all standard, but may occur in rare cases.
    139     charset_val = content_type_str.find_first_not_of(HTTP_LWS, charset_val);
    140     charset_val = std::min(charset_val, charset_end);
    141     char first_char = content_type_str[charset_val];
    142     if (first_char == '"' || first_char == '\'') {
    143       charset_end = FindStringEnd(content_type_str, charset_val, first_char);
    144       ++charset_val;
    145       DCHECK(charset_end >= charset_val);
    146     } else {
    147       charset_end = std::min(content_type_str.find_first_of(HTTP_LWS ";(",
    148                                                             charset_val),
    149                              charset_end);
    150     }
    151   }
    153   // if the server sent "*/*", it is meaningless, so do not store it.
    154   // also, if type_val is the same as mime_type, then just update the
    155   // charset.  however, if charset is empty and mime_type hasn't
    156   // changed, then don't wipe-out an existing charset.  We
    157   // also want to reject a mime-type if it does not include a slash.
    158   // some servers give junk after the charset parameter, which may
    159   // include a comma, so this check makes us a bit more tolerant.
    160   if (content_type_str.length() != 0 &&
    161       content_type_str != "*/*" &&
    162       content_type_str.find_first_of('/') != string::npos) {
    163     // Common case here is that mime_type is empty
    164     bool eq = !mime_type->empty() &&
    165               LowerCaseEqualsASCII(content_type_str.begin() + type_val,
    166                                    content_type_str.begin() + type_end,
    167                                    mime_type->data());
    168     if (!eq) {
    169       mime_type->assign(content_type_str.begin() + type_val,
    170                         content_type_str.begin() + type_end);
    171       StringToLowerASCII(mime_type);
    172     }
    173     if ((!eq && *had_charset) || type_has_charset) {
    174       *had_charset = true;
    175       charset->assign(content_type_str.begin() + charset_val,
    176                       content_type_str.begin() + charset_end);
    177       StringToLowerASCII(charset);
    178     }
    179   }
    180 }
    182 // static
    183 // Parse the Range header according to RFC 2616 14.35.1
    184 // ranges-specifier = byte-ranges-specifier
    185 // byte-ranges-specifier = bytes-unit "=" byte-range-set
    186 // byte-range-set  = 1#( byte-range-spec | suffix-byte-range-spec )
    187 // byte-range-spec = first-byte-pos "-" [last-byte-pos]
    188 // first-byte-pos  = 1*DIGIT
    189 // last-byte-pos   = 1*DIGIT
    190 bool HttpUtil::ParseRanges(const std::string& headers,
    191                            std::vector<HttpByteRange>* ranges) {
    192   std::string ranges_specifier;
    193   HttpUtil::HeadersIterator it(headers.begin(), headers.end(), "\r\n");
    195   while (it.GetNext()) {
    196     // Look for "Range" header.
    197     if (!LowerCaseEqualsASCII(it.name(), "range"))
    198       continue;
    199     ranges_specifier = it.values();
    200     // We just care about the first "Range" header, so break here.
    201     break;
    202   }
    204   if (ranges_specifier.empty())
    205     return false;
    207   return ParseRangeHeader(ranges_specifier, ranges);
    208 }
    210 // static
    211 bool HttpUtil::ParseRangeHeader(const std::string& ranges_specifier,
    212                                 std::vector<HttpByteRange>* ranges) {
    213   size_t equal_char_offset = ranges_specifier.find('=');
    214   if (equal_char_offset == std::string::npos)
    215     return false;
    217   // Try to extract bytes-unit part.
    218   std::string::const_iterator bytes_unit_begin = ranges_specifier.begin();
    219   std::string::const_iterator bytes_unit_end = bytes_unit_begin +
    220                                                equal_char_offset;
    221   std::string::const_iterator byte_range_set_begin = bytes_unit_end + 1;
    222   std::string::const_iterator byte_range_set_end = ranges_specifier.end();
    224   TrimLWS(&bytes_unit_begin, &bytes_unit_end);
    225   // "bytes" unit identifier is not found.
    226   if (!LowerCaseEqualsASCII(bytes_unit_begin, bytes_unit_end, "bytes"))
    227     return false;
    229   ValuesIterator byte_range_set_iterator(byte_range_set_begin,
    230                                          byte_range_set_end, ',');
    231   while (byte_range_set_iterator.GetNext()) {
    232     size_t minus_char_offset = byte_range_set_iterator.value().find('-');
    233     // If '-' character is not found, reports failure.
    234     if (minus_char_offset == std::string::npos)
    235       return false;
    237     std::string::const_iterator first_byte_pos_begin =
    238         byte_range_set_iterator.value_begin();
    239     std::string::const_iterator first_byte_pos_end =
    240         first_byte_pos_begin +  minus_char_offset;
    241     TrimLWS(&first_byte_pos_begin, &first_byte_pos_end);
    242     std::string first_byte_pos(first_byte_pos_begin, first_byte_pos_end);
    244     HttpByteRange range;
    245     // Try to obtain first-byte-pos.
    246     if (!first_byte_pos.empty()) {
    247       int64 first_byte_position = -1;
    248       if (!base::StringToInt64(first_byte_pos, &first_byte_position))
    249         return false;
    250       range.set_first_byte_position(first_byte_position);
    251     }
    253     std::string::const_iterator last_byte_pos_begin =
    254         byte_range_set_iterator.value_begin() + minus_char_offset + 1;
    255     std::string::const_iterator last_byte_pos_end =
    256         byte_range_set_iterator.value_end();
    257     TrimLWS(&last_byte_pos_begin, &last_byte_pos_end);
    258     std::string last_byte_pos(last_byte_pos_begin, last_byte_pos_end);
    260     // We have last-byte-pos or suffix-byte-range-spec in this case.
    261     if (!last_byte_pos.empty()) {
    262       int64 last_byte_position;
    263       if (!base::StringToInt64(last_byte_pos, &last_byte_position))
    264         return false;
    265       if (range.HasFirstBytePosition())
    266         range.set_last_byte_position(last_byte_position);
    267       else
    268         range.set_suffix_length(last_byte_position);
    269     } else if (!range.HasFirstBytePosition()) {
    270       return false;
    271     }
    273     // Do a final check on the HttpByteRange object.
    274     if (!range.IsValid())
    275       return false;
    276     ranges->push_back(range);
    277   }
    278   return !ranges->empty();
    279 }
    281 // static
    282 bool HttpUtil::HasHeader(const std::string& headers, const char* name) {
    283   size_t name_len = strlen(name);
    284   string::const_iterator it =
    285       std::search(headers.begin(),
    286                   headers.end(),
    287                   name,
    288                   name + name_len,
    289                   base::CaseInsensitiveCompareASCII<char>());
    290   if (it == headers.end())
    291     return false;
    293   // ensure match is prefixed by newline
    294   if (it != headers.begin() && it[-1] != '\n')
    295     return false;
    297   // ensure match is suffixed by colon
    298   if (it + name_len >= headers.end() || it[name_len] != ':')
    299     return false;
    301   return true;
    302 }
    304 // static
    305 std::string HttpUtil::StripHeaders(const std::string& headers,
    306                                    const char* const headers_to_remove[],
    307                                    size_t headers_to_remove_len) {
    308   std::string stripped_headers;
    309   net::HttpUtil::HeadersIterator it(headers.begin(), headers.end(), "\r\n");
    311   while (it.GetNext()) {
    312     bool should_remove = false;
    313     for (size_t i = 0; i < headers_to_remove_len; ++i) {
    314       if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(it.name_begin(), it.name_end(),
    315                                headers_to_remove[i])) {
    316         should_remove = true;
    317         break;
    318       }
    319     }
    320     if (!should_remove) {
    321       // Assume that name and values are on the same line.
    322       stripped_headers.append(it.name_begin(), it.values_end());
    323       stripped_headers.append("\r\n");
    324     }
    325   }
    326   return stripped_headers;
    327 }
    329 // static
    330 bool HttpUtil::IsNonCoalescingHeader(string::const_iterator name_begin,
    331                                      string::const_iterator name_end) {
    332   // NOTE: "set-cookie2" headers do not support expires attributes, so we don't
    333   // have to list them here.
    334   const char* kNonCoalescingHeaders[] = {
    335     "date",
    336     "expires",
    337     "last-modified",
    338     "location",  // See bug 1050541 for details
    339     "retry-after",
    340     "set-cookie",
    341     // The format of auth-challenges mixes both space separated tokens and
    342     // comma separated properties, so coalescing on comma won't work.
    343     "www-authenticate",
    344     "proxy-authenticate"
    345   };
    346   for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kNonCoalescingHeaders); ++i) {
    347     if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(name_begin, name_end, kNonCoalescingHeaders[i]))
    348       return true;
    349   }
    350   return false;
    351 }
    353 bool HttpUtil::IsLWS(char c) {
    354   return strchr(HTTP_LWS, c) != NULL;
    355 }
    357 void HttpUtil::TrimLWS(string::const_iterator* begin,
    358                        string::const_iterator* end) {
    359   // leading whitespace
    360   while (*begin < *end && IsLWS((*begin)[0]))
    361     ++(*begin);
    363   // trailing whitespace
    364   while (*begin < *end && IsLWS((*end)[-1]))
    365     --(*end);
    366 }
    368 // static
    369 bool HttpUtil::IsQuote(char c) {
    370   // Single quote mark isn't actually part of quoted-text production,
    371   // but apparently some servers rely on this.
    372   return c == '"' || c == '\'';
    373 }
    375 // static
    376 std::string HttpUtil::Unquote(std::string::const_iterator begin,
    377                               std::string::const_iterator end) {
    378   // Empty string
    379   if (begin == end)
    380     return std::string();
    382   // Nothing to unquote.
    383   if (!IsQuote(*begin))
    384     return std::string(begin, end);
    386   // No terminal quote mark.
    387   if (end - begin < 2 || *begin != *(end - 1))
    388     return std::string(begin, end);
    390   // Strip quotemarks
    391   ++begin;
    392   --end;
    394   // Unescape quoted-pair (defined in RFC 2616 section 2.2)
    395   std::string unescaped;
    396   bool prev_escape = false;
    397   for (; begin != end; ++begin) {
    398     char c = *begin;
    399     if (c == '\\' && !prev_escape) {
    400       prev_escape = true;
    401       continue;
    402     }
    403     prev_escape = false;
    404     unescaped.push_back(c);
    405   }
    406   return unescaped;
    407 }
    409 // static
    410 std::string HttpUtil::Unquote(const std::string& str) {
    411   return Unquote(str.begin(), str.end());
    412 }
    414 // static
    415 std::string HttpUtil::Quote(const std::string& str) {
    416   std::string escaped;
    417   escaped.reserve(2 + str.size());
    419   std::string::const_iterator begin = str.begin();
    420   std::string::const_iterator end = str.end();
    422   // Esape any backslashes or quotemarks within the string, and
    423   // then surround with quotes.
    424   escaped.push_back('"');
    425   for (; begin != end; ++begin) {
    426     char c = *begin;
    427     if (c == '"' || c == '\\')
    428       escaped.push_back('\\');
    429     escaped.push_back(c);
    430   }
    431   escaped.push_back('"');
    432   return escaped;
    433 }
    435 // Find the "http" substring in a status line. This allows for
    436 // some slop at the start. If the "http" string could not be found
    437 // then returns -1.
    438 // static
    439 int HttpUtil::LocateStartOfStatusLine(const char* buf, int buf_len) {
    440   const int slop = 4;
    441   const int http_len = 4;
    442 #ifdef ANDROID
    443   const int icy_len = 3;
    444 #endif
    446   if (buf_len >= http_len) {
    447     int i_max = std::min(buf_len - http_len, slop);
    448     for (int i = 0; i <= i_max; ++i) {
    449       if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(buf + i, buf + i + http_len, "http"))
    450         return i;
    451 #ifdef ANDROID
    452       if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(buf + i, buf + i + icy_len, "icy"))
    453         return i;
    454 #endif
    455     }
    456   }
    457   return -1;  // Not found
    458 }
    460 int HttpUtil::LocateEndOfHeaders(const char* buf, int buf_len, int i) {
    461   bool was_lf = false;
    462   char last_c = '\0';
    463   for (; i < buf_len; ++i) {
    464     char c = buf[i];
    465     if (c == '\n') {
    466       if (was_lf)
    467         return i + 1;
    468       was_lf = true;
    469     } else if (c != '\r' || last_c != '\n') {
    470       was_lf = false;
    471     }
    472     last_c = c;
    473   }
    474   return -1;
    475 }
    477 // In order for a line to be continuable, it must specify a
    478 // non-blank header-name. Line continuations are specifically for
    479 // header values -- do not allow headers names to span lines.
    480 static bool IsLineSegmentContinuable(const char* begin, const char* end) {
    481   if (begin == end)
    482     return false;
    484   const char* colon = std::find(begin, end, ':');
    485   if (colon == end)
    486     return false;
    488   const char* name_begin = begin;
    489   const char* name_end = colon;
    491   // Name can't be empty.
    492   if (name_begin == name_end)
    493     return false;
    495   // Can't start with LWS (this would imply the segment is a continuation)
    496   if (HttpUtil::IsLWS(*name_begin))
    497     return false;
    499   return true;
    500 }
    502 // Helper used by AssembleRawHeaders, to find the end of the status line.
    503 static const char* FindStatusLineEnd(const char* begin, const char* end) {
    504   size_t i = base::StringPiece(begin, end - begin).find_first_of("\r\n");
    505   if (i == base::StringPiece::npos)
    506     return end;
    507   return begin + i;
    508 }
    510 // Helper used by AssembleRawHeaders, to skip past leading LWS.
    511 static const char* FindFirstNonLWS(const char* begin, const char* end) {
    512   for (const char* cur = begin; cur != end; ++cur) {
    513     if (!HttpUtil::IsLWS(*cur))
    514       return cur;
    515   }
    516   return end;  // Not found.
    517 }
    519 std::string HttpUtil::AssembleRawHeaders(const char* input_begin,
    520                                          int input_len) {
    521   std::string raw_headers;
    522   raw_headers.reserve(input_len);
    524   const char* input_end = input_begin + input_len;
    526   // Skip any leading slop, since the consumers of this output
    527   // (HttpResponseHeaders) don't deal with it.
    528   int status_begin_offset = LocateStartOfStatusLine(input_begin, input_len);
    529   if (status_begin_offset != -1)
    530     input_begin += status_begin_offset;
    532   // Copy the status line.
    533   const char* status_line_end = FindStatusLineEnd(input_begin, input_end);
    534   raw_headers.append(input_begin, status_line_end);
    536   // After the status line, every subsequent line is a header line segment.
    537   // Should a segment start with LWS, it is a continuation of the previous
    538   // line's field-value.
    540   // TODO(ericroman): is this too permissive? (delimits on [\r\n]+)
    541   CStringTokenizer lines(status_line_end, input_end, "\r\n");
    543   // This variable is true when the previous line was continuable.
    544   bool prev_line_continuable = false;
    546   while (lines.GetNext()) {
    547     const char* line_begin = lines.token_begin();
    548     const char* line_end = lines.token_end();
    550     if (prev_line_continuable && IsLWS(*line_begin)) {
    551       // Join continuation; reduce the leading LWS to a single SP.
    552       raw_headers.push_back(' ');
    553       raw_headers.append(FindFirstNonLWS(line_begin, line_end), line_end);
    554     } else {
    555       // Terminate the previous line.
    556       raw_headers.push_back('\0');
    558       // Copy the raw data to output.
    559       raw_headers.append(line_begin, line_end);
    561       // Check if the current line can be continued.
    562       prev_line_continuable = IsLineSegmentContinuable(line_begin, line_end);
    563     }
    564   }
    566   raw_headers.append("\0\0", 2);
    567   return raw_headers;
    568 }
    570 // TODO(jungshik): 1. If the list is 'fr-CA,fr-FR,en,de', we have to add
    571 // 'fr' after 'fr-CA' with the same q-value as 'fr-CA' because
    572 // web servers, in general, do not fall back to 'fr' and may end up picking
    573 // 'en' which has a lower preference than 'fr-CA' and 'fr-FR'.
    574 // 2. This function assumes that the input is a comma separated list
    575 // without any whitespace. As long as it comes from the preference and
    576 // a user does not manually edit the preference file, it's the case. Still,
    577 // we may have to make it more robust.
    578 std::string HttpUtil::GenerateAcceptLanguageHeader(
    579     const std::string& raw_language_list) {
    580   // We use integers for qvalue and qvalue decrement that are 10 times
    581   // larger than actual values to avoid a problem with comparing
    582   // two floating point numbers.
    583   const unsigned int kQvalueDecrement10 = 2;
    584   unsigned int qvalue10 = 10;
    585   StringTokenizer t(raw_language_list, ",");
    586   std::string lang_list_with_q;
    587   while (t.GetNext()) {
    588     std::string language = t.token();
    589     if (qvalue10 == 10) {
    590       // q=1.0 is implicit.
    591       lang_list_with_q = language;
    592     } else {
    593       DCHECK_LT(qvalue10, 10U);
    594       base::StringAppendF(&lang_list_with_q, ",%s;q=0.%d", language.c_str(),
    595                           qvalue10);
    596     }
    597     // It does not make sense to have 'q=0'.
    598     if (qvalue10 > kQvalueDecrement10)
    599       qvalue10 -= kQvalueDecrement10;
    600   }
    601   return lang_list_with_q;
    602 }
    604 std::string HttpUtil::GenerateAcceptCharsetHeader(const std::string& charset) {
    605   std::string charset_with_q = charset;
    606   if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(charset, "utf-8")) {
    607     charset_with_q += ",*;q=0.5";
    608   } else {
    609     charset_with_q += ",utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3";
    610   }
    611   return charset_with_q;
    612 }
    614 void HttpUtil::AppendHeaderIfMissing(const char* header_name,
    615                                      const std::string& header_value,
    616                                      std::string* headers) {
    617   if (header_value.empty())
    618     return;
    619   if (net::HttpUtil::HasHeader(*headers, header_name))
    620     return;
    621   *headers += std::string(header_name) + ": " + header_value + "\r\n";
    622 }
    624 // BNF from section 4.2 of RFC 2616:
    625 //
    626 //   message-header = field-name ":" [ field-value ]
    627 //   field-name     = token
    628 //   field-value    = *( field-content | LWS )
    629 //   field-content  = <the OCTETs making up the field-value
    630 //                     and consisting of either *TEXT or combinations
    631 //                     of token, separators, and quoted-string>
    632 //
    634 HttpUtil::HeadersIterator::HeadersIterator(string::const_iterator headers_begin,
    635                                            string::const_iterator headers_end,
    636                                            const std::string& line_delimiter)
    637     : lines_(headers_begin, headers_end, line_delimiter) {
    638 }
    640 HttpUtil::HeadersIterator::~HeadersIterator() {
    641 }
    643 bool HttpUtil::HeadersIterator::GetNext() {
    644   while (lines_.GetNext()) {
    645     name_begin_ = lines_.token_begin();
    646     values_end_ = lines_.token_end();
    648     string::const_iterator colon = find(name_begin_, values_end_, ':');
    649     if (colon == values_end_)
    650       continue;  // skip malformed header
    652     name_end_ = colon;
    654     // If the name starts with LWS, it is an invalid line.
    655     // Leading LWS implies a line continuation, and these should have
    656     // already been joined by AssembleRawHeaders().
    657     if (name_begin_ == name_end_ || IsLWS(*name_begin_))
    658       continue;
    660     TrimLWS(&name_begin_, &name_end_);
    661     if (name_begin_ == name_end_)
    662       continue;  // skip malformed header
    664     values_begin_ = colon + 1;
    665     TrimLWS(&values_begin_, &values_end_);
    667     // if we got a header name, then we are done.
    668     return true;
    669   }
    670   return false;
    671 }
    673 bool HttpUtil::HeadersIterator::AdvanceTo(const char* name) {
    674   DCHECK(name != NULL);
    675   DCHECK_EQ(0, StringToLowerASCII<std::string>(name).compare(name))
    676       << "the header name must be in all lower case";
    678   while (GetNext()) {
    679     if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(name_begin_, name_end_, name)) {
    680       return true;
    681     }
    682   }
    684   return false;
    685 }
    687 HttpUtil::ValuesIterator::ValuesIterator(
    688     string::const_iterator values_begin,
    689     string::const_iterator values_end,
    690     char delimiter)
    691     : values_(values_begin, values_end, string(1, delimiter)) {
    692   values_.set_quote_chars("\'\"");
    693 }
    695 HttpUtil::ValuesIterator::~ValuesIterator() {
    696 }
    698 bool HttpUtil::ValuesIterator::GetNext() {
    699   while (values_.GetNext()) {
    700     value_begin_ = values_.token_begin();
    701     value_end_ = values_.token_end();
    702     TrimLWS(&value_begin_, &value_end_);
    704     // bypass empty values.
    705     if (value_begin_ != value_end_)
    706       return true;
    707   }
    708   return false;
    709 }
    711 HttpUtil::NameValuePairsIterator::NameValuePairsIterator(
    712     string::const_iterator begin,
    713     string::const_iterator end,
    714     char delimiter)
    715     : props_(begin, end, delimiter),
    716       valid_(true),
    717       begin_(begin),
    718       end_(end),
    719       name_begin_(end),
    720       name_end_(end),
    721       value_begin_(end),
    722       value_end_(end),
    723       value_is_quoted_(false) {
    724 }
    726 HttpUtil::NameValuePairsIterator::~NameValuePairsIterator() {}
    728 // We expect properties to be formatted as one of:
    729 //   name="value"
    730 //   name='value'
    731 //   name='\'value\''
    732 //   name=value
    733 //   name = value
    734 //   name=
    735 // Due to buggy implementations found in some embedded devices, we also
    736 // accept values with missing close quotemark (http://crbug.com/39836):
    737 //   name="value
    738 bool HttpUtil::NameValuePairsIterator::GetNext() {
    739   if (!props_.GetNext())
    740     return false;
    742   // Set the value as everything. Next we will split out the name.
    743   value_begin_ = props_.value_begin();
    744   value_end_ = props_.value_end();
    745   name_begin_ = name_end_ = value_end_;
    747   // Scan for the equals sign.
    748   std::string::const_iterator equals = std::find(value_begin_, value_end_, '=');
    749   if (equals == value_end_ || equals == value_begin_)
    750     return valid_ = false;  // Malformed, no equals sign
    752   // Verify that the equals sign we found wasn't inside of quote marks.
    753   for (std::string::const_iterator it = value_begin_; it != equals; ++it) {
    754     if (HttpUtil::IsQuote(*it))
    755       return valid_ = false;  // Malformed, quote appears before equals sign
    756   }
    758   name_begin_ = value_begin_;
    759   name_end_ = equals;
    760   value_begin_ = equals + 1;
    762   TrimLWS(&name_begin_, &name_end_);
    763   TrimLWS(&value_begin_, &value_end_);
    764   value_is_quoted_ = false;
    765   unquoted_value_.clear();
    767   if (value_begin_ == value_end_)
    768     return valid_ = false;  // Malformed, value is empty
    770   if (HttpUtil::IsQuote(*value_begin_)) {
    771     // Trim surrounding quotemarks off the value
    772     if (*value_begin_ != *(value_end_ - 1) || value_begin_ + 1 == value_end_) {
    773       // NOTE: This is not as graceful as it sounds:
    774       // * quoted-pairs will no longer be unquoted
    775       //   (["\"hello] should give ["hello]).
    776       // * Does not detect when the final quote is escaped
    777       //   (["value\"] should give [value"])
    778       ++value_begin_;  // Gracefully recover from mismatching quotes.
    779     } else {
    780       value_is_quoted_ = true;
    781       // Do not store iterators into this. See declaration of unquoted_value_.
    782       unquoted_value_ = HttpUtil::Unquote(value_begin_, value_end_);
    783     }
    784   }
    786   return true;
    787 }
    789 }  // namespace net