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      1 #!/usr/bin/python2.4
      2 # Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 """An implementation of the server side of the Chromium sync protocol.
      8 The details of the protocol are described mostly by comments in the protocol
      9 buffer definition at chrome/browser/sync/protocol/sync.proto.
     10 """
     12 import cgi
     13 import copy
     14 import operator
     15 import random
     16 import sys
     17 import threading
     19 import app_specifics_pb2
     20 import autofill_specifics_pb2
     21 import bookmark_specifics_pb2
     22 import extension_specifics_pb2
     23 import nigori_specifics_pb2
     24 import password_specifics_pb2
     25 import preference_specifics_pb2
     26 import session_specifics_pb2
     27 import sync_pb2
     28 import theme_specifics_pb2
     29 import typed_url_specifics_pb2
     31 # An enumeration of the various kinds of data that can be synced.
     32 # Over the wire, this enumeration is not used: a sync object's type is
     33 # inferred by which EntitySpecifics extension it has.  But in the context
     34 # of a program, it is useful to have an enumeration.
     35 ALL_TYPES = (
     36     TOP_LEVEL,  # The type of the 'Google Chrome' folder.
     37     APPS,
     38     AUTOFILL,
     40     BOOKMARK,
     41     EXTENSIONS,
     42     NIGORI,
     43     PASSWORD,
     44     PREFERENCE,
     45     SESSION,
     46     THEME,
     47     TYPED_URL) = range(12)
     49 # Well-known server tag of the top level "Google Chrome" folder.
     50 TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_TAG = 'google_chrome'
     52 # Given a sync type from ALL_TYPES, find the extension token corresponding
     53 # to that datatype.  Note that TOP_LEVEL has no such token.
     55     APPS: app_specifics_pb2.app,
     56     AUTOFILL: autofill_specifics_pb2.autofill,
     57     AUTOFILL_PROFILE: autofill_specifics_pb2.autofill_profile,
     58     BOOKMARK: bookmark_specifics_pb2.bookmark,
     59     EXTENSIONS: extension_specifics_pb2.extension,
     60     NIGORI: nigori_specifics_pb2.nigori,
     61     PASSWORD: password_specifics_pb2.password,
     62     PREFERENCE: preference_specifics_pb2.preference,
     63     SESSION: session_specifics_pb2.session,
     64     THEME: theme_specifics_pb2.theme,
     65     TYPED_URL: typed_url_specifics_pb2.typed_url,
     66     }
     68 # The parent ID used to indicate a top-level node.
     69 ROOT_ID = '0'
     72 class Error(Exception):
     73   """Error class for this module."""
     76 class ProtobufExtensionNotUnique(Error):
     77   """An entry should not have more than one protobuf extension present."""
     80 class DataTypeIdNotRecognized(Error):
     81   """The requested data type is not recognized."""
     84 def GetEntryType(entry):
     85   """Extract the sync type from a SyncEntry.
     87   Args:
     88     entry: A SyncEntity protobuf object whose type to determine.
     89   Returns:
     90     A value from ALL_TYPES if the entry's type can be determined, or None
     91     if the type cannot be determined.
     92   Raises:
     93     ProtobufExtensionNotUnique: More than one type was indicated by the entry.
     94   """
     95   if entry.server_defined_unique_tag == TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER_TAG:
     96     return TOP_LEVEL
     97   entry_types = GetEntryTypesFromSpecifics(entry.specifics)
     98   if not entry_types:
     99     return None
    101   # If there is more than one, either there's a bug, or else the caller
    102   # should use GetEntryTypes.
    103   if len(entry_types) > 1:
    104     raise ProtobufExtensionNotUnique
    105   return entry_types[0]
    108 def GetEntryTypesFromSpecifics(specifics):
    109   """Determine the sync types indicated by an EntitySpecifics's extension(s).
    111   If the specifics have more than one recognized extension (as commonly
    112   happens with the requested_types field of GetUpdatesMessage), all types
    113   will be returned.  Callers must handle the possibility of the returned
    114   value having more than one item.
    116   Args:
    117     specifics: A EntitySpecifics protobuf message whose extensions to
    118       enumerate.
    119   Returns:
    120     A list of the sync types (values from ALL_TYPES) assocated with each
    121     recognized extension of the specifics message.
    122   """
    123   return [data_type for data_type, extension
    124           in SYNC_TYPE_TO_EXTENSION.iteritems()
    125           if specifics.HasExtension(extension)]
    128 def SyncTypeToProtocolDataTypeId(data_type):
    129   """Convert from a sync type (python enum) to the protocol's data type id."""
    130   return SYNC_TYPE_TO_EXTENSION[data_type].number
    133 def ProtocolDataTypeIdToSyncType(protocol_data_type_id):
    134   """Convert from the protocol's data type id to a sync type (python enum)."""
    135   for data_type, protocol_extension in SYNC_TYPE_TO_EXTENSION.iteritems():
    136     if protocol_extension.number == protocol_data_type_id:
    137       return data_type
    138   raise DataTypeIdNotRecognized
    141 def GetDefaultEntitySpecifics(data_type):
    142   """Get an EntitySpecifics having a sync type's default extension value."""
    143   specifics = sync_pb2.EntitySpecifics()
    144   if data_type in SYNC_TYPE_TO_EXTENSION:
    145     extension_handle = SYNC_TYPE_TO_EXTENSION[data_type]
    146     specifics.Extensions[extension_handle].SetInParent()
    147   return specifics
    150 def DeepCopyOfProto(proto):
    151   """Return a deep copy of a protocol buffer."""
    152   new_proto = type(proto)()
    153   new_proto.MergeFrom(proto)
    154   return new_proto
    157 class PermanentItem(object):
    158   """A specification of one server-created permanent item.
    160   Attributes:
    161     tag: A known-to-the-client value that uniquely identifies a server-created
    162       permanent item.
    163     name: The human-readable display name for this item.
    164     parent_tag: The tag of the permanent item's parent.  If ROOT_ID, indicates
    165       a top-level item.  Otherwise, this must be the tag value of some other
    166       server-created permanent item.
    167     sync_type: A value from ALL_TYPES, giving the datatype of this permanent
    168       item.  This controls which types of client GetUpdates requests will
    169       cause the permanent item to be created and returned.
    170   """
    172   def __init__(self, tag, name, parent_tag, sync_type):
    173     self.tag = tag
    174     self.name = name
    175     self.parent_tag = parent_tag
    176     self.sync_type = sync_type
    179 class UpdateSieve(object):
    180   """A filter to remove items the client has already seen."""
    181   def __init__(self, request):
    182     self._original_request = request
    183     self._state = {}
    184     if request.from_progress_marker:
    185       for marker in request.from_progress_marker:
    186         if marker.HasField("timestamp_token_for_migration"):
    187           timestamp = marker.timestamp_token_for_migration
    188         elif marker.token:
    189           timestamp = int(marker.token)
    190         elif marker.HasField("token"):
    191           timestamp = 0
    192         else:
    193           raise ValueError("No timestamp information in progress marker.")
    194         data_type = ProtocolDataTypeIdToSyncType(marker.data_type_id)
    195         self._state[data_type] = timestamp
    196     elif request.HasField("from_timestamp"):
    197       for data_type in GetEntryTypesFromSpecifics(request.requested_types):
    198         self._state[data_type] = request.from_timestamp
    199     if self._state:
    200       self._state[TOP_LEVEL] = min(self._state.itervalues())
    202   def ClientWantsItem(self, item):
    203     """Return true if the client hasn't already seen an item."""
    204     return self._state.get(GetEntryType(item), sys.maxint) < item.version
    206   def HasAnyTimestamp(self):
    207     """Return true if at least one datatype was requested."""
    208     return bool(self._state)
    210   def GetMinTimestamp(self):
    211     """Return true the smallest timestamp requested across all datatypes."""
    212     return min(self._state.itervalues())
    214   def GetFirstTimeTypes(self):
    215     """Return a list of datatypes requesting updates from timestamp zero."""
    216     return [datatype for datatype, timestamp in self._state.iteritems()
    217             if timestamp == 0]
    219   def SaveProgress(self, new_timestamp, get_updates_response):
    220     """Write the new_timestamp or new_progress_marker fields to a response."""
    221     if self._original_request.from_progress_marker:
    222       for data_type, old_timestamp in self._state.iteritems():
    223         if data_type == TOP_LEVEL:
    224           continue
    225         new_marker = sync_pb2.DataTypeProgressMarker()
    226         new_marker.data_type_id = SyncTypeToProtocolDataTypeId(data_type)
    227         new_marker.token = str(max(old_timestamp, new_timestamp))
    228         if new_marker not in self._original_request.from_progress_marker:
    229           get_updates_response.new_progress_marker.add().MergeFrom(new_marker)
    230     elif self._original_request.HasField("from_timestamp"):
    231       if self._original_request.from_timestamp < new_timestamp:
    232         get_updates_response.new_timestamp = new_timestamp
    235 class SyncDataModel(object):
    236   """Models the account state of one sync user."""
    237   _BATCH_SIZE = 100
    239   # Specify all the permanent items that a model might need.
    241       PermanentItem('google_chrome', name='Google Chrome',
    242                     parent_tag=ROOT_ID, sync_type=TOP_LEVEL),
    243       PermanentItem('google_chrome_bookmarks', name='Bookmarks',
    244                     parent_tag='google_chrome', sync_type=BOOKMARK),
    245       PermanentItem('bookmark_bar', name='Bookmark Bar',
    246                     parent_tag='google_chrome_bookmarks', sync_type=BOOKMARK),
    247       PermanentItem('other_bookmarks', name='Other Bookmarks',
    248                     parent_tag='google_chrome_bookmarks', sync_type=BOOKMARK),
    249       PermanentItem('google_chrome_preferences', name='Preferences',
    250                     parent_tag='google_chrome', sync_type=PREFERENCE),
    251       PermanentItem('google_chrome_autofill', name='Autofill',
    252                     parent_tag='google_chrome', sync_type=AUTOFILL),
    253       PermanentItem('google_chrome_autofill_profiles', name='Autofill Profiles',
    254                     parent_tag='google_chrome', sync_type=AUTOFILL_PROFILE),
    255       PermanentItem('google_chrome_extensions', name='Extensions',
    256                     parent_tag='google_chrome', sync_type=EXTENSIONS),
    257       PermanentItem('google_chrome_passwords', name='Passwords',
    258                     parent_tag='google_chrome', sync_type=PASSWORD),
    259       PermanentItem('google_chrome_sessions', name='Sessions',
    260                     parent_tag='google_chrome', sync_type=SESSION),
    261       PermanentItem('google_chrome_themes', name='Themes',
    262                     parent_tag='google_chrome', sync_type=THEME),
    263       PermanentItem('google_chrome_typed_urls', name='Typed URLs',
    264                     parent_tag='google_chrome', sync_type=TYPED_URL),
    265       PermanentItem('google_chrome_nigori', name='Nigori',
    266                     parent_tag='google_chrome', sync_type=NIGORI),
    267       PermanentItem('google_chrome_apps', name='Apps',
    268                     parent_tag='google_chrome', sync_type=APPS),
    269       ]
    271   def __init__(self):
    272     # Monotonically increasing version number.  The next object change will
    273     # take on this value + 1.
    274     self._version = 0
    276     # The definitive copy of this client's items: a map from ID string to a
    277     # SyncEntity protocol buffer.
    278     self._entries = {}
    280     # TODO(nick): uuid.uuid1() is better, but python 2.5 only.
    281     self.store_birthday = '%0.30f' % random.random()
    283   def _SaveEntry(self, entry):
    284     """Insert or update an entry in the change log, and give it a new version.
    286     The ID fields of this entry are assumed to be valid server IDs.  This
    287     entry will be updated with a new version number and sync_timestamp.
    289     Args:
    290       entry: The entry to be added or updated.
    291     """
    292     self._version += 1
    293     # Maintain a global (rather than per-item) sequence number and use it
    294     # both as the per-entry version as well as the update-progress timestamp.
    295     # This simulates the behavior of the original server implementation.
    296     entry.version = self._version
    297     entry.sync_timestamp = self._version
    299     # Preserve the originator info, which the client is not required to send
    300     # when updating.
    301     base_entry = self._entries.get(entry.id_string)
    302     if base_entry:
    303       entry.originator_cache_guid = base_entry.originator_cache_guid
    304       entry.originator_client_item_id = base_entry.originator_client_item_id
    306     self._entries[entry.id_string] = DeepCopyOfProto(entry)
    308   def _ServerTagToId(self, tag):
    309     """Determine the server ID from a server-unique tag.
    311     The resulting value is guaranteed not to collide with the other ID
    312     generation methods.
    314     Args:
    315       tag: The unique, known-to-the-client tag of a server-generated item.
    316     Returns:
    317       The string value of the computed server ID.
    318     """
    319     if tag and tag != ROOT_ID:
    320       return '<server tag>%s' % tag
    321     else:
    322       return tag
    324   def _ClientTagToId(self, tag):
    325     """Determine the server ID from a client-unique tag.
    327     The resulting value is guaranteed not to collide with the other ID
    328     generation methods.
    330     Args:
    331       tag: The unique, opaque-to-the-server tag of a client-tagged item.
    332     Returns:
    333       The string value of the computed server ID.
    334     """
    335     return '<client tag>%s' % tag
    337   def _ClientIdToId(self, client_guid, client_item_id):
    338     """Compute a unique server ID from a client-local ID tag.
    340     The resulting value is guaranteed not to collide with the other ID
    341     generation methods.
    343     Args:
    344       client_guid: A globally unique ID that identifies the client which
    345         created this item.
    346       client_item_id: An ID that uniquely identifies this item on the client
    347         which created it.
    348     Returns:
    349       The string value of the computed server ID.
    350     """
    351     # Using the client ID info is not required here (we could instead generate
    352     # a random ID), but it's useful for debugging.
    353     return '<server ID originally>%s/%s' % (client_guid, client_item_id)
    355   def _WritePosition(self, entry, parent_id, prev_id=None):
    356     """Convert from a relative position into an absolute, numeric position.
    358     Clients specify positions using the predecessor-based references; the
    359     server stores and reports item positions using sparse integer values.
    360     This method converts from the former to the latter.
    362     Args:
    363       entry: The entry for which to compute a position.  Its ID field are
    364         assumed to be server IDs.  This entry will have its parent_id_string
    365         and position_in_parent fields updated; its insert_after_item_id field
    366         will be cleared.
    367       parent_id: The ID of the entry intended as the new parent.
    368       prev_id: The ID of the entry intended as the new predecessor.  If this
    369         is None, or an ID of an object which is not a child of the new parent,
    370         the entry will be positioned at the end (right) of the ordering.  If
    371         the empty ID (''), this will be positioned at the front (left) of the
    372         ordering.  Otherwise, the entry will be given a position_in_parent
    373         value placing it just after (to the right of) the new predecessor.
    374     """
    375     preferred_gap = 2 ** 20
    377     def ExtendRange(current_limit_entry, sign_multiplier):
    378       """Compute values at the beginning or end."""
    379       if current_limit_entry.id_string == entry.id_string:
    380         step = 0
    381       else:
    382         step = sign_multiplier * preferred_gap
    383       return current_limit_entry.position_in_parent + step
    385     siblings = [x for x in self._entries.values()
    386                 if x.parent_id_string == parent_id and not x.deleted]
    387     siblings = sorted(siblings, key=operator.attrgetter('position_in_parent'))
    388     if prev_id == entry.id_string:
    389       prev_id = ''
    390     if not siblings:
    391       # First item in this container; start in the middle.
    392       entry.position_in_parent = 0
    393     elif not prev_id:
    394       # A special value in the protocol.  Insert at first position.
    395       entry.position_in_parent = ExtendRange(siblings[0], -1)
    396     else:
    397       # Handle mid-insertion; consider items along with their successors.
    398       for item, successor in zip(siblings, siblings[1:]):
    399         if item.id_string != prev_id:
    400           continue
    401         elif successor.id_string == entry.id_string:
    402           # We're already in place; don't change anything.
    403           entry.position_in_parent = successor.position_in_parent
    404         else:
    405           # Interpolate new position between the previous item and its
    406           # existing successor.
    407           entry.position_in_parent = (item.position_in_parent * 7 +
    408                                       successor.position_in_parent) / 8
    409         break
    410       else:
    411         # Insert at end. Includes the case where prev_id is None.
    412         entry.position_in_parent = ExtendRange(siblings[-1], +1)
    414     entry.parent_id_string = parent_id
    415     entry.ClearField('insert_after_item_id')
    417   def _ItemExists(self, id_string):
    418     """Determine whether an item exists in the changelog."""
    419     return id_string in self._entries
    421   def _CreatePermanentItem(self, spec):
    422     """Create one permanent item from its spec, if it doesn't exist.
    424     The resulting item is added to the changelog.
    426     Args:
    427       spec: A PermanentItem object holding the properties of the item to create.
    428     """
    429     id_string = self._ServerTagToId(spec.tag)
    430     if self._ItemExists(id_string):
    431       return
    432     print 'Creating permanent item: %s' % spec.name
    433     entry = sync_pb2.SyncEntity()
    434     entry.id_string = id_string
    435     entry.non_unique_name = spec.name
    436     entry.name = spec.name
    437     entry.server_defined_unique_tag = spec.tag
    438     entry.folder = True
    439     entry.deleted = False
    440     entry.specifics.CopyFrom(GetDefaultEntitySpecifics(spec.sync_type))
    441     self._WritePosition(entry, self._ServerTagToId(spec.parent_tag))
    442     self._SaveEntry(entry)
    444   def _CreatePermanentItems(self, requested_types):
    445     """Ensure creation of all permanent items for a given set of sync types.
    447     Args:
    448       requested_types: A list of sync data types from ALL_TYPES.
    449         Permanent items of only these types will be created.
    450     """
    451     for spec in self._PERMANENT_ITEM_SPECS:
    452       if spec.sync_type in requested_types:
    453         self._CreatePermanentItem(spec)
    455   def GetChanges(self, sieve):
    456     """Get entries which have changed, oldest first.
    458     The returned entries are limited to being _BATCH_SIZE many.  The entries
    459     are returned in strict version order.
    461     Args:
    462       sieve: An update sieve to use to filter out updates the client
    463         has already seen.
    464     Returns:
    465       A tuple of (version, entries, changes_remaining).  Version is a new
    466       timestamp value, which should be used as the starting point for the
    467       next query.  Entries is the batch of entries meeting the current
    468       timestamp query.  Changes_remaining indicates the number of changes
    469       left on the server after this batch.
    470     """
    471     if not sieve.HasAnyTimestamp():
    472       return (0, [], 0)
    473     min_timestamp = sieve.GetMinTimestamp()
    474     self._CreatePermanentItems(sieve.GetFirstTimeTypes())
    475     change_log = sorted(self._entries.values(),
    476                         key=operator.attrgetter('version'))
    477     new_changes = [x for x in change_log if x.version > min_timestamp]
    478     # Pick batch_size new changes, and then filter them.  This matches
    479     # the RPC behavior of the production sync server.
    480     batch = new_changes[:self._BATCH_SIZE]
    481     if not batch:
    482       # Client is up to date.
    483       return (min_timestamp, [], 0)
    485     # Restrict batch to requested types.  Tombstones are untyped
    486     # and will always get included.
    487     filtered = [DeepCopyOfProto(item) for item in batch
    488                 if item.deleted or sieve.ClientWantsItem(item)]
    490     # The new client timestamp is the timestamp of the last item in the
    491     # batch, even if that item was filtered out.
    492     return (batch[-1].version, filtered, len(new_changes) - len(batch))
    494   def _CopyOverImmutableFields(self, entry):
    495     """Preserve immutable fields by copying pre-commit state.
    497     Args:
    498       entry: A sync entity from the client.
    499     """
    500     if entry.id_string in self._entries:
    501       if self._entries[entry.id_string].HasField(
    502           'server_defined_unique_tag'):
    503         entry.server_defined_unique_tag = (
    504             self._entries[entry.id_string].server_defined_unique_tag)
    506   def _CheckVersionForCommit(self, entry):
    507     """Perform an optimistic concurrency check on the version number.
    509     Clients are only allowed to commit if they report having seen the most
    510     recent version of an object.
    512     Args:
    513       entry: A sync entity from the client.  It is assumed that ID fields
    514         have been converted to server IDs.
    515     Returns:
    516       A boolean value indicating whether the client's version matches the
    517       newest server version for the given entry.
    518     """
    519     if entry.id_string in self._entries:
    520       # Allow edits/deletes if the version matches, and any undeletion.
    521       return (self._entries[entry.id_string].version == entry.version or
    522               self._entries[entry.id_string].deleted)
    523     else:
    524       # Allow unknown ID only if the client thinks it's new too.
    525       return entry.version == 0
    527   def _CheckParentIdForCommit(self, entry):
    528     """Check that the parent ID referenced in a SyncEntity actually exists.
    530     Args:
    531       entry: A sync entity from the client.  It is assumed that ID fields
    532         have been converted to server IDs.
    533     Returns:
    534       A boolean value indicating whether the entity's parent ID is an object
    535       that actually exists (and is not deleted) in the current account state.
    536     """
    537     if entry.parent_id_string == ROOT_ID:
    538       # This is generally allowed.
    539       return True
    540     if entry.parent_id_string not in self._entries:
    541       print 'Warning: Client sent unknown ID.  Should never happen.'
    542       return False
    543     if entry.parent_id_string == entry.id_string:
    544       print 'Warning: Client sent circular reference.  Should never happen.'
    545       return False
    546     if self._entries[entry.parent_id_string].deleted:
    547       # This can happen in a race condition between two clients.
    548       return False
    549     if not self._entries[entry.parent_id_string].folder:
    550       print 'Warning: Client sent non-folder parent.  Should never happen.'
    551       return False
    552     return True
    554   def _RewriteIdsAsServerIds(self, entry, cache_guid, commit_session):
    555     """Convert ID fields in a client sync entry to server IDs.
    557     A commit batch sent by a client may contain new items for which the
    558     server has not generated IDs yet.  And within a commit batch, later
    559     items are allowed to refer to earlier items.  This method will
    560     generate server IDs for new items, as well as rewrite references
    561     to items whose server IDs were generated earlier in the batch.
    563     Args:
    564       entry: The client sync entry to modify.
    565       cache_guid: The globally unique ID of the client that sent this
    566         commit request.
    567       commit_session: A dictionary mapping the original IDs to the new server
    568         IDs, for any items committed earlier in the batch.
    569     """
    570     if entry.version == 0:
    571       if entry.HasField('client_defined_unique_tag'):
    572         # When present, this should determine the item's ID.
    573         new_id = self._ClientTagToId(entry.client_defined_unique_tag)
    574       else:
    575         new_id = self._ClientIdToId(cache_guid, entry.id_string)
    576         entry.originator_cache_guid = cache_guid
    577         entry.originator_client_item_id = entry.id_string
    578       commit_session[entry.id_string] = new_id  # Remember the remapping.
    579       entry.id_string = new_id
    580     if entry.parent_id_string in commit_session:
    581       entry.parent_id_string = commit_session[entry.parent_id_string]
    582     if entry.insert_after_item_id in commit_session:
    583       entry.insert_after_item_id = commit_session[entry.insert_after_item_id]
    585   def CommitEntry(self, entry, cache_guid, commit_session):
    586     """Attempt to commit one entry to the user's account.
    588     Args:
    589       entry: A SyncEntity protobuf representing desired object changes.
    590       cache_guid: A string value uniquely identifying the client; this
    591         is used for ID generation and will determine the originator_cache_guid
    592         if the entry is new.
    593       commit_session: A dictionary mapping client IDs to server IDs for any
    594         objects committed earlier this session.  If the entry gets a new ID
    595         during commit, the change will be recorded here.
    596     Returns:
    597       A SyncEntity reflecting the post-commit value of the entry, or None
    598       if the entry was not committed due to an error.
    599     """
    600     entry = DeepCopyOfProto(entry)
    602     # Generate server IDs for this entry, and write generated server IDs
    603     # from earlier entries into the message's fields, as appropriate.  The
    604     # ID generation state is stored in 'commit_session'.
    605     self._RewriteIdsAsServerIds(entry, cache_guid, commit_session)
    607     # Perform the optimistic concurrency check on the entry's version number.
    608     # Clients are not allowed to commit unless they indicate that they've seen
    609     # the most recent version of an object.
    610     if not self._CheckVersionForCommit(entry):
    611       return None
    613     # Check the validity of the parent ID; it must exist at this point.
    614     # TODO(nick): Implement cycle detection and resolution.
    615     if not self._CheckParentIdForCommit(entry):
    616       return None
    618     self._CopyOverImmutableFields(entry);
    620     # At this point, the commit is definitely going to happen.
    622     # Deletion works by storing a limited record for an entry, called a
    623     # tombstone.  A sync server must track deleted IDs forever, since it does
    624     # not keep track of client knowledge (there's no deletion ACK event).
    625     if entry.deleted:
    626       def MakeTombstone(id_string):
    627         """Make a tombstone entry that will replace the entry being deleted.
    629         Args:
    630           id_string: Index of the SyncEntity to be deleted.
    631         Returns:
    632           A new SyncEntity reflecting the fact that the entry is deleted.
    633         """
    634         # Only the ID, version and deletion state are preserved on a tombstone.
    635         # TODO(nick): Does the production server not preserve the type?  Not
    636         # doing so means that tombstones cannot be filtered based on
    637         # requested_types at GetUpdates time.
    638         tombstone = sync_pb2.SyncEntity()
    639         tombstone.id_string = id_string
    640         tombstone.deleted = True
    641         tombstone.name = ''
    642         return tombstone
    644       def IsChild(child_id):
    645         """Check if a SyncEntity is a child of entry, or any of its children.
    647         Args:
    648           child_id: Index of the SyncEntity that is a possible child of entry.
    649         Returns:
    650           True if it is a child; false otherwise.
    651         """
    652         if child_id not in self._entries:
    653           return False
    654         if self._entries[child_id].parent_id_string == entry.id_string:
    655           return True
    656         return IsChild(self._entries[child_id].parent_id_string)
    658       # Identify any children entry might have.
    659       child_ids = [child.id_string for child in self._entries.itervalues()
    660                    if IsChild(child.id_string)]
    662       # Mark all children that were identified as deleted.
    663       for child_id in child_ids:
    664         self._SaveEntry(MakeTombstone(child_id))
    666       # Delete entry itself.
    667       entry = MakeTombstone(entry.id_string)
    668     else:
    669       # Comments in sync.proto detail how the representation of positional
    670       # ordering works: the 'insert_after_item_id' field specifies a
    671       # predecessor during Commit operations, but the 'position_in_parent'
    672       # field provides an absolute ordering in GetUpdates contexts.  Here
    673       # we convert from the former to the latter.  Specifically, we'll
    674       # generate a numeric position placing the item just after the object
    675       # identified by 'insert_after_item_id', and then clear the
    676       # 'insert_after_item_id' field so that it's not sent back to the client
    677       # during later GetUpdates requests.
    678       if entry.HasField('insert_after_item_id'):
    679         self._WritePosition(entry, entry.parent_id_string,
    680                             entry.insert_after_item_id)
    681       else:
    682         self._WritePosition(entry, entry.parent_id_string)
    684     # Preserve the originator info, which the client is not required to send
    685     # when updating.
    686     base_entry = self._entries.get(entry.id_string)
    687     if base_entry and not entry.HasField('originator_cache_guid'):
    688       entry.originator_cache_guid = base_entry.originator_cache_guid
    689       entry.originator_client_item_id = base_entry.originator_client_item_id
    691     # Commit the change.  This also updates the version number.
    692     self._SaveEntry(entry)
    693     return entry
    696 class TestServer(object):
    697   """An object to handle requests for one (and only one) Chrome Sync account.
    699   TestServer consumes the sync command messages that are the outermost
    700   layers of the protocol, performs the corresponding actions on its
    701   SyncDataModel, and constructs an appropropriate response message.
    702   """
    704   def __init__(self):
    705     # The implementation supports exactly one account; its state is here.
    706     self.account = SyncDataModel()
    707     self.account_lock = threading.Lock()
    708     # Clients that have talked to us: a map from the full client ID
    709     # to its nickname.
    710     self.clients = {}
    711     self.client_name_generator = ('+' * times + chr(c)
    712         for times in xrange(0, sys.maxint) for c in xrange(ord('A'),ord('Z')))
    714   def GetShortClientName(self, query):
    715     parsed = cgi.parse_qs(query[query.find('?')+1:])
    716     client_id = parsed.get('client_id')
    717     if not client_id:
    718       return '?'
    719     client_id = client_id[0]
    720     if client_id not in self.clients:
    721       self.clients[client_id] = self.client_name_generator.next()
    722     return self.clients[client_id]
    724   def HandleCommand(self, query, raw_request):
    725     """Decode and handle a sync command from a raw input of bytes.
    727     This is the main entry point for this class.  It is safe to call this
    728     method from multiple threads.
    730     Args:
    731       raw_request: An iterable byte sequence to be interpreted as a sync
    732         protocol command.
    733     Returns:
    734       A tuple (response_code, raw_response); the first value is an HTTP
    735       result code, while the second value is a string of bytes which is the
    736       serialized reply to the command.
    737     """
    738     self.account_lock.acquire()
    739     try:
    740       request = sync_pb2.ClientToServerMessage()
    741       request.MergeFromString(raw_request)
    742       contents = request.message_contents
    744       response = sync_pb2.ClientToServerResponse()
    745       response.error_code = sync_pb2.ClientToServerResponse.SUCCESS
    746       response.store_birthday = self.account.store_birthday
    747       log_context = "[Client %s -> %s.py]" % (self.GetShortClientName(query),
    748                                               __name__)
    750       if contents == sync_pb2.ClientToServerMessage.AUTHENTICATE:
    751         print '%s Authenticate' % log_context
    752         # We accept any authentication token, and support only one account.
    753         # TODO(nick): Mock out the GAIA authentication as well; hook up here.
    754         response.authenticate.user.email = 'syncjuser@chromium'
    755         response.authenticate.user.display_name = 'Sync J User'
    756       elif contents == sync_pb2.ClientToServerMessage.COMMIT:
    757         print '%s Commit' % log_context
    758         self.HandleCommit(request.commit, response.commit)
    759       elif contents == sync_pb2.ClientToServerMessage.GET_UPDATES:
    760         print ('%s GetUpdates from timestamp %d' %
    761                (log_context, request.get_updates.from_timestamp))
    762         self.HandleGetUpdates(request.get_updates, response.get_updates)
    763       return (200, response.SerializeToString())
    764     finally:
    765       self.account_lock.release()
    767   def HandleCommit(self, commit_message, commit_response):
    768     """Respond to a Commit request by updating the user's account state.
    770     Commit attempts stop after the first error, returning a CONFLICT result
    771     for any unattempted entries.
    773     Args:
    774       commit_message: A sync_pb.CommitMessage protobuf holding the content
    775         of the client's request.
    776       commit_response: A sync_pb.CommitResponse protobuf into which a reply
    777         to the client request will be written.
    778     """
    779     commit_response.SetInParent()
    780     batch_failure = False
    781     session = {}  # Tracks ID renaming during the commit operation.
    782     guid = commit_message.cache_guid
    783     for entry in commit_message.entries:
    784       server_entry = None
    785       if not batch_failure:
    786         # Try to commit the change to the account.
    787         server_entry = self.account.CommitEntry(entry, guid, session)
    789       # An entryresponse is returned in both success and failure cases.
    790       reply = commit_response.entryresponse.add()
    791       if not server_entry:
    792         reply.response_type = sync_pb2.CommitResponse.CONFLICT
    793         reply.error_message = 'Conflict.'
    794         batch_failure = True  # One failure halts the batch.
    795       else:
    796         reply.response_type = sync_pb2.CommitResponse.SUCCESS
    797         # These are the properties that the server is allowed to override
    798         # during commit; the client wants to know their values at the end
    799         # of the operation.
    800         reply.id_string = server_entry.id_string
    801         if not server_entry.deleted:
    802           # Note: the production server doesn't actually send the
    803           # parent_id_string on commit responses, so we don't either.
    804           reply.position_in_parent = server_entry.position_in_parent
    805           reply.version = server_entry.version
    806           reply.name = server_entry.name
    807           reply.non_unique_name = server_entry.non_unique_name
    808         else:
    809           reply.version = entry.version + 1
    811   def HandleGetUpdates(self, update_request, update_response):
    812     """Respond to a GetUpdates request by querying the user's account.
    814     Args:
    815       update_request: A sync_pb.GetUpdatesMessage protobuf holding the content
    816         of the client's request.
    817       update_response: A sync_pb.GetUpdatesResponse protobuf into which a reply
    818         to the client request will be written.
    819     """
    820     update_response.SetInParent()
    821     update_sieve = UpdateSieve(update_request)
    822     new_timestamp, entries, remaining = self.account.GetChanges(update_sieve)
    824     update_response.changes_remaining = remaining
    825     for entry in entries:
    826       reply = update_response.entries.add()
    827       reply.CopyFrom(entry)
    828     update_sieve.SaveProgress(new_timestamp, update_response)