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      1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "base/process/process_metrics.h"
      7 #include <dirent.h>
      8 #include <fcntl.h>
      9 #include <sys/stat.h>
     10 #include <sys/time.h>
     11 #include <sys/types.h>
     12 #include <unistd.h>
     14 #include "base/file_util.h"
     15 #include "base/logging.h"
     16 #include "base/process/internal_linux.h"
     17 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
     18 #include "base/strings/string_split.h"
     19 #include "base/strings/string_tokenizer.h"
     20 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     21 #include "base/sys_info.h"
     22 #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
     24 namespace base {
     26 namespace {
     28 enum ParsingState {
     29   KEY_NAME,
     30   KEY_VALUE
     31 };
     33 // Read /proc/<pid>/status and returns the value for |field|, or 0 on failure.
     34 // Only works for fields in the form of "Field: value kB".
     35 size_t ReadProcStatusAndGetFieldAsSizeT(pid_t pid, const std::string& field) {
     36   FilePath stat_file = internal::GetProcPidDir(pid).Append("status");
     37   std::string status;
     38   {
     39     // Synchronously reading files in /proc is safe.
     40     ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
     41     if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(stat_file, &status))
     42       return 0;
     43   }
     45   StringTokenizer tokenizer(status, ":\n");
     46   ParsingState state = KEY_NAME;
     47   StringPiece last_key_name;
     48   while (tokenizer.GetNext()) {
     49     switch (state) {
     50       case KEY_NAME:
     51         last_key_name = tokenizer.token_piece();
     52         state = KEY_VALUE;
     53         break;
     54       case KEY_VALUE:
     55         DCHECK(!last_key_name.empty());
     56         if (last_key_name == field) {
     57           std::string value_str;
     58           tokenizer.token_piece().CopyToString(&value_str);
     59           std::string value_str_trimmed;
     60           TrimWhitespaceASCII(value_str, TRIM_ALL, &value_str_trimmed);
     61           std::vector<std::string> split_value_str;
     62           SplitString(value_str_trimmed, ' ', &split_value_str);
     63           if (split_value_str.size() != 2 || split_value_str[1] != "kB") {
     64             NOTREACHED();
     65             return 0;
     66           }
     67           size_t value;
     68           if (!StringToSizeT(split_value_str[0], &value)) {
     69             NOTREACHED();
     70             return 0;
     71           }
     72           return value;
     73         }
     74         state = KEY_NAME;
     75         break;
     76     }
     77   }
     78   NOTREACHED();
     79   return 0;
     80 }
     82 // Get the total CPU of a single process.  Return value is number of jiffies
     83 // on success or -1 on error.
     84 int GetProcessCPU(pid_t pid) {
     85   // Use /proc/<pid>/task to find all threads and parse their /stat file.
     86   FilePath task_path = internal::GetProcPidDir(pid).Append("task");
     88   DIR* dir = opendir(task_path.value().c_str());
     89   if (!dir) {
     90     DPLOG(ERROR) << "opendir(" << task_path.value() << ")";
     91     return -1;
     92   }
     94   int total_cpu = 0;
     95   while (struct dirent* ent = readdir(dir)) {
     96     pid_t tid = internal::ProcDirSlotToPid(ent->d_name);
     97     if (!tid)
     98       continue;
    100     // Synchronously reading files in /proc is safe.
    101     ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    103     std::string stat;
    104     FilePath stat_path =
    105         task_path.Append(ent->d_name).Append(internal::kStatFile);
    106     if (file_util::ReadFileToString(stat_path, &stat)) {
    107       int cpu = ParseProcStatCPU(stat);
    108       if (cpu > 0)
    109         total_cpu += cpu;
    110     }
    111   }
    112   closedir(dir);
    114   return total_cpu;
    115 }
    117 }  // namespace
    119 // static
    120 ProcessMetrics* ProcessMetrics::CreateProcessMetrics(ProcessHandle process) {
    121   return new ProcessMetrics(process);
    122 }
    124 // On linux, we return vsize.
    125 size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPagefileUsage() const {
    126   return internal::ReadProcStatsAndGetFieldAsSizeT(process_,
    127                                                    internal::VM_VSIZE);
    128 }
    130 // On linux, we return the high water mark of vsize.
    131 size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPeakPagefileUsage() const {
    132   return ReadProcStatusAndGetFieldAsSizeT(process_, "VmPeak") * 1024;
    133 }
    135 // On linux, we return RSS.
    136 size_t ProcessMetrics::GetWorkingSetSize() const {
    137   return internal::ReadProcStatsAndGetFieldAsSizeT(process_, internal::VM_RSS) *
    138       getpagesize();
    139 }
    141 // On linux, we return the high water mark of RSS.
    142 size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPeakWorkingSetSize() const {
    143   return ReadProcStatusAndGetFieldAsSizeT(process_, "VmHWM") * 1024;
    144 }
    146 bool ProcessMetrics::GetMemoryBytes(size_t* private_bytes,
    147                                     size_t* shared_bytes) {
    148   WorkingSetKBytes ws_usage;
    149   if (!GetWorkingSetKBytes(&ws_usage))
    150     return false;
    152   if (private_bytes)
    153     *private_bytes = ws_usage.priv * 1024;
    155   if (shared_bytes)
    156     *shared_bytes = ws_usage.shared * 1024;
    158   return true;
    159 }
    161 bool ProcessMetrics::GetWorkingSetKBytes(WorkingSetKBytes* ws_usage) const {
    162 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
    163   if (GetWorkingSetKBytesTotmaps(ws_usage))
    164     return true;
    165 #endif
    166   return GetWorkingSetKBytesStatm(ws_usage);
    167 }
    169 double ProcessMetrics::GetCPUUsage() {
    170   struct timeval now;
    171   int retval = gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
    172   if (retval)
    173     return 0;
    174   int64 time = TimeValToMicroseconds(now);
    176   if (last_time_ == 0) {
    177     // First call, just set the last values.
    178     last_time_ = time;
    179     last_cpu_ = GetProcessCPU(process_);
    180     return 0;
    181   }
    183   int64 time_delta = time - last_time_;
    184   DCHECK_NE(time_delta, 0);
    185   if (time_delta == 0)
    186     return 0;
    188   int cpu = GetProcessCPU(process_);
    190   // We have the number of jiffies in the time period.  Convert to percentage.
    191   // Note this means we will go *over* 100 in the case where multiple threads
    192   // are together adding to more than one CPU's worth.
    193   TimeDelta cpu_time = internal::ClockTicksToTimeDelta(cpu);
    194   TimeDelta last_cpu_time = internal::ClockTicksToTimeDelta(last_cpu_);
    195   int percentage = 100 * (cpu_time - last_cpu_time).InSecondsF() /
    196       TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(time_delta).InSecondsF();
    198   last_time_ = time;
    199   last_cpu_ = cpu;
    201   return percentage;
    202 }
    204 // To have /proc/self/io file you must enable CONFIG_TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING
    205 // in your kernel configuration.
    206 bool ProcessMetrics::GetIOCounters(IoCounters* io_counters) const {
    207   // Synchronously reading files in /proc is safe.
    208   ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    210   std::string proc_io_contents;
    211   FilePath io_file = internal::GetProcPidDir(process_).Append("io");
    212   if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(io_file, &proc_io_contents))
    213     return false;
    215   (*io_counters).OtherOperationCount = 0;
    216   (*io_counters).OtherTransferCount = 0;
    218   StringTokenizer tokenizer(proc_io_contents, ": \n");
    219   ParsingState state = KEY_NAME;
    220   StringPiece last_key_name;
    221   while (tokenizer.GetNext()) {
    222     switch (state) {
    223       case KEY_NAME:
    224         last_key_name = tokenizer.token_piece();
    225         state = KEY_VALUE;
    226         break;
    227       case KEY_VALUE:
    228         DCHECK(!last_key_name.empty());
    229         if (last_key_name == "syscr") {
    230           StringToInt64(tokenizer.token_piece(),
    231               reinterpret_cast<int64*>(&(*io_counters).ReadOperationCount));
    232         } else if (last_key_name == "syscw") {
    233           StringToInt64(tokenizer.token_piece(),
    234               reinterpret_cast<int64*>(&(*io_counters).WriteOperationCount));
    235         } else if (last_key_name == "rchar") {
    236           StringToInt64(tokenizer.token_piece(),
    237               reinterpret_cast<int64*>(&(*io_counters).ReadTransferCount));
    238         } else if (last_key_name == "wchar") {
    239           StringToInt64(tokenizer.token_piece(),
    240               reinterpret_cast<int64*>(&(*io_counters).WriteTransferCount));
    241         }
    242         state = KEY_NAME;
    243         break;
    244     }
    245   }
    246   return true;
    247 }
    249 ProcessMetrics::ProcessMetrics(ProcessHandle process)
    250     : process_(process),
    251       last_time_(0),
    252       last_system_time_(0),
    253       last_cpu_(0) {
    254   processor_count_ = base::SysInfo::NumberOfProcessors();
    255 }
    257 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
    258 // Private, Shared and Proportional working set sizes are obtained from
    259 // /proc/<pid>/totmaps
    260 bool ProcessMetrics::GetWorkingSetKBytesTotmaps(WorkingSetKBytes *ws_usage)
    261   const {
    262   // The format of /proc/<pid>/totmaps is:
    263   //
    264   // Rss:                6120 kB
    265   // Pss:                3335 kB
    266   // Shared_Clean:       1008 kB
    267   // Shared_Dirty:       4012 kB
    268   // Private_Clean:         4 kB
    269   // Private_Dirty:      1096 kB
    270   // Referenced:          XXX kB
    271   // Anonymous:           XXX kB
    272   // AnonHugePages:       XXX kB
    273   // Swap:                XXX kB
    274   // Locked:              XXX kB
    275   const size_t kPssIndex = (1 * 3) + 1;
    276   const size_t kPrivate_CleanIndex = (4 * 3) + 1;
    277   const size_t kPrivate_DirtyIndex = (5 * 3) + 1;
    278   const size_t kSwapIndex = (9 * 3) + 1;
    280   std::string totmaps_data;
    281   {
    282     FilePath totmaps_file = internal::GetProcPidDir(process_).Append("totmaps");
    283     ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    284     bool ret = file_util::ReadFileToString(totmaps_file, &totmaps_data);
    285     if (!ret || totmaps_data.length() == 0)
    286       return false;
    287   }
    289   std::vector<std::string> totmaps_fields;
    290   SplitStringAlongWhitespace(totmaps_data, &totmaps_fields);
    292   DCHECK_EQ("Pss:", totmaps_fields[kPssIndex-1]);
    293   DCHECK_EQ("Private_Clean:", totmaps_fields[kPrivate_CleanIndex - 1]);
    294   DCHECK_EQ("Private_Dirty:", totmaps_fields[kPrivate_DirtyIndex - 1]);
    295   DCHECK_EQ("Swap:", totmaps_fields[kSwapIndex-1]);
    297   int pss = 0;
    298   int private_clean = 0;
    299   int private_dirty = 0;
    300   int swap = 0;
    301   bool ret = true;
    302   ret &= StringToInt(totmaps_fields[kPssIndex], &pss);
    303   ret &= StringToInt(totmaps_fields[kPrivate_CleanIndex], &private_clean);
    304   ret &= StringToInt(totmaps_fields[kPrivate_DirtyIndex], &private_dirty);
    305   ret &= StringToInt(totmaps_fields[kSwapIndex], &swap);
    307   // On ChromeOS swap is to zram. We count this as private / shared, as
    308   // increased swap decreases available RAM to user processes, which would
    309   // otherwise create surprising results.
    310   ws_usage->priv = private_clean + private_dirty + swap;
    311   ws_usage->shared = pss + swap;
    312   ws_usage->shareable = 0;
    313   ws_usage->swapped = swap;
    314   return ret;
    315 }
    316 #endif
    318 // Private and Shared working set sizes are obtained from /proc/<pid>/statm.
    319 bool ProcessMetrics::GetWorkingSetKBytesStatm(WorkingSetKBytes* ws_usage)
    320     const {
    321   // Use statm instead of smaps because smaps is:
    322   // a) Large and slow to parse.
    323   // b) Unavailable in the SUID sandbox.
    325   // First we need to get the page size, since everything is measured in pages.
    326   // For details, see: man 5 proc.
    327   const int page_size_kb = getpagesize() / 1024;
    328   if (page_size_kb <= 0)
    329     return false;
    331   std::string statm;
    332   {
    333     FilePath statm_file = internal::GetProcPidDir(process_).Append("statm");
    334     // Synchronously reading files in /proc is safe.
    335     ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    336     bool ret = file_util::ReadFileToString(statm_file, &statm);
    337     if (!ret || statm.length() == 0)
    338       return false;
    339   }
    341   std::vector<std::string> statm_vec;
    342   SplitString(statm, ' ', &statm_vec);
    343   if (statm_vec.size() != 7)
    344     return false;  // Not the format we expect.
    346   int statm_rss, statm_shared;
    347   bool ret = true;
    348   ret &= StringToInt(statm_vec[1], &statm_rss);
    349   ret &= StringToInt(statm_vec[2], &statm_shared);
    351   ws_usage->priv = (statm_rss - statm_shared) * page_size_kb;
    352   ws_usage->shared = statm_shared * page_size_kb;
    354   // Sharable is not calculated, as it does not provide interesting data.
    355   ws_usage->shareable = 0;
    357 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
    358   // Can't get swapped memory from statm.
    359   ws_usage->swapped = 0;
    360 #endif
    362   return ret;
    363 }
    365 size_t GetSystemCommitCharge() {
    366   SystemMemoryInfoKB meminfo;
    367   if (!GetSystemMemoryInfo(&meminfo))
    368     return 0;
    369   return meminfo.total - meminfo.free - meminfo.buffers - meminfo.cached;
    370 }
    372 // Exposed for testing.
    373 int ParseProcStatCPU(const std::string& input) {
    374   std::vector<std::string> proc_stats;
    375   if (!internal::ParseProcStats(input, &proc_stats))
    376     return -1;
    378   if (proc_stats.size() <= internal::VM_STIME)
    379     return -1;
    380   int utime = GetProcStatsFieldAsInt(proc_stats, internal::VM_UTIME);
    381   int stime = GetProcStatsFieldAsInt(proc_stats, internal::VM_STIME);
    382   return utime + stime;
    383 }
    385 namespace {
    387 // The format of /proc/meminfo is:
    388 //
    389 // MemTotal:      8235324 kB
    390 // MemFree:       1628304 kB
    391 // Buffers:        429596 kB
    392 // Cached:        4728232 kB
    393 // ...
    394 const size_t kMemTotalIndex = 1;
    395 const size_t kMemFreeIndex = 4;
    396 const size_t kMemBuffersIndex = 7;
    397 const size_t kMemCachedIndex = 10;
    398 const size_t kMemActiveAnonIndex = 22;
    399 const size_t kMemInactiveAnonIndex = 25;
    400 const size_t kMemActiveFileIndex = 28;
    401 const size_t kMemInactiveFileIndex = 31;
    403 }  // namespace
    405 SystemMemoryInfoKB::SystemMemoryInfoKB()
    406     : total(0),
    407       free(0),
    408       buffers(0),
    409       cached(0),
    410       active_anon(0),
    411       inactive_anon(0),
    412       active_file(0),
    413       inactive_file(0),
    414       shmem(0),
    415       gem_objects(-1),
    416       gem_size(-1) {
    417 }
    419 bool GetSystemMemoryInfo(SystemMemoryInfoKB* meminfo) {
    420   // Synchronously reading files in /proc is safe.
    421   ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    423   // Used memory is: total - free - buffers - caches
    424   FilePath meminfo_file("/proc/meminfo");
    425   std::string meminfo_data;
    426   if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(meminfo_file, &meminfo_data)) {
    427     DLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to open " << meminfo_file.value();
    428     return false;
    429   }
    430   std::vector<std::string> meminfo_fields;
    431   SplitStringAlongWhitespace(meminfo_data, &meminfo_fields);
    433   if (meminfo_fields.size() < kMemCachedIndex) {
    434     DLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to parse " << meminfo_file.value()
    435                   << ".  Only found " << meminfo_fields.size() << " fields.";
    436     return false;
    437   }
    439   DCHECK_EQ(meminfo_fields[kMemTotalIndex-1], "MemTotal:");
    440   DCHECK_EQ(meminfo_fields[kMemFreeIndex-1], "MemFree:");
    441   DCHECK_EQ(meminfo_fields[kMemBuffersIndex-1], "Buffers:");
    442   DCHECK_EQ(meminfo_fields[kMemCachedIndex-1], "Cached:");
    443   DCHECK_EQ(meminfo_fields[kMemActiveAnonIndex-1], "Active(anon):");
    444   DCHECK_EQ(meminfo_fields[kMemInactiveAnonIndex-1], "Inactive(anon):");
    445   DCHECK_EQ(meminfo_fields[kMemActiveFileIndex-1], "Active(file):");
    446   DCHECK_EQ(meminfo_fields[kMemInactiveFileIndex-1], "Inactive(file):");
    448   StringToInt(meminfo_fields[kMemTotalIndex], &meminfo->total);
    449   StringToInt(meminfo_fields[kMemFreeIndex], &meminfo->free);
    450   StringToInt(meminfo_fields[kMemBuffersIndex], &meminfo->buffers);
    451   StringToInt(meminfo_fields[kMemCachedIndex], &meminfo->cached);
    452   StringToInt(meminfo_fields[kMemActiveAnonIndex], &meminfo->active_anon);
    453   StringToInt(meminfo_fields[kMemInactiveAnonIndex],
    454                     &meminfo->inactive_anon);
    455   StringToInt(meminfo_fields[kMemActiveFileIndex], &meminfo->active_file);
    456   StringToInt(meminfo_fields[kMemInactiveFileIndex],
    457                     &meminfo->inactive_file);
    458 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
    459   // Chrome OS has a tweaked kernel that allows us to query Shmem, which is
    460   // usually video memory otherwise invisible to the OS.  Unfortunately, the
    461   // meminfo format varies on different hardware so we have to search for the
    462   // string.  It always appears after "Cached:".
    463   for (size_t i = kMemCachedIndex+2; i < meminfo_fields.size(); i += 3) {
    464     if (meminfo_fields[i] == "Shmem:") {
    465       StringToInt(meminfo_fields[i+1], &meminfo->shmem);
    466       break;
    467     }
    468   }
    470   // Report on Chrome OS GEM object graphics memory. /var/run/debugfs_gpu is a
    471   // bind mount into /sys/kernel/debug and synchronously reading the in-memory
    472   // files in /sys is fast.
    473 #if defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
    474   FilePath geminfo_file("/var/run/debugfs_gpu/exynos_gem_objects");
    475 #else
    476   FilePath geminfo_file("/var/run/debugfs_gpu/i915_gem_objects");
    477 #endif
    478   std::string geminfo_data;
    479   meminfo->gem_objects = -1;
    480   meminfo->gem_size = -1;
    481   if (file_util::ReadFileToString(geminfo_file, &geminfo_data)) {
    482     int gem_objects = -1;
    483     long long gem_size = -1;
    484     int num_res = sscanf(geminfo_data.c_str(),
    485                          "%d objects, %lld bytes",
    486                          &gem_objects, &gem_size);
    487     if (num_res == 2) {
    488       meminfo->gem_objects = gem_objects;
    489       meminfo->gem_size = gem_size;
    490     }
    491   }
    493 #if defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
    494   // Incorporate Mali graphics memory if present.
    495   FilePath mali_memory_file("/sys/devices/platform/mali.0/memory");
    496   std::string mali_memory_data;
    497   if (file_util::ReadFileToString(mali_memory_file, &mali_memory_data)) {
    498     long long mali_size = -1;
    499     int num_res = sscanf(mali_memory_data.c_str(), "%lld bytes", &mali_size);
    500     if (num_res == 1)
    501       meminfo->gem_size += mali_size;
    502   }
    503 #endif  // defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
    504 #endif  // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
    506   return true;
    507 }
    509 const char kProcSelfExe[] = "/proc/self/exe";
    511 int GetNumberOfThreads(ProcessHandle process) {
    512   return internal::ReadProcStatsAndGetFieldAsInt(process,
    513                                                  internal::VM_NUMTHREADS);
    514 }
    516 }  // namespace base