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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include "base/basictypes.h"
      9 #include "base/callback.h"
     10 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
     11 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
     12 #include "chrome/browser/common/cancelable_request.h"
     13 #include "chrome/browser/history/history_service.h"
     14 #include "chrome/browser/history/history_types.h"
     15 #include "chrome/common/thumbnail_score.h"
     16 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
     17 #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
     18 #include "url/gurl.h"
     20 class Profile;
     22 namespace base {
     23 class FilePath;
     24 class RefCountedBytes;
     25 class RefCountedMemory;
     26 }
     28 namespace history {
     30 class TopSitesCache;
     32 // Interface for TopSites, which stores the data for the top "most visited"
     33 // sites. This includes a cache of the most visited data from history, as well
     34 // as the corresponding thumbnails of those sites.
     35 //
     36 // Some methods should only be called from the UI thread (see method
     37 // descriptions below). All others are assumed to be threadsafe.
     38 class TopSites
     39     : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TopSites>,
     40       public content::NotificationObserver {
     41  public:
     42   TopSites() {}
     44   // Initializes TopSites.
     45   static TopSites* Create(Profile* profile, const base::FilePath& db_name);
     47   // Sets the given thumbnail for the given URL. Returns true if the thumbnail
     48   // was updated. False means either the URL wasn't known to us, or we felt
     49   // that our current thumbnail was superior to the given one. Should be called
     50   // from the UI thread.
     51   virtual bool SetPageThumbnail(const GURL& url,
     52                                 const gfx::Image& thumbnail,
     53                                 const ThumbnailScore& score) = 0;
     55   // While testing the history system, we want to set the thumbnail to a piece
     56   // of static memory.
     57   virtual bool SetPageThumbnailToJPEGBytes(
     58       const GURL& url,
     59       const base::RefCountedMemory* memory,
     60       const ThumbnailScore& score) = 0;
     62   typedef base::Callback<void(const MostVisitedURLList&)>
     63       GetMostVisitedURLsCallback;
     64   typedef std::vector<GetMostVisitedURLsCallback> PendingCallbacks;
     66   // Returns a list of most visited URLs via a callback. This may be invoked on
     67   // any thread.
     68   // NOTE: the callback is called immediately if we have the data cached. If
     69   // data is not available yet, callback will later be posted to the thread
     70   // called this function.
     71   virtual void GetMostVisitedURLs(
     72       const GetMostVisitedURLsCallback& callback) = 0;
     74   // Get a thumbnail for a given page. Returns true iff we have the thumbnail.
     75   // This may be invoked on any thread.
     76   // As this method may be invoked on any thread the ref count needs to be
     77   // incremented before this method returns, so this takes a scoped_refptr*.
     78   virtual bool GetPageThumbnail(
     79       const GURL& url, scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory>* bytes) = 0;
     81   // Get a thumbnail score for a given page. Returns true iff we have the
     82   // thumbnail score.  This may be invoked on any thread. The score will
     83   // be copied to |score|.
     84   virtual bool GetPageThumbnailScore(const GURL& url,
     85                                      ThumbnailScore* score) = 0;
     87   // Get a temporary thumbnail score for a given page. Returns true iff we
     88   // have the thumbnail score. Useful when checking if we should update a
     89   // thumbnail for a given page. The score will be copied to |score|.
     90   virtual bool GetTemporaryPageThumbnailScore(const GURL& url,
     91                                               ThumbnailScore* score) = 0;
     93   // Invoked from History if migration is needed. If this is invoked it will
     94   // be before HistoryLoaded is invoked. Should be called from the UI thread.
     95   virtual void MigrateFromHistory() = 0;
     97   // Invoked with data from migrating thumbnails out of history. Should be
     98   // called from the UI thread.
     99   virtual void FinishHistoryMigration(const ThumbnailMigration& data) = 0;
    101   // Invoked from history when it finishes loading. If MigrateFromHistory was
    102   // not invoked at this point then we load from the top sites service. Should
    103   // be called from the UI thread.
    104   virtual void HistoryLoaded() = 0;
    106   // Asks TopSites to refresh what it thinks the top sites are. This may do
    107   // nothing. Should be called from the UI thread.
    108   virtual void SyncWithHistory() = 0;
    110   // Blacklisted URLs
    112   // Returns true if there is at least one item in the blacklist.
    113   virtual bool HasBlacklistedItems() const = 0;
    115   // Add a URL to the blacklist. Should be called from the UI thread.
    116   virtual void AddBlacklistedURL(const GURL& url) = 0;
    118   // Removes a URL from the blacklist. Should be called from the UI thread.
    119   virtual void RemoveBlacklistedURL(const GURL& url) = 0;
    121   // Returns true if the URL is blacklisted. Should be called from the UI
    122   // thread.
    123   virtual bool IsBlacklisted(const GURL& url) = 0;
    125   // Clear the blacklist. Should be called from the UI thread.
    126   virtual void ClearBlacklistedURLs() = 0;
    128   // Shuts down top sites.
    129   virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
    131   // Query history service for the list of available thumbnails. Returns the
    132   // handle for the request, or NULL if a request could not be made.
    133   // Public only for testing purposes.
    134   virtual CancelableRequestProvider::Handle StartQueryForMostVisited() = 0;
    136   // Returns true if the given URL is known to the top sites service.
    137   // This function also returns false if TopSites isn't loaded yet.
    138   virtual bool IsKnownURL(const GURL& url) = 0;
    140   // Follows the cached redirect chain to convert any URL to its
    141   // canonical version. If no redirect chain is known for the URL,
    142   // return it without modification.
    143   virtual const std::string& GetCanonicalURLString(const GURL& url) const = 0;
    145   // Returns true if the top sites list is full (i.e. we already have the
    146   // maximum number of top sites).  This function also returns false if
    147   // TopSites isn't loaded yet.
    148   virtual bool IsFull() = 0;
    150   virtual bool loaded() const = 0;
    152   // Returns the set of prepopulate pages.
    153   virtual MostVisitedURLList GetPrepopulatePages() = 0;
    155   struct PrepopulatedPage {
    156     // The string resource for the url.
    157     int url_id;
    158     // The string resource for the page title.
    159     int title_id;
    160     // The raw data resource for the favicon.
    161     int favicon_id;
    162     // The raw data resource for the thumbnail.
    163     int thumbnail_id;
    164     // The best color to highlight the page (should roughly match favicon).
    165     SkColor color;
    166   };
    167  protected:
    168   virtual ~TopSites() {}
    170  private:
    171   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TopSites>;
    172 };
    174 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
    175 extern const TopSites::PrepopulatedPage kPrepopulatedPages[1];
    176 #else
    177 extern const TopSites::PrepopulatedPage kPrepopulatedPages[2];
    178 #endif
    180 }  // namespace history