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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/prefs/session_startup_pref.h"
      7 #include <string>
      9 #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
     10 #include "base/values.h"
     11 #include "base/version.h"
     12 #include "chrome/browser/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h"
     13 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
     14 #include "chrome/common/net/url_fixer_upper.h"
     15 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
     16 #include "components/user_prefs/pref_registry_syncable.h"
     18 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
     19 #include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/window_restore_utils.h"
     20 #endif
     22 namespace {
     24 // Converts a SessionStartupPref::Type to an integer written to prefs.
     25 int TypeToPrefValue(SessionStartupPref::Type type) {
     26   switch (type) {
     27     case SessionStartupPref::LAST: return SessionStartupPref::kPrefValueLast;
     28     case SessionStartupPref::URLS: return SessionStartupPref::kPrefValueURLs;
     29     default:                       return SessionStartupPref::kPrefValueNewTab;
     30   }
     31 }
     33 void SetNewURLList(PrefService* prefs) {
     34   if (prefs->IsUserModifiablePreference(prefs::kURLsToRestoreOnStartup)) {
     35     base::ListValue new_url_pref_list;
     36     base::StringValue* home_page =
     37         new base::StringValue(prefs->GetString(prefs::kHomePage));
     38     new_url_pref_list.Append(home_page);
     39     prefs->Set(prefs::kURLsToRestoreOnStartup, new_url_pref_list);
     40   }
     41 }
     43 void URLListToPref(const base::ListValue* url_list, SessionStartupPref* pref) {
     44   pref->urls.clear();
     45   for (size_t i = 0; i < url_list->GetSize(); ++i) {
     46     std::string url_text;
     47     if (url_list->GetString(i, &url_text)) {
     48       GURL fixed_url = URLFixerUpper::FixupURL(url_text, std::string());
     49       pref->urls.push_back(fixed_url);
     50     }
     51   }
     52 }
     54 }  // namespace
     56 // static
     57 void SessionStartupPref::RegisterProfilePrefs(
     58     user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry) {
     59   registry->RegisterIntegerPref(
     60       prefs::kRestoreOnStartup,
     61       TypeToPrefValue(GetDefaultStartupType()),
     62       user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::SYNCABLE_PREF);
     63   registry->RegisterListPref(prefs::kURLsToRestoreOnStartup,
     64                              user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::SYNCABLE_PREF);
     65   registry->RegisterBooleanPref(
     66       prefs::kRestoreOnStartupMigrated,
     67       false,
     68       user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::UNSYNCABLE_PREF);
     69 }
     71 // static
     72 SessionStartupPref::Type SessionStartupPref::GetDefaultStartupType() {
     73 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
     74   return SessionStartupPref::LAST;
     75 #else
     76   return SessionStartupPref::DEFAULT;
     77 #endif
     78 }
     80 // static
     81 void SessionStartupPref::SetStartupPref(
     82     Profile* profile,
     83     const SessionStartupPref& pref) {
     84   DCHECK(profile);
     85   SetStartupPref(profile->GetPrefs(), pref);
     86 }
     88 // static
     89 void SessionStartupPref::SetStartupPref(PrefService* prefs,
     90                                         const SessionStartupPref& pref) {
     91   DCHECK(prefs);
     93   if (!SessionStartupPref::TypeIsManaged(prefs))
     94     prefs->SetInteger(prefs::kRestoreOnStartup, TypeToPrefValue(pref.type));
     96   if (!SessionStartupPref::URLsAreManaged(prefs)) {
     97     // Always save the URLs, that way the UI can remain consistent even if the
     98     // user changes the startup type pref.
     99     // Ownership of the ListValue retains with the pref service.
    100     ListPrefUpdate update(prefs, prefs::kURLsToRestoreOnStartup);
    101     ListValue* url_pref_list = update.Get();
    102     DCHECK(url_pref_list);
    103     url_pref_list->Clear();
    104     for (size_t i = 0; i < pref.urls.size(); ++i) {
    105       url_pref_list->Set(static_cast<int>(i),
    106                          new StringValue(pref.urls[i].spec()));
    107     }
    108   }
    109 }
    111 // static
    112 SessionStartupPref SessionStartupPref::GetStartupPref(Profile* profile) {
    113   DCHECK(profile);
    114   return GetStartupPref(profile->GetPrefs());
    115 }
    117 // static
    118 SessionStartupPref SessionStartupPref::GetStartupPref(PrefService* prefs) {
    119   DCHECK(prefs);
    121   MigrateIfNecessary(prefs);
    122   MigrateMacDefaultPrefIfNecessary(prefs);
    124   SessionStartupPref pref(
    125       PrefValueToType(prefs->GetInteger(prefs::kRestoreOnStartup)));
    127   // Always load the urls, even if the pref type isn't URLS. This way the
    128   // preferences panels can show the user their last choice.
    129   const ListValue* url_list = prefs->GetList(prefs::kURLsToRestoreOnStartup);
    130   URLListToPref(url_list, &pref);
    132   return pref;
    133 }
    135 // static
    136 void SessionStartupPref::MigrateIfNecessary(PrefService* prefs) {
    137   DCHECK(prefs);
    139   if (!prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kRestoreOnStartupMigrated)) {
    140     // Read existing values
    141     const base::Value* homepage_is_new_tab_page_value =
    142         prefs->GetUserPrefValue(prefs::kHomePageIsNewTabPage);
    143     bool homepage_is_new_tab_page = true;
    144     if (homepage_is_new_tab_page_value) {
    145       if (!homepage_is_new_tab_page_value->GetAsBoolean(
    146               &homepage_is_new_tab_page))
    147         NOTREACHED();
    148     }
    150     const base::Value* restore_on_startup_value =
    151         prefs->GetUserPrefValue(prefs::kRestoreOnStartup);
    152     int restore_on_startup = -1;
    153     if (restore_on_startup_value) {
    154       if (!restore_on_startup_value->GetAsInteger(&restore_on_startup))
    155         NOTREACHED();
    156     }
    158     // If restore_on_startup has the deprecated value kPrefValueHomePage,
    159     // migrate it to open the homepage on startup. If 'homepage is NTP' is set,
    160     // that means just opening the NTP. If not, it means opening a one-item URL
    161     // list containing the homepage.
    162     if (restore_on_startup == kPrefValueHomePage) {
    163       if (homepage_is_new_tab_page) {
    164         prefs->SetInteger(prefs::kRestoreOnStartup, kPrefValueNewTab);
    165       } else {
    166         prefs->SetInteger(prefs::kRestoreOnStartup, kPrefValueURLs);
    167         SetNewURLList(prefs);
    168       }
    169     } else if (!restore_on_startup_value && !homepage_is_new_tab_page &&
    170                GetDefaultStartupType() == DEFAULT) {
    171       // kRestoreOnStartup was never set by the user, but the homepage was set.
    172       // Migrate to the list of URLs. (If restore_on_startup was never set,
    173       // and homepage_is_new_tab_page is true, no action is needed. The new
    174       // default value is "open the new tab page" which is what we want.)
    175       prefs->SetInteger(prefs::kRestoreOnStartup, kPrefValueURLs);
    176       SetNewURLList(prefs);
    177     }
    179     prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kRestoreOnStartupMigrated, true);
    180   }
    181 }
    183 // static
    184 void SessionStartupPref::MigrateMacDefaultPrefIfNecessary(PrefService* prefs) {
    185 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
    186   DCHECK(prefs);
    187   if (!restore_utils::IsWindowRestoreEnabled())
    188     return;
    189   // The default startup pref used to be LAST, now it is DEFAULT. Don't change
    190   // the setting for existing profiles (even if the user has never changed it),
    191   // but make new profiles default to DEFAULT.
    192   bool old_profile_version =
    193       !prefs->FindPreference(
    194           prefs::kProfileCreatedByVersion)->IsDefaultValue() &&
    195       Version(prefs->GetString(prefs::kProfileCreatedByVersion)).IsOlderThan(
    196           "21.0.1180.0");
    197   if (old_profile_version && TypeIsDefault(prefs))
    198     prefs->SetInteger(prefs::kRestoreOnStartup, kPrefValueLast);
    199 #endif
    200 }
    202 // static
    203 bool SessionStartupPref::TypeIsManaged(PrefService* prefs) {
    204   DCHECK(prefs);
    205   const PrefService::Preference* pref_restore =
    206       prefs->FindPreference(prefs::kRestoreOnStartup);
    207   DCHECK(pref_restore);
    208   return pref_restore->IsManaged();
    209 }
    211 // static
    212 bool SessionStartupPref::URLsAreManaged(PrefService* prefs) {
    213   DCHECK(prefs);
    214   const PrefService::Preference* pref_urls =
    215       prefs->FindPreference(prefs::kURLsToRestoreOnStartup);
    216   DCHECK(pref_urls);
    217   return pref_urls->IsManaged();
    218 }
    220 // static
    221 bool SessionStartupPref::TypeIsDefault(PrefService* prefs) {
    222   DCHECK(prefs);
    223   const PrefService::Preference* pref_restore =
    224       prefs->FindPreference(prefs::kRestoreOnStartup);
    225   DCHECK(pref_restore);
    226   return pref_restore->IsDefaultValue();
    227 }
    229 // static
    230 SessionStartupPref::Type SessionStartupPref::PrefValueToType(int pref_value) {
    231   switch (pref_value) {
    232     case kPrefValueLast:     return SessionStartupPref::LAST;
    233     case kPrefValueURLs:     return SessionStartupPref::URLS;
    234     case kPrefValueHomePage: return SessionStartupPref::HOMEPAGE;
    235     default:                 return SessionStartupPref::DEFAULT;
    236   }
    237 }
    239 SessionStartupPref::SessionStartupPref(Type type) : type(type) {}
    241 SessionStartupPref::~SessionStartupPref() {}