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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/sync_test.h"
      7 #include <vector>
      9 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     10 #include "base/bind.h"
     11 #include "base/command_line.h"
     12 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
     13 #include "base/path_service.h"
     14 #include "base/process/launch.h"
     15 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     16 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
     17 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
     18 #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
     19 #include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
     20 #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
     21 #include "base/values.h"
     22 #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model_factory.h"
     23 #include "chrome/browser/google/google_url_tracker.h"
     24 #include "chrome/browser/history/history_service_factory.h"
     25 #include "chrome/browser/invalidation/invalidation_service_factory.h"
     26 #include "chrome/browser/invalidation/p2p_invalidation_service.h"
     27 #include "chrome/browser/lifetime/application_lifetime.h"
     28 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
     29 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_manager.h"
     30 #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
     31 #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service_factory.h"
     32 #include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service_factory.h"
     33 #include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service_harness.h"
     34 #include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/sync_datatype_helper.h"
     35 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
     36 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_finder.h"
     37 #include "chrome/browser/ui/host_desktop.h"
     38 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
     39 #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
     40 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
     41 #include "chrome/test/base/testing_browser_process.h"
     42 #include "chrome/test/base/ui_test_utils.h"
     43 #include "components/webdata/encryptor/encryptor.h"
     44 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
     45 #include "content/public/test/test_browser_thread.h"
     46 #include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_urls.h"
     47 #include "net/base/escape.h"
     48 #include "net/base/load_flags.h"
     49 #include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
     50 #include "net/proxy/proxy_config.h"
     51 #include "net/proxy/proxy_config_service_fixed.h"
     52 #include "net/proxy/proxy_service.h"
     53 #include "net/test/spawned_test_server/spawned_test_server.h"
     54 #include "net/url_request/test_url_fetcher_factory.h"
     55 #include "net/url_request/url_fetcher.h"
     56 #include "net/url_request/url_fetcher_delegate.h"
     57 #include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
     58 #include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h"
     59 #include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h"
     60 #include "sync/engine/sync_scheduler_impl.h"
     61 #include "sync/notifier/p2p_invalidator.h"
     62 #include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
     63 #include "url/gurl.h"
     65 using content::BrowserThread;
     66 using invalidation::InvalidationServiceFactory;
     68 namespace switches {
     69 const char kPasswordFileForTest[] = "password-file-for-test";
     70 const char kSyncUserForTest[] = "sync-user-for-test";
     71 const char kSyncPasswordForTest[] = "sync-password-for-test";
     72 const char kSyncServerCommandLine[] = "sync-server-command-line";
     73 }
     75 // Helper class that checks whether a sync test server is running or not.
     76 class SyncServerStatusChecker : public net::URLFetcherDelegate {
     77  public:
     78   SyncServerStatusChecker() : running_(false) {}
     80   virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const net::URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE {
     81     std::string data;
     82     source->GetResponseAsString(&data);
     83     running_ =
     84         (source->GetStatus().status() == net::URLRequestStatus::SUCCESS &&
     85         source->GetResponseCode() == 200 && data.find("ok") == 0);
     86     base::MessageLoop::current()->Quit();
     87   }
     89   bool running() const { return running_; }
     91  private:
     92   bool running_;
     93 };
     95 void SetProxyConfigCallback(
     96     base::WaitableEvent* done,
     97     net::URLRequestContextGetter* url_request_context_getter,
     98     const net::ProxyConfig& proxy_config) {
     99   net::ProxyService* proxy_service =
    100       url_request_context_getter->GetURLRequestContext()->proxy_service();
    101   proxy_service->ResetConfigService(
    102       new net::ProxyConfigServiceFixed(proxy_config));
    103   done->Signal();
    104 }
    106 SyncTest::SyncTest(TestType test_type)
    107     : test_type_(test_type),
    108       server_type_(SERVER_TYPE_UNDECIDED),
    109       num_clients_(-1),
    110       use_verifier_(true),
    111       notifications_enabled_(true),
    112       test_server_handle_(base::kNullProcessHandle),
    113       number_of_default_sync_items_(0) {
    114   sync_datatype_helper::AssociateWithTest(this);
    115   switch (test_type_) {
    116     case SINGLE_CLIENT: {
    117       num_clients_ = 1;
    118       break;
    119     }
    120     case TWO_CLIENT: {
    121       num_clients_ = 2;
    122       break;
    123     }
    124     case MULTIPLE_CLIENT: {
    125       num_clients_ = 3;
    126       break;
    127     }
    128   }
    129 }
    131 SyncTest::~SyncTest() {}
    133 void SyncTest::SetUp() {
    134   CommandLine* cl = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
    135   if (cl->HasSwitch(switches::kPasswordFileForTest)) {
    136     ReadPasswordFile();
    137   } else if (cl->HasSwitch(switches::kSyncUserForTest) &&
    138              cl->HasSwitch(switches::kSyncPasswordForTest)) {
    139     username_ = cl->GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kSyncUserForTest);
    140     password_ = cl->GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kSyncPasswordForTest);
    141   } else {
    142     SetupMockGaiaResponses();
    143   }
    145   if (!cl->HasSwitch(switches::kSyncServiceURL) &&
    146       !cl->HasSwitch(switches::kSyncServerCommandLine)) {
    147     // If neither a sync server URL nor a sync server command line is
    148     // provided, start up a local python sync test server and point Chrome
    149     // to its URL.  This is the most common configuration, and the only
    150     // one that makes sense for most developers.
    151     server_type_ = LOCAL_PYTHON_SERVER;
    152   } else if (cl->HasSwitch(switches::kSyncServiceURL) &&
    153              cl->HasSwitch(switches::kSyncServerCommandLine)) {
    154     // If a sync server URL and a sync server command line are provided,
    155     // start up a local sync server by running the command line. Chrome
    156     // will connect to the server at the URL that was provided.
    157     server_type_ = LOCAL_LIVE_SERVER;
    158   } else if (cl->HasSwitch(switches::kSyncServiceURL) &&
    159              !cl->HasSwitch(switches::kSyncServerCommandLine)) {
    160     // If a sync server URL is provided, but not a server command line,
    161     // it is assumed that the server is already running. Chrome will
    162     // automatically connect to it at the URL provided. There is nothing
    163     // to do here.
    164     server_type_ = EXTERNAL_LIVE_SERVER;
    165   } else {
    166     // If a sync server command line is provided, but not a server URL,
    167     // we flag an error.
    168     LOG(FATAL) << "Can't figure out how to run a server.";
    169   }
    171   if (username_.empty() || password_.empty())
    172     LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot run sync tests without GAIA credentials.";
    174   // Mock the Mac Keychain service.  The real Keychain can block on user input.
    175 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
    176   Encryptor::UseMockKeychain(true);
    177 #endif
    179   // Yield control back to the InProcessBrowserTest framework.
    180   InProcessBrowserTest::SetUp();
    181 }
    183 void SyncTest::TearDown() {
    184   // Clear any mock gaia responses that might have been set.
    185   ClearMockGaiaResponses();
    187   // Allow the InProcessBrowserTest framework to perform its tear down.
    188   InProcessBrowserTest::TearDown();
    190   // Stop the local python test server. This is a no-op if one wasn't started.
    191   TearDownLocalPythonTestServer();
    193   // Stop the local sync test server. This is a no-op if one wasn't started.
    194   TearDownLocalTestServer();
    195 }
    197 void SyncTest::SetUpCommandLine(CommandLine* cl) {
    198   AddTestSwitches(cl);
    199   AddOptionalTypesToCommandLine(cl);
    200 }
    202 void SyncTest::AddTestSwitches(CommandLine* cl) {
    203   // Disable non-essential access of external network resources.
    204   if (!cl->HasSwitch(switches::kDisableBackgroundNetworking))
    205     cl->AppendSwitch(switches::kDisableBackgroundNetworking);
    207   if (!cl->HasSwitch(switches::kSyncShortInitialRetryOverride))
    208     cl->AppendSwitch(switches::kSyncShortInitialRetryOverride);
    210   // TODO(sync): Fix enable_disable_test.cc to play nice with priority
    211   // preferences.
    212   if (!cl->HasSwitch(switches::kDisableSyncPriorityPreferences))
    213     cl->AppendSwitch(switches::kDisableSyncPriorityPreferences);
    214 }
    216 void SyncTest::AddOptionalTypesToCommandLine(CommandLine* cl) {}
    218 // static
    219 Profile* SyncTest::MakeProfile(const base::FilePath::StringType name) {
    220   base::FilePath path;
    221   PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DATA, &path);
    222   path = path.Append(name);
    224   if (!base::PathExists(path))
    225     CHECK(file_util::CreateDirectory(path));
    227   Profile* profile =
    228       Profile::CreateProfile(path, NULL, Profile::CREATE_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS);
    229   g_browser_process->profile_manager()->RegisterTestingProfile(profile,
    230                                                                true,
    231                                                                true);
    232   return profile;
    233 }
    235 Profile* SyncTest::GetProfile(int index) {
    236   if (profiles_.empty())
    237     LOG(FATAL) << "SetupClients() has not yet been called.";
    238   if (index < 0 || index >= static_cast<int>(profiles_.size()))
    239     LOG(FATAL) << "GetProfile(): Index is out of bounds.";
    240   return profiles_[index];
    241 }
    243 Browser* SyncTest::GetBrowser(int index) {
    244   if (browsers_.empty())
    245     LOG(FATAL) << "SetupClients() has not yet been called.";
    246   if (index < 0 || index >= static_cast<int>(browsers_.size()))
    247     LOG(FATAL) << "GetBrowser(): Index is out of bounds.";
    248   return browsers_[index];
    249 }
    251 ProfileSyncServiceHarness* SyncTest::GetClient(int index) {
    252   if (clients_.empty())
    253     LOG(FATAL) << "SetupClients() has not yet been called.";
    254   if (index < 0 || index >= static_cast<int>(clients_.size()))
    255     LOG(FATAL) << "GetClient(): Index is out of bounds.";
    256   return clients_[index];
    257 }
    259 Profile* SyncTest::verifier() {
    260   if (verifier_ == NULL)
    261     LOG(FATAL) << "SetupClients() has not yet been called.";
    262   return verifier_;
    263 }
    265 void SyncTest::DisableVerifier() {
    266   use_verifier_ = false;
    267 }
    269 bool SyncTest::SetupClients() {
    270   if (num_clients_ <= 0)
    271     LOG(FATAL) << "num_clients_ incorrectly initialized.";
    272   if (!profiles_.empty() || !browsers_.empty() || !clients_.empty())
    273     LOG(FATAL) << "SetupClients() has already been called.";
    275   // Start up a sync test server if one is needed.
    276   SetUpTestServerIfRequired();
    278   // Create the required number of sync profiles, browsers and clients.
    279   profiles_.resize(num_clients_);
    280   browsers_.resize(num_clients_);
    281   clients_.resize(num_clients_);
    282   for (int i = 0; i < num_clients_; ++i) {
    283     InitializeInstance(i);
    284   }
    286   // Create the verifier profile.
    287   verifier_ = MakeProfile(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Verifier"));
    288   ui_test_utils::WaitForBookmarkModelToLoad(
    289       BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(verifier()));
    290   ui_test_utils::WaitForHistoryToLoad(HistoryServiceFactory::GetForProfile(
    291       verifier(), Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS));
    292   ui_test_utils::WaitForTemplateURLServiceToLoad(
    293       TemplateURLServiceFactory::GetForProfile(verifier()));
    294   return (verifier_ != NULL);
    295 }
    297 void SyncTest::InitializeInstance(int index) {
    298   profiles_[index] = MakeProfile(
    299       base::StringPrintf(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Profile%d"), index));
    300   EXPECT_FALSE(GetProfile(index) == NULL) << "Could not create Profile "
    301                                           << index << ".";
    303   browsers_[index] = new Browser(Browser::CreateParams(
    304       GetProfile(index), chrome::GetActiveDesktop()));
    305   EXPECT_FALSE(GetBrowser(index) == NULL) << "Could not create Browser "
    306                                           << index << ".";
    308   invalidation::P2PInvalidationService* p2p_invalidation_service =
    309       InvalidationServiceFactory::GetInstance()->
    310           BuildAndUseP2PInvalidationServiceForTest(GetProfile(index));
    311   p2p_invalidation_service->UpdateCredentials(username_, password_);
    313   // Make sure the ProfileSyncService has been created before creating the
    314   // ProfileSyncServiceHarness - some tests expect the ProfileSyncService to
    315   // already exist.
    316   ProfileSyncServiceFactory::GetForProfile(GetProfile(index));
    318   clients_[index] =
    319       ProfileSyncServiceHarness::CreateForIntegrationTest(
    320           GetProfile(index),
    321           username_,
    322           password_,
    323           p2p_invalidation_service);
    324   EXPECT_FALSE(GetClient(index) == NULL) << "Could not create Client "
    325                                          << index << ".";
    327   ui_test_utils::WaitForBookmarkModelToLoad(
    328       BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(GetProfile(index)));
    329   ui_test_utils::WaitForHistoryToLoad(HistoryServiceFactory::GetForProfile(
    330       GetProfile(index), Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS));
    331   ui_test_utils::WaitForTemplateURLServiceToLoad(
    332       TemplateURLServiceFactory::GetForProfile(GetProfile(index)));
    333 }
    335 bool SyncTest::SetupSync() {
    336   // Create sync profiles and clients if they haven't already been created.
    337   if (profiles_.empty()) {
    338     if (!SetupClients())
    339       LOG(FATAL) << "SetupClients() failed.";
    340   }
    342   // Sync each of the profiles.
    343   for (int i = 0; i < num_clients_; ++i) {
    344     if (!GetClient(i)->SetupSync())
    345       LOG(FATAL) << "SetupSync() failed.";
    346   }
    348   // Because clients may modify sync data as part of startup (for example local
    349   // session-releated data is rewritten), we need to ensure all startup-based
    350   // changes have propagated between the clients.
    351   AwaitQuiescence();
    353   // The number of default entries is the number of entries existing after
    354   // sync startup excluding top level folders and other permanent items.
    355   // This value must be updated whenever new permanent items are added (although
    356   // this should handle new datatype-specific top level folders).
    357   number_of_default_sync_items_ = GetClient(0)->GetNumEntries() -
    358                                   GetClient(0)->GetNumDatatypes() - 6;
    359   DVLOG(1) << "Setting " << number_of_default_sync_items_ << " as default "
    360            << " number of entries.";
    362   return true;
    363 }
    365 void SyncTest::CleanUpOnMainThread() {
    366   for (size_t i = 0; i < clients_.size(); ++i) {
    367     clients_[i]->service()->DisableForUser();
    368   }
    370   // Some of the pending messages might rely on browser windows still being
    371   // around, so run messages both before and after closing all browsers.
    372   content::RunAllPendingInMessageLoop();
    373   // Close all browser windows.
    374   chrome::CloseAllBrowsers();
    375   content::RunAllPendingInMessageLoop();
    377   // All browsers should be closed at this point, or else we could see memory
    378   // corruption in QuitBrowser().
    379   CHECK_EQ(0U, chrome::GetTotalBrowserCount());
    380   clients_.clear();
    381 }
    383 void SyncTest::SetUpInProcessBrowserTestFixture() {
    384   // We don't take a reference to |resolver|, but mock_host_resolver_override_
    385   // does, so effectively assumes ownership.
    386   net::RuleBasedHostResolverProc* resolver =
    387       new net::RuleBasedHostResolverProc(host_resolver());
    388   resolver->AllowDirectLookup("*.google.com");
    389   // On Linux, we use Chromium's NSS implementation which uses the following
    390   // hosts for certificate verification. Without these overrides, running the
    391   // integration tests on Linux causes error as we make external DNS lookups.
    392   resolver->AllowDirectLookup("*.thawte.com");
    393   resolver->AllowDirectLookup("*.geotrust.com");
    394   resolver->AllowDirectLookup("*.gstatic.com");
    395   mock_host_resolver_override_.reset(
    396       new net::ScopedDefaultHostResolverProc(resolver));
    397 }
    399 void SyncTest::TearDownInProcessBrowserTestFixture() {
    400   mock_host_resolver_override_.reset();
    401 }
    403 void SyncTest::ReadPasswordFile() {
    404   CommandLine* cl = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
    405   password_file_ = cl->GetSwitchValuePath(switches::kPasswordFileForTest);
    406   if (password_file_.empty())
    407     LOG(FATAL) << "Can't run live server test without specifying --"
    408                << switches::kPasswordFileForTest << "=<filename>";
    409   std::string file_contents;
    410   file_util::ReadFileToString(password_file_, &file_contents);
    411   ASSERT_NE(file_contents, "") << "Password file \""
    412       << password_file_.value() << "\" does not exist.";
    413   std::vector<std::string> tokens;
    414   std::string delimiters = "\r\n";
    415   Tokenize(file_contents, delimiters, &tokens);
    416   ASSERT_EQ(2U, tokens.size()) << "Password file \""
    417       << password_file_.value()
    418       << "\" must contain exactly two lines of text.";
    419   username_ = tokens[0];
    420   password_ = tokens[1];
    421 }
    423 void SyncTest::SetupMockGaiaResponses() {
    424   username_ = "user (at) gmail.com";
    425   password_ = "password";
    426   factory_.reset(new net::URLFetcherImplFactory());
    427   fake_factory_.reset(new net::FakeURLFetcherFactory(factory_.get()));
    428   fake_factory_->SetFakeResponse(
    429       GaiaUrls::GetInstance()->client_login_url(),
    430       "SID=sid\nLSID=lsid",
    431       true);
    432   fake_factory_->SetFakeResponse(
    433       GaiaUrls::GetInstance()->get_user_info_url(),
    434       "email=user (at) gmail.com\ndisplayEmail=user (at) gmail.com",
    435       true);
    436   fake_factory_->SetFakeResponse(
    437       GaiaUrls::GetInstance()->issue_auth_token_url(),
    438       "auth",
    439       true);
    440   fake_factory_->SetFakeResponse(
    441       GoogleURLTracker::kSearchDomainCheckURL,
    442       ".google.com",
    443       true);
    444   fake_factory_->SetFakeResponse(
    445       GaiaUrls::GetInstance()->client_login_to_oauth2_url(),
    446       "some_response",
    447       true);
    448   fake_factory_->SetFakeResponse(
    449       GaiaUrls::GetInstance()->oauth2_token_url(),
    450       "{"
    451       "  \"refresh_token\": \"rt1\","
    452       "  \"access_token\": \"at1\","
    453       "  \"expires_in\": 3600,"
    454       "  \"token_type\": \"Bearer\""
    455       "}",
    456       true);
    457   fake_factory_->SetFakeResponse(
    458       GaiaUrls::GetInstance()->oauth1_login_url(),
    459       "SID=sid\nLSID=lsid\nAuth=auth_token",
    460       true);
    461 }
    463 void SyncTest::ClearMockGaiaResponses() {
    464   // Clear any mock gaia responses that might have been set.
    465   if (fake_factory_) {
    466     fake_factory_->ClearFakeResponses();
    467     fake_factory_.reset();
    468   }
    470   // Cancel any outstanding URL fetches and destroy the URLFetcherImplFactory we
    471   // created.
    472   net::URLFetcher::CancelAll();
    473   factory_.reset();
    474 }
    476 // Start up a local sync server based on the value of server_type_, which
    477 // was determined from the command line parameters.
    478 void SyncTest::SetUpTestServerIfRequired() {
    479   if (server_type_ == LOCAL_PYTHON_SERVER) {
    480     if (!SetUpLocalPythonTestServer())
    481       LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to set up local python sync and XMPP servers";
    482   } else if (server_type_ == LOCAL_LIVE_SERVER) {
    483     // Using mock gaia credentials requires the use of a mock XMPP server.
    484     if (username_ == "user (at) gmail.com" && !SetUpLocalPythonTestServer())
    485       LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to set up local python XMPP server";
    486     if (!SetUpLocalTestServer())
    487       LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to set up local test server";
    488   } else if (server_type_ == EXTERNAL_LIVE_SERVER) {
    489     // Nothing to do; we'll just talk to the URL we were given.
    490   } else {
    491     LOG(FATAL) << "Don't know which server environment to run test in.";
    492   }
    493 }
    495 bool SyncTest::SetUpLocalPythonTestServer() {
    496   EXPECT_TRUE(sync_server_.Start())
    497       << "Could not launch local python test server.";
    499   CommandLine* cl = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
    500   if (server_type_ == LOCAL_PYTHON_SERVER) {
    501     std::string sync_service_url = sync_server_.GetURL("chromiumsync").spec();
    502     cl->AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kSyncServiceURL, sync_service_url);
    503     DVLOG(1) << "Started local python sync server at " << sync_service_url;
    504   }
    506   int xmpp_port = 0;
    507   if (!sync_server_.server_data().GetInteger("xmpp_port", &xmpp_port)) {
    508     LOG(ERROR) << "Could not find valid xmpp_port value";
    509     return false;
    510   }
    511   if ((xmpp_port <= 0) || (xmpp_port > kuint16max)) {
    512     LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid xmpp port: " << xmpp_port;
    513     return false;
    514   }
    516   net::HostPortPair xmpp_host_port_pair(sync_server_.host_port_pair());
    517   xmpp_host_port_pair.set_port(xmpp_port);
    518   xmpp_port_.reset(new net::ScopedPortException(xmpp_port));
    520   if (!cl->HasSwitch(switches::kSyncNotificationHostPort)) {
    521     cl->AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kSyncNotificationHostPort,
    522                           xmpp_host_port_pair.ToString());
    523     // The local XMPP server only supports insecure connections.
    524     cl->AppendSwitch(switches::kSyncAllowInsecureXmppConnection);
    525   }
    526   DVLOG(1) << "Started local python XMPP server at "
    527            << xmpp_host_port_pair.ToString();
    529   return true;
    530 }
    532 bool SyncTest::SetUpLocalTestServer() {
    533   CommandLine* cl = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
    534   CommandLine::StringType server_cmdline_string = cl->GetSwitchValueNative(
    535       switches::kSyncServerCommandLine);
    536   CommandLine::StringVector server_cmdline_vector;
    537   CommandLine::StringType delimiters(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(" "));
    538   Tokenize(server_cmdline_string, delimiters, &server_cmdline_vector);
    539   CommandLine server_cmdline(server_cmdline_vector);
    540   base::LaunchOptions options;
    541 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    542   options.start_hidden = true;
    543 #endif
    544   if (!base::LaunchProcess(server_cmdline, options, &test_server_handle_))
    545     LOG(ERROR) << "Could not launch local test server.";
    547   const base::TimeDelta kMaxWaitTime = TestTimeouts::action_max_timeout();
    548   const int kNumIntervals = 15;
    549   if (WaitForTestServerToStart(kMaxWaitTime, kNumIntervals)) {
    550     DVLOG(1) << "Started local test server at "
    551              << cl->GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kSyncServiceURL) << ".";
    552     return true;
    553   } else {
    554     LOG(ERROR) << "Could not start local test server at "
    555                << cl->GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kSyncServiceURL) << ".";
    556     return false;
    557   }
    558 }
    560 bool SyncTest::TearDownLocalPythonTestServer() {
    561   if (!sync_server_.Stop()) {
    562     LOG(ERROR) << "Could not stop local python test server.";
    563     return false;
    564   }
    565   xmpp_port_.reset();
    566   return true;
    567 }
    569 bool SyncTest::TearDownLocalTestServer() {
    570   if (test_server_handle_ != base::kNullProcessHandle) {
    571     EXPECT_TRUE(base::KillProcess(test_server_handle_, 0, false))
    572         << "Could not stop local test server.";
    573     base::CloseProcessHandle(test_server_handle_);
    574     test_server_handle_ = base::kNullProcessHandle;
    575   }
    576   return true;
    577 }
    579 bool SyncTest::WaitForTestServerToStart(base::TimeDelta wait, int intervals) {
    580   for (int i = 0; i < intervals; ++i) {
    581     if (IsTestServerRunning())
    582       return true;
    583     base::PlatformThread::Sleep(wait / intervals);
    584   }
    585   return false;
    586 }
    588 bool SyncTest::IsTestServerRunning() {
    589   CommandLine* cl = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
    590   std::string sync_url = cl->GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kSyncServiceURL);
    591   GURL sync_url_status(sync_url.append("/healthz"));
    592   SyncServerStatusChecker delegate;
    593   scoped_ptr<net::URLFetcher> fetcher(net::URLFetcher::Create(
    594     sync_url_status, net::URLFetcher::GET, &delegate));
    595   fetcher->SetLoadFlags(net::LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE |
    596                         net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SEND_COOKIES |
    597                         net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SAVE_COOKIES);
    598   fetcher->SetRequestContext(g_browser_process->system_request_context());
    599   fetcher->Start();
    600   content::RunMessageLoop();
    601   return delegate.running();
    602 }
    604 void SyncTest::EnableNetwork(Profile* profile) {
    605   SetProxyConfig(profile->GetRequestContext(),
    606                  net::ProxyConfig::CreateDirect());
    607   if (notifications_enabled_) {
    608     EnableNotificationsImpl();
    609   }
    610   // TODO(rsimha): Remove this line once http://crbug.com/53857 is fixed.
    611   net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NotifyObserversOfIPAddressChangeForTests();
    612 }
    614 void SyncTest::DisableNetwork(Profile* profile) {
    615   DisableNotificationsImpl();
    616   // Set the current proxy configuration to a nonexistent proxy to effectively
    617   // disable networking.
    618   net::ProxyConfig config;
    619   config.proxy_rules().ParseFromString("http=");
    620   SetProxyConfig(profile->GetRequestContext(), config);
    621   // TODO(rsimha): Remove this line once http://crbug.com/53857 is fixed.
    622   net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NotifyObserversOfIPAddressChangeForTests();
    623 }
    625 bool SyncTest::EnableEncryption(int index, syncer::ModelType type) {
    626   return GetClient(index)->EnableEncryptionForType(type);
    627 }
    629 bool SyncTest::IsEncrypted(int index, syncer::ModelType type) {
    630   return GetClient(index)->IsTypeEncrypted(type);
    631 }
    633 bool SyncTest::AwaitQuiescence() {
    634   return ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitQuiescence(clients());
    635 }
    637 bool SyncTest::ServerSupportsNotificationControl() const {
    638   EXPECT_NE(SERVER_TYPE_UNDECIDED, server_type_);
    640   // Supported only if we're using the python testserver.
    641   return server_type_ == LOCAL_PYTHON_SERVER;
    642 }
    644 void SyncTest::DisableNotificationsImpl() {
    645   ASSERT_TRUE(ServerSupportsNotificationControl());
    646   std::string path = "chromiumsync/disablenotifications";
    647   ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), sync_server_.GetURL(path));
    648   ASSERT_EQ("Notifications disabled",
    649             UTF16ToASCII(browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents()->
    650                 GetTitle()));
    651 }
    653 void SyncTest::DisableNotifications() {
    654   DisableNotificationsImpl();
    655   notifications_enabled_ = false;
    656 }
    658 void SyncTest::EnableNotificationsImpl() {
    659   ASSERT_TRUE(ServerSupportsNotificationControl());
    660   std::string path = "chromiumsync/enablenotifications";
    661   ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), sync_server_.GetURL(path));
    662   ASSERT_EQ("Notifications enabled",
    663             UTF16ToASCII(browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents()->
    664                 GetTitle()));
    665 }
    667 void SyncTest::EnableNotifications() {
    668   EnableNotificationsImpl();
    669   notifications_enabled_ = true;
    670 }
    672 void SyncTest::TriggerNotification(syncer::ModelTypeSet changed_types) {
    673   ASSERT_TRUE(ServerSupportsNotificationControl());
    674   const std::string& data =
    675       syncer::P2PNotificationData(
    676           "from_server",
    677           syncer::NOTIFY_ALL,
    678           syncer::ObjectIdSetToInvalidationMap(
    679               syncer::ModelTypeSetToObjectIdSet(changed_types),
    680               syncer::Invalidation::kUnknownVersion,
    681               std::string())
    682           ).ToString();
    683   const std::string& path =
    684       std::string("chromiumsync/sendnotification?channel=") +
    685       syncer::kSyncP2PNotificationChannel + "&data=" + data;
    686   ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), sync_server_.GetURL(path));
    687   ASSERT_EQ("Notification sent",
    688             UTF16ToASCII(browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents()->
    689                 GetTitle()));
    690 }
    692 bool SyncTest::ServerSupportsErrorTriggering() const {
    693   EXPECT_NE(SERVER_TYPE_UNDECIDED, server_type_);
    695   // Supported only if we're using the python testserver.
    696   return server_type_ == LOCAL_PYTHON_SERVER;
    697 }
    699 void SyncTest::TriggerMigrationDoneError(syncer::ModelTypeSet model_types) {
    700   ASSERT_TRUE(ServerSupportsErrorTriggering());
    701   std::string path = "chromiumsync/migrate";
    702   char joiner = '?';
    703   for (syncer::ModelTypeSet::Iterator it = model_types.First();
    704        it.Good(); it.Inc()) {
    705     path.append(
    706         base::StringPrintf(
    707             "%ctype=%d", joiner,
    708             syncer::GetSpecificsFieldNumberFromModelType(it.Get())));
    709     joiner = '&';
    710   }
    711   ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), sync_server_.GetURL(path));
    712   ASSERT_EQ("Migration: 200",
    713             UTF16ToASCII(browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents()->
    714                 GetTitle()));
    715 }
    717 void SyncTest::TriggerBirthdayError() {
    718   ASSERT_TRUE(ServerSupportsErrorTriggering());
    719   std::string path = "chromiumsync/birthdayerror";
    720   ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), sync_server_.GetURL(path));
    721   ASSERT_EQ("Birthday error",
    722             UTF16ToASCII(browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents()->
    723                 GetTitle()));
    724 }
    726 void SyncTest::TriggerTransientError() {
    727   ASSERT_TRUE(ServerSupportsErrorTriggering());
    728   std::string path = "chromiumsync/transienterror";
    729   ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), sync_server_.GetURL(path));
    730   ASSERT_EQ("Transient error",
    731             UTF16ToASCII(browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents()->
    732                 GetTitle()));
    733 }
    735 void SyncTest::TriggerAuthError() {
    736   ASSERT_TRUE(ServerSupportsErrorTriggering());
    737   std::string path = "chromiumsync/cred";
    738   ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), sync_server_.GetURL(path));
    739 }
    741 void SyncTest::TriggerXmppAuthError() {
    742   ASSERT_TRUE(ServerSupportsErrorTriggering());
    743   std::string path = "chromiumsync/xmppcred";
    744   ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), sync_server_.GetURL(path));
    745 }
    747 namespace {
    749 sync_pb::SyncEnums::ErrorType
    750     GetClientToServerResponseErrorType(
    751         syncer::SyncProtocolErrorType error) {
    752   switch (error) {
    753     case syncer::SYNC_SUCCESS:
    754       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::SUCCESS;
    755     case syncer::NOT_MY_BIRTHDAY:
    756       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::NOT_MY_BIRTHDAY;
    757     case syncer::THROTTLED:
    758       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::THROTTLED;
    759     case syncer::CLEAR_PENDING:
    760       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::CLEAR_PENDING;
    761     case syncer::TRANSIENT_ERROR:
    762       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::TRANSIENT_ERROR;
    763     case syncer::MIGRATION_DONE:
    764       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::MIGRATION_DONE;
    765     case syncer::UNKNOWN_ERROR:
    766       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::UNKNOWN;
    767     default:
    768       NOTREACHED();
    769       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::UNKNOWN;
    770   }
    771 }
    773 sync_pb::SyncEnums::Action GetClientToServerResponseAction(
    774     const syncer::ClientAction& action) {
    775   switch (action) {
    776     case syncer::UPGRADE_CLIENT:
    777       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::UPGRADE_CLIENT;
    778     case syncer::CLEAR_USER_DATA_AND_RESYNC:
    779       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::CLEAR_USER_DATA_AND_RESYNC;
    780     case syncer::ENABLE_SYNC_ON_ACCOUNT:
    781       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::ENABLE_SYNC_ON_ACCOUNT;
    782     case syncer::STOP_AND_RESTART_SYNC:
    783       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::STOP_AND_RESTART_SYNC;
    784     case syncer::DISABLE_SYNC_ON_CLIENT:
    785       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::DISABLE_SYNC_ON_CLIENT;
    786     case syncer::UNKNOWN_ACTION:
    787       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::UNKNOWN_ACTION;
    788     default:
    789       NOTREACHED();
    790       return sync_pb::SyncEnums::UNKNOWN_ACTION;
    791   }
    792 }
    794 }  // namespace
    796 void SyncTest::TriggerSyncError(const syncer::SyncProtocolError& error,
    797                                 SyncErrorFrequency frequency) {
    798   ASSERT_TRUE(ServerSupportsErrorTriggering());
    799   std::string path = "chromiumsync/error";
    800   int error_type =
    801       static_cast<int>(GetClientToServerResponseErrorType(
    802           error.error_type));
    803   int action = static_cast<int>(GetClientToServerResponseAction(
    804       error.action));
    806   path.append(base::StringPrintf("?error=%d", error_type));
    807   path.append(base::StringPrintf("&action=%d", action));
    809   path.append(base::StringPrintf("&error_description=%s",
    810                                  error.error_description.c_str()));
    811   path.append(base::StringPrintf("&url=%s", error.url.c_str()));
    812   path.append(base::StringPrintf("&frequency=%d", frequency));
    814   ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), sync_server_.GetURL(path));
    815   std::string output = UTF16ToASCII(
    816       browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents()->GetTitle());
    817   ASSERT_TRUE(output.find("SetError: 200") != string16::npos);
    818 }
    820 void SyncTest::TriggerCreateSyncedBookmarks() {
    821   ASSERT_TRUE(ServerSupportsErrorTriggering());
    822   std::string path = "chromiumsync/createsyncedbookmarks";
    823   ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), sync_server_.GetURL(path));
    824   ASSERT_EQ("Synced Bookmarks",
    825             UTF16ToASCII(browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents()->
    826                 GetTitle()));
    827 }
    829 int SyncTest::NumberOfDefaultSyncItems() const {
    830   return number_of_default_sync_items_;
    831 }
    833 void SyncTest::SetProxyConfig(net::URLRequestContextGetter* context_getter,
    834                               const net::ProxyConfig& proxy_config) {
    835   base::WaitableEvent done(false, false);
    836   BrowserThread::PostTask(
    837       BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE,
    838       base::Bind(&SetProxyConfigCallback, &done,
    839                  make_scoped_refptr(context_getter), proxy_config));
    840   done.Wait();
    841 }