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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // Use the <code>chrome.bluetooth</code> API to connect to a Bluetooth
      6 // device.
      7 namespace bluetooth {
      8   dictionary AdapterState {
      9     // The address of the adapter, in the format 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX'.
     10     DOMString address;
     12     // The human-readable name of the adapter.
     13     DOMString name;
     15     // Indicates whether or not the adapter has power.
     16     boolean powered;
     18     // Indicates whether or not the adapter is available (i.e. enabled).
     19     boolean available;
     21     // Indicates whether or not the adapter is currently discovering.
     22     boolean discovering;
     23   };
     25   dictionary Device {
     26     // The address of the device, in the format 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX'.
     27     DOMString address;
     29     // The human-readable name of the device.
     30     DOMString? name;
     32     // Indicates whether or not the device is paired with the system.
     33     boolean? paired;
     35     // Indicates whether the device is currently connected to the system.
     36     boolean? connected;
     37   };
     39   dictionary Profile {
     40     // Unique profile identifier, e.g. 00001401-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B23FB
     41     DOMString uuid;
     43     // Human-readable name of the Profile, e.g. "Health Device"
     44     DOMString? name;
     46     // The RFCOMM channel id, used when the profile is to be exported to remote
     47     // devices.
     48     long? channel;
     50     // The LS2CAP PSM number, used when the profile is to be exported to remote
     51     // deviecs.
     52     long? psm;
     54     // Specifies whether pairing (and encryption) is required to be able to
     55     // connect.
     56     boolean? requireAuthentication;
     58     // Specifies whether user authorization is required to be able to connect.
     59     boolean? requireAuthorization;
     61     // Specifies whether this profile will be automatically connected if any
     62     // other profile of device also exporting this profile connects to the host.
     63     boolean? autoConnect;
     65     // Specifies the implemented version of the profile.
     66     long? version;
     68     // Specifies the profile-specific bit field of features the implementation
     69     // supports.
     70     long? features;
     71   };
     73   dictionary ServiceRecord {
     74     // The name of the service.
     75     DOMString name;
     77     // The UUID of the service.
     78     DOMString? uuid;
     79   };
     81   dictionary Socket {
     82     // The remote Bluetooth device associated with this socket.
     83     Device device;
     85     // The remote Bluetooth profile associated with this socket.
     86     Profile profile;
     88     // An identifier for this socket that should be used with the
     89     // read/write/disconnect methods.
     90     long id;
     91   };
     93   dictionary OutOfBandPairingData {
     94     // Simple Pairing Hash C.
     95     // Always 16 octets long.
     96     ArrayBuffer hash;
     98     // Simple Pairing Randomizer R.
     99     // Always 16 octets long.
    100     ArrayBuffer randomizer;
    101   };
    103   callback AdapterStateCallback = void(AdapterState result);
    104   callback AddressCallback = void (DOMString result);
    105   callback BooleanCallback = void (boolean result);
    106   callback DataCallback = void (optional ArrayBuffer result);
    107   callback DeviceCallback = void (Device device);
    108   callback DevicesCallback = void (Device[] result);
    109   callback NameCallback = void (DOMString result);
    110   callback OutOfBandPairingDataCallback = void (OutOfBandPairingData data);
    111   callback ProfilesCallback = void(Profile[] result);
    112   callback ResultCallback = void ();
    113   callback ServicesCallback = void(ServiceRecord[] result);
    114   callback SizeCallback = void (long result);
    115   callback SocketCallback = void (Socket result);
    117   // Options for the getDevices function. If |profile| is not provided, all
    118   // devices known to the system are returned.
    119   dictionary GetDevicesOptions {
    120     // Only devices providing |profile| will be returned.
    121     Profile? profile;
    123     // Called for each matching device.  Note that a service discovery request
    124     // must be made to each non-matching device before it can be definitively
    125     // excluded.  This can take some time.
    126     DeviceCallback deviceCallback;
    127   };
    129   // Options for the getProfiles function.
    130   dictionary GetProfilesOptions {
    131     // The remote Bluetooth device to retrieve the exported profiles list from.
    132     Device device;
    133   };
    135   // Options for the getServices function.
    136   dictionary GetServicesOptions {
    137     // The address of the device to inquire about. |deviceAddress| should be
    138     // in the format 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX'.
    139     DOMString deviceAddress;
    140   };
    142   // Options for the connect function.
    143   dictionary ConnectOptions {
    144     // The connection is made to |device|.
    145     Device device;
    147     // The connection is made to |profile|.
    148     Profile profile;
    149   };
    151   // Options for the disconnect function.
    152   dictionary DisconnectOptions {
    153     // The socket to disconnect.
    154     Socket socket;
    155   };
    157   // Options for the read function.
    158   dictionary ReadOptions {
    159     // The socket to read from.
    160     Socket socket;
    161   };
    163   // Options for the write function.
    164   dictionary WriteOptions {
    165     // The socket to write to.
    166     Socket socket;
    168     // The data to write.
    169     ArrayBuffer data;
    170   };
    172   // Options for the setOutOfBandPairingData function.
    173   dictionary SetOutOfBandPairingDataOptions {
    174     // The address of the remote device that the data should be associated
    175     // with. |deviceAddress| should be in the format 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX'.
    176     DOMString address;
    178     // The Out Of Band Pairing Data. If this is omitted, the data for the
    179     // device is cleared instead.
    180     OutOfBandPairingData? data;
    181   };
    183   // Options for the startDiscovery function.
    184   dictionary StartDiscoveryOptions {
    185     // Called for each device that is discovered.
    186     DeviceCallback deviceCallback;
    187   };
    189   // These functions all report failures via chrome.runtime.lastError.
    190   interface Functions {
    191     // Registers the JavaScript application as an implementation for the given
    192     // Profile; if a channel or PSM is specified, the profile will be exported
    193     // in the host's SDP and GATT tables and advertised to other devices.
    194     static void addProfile(Profile profile, ResultCallback callback);
    196     // Unregisters the JavaScript application as an implementation for the given
    197     // Profile; only the uuid field of the Profile object is used.
    198     static void removeProfile(Profile profile, ResultCallback callback);
    200     // Get information about the Bluetooth adapter.
    201     // |callback| : Called with an AdapterState object describing the adapter
    202     //              state.
    203     static void getAdapterState(AdapterStateCallback callback);
    205     // Get a bluetooth devices known to the system.  Known devices are either
    206     // currently paired, or have been paired in the past.
    207     // |options|  : Controls which devices are returned and provides
    208     //              |deviceCallback|, which is called for each matching device.
    209     // |callback| : Called when the search is completed.
    210     //              |options.deviceCallback| will not be called after
    211     //              |callback| has been called.
    212     static void getDevices(GetDevicesOptions options,
    213                            ResultCallback callback);
    215     // Returns the set of exported profiles for the device specified in options.
    216     // This function will not initiate a connection to the remote device.
    217     static void getProfiles(GetProfilesOptions options,
    218                             ProfilesCallback callback);
    220     // Get a list of services provided by a device.
    221     static void getServices(GetServicesOptions options,
    222                             ServicesCallback callback);
    224     // Connect to a service on a device.
    225     // |options|  : The options for the connection.
    226     // |callback| : Called to indicate success or failure.
    227     static void connect(ConnectOptions options,
    228                         ResultCallback callback);
    230     // Close a Bluetooth connection.
    231     // |options|  : The options for this function.
    232     // |callback| : Called to indicate success or failure.
    233     static void disconnect(DisconnectOptions options,
    234                            optional ResultCallback callback);
    236     // Read data from a Bluetooth connection.
    237     // |options|  : The options for this function.
    238     // |callback| : Called with the data when it is available.
    239     static void read(ReadOptions options,
    240                      DataCallback callback);
    242     // Write data to a Bluetooth connection.
    243     // |options|  : The options for this function.
    244     // |callback| : Called with the number of bytes written.
    245     static void write(WriteOptions options,
    246                       optional SizeCallback callback);
    248     // Get the local Out of Band Pairing data.
    249     // |callback| : Called with the data.
    250     static void getLocalOutOfBandPairingData(
    251         OutOfBandPairingDataCallback callback);
    253     // Set the Out of Band Pairing data for a remote device.
    254     // Any previous Out Of Band Pairing Data for this device is overwritten.
    255     // |options|  : The options for this function.
    256     // |callback| : Called to indicate success or failure.
    257     static void setOutOfBandPairingData(SetOutOfBandPairingDataOptions options,
    258                                         optional ResultCallback callback);
    260     // Start discovery. Discovered devices will be returned via the
    261     // |onDeviceDiscovered| callback.  Discovery will fail to start if it is
    262     // already in progress.  Discovery can be resource intensive: stopDiscovery
    263     // should be called as soon as possible.
    264     // |options|  : The options for this function.
    265     // |callback| : Called to indicate success or failure.
    266     static void startDiscovery(
    267         StartDiscoveryOptions options,
    268         optional ResultCallback callback);
    270     // Stop discovery.
    271     // |callback| : Called to indicate success or failure.
    272     static void stopDiscovery(
    273         optional ResultCallback callback);
    274   };
    276   interface Events {
    277     // Fired when the state of the Bluetooth adapter changes.
    278     // |state| : The new state of the adapter.
    279     static void onAdapterStateChanged(AdapterState state);
    281     // Fired when a connection has been made for a registered profile.
    282     // |socket| : The socket for the connection.
    283     static void onConnection(Socket socket);
    284   };
    285 };