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      1 <!DOCTYPE HTML>
      2 <html>
      3 <script src='test.js'></script>
      4 <script src='add_cookie.js'></script>
      5 <script>
      7 // Run with --enable-file-cookies.
      9 /**
     10 * Return the value of the cookie with the given name.
     11 *
     12 * If there are two or more cookies with the same name but in different domains
     13 * or paths, return the one that appears first in document.cookie.
     14 * If there is no such cookie, throw an error.
     15 *
     16 * @param {!string} name Name of the cookie.
     17 * @return {string} The cookie value.
     18 */
     19 function getCookieValue(name) {
     20   var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
     21   for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; ++i) {
     22     var cookie = cookies[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
     23     var cookieName = cookie.substr(0, cookie.indexOf('='));
     24     if (cookieName == name)
     25       return unescape(cookie.substr(cookie.indexOf('=') + 1));
     26   }
     27   throw new Error('cookie not found:' + name);
     28 }
     30 /**
     31 * Create and return a cookie object. The cookie follows the specification in
     32 * https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#Cookie_JSON_Object.
     33 *
     34 * The cookie has the following field value:
     35 * <ul>
     36 *   <li>name: 'dummyname' + id
     37 *   <li>value: 'dummyvalue' + id
     38 *   <li>path: '/'
     39 *   <li>domain: document.domain
     40 *   <li>secure: false
     41 *   <li>expiry: three days after creation
     42 * </ul>
     43 *
     44 * @param {!number} id The id to append to the name and value of the cookie.
     45 * @return {*} An object representing a cookie.
     46 */
     47 function createDummyCookie(id) {
     48   var cookie = {};
     49   cookie['name'] = 'dummyname' + id;
     50   cookie['value'] = 'dummyvalue' + id;
     51   cookie['path'] = '/';
     52   cookie['domain'] = document.domain;
     53   var expiredDate = new Date();
     54   expiredDate.setDate(expiredDate.getDate() + 3);
     55   cookie['expiry'] = parseInt(expiredDate.getTime() / 1000);
     56   cookie['secure'] = false;
     57   return cookie;
     58 }
     60 function assertAddCookieFailed(cookie, code) {
     61   try {
     62     addCookie(cookie);
     63     assert(false);
     64   } catch (error) {
     65     if (code)
     66       assertEquals(code, error.code);
     67   }
     68 }
     70 function testMissingName() {
     71   var cookie = createDummyCookie(1);
     72   delete cookie['name'];
     73   assertAddCookieFailed(cookie);
     74 }
     76 function testInvalidName() {
     77   var cookie = createDummyCookie(2);
     78   var invalidNames = [
     79     '', ' a', '\ta', 'a ', 'a\t', 'a;b', 'a=b', 'a\nb', 'a\rb', 'a\0b'
     80   ];
     81   for (var i = 0; i < invalidNames.length; i++) {
     82     cookie['name'] = invalidNames[i];
     83     assertAddCookieFailed(cookie);
     84   }
     85 }
     87 function testDomainTooManyColons() {
     88   var cookie = createDummyCookie(3);
     89   cookie['domain'] = 'domain.name:1:2';
     90   assertAddCookieFailed(cookie);
     91 }
     93 function testInvalidDomain() {
     94   var cookie = createDummyCookie(4);
     95   var invalidDomains = [
     96     ' a', '\ta', 'a ', 'a\t', 'a\nb', 'a\rb', 'a\0b', 'bad.domain'
     97   ];
     98   for (var i = 0; i < invalidDomains.length; i++) {
     99     cookie['domain'] = invalidDomains[i];
    100     assertAddCookieFailed(cookie, 24);
    101   }
    102 }
    104 function testMissingPath() {
    105   var cookie = createDummyCookie(5);
    106   delete cookie['path'];
    107   addCookie(cookie);
    108   assertEquals(cookie['value'], getCookieValue(cookie['name']));
    109 }
    111 function testMissingDomain() {
    112   var cookie = createDummyCookie(6);
    113   delete cookie['domain'];
    114   addCookie(cookie);
    115   assertEquals(cookie['value'], getCookieValue(cookie['name']));
    116 }
    118 function testNormal() {
    119   var cookie = createDummyCookie(7);
    120   addCookie(cookie);
    121   assertEquals(cookie['value'], getCookieValue(cookie['name']));
    122 }
    124 </script>
    125 <body>
    126 </body>
    127 </html>