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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "net/http/http_pipelined_host_impl.h"
      7 #include "base/stl_util.h"
      8 #include "base/values.h"
      9 #include "net/http/http_pipelined_connection_impl.h"
     10 #include "net/http/http_pipelined_stream.h"
     12 namespace net {
     14 // TODO(simonjam): Run experiments to see what value minimizes evictions without
     15 // costing too much performance. Until then, this is just a bad guess.
     16 static const int kNumKnownSuccessesThreshold = 3;
     18 HttpPipelinedHostImpl::HttpPipelinedHostImpl(
     19     HttpPipelinedHost::Delegate* delegate,
     20     const HttpPipelinedHost::Key& key,
     21     HttpPipelinedConnection::Factory* factory,
     22     HttpPipelinedHostCapability capability)
     23     : delegate_(delegate),
     24       key_(key),
     25       factory_(factory),
     26       capability_(capability) {
     27   if (!factory) {
     28     factory_.reset(new HttpPipelinedConnectionImpl::Factory());
     29   }
     30 }
     32 HttpPipelinedHostImpl::~HttpPipelinedHostImpl() {
     33   CHECK(pipelines_.empty());
     34 }
     36 HttpPipelinedStream* HttpPipelinedHostImpl::CreateStreamOnNewPipeline(
     37     ClientSocketHandle* connection,
     38     const SSLConfig& used_ssl_config,
     39     const ProxyInfo& used_proxy_info,
     40     const BoundNetLog& net_log,
     41     bool was_npn_negotiated,
     42     NextProto protocol_negotiated) {
     43   if (capability_ == PIPELINE_INCAPABLE) {
     44     return NULL;
     45   }
     46   HttpPipelinedConnection* pipeline = factory_->CreateNewPipeline(
     47       connection, this, key_.origin(), used_ssl_config, used_proxy_info,
     48       net_log, was_npn_negotiated, protocol_negotiated);
     49   PipelineInfo info;
     50   pipelines_.insert(std::make_pair(pipeline, info));
     51   return pipeline->CreateNewStream();
     52 }
     54 HttpPipelinedStream* HttpPipelinedHostImpl::CreateStreamOnExistingPipeline() {
     55   HttpPipelinedConnection* available_pipeline = NULL;
     56   for (PipelineInfoMap::iterator it = pipelines_.begin();
     57        it != pipelines_.end(); ++it) {
     58     if (CanPipelineAcceptRequests(it->first) &&
     59         (!available_pipeline ||
     60          it->first->depth() < available_pipeline->depth())) {
     61       available_pipeline = it->first;
     62     }
     63   }
     64   if (!available_pipeline) {
     65     return NULL;
     66   }
     67   return available_pipeline->CreateNewStream();
     68 }
     70 bool HttpPipelinedHostImpl::IsExistingPipelineAvailable() const {
     71   for (PipelineInfoMap::const_iterator it = pipelines_.begin();
     72        it != pipelines_.end(); ++it) {
     73     if (CanPipelineAcceptRequests(it->first)) {
     74       return true;
     75     }
     76   }
     77   return false;
     78 }
     80 const HttpPipelinedHost::Key& HttpPipelinedHostImpl::GetKey() const {
     81   return key_;
     82 }
     84 void HttpPipelinedHostImpl::OnPipelineEmpty(HttpPipelinedConnection* pipeline) {
     85   CHECK(ContainsKey(pipelines_, pipeline));
     86   pipelines_.erase(pipeline);
     87   delete pipeline;
     88   if (pipelines_.empty()) {
     89     delegate_->OnHostIdle(this);
     90     // WARNING: We'll probably be deleted here.
     91   }
     92 }
     94 void HttpPipelinedHostImpl::OnPipelineHasCapacity(
     95     HttpPipelinedConnection* pipeline) {
     96   CHECK(ContainsKey(pipelines_, pipeline));
     97   if (CanPipelineAcceptRequests(pipeline)) {
     98     delegate_->OnHostHasAdditionalCapacity(this);
     99   }
    100   if (!pipeline->depth()) {
    101     OnPipelineEmpty(pipeline);
    102     // WARNING: We might be deleted here.
    103   }
    104 }
    106 void HttpPipelinedHostImpl::OnPipelineFeedback(
    107     HttpPipelinedConnection* pipeline,
    108     HttpPipelinedConnection::Feedback feedback) {
    109   CHECK(ContainsKey(pipelines_, pipeline));
    110   switch (feedback) {
    111     case HttpPipelinedConnection::OK:
    112       ++pipelines_[pipeline].num_successes;
    113       if (capability_ == PIPELINE_UNKNOWN) {
    114         capability_ = PIPELINE_PROBABLY_CAPABLE;
    115         NotifyAllPipelinesHaveCapacity();
    116       } else if (capability_ == PIPELINE_PROBABLY_CAPABLE &&
    117                  pipelines_[pipeline].num_successes >=
    118                      kNumKnownSuccessesThreshold) {
    119         capability_ = PIPELINE_CAPABLE;
    120         delegate_->OnHostDeterminedCapability(this, PIPELINE_CAPABLE);
    121       }
    122       break;
    124     case HttpPipelinedConnection::PIPELINE_SOCKET_ERROR:
    125       // Socket errors on the initial request - when no other requests are
    126       // pipelined - can't be due to pipelining.
    127       if (pipelines_[pipeline].num_successes > 0 || pipeline->depth() > 1) {
    128         // TODO(simonjam): This may be needlessly harsh. For example, pogo.com
    129         // only returns a socket error once after the root document, but is
    130         // otherwise able to pipeline just fine. Consider being more persistent
    131         // and only give up on pipelining if we get a couple of failures.
    132         capability_ = PIPELINE_INCAPABLE;
    133         delegate_->OnHostDeterminedCapability(this, PIPELINE_INCAPABLE);
    134       }
    135       break;
    137     case HttpPipelinedConnection::OLD_HTTP_VERSION:
    138     case HttpPipelinedConnection::AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED:
    139       capability_ = PIPELINE_INCAPABLE;
    140       delegate_->OnHostDeterminedCapability(this, PIPELINE_INCAPABLE);
    141       break;
    143     case HttpPipelinedConnection::MUST_CLOSE_CONNECTION:
    144       break;
    145   }
    146 }
    148 int HttpPipelinedHostImpl::GetPipelineCapacity() const {
    149   int capacity = 0;
    150   switch (capability_) {
    151     case PIPELINE_CAPABLE:
    153       capacity = max_pipeline_depth();
    154       break;
    156     case PIPELINE_INCAPABLE:
    157       CHECK(false);
    159     case PIPELINE_UNKNOWN:
    160       capacity = 1;
    161       break;
    163     default:
    164       CHECK(false) << "Unkown pipeline capability: " << capability_;
    165   }
    166   return capacity;
    167 }
    169 bool HttpPipelinedHostImpl::CanPipelineAcceptRequests(
    170     HttpPipelinedConnection* pipeline) const {
    171   return capability_ != PIPELINE_INCAPABLE &&
    172       pipeline->usable() &&
    173       pipeline->active() &&
    174       pipeline->depth() < GetPipelineCapacity();
    175 }
    177 void HttpPipelinedHostImpl::NotifyAllPipelinesHaveCapacity() {
    178   // Calling OnPipelineHasCapacity() can have side effects that include
    179   // deleting and removing entries from |pipelines_|.
    180   PipelineInfoMap pipelines_to_notify = pipelines_;
    181   for (PipelineInfoMap::iterator it = pipelines_to_notify.begin();
    182        it != pipelines_to_notify.end(); ++it) {
    183     if (pipelines_.find(it->first) != pipelines_.end()) {
    184       OnPipelineHasCapacity(it->first);
    185     }
    186   }
    187 }
    189 base::Value* HttpPipelinedHostImpl::PipelineInfoToValue() const {
    190   base::ListValue* list_value = new base::ListValue();
    191   for (PipelineInfoMap::const_iterator it = pipelines_.begin();
    192        it != pipelines_.end(); ++it) {
    193     base::DictionaryValue* pipeline_dict = new base::DictionaryValue;
    194     pipeline_dict->SetString("host", key_.origin().ToString());
    195     pipeline_dict->SetBoolean("forced", false);
    196     pipeline_dict->SetInteger("depth", it->first->depth());
    197     pipeline_dict->SetInteger("capacity", GetPipelineCapacity());
    198     pipeline_dict->SetBoolean("usable", it->first->usable());
    199     pipeline_dict->SetBoolean("active", it->first->active());
    200     pipeline_dict->SetInteger("source_id", it->first->net_log().source().id);
    201     list_value->Append(pipeline_dict);
    202   }
    203   return list_value;
    204 }
    206 HttpPipelinedHostImpl::PipelineInfo::PipelineInfo()
    207     : num_successes(0) {
    208 }
    210 }  // namespace net