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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
      3  * Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig <sam.weinig (at) gmail.com>
      4  *
      5  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
      7  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      8  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      9  *
     10  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     13  * Library General Public License for more details.
     14  *
     15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
     16  * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
     17  * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
     18  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
     19  */
     21 [
     22     CustomToV8
     23 ] interface Element : Node {
     25     // DOM Level 1 Core
     27     [TreatReturnedNullStringAs=Null, PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute DOMString tagName;
     29     [TreatReturnedNullStringAs=Null] DOMString getAttribute([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString name);
     30     [RaisesException, CustomElementCallbacks=Enable] void setAttribute([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString name,
     31                                      [Default=Undefined] optional DOMString value);
     32     [CustomElementCallbacks=Enable] void removeAttribute([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString name);
     33     Attr getAttributeNode([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString name);
     34     [RaisesException, CustomElementCallbacks=Enable] Attr setAttributeNode([Default=Undefined, StrictTypeChecking] optional Attr newAttr);
     35     [RaisesException, CustomElementCallbacks=Enable] Attr removeAttributeNode([Default=Undefined, StrictTypeChecking] optional Attr oldAttr);
     36     [PerWorldBindings] NodeList getElementsByTagName([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString name);
     38     // For ObjC this is defined on Node for legacy support.
     39     [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute NamedNodeMap     attributes;
     40     boolean            hasAttributes();
     42     // DOM Level 2 Core
     44      DOMString getAttributeNS([TreatNullAs=NullString,Default=Undefined] optional DOMString namespaceURI,
     45                                             [Default=Undefined] optional DOMString localName);
     46      [RaisesException, CustomElementCallbacks=Enable] void setAttributeNS([TreatNullAs=NullString,Default=Undefined] optional DOMString namespaceURI,
     47                                        [Default=Undefined] optional DOMString qualifiedName,
     48                                        [Default=Undefined] optional DOMString value);
     49      [CustomElementCallbacks=Enable] void removeAttributeNS([TreatNullAs=NullString] DOMString namespaceURI,
     50                                           DOMString localName);
     51      NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS([TreatNullAs=NullString,Default=Undefined] optional DOMString namespaceURI,
     52                                                    [Default=Undefined] optional DOMString localName);
     53      Attr getAttributeNodeNS([TreatNullAs=NullString,Default=Undefined] optional DOMString namespaceURI,
     54                                            [Default=Undefined] optional DOMString localName);
     55     [RaisesException, CustomElementCallbacks=Enable] Attr setAttributeNodeNS([Default=Undefined, StrictTypeChecking] optional Attr newAttr);
     56     boolean hasAttribute(DOMString name);
     57      boolean hasAttributeNS([TreatNullAs=NullString,Default=Undefined] optional DOMString namespaceURI,
     58                                           [Default=Undefined] optional DOMString localName);
     60     [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style;
     62     // DOM4
     63     // iht.com relies on id returning the empty string when no id is present.
     64     // Other browsers do this as well. So we don't convert null to JS null.
     65     [Reflect] attribute DOMString id;
     67     // Common extensions
     69     [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute long offsetLeft;
     70     [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute long offsetTop;
     71     [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute long offsetWidth;
     72     [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute long offsetHeight;
     73     [ImplementedAs=bindingsOffsetParent, PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute Element offsetParent;
     74     [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute long clientLeft;
     75     [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute long clientTop;
     76     [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute long clientWidth;
     77     [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute long clientHeight;
     78              [PerWorldBindings] attribute long scrollLeft;
     79              [PerWorldBindings] attribute long scrollTop;
     80     [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute long scrollWidth;
     81     [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute long scrollHeight;
     83     void focus();
     84     void blur();
     85     void scrollIntoView(optional boolean alignWithTop);
     87     // WebKit extensions
     89     void scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(optional boolean centerIfNeeded);
     90     void scrollByLines([Default=Undefined] optional long lines);
     91     void scrollByPages([Default=Undefined] optional long pages);
     93     // HTML 5
     94     NodeList getElementsByClassName([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString name);
     96     [Reflect=class, PerWorldBindings] attribute DOMString className;
     97     [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute DOMTokenList classList;
     99     [PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute DOMStringMap dataset;
    101     // NodeSelector - Selector API
    102     [RaisesException] Element querySelector(DOMString selectors);
    103     [RaisesException] NodeList querySelectorAll(DOMString selectors);
    105     // WebKit extension, pending specification.
    106     [RaisesException] boolean webkitMatchesSelector([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString selectors);
    108     // Shadow DOM API
    109     [EnabledAtRuntime=ShadowDOM, Reflect, PerWorldBindings] attribute DOMString pseudo;
    110     [EnabledAtRuntime=ShadowDOM, RaisesException] ShadowRoot createShadowRoot();
    111     [EnabledAtRuntime=ShadowDOM, PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute ShadowRoot shadowRoot;
    112     [EnabledAtRuntime=ShadowDOM, PerWorldBindings] NodeList getDestinationInsertionPoints();
    114     // To-be-deprecated prefixed Shadow DOM API
    115     [Reflect=pseudo, ImplementedAs=pseudo, PerWorldBindings, MeasureAs=ShadowDOMPrefixedPseudo] attribute DOMString webkitPseudo;
    116     [ImplementedAs=createShadowRoot, RaisesException, MeasureAs=ShadowDOMPrefixedCreateShadowRoot] ShadowRoot webkitCreateShadowRoot();
    117     [ImplementedAs=shadowRoot, PerWorldBindings, MeasureAs=ShadowDOMPrefixedShadowRoot] readonly attribute ShadowRoot webkitShadowRoot;
    119     // CSSOM View Module API
    120     ClientRectList getClientRects();
    121     ClientRect getBoundingClientRect();
    123     // Mozilla version
    124     const unsigned short ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT = 1;
    125     [EnabledAtRuntime=fullscreen] void webkitRequestFullScreen([Default=Undefined] optional unsigned short flags);
    127     // W3C version
    128     [EnabledAtRuntime=fullscreen] void webkitRequestFullscreen();
    130     void webkitRequestPointerLock();
    132     // CSS Regions API
    133     [EnabledAtRuntime=cssRegions, PerWorldBindings] readonly attribute DOMString webkitRegionOverset;
    134     [EnabledAtRuntime=cssRegions] sequence<Range> webkitGetRegionFlowRanges();
    136     // Event handler DOM attributes
    137     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onabort;
    138     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onblur;
    139     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onchange;
    140     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler onclick;
    141     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler oncontextmenu;
    142     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler ondblclick;
    143     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler ondrag;
    144     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler ondragend;
    145     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler ondragenter;
    146     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler ondragleave;
    147     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler ondragover;
    148     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler ondragstart;
    149     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler ondrop;
    150     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onerror;
    151     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onfocus;
    152     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler oninput;
    153     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler oninvalid;
    154     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler onkeydown;
    155     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler onkeypress;
    156     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler onkeyup;
    157     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onload;
    158     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler onmousedown;
    159     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler onmouseenter;
    160     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler onmouseleave;
    161     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler onmousemove;
    162     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler onmouseout;
    163     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler onmouseover;
    164     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler onmouseup;
    165     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings, ActivityLog=SetterForIsolatedWorlds] attribute EventHandler onmousewheel;
    166     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onscroll;
    167     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onselect;
    168     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onsubmit;
    170     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler oncanplay;
    171     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler oncanplaythrough;
    172     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler ondurationchange;
    173     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onemptied;
    174     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onended;
    175     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onloadeddata;
    176     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onloadedmetadata;
    177     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onloadstart;
    178     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onpause;
    179     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onplay;
    180     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onplaying;
    181     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onprogress;
    182     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onratechange;
    183     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onreadystatechange;
    184     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onseeked;
    185     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onseeking;
    186     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onshow;
    187     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onstalled;
    188     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onsuspend;
    189     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler ontimeupdate;
    190     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onvolumechange;
    191     // attribute [NotEnumerable] EventHandler onwaiting;
    193     // WebKit extensions
    194     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onbeforecut;
    195     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler oncut;
    196     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onbeforecopy;
    197     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler oncopy;
    198     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onbeforepaste;
    199     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onpaste;
    200     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onreset;
    201     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onsearch;
    202     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onselectstart;
    203     [NotEnumerable, EnabledAtRuntime=touch, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler ontouchstart;
    204     [NotEnumerable, EnabledAtRuntime=touch, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler ontouchmove;
    205     [NotEnumerable, EnabledAtRuntime=touch, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler ontouchend;
    206     [NotEnumerable, EnabledAtRuntime=touch, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler ontouchcancel;
    207     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onwebkitfullscreenchange;
    208     [NotEnumerable, PerWorldBindings] attribute EventHandler onwebkitfullscreenerror;
    209 };
    211 Element implements ParentNode;
    212 Element implements ChildNode;