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      1 /*
      2 *******************************************************************************
      3 *   Copyright (C) 2000-2010, International Business Machines
      4 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      5 *******************************************************************************
      6 *
      7 *   file name:  uversion.h
      8 *   encoding:   US-ASCII
      9 *   tab size:   8 (not used)
     10 *   indentation:4
     11 *
     12 *   Created by: Vladimir Weinstein
     13 *
     14 *  Gets included by utypes.h and Windows .rc files
     15 */
     17 /**
     18  * \file
     19  * \brief C API: API for accessing ICU version numbers.
     20  */
     21 /*===========================================================================*/
     22 /* Main ICU version information                                              */
     23 /*===========================================================================*/
     25 #ifndef UVERSION_H
     26 #define UVERSION_H
     28 #include "unicode/umachine.h"
     30 /* Actual version info lives in uvernum.h */
     31 #include "unicode/uvernum.h"
     33 /** Maximum length of the copyright string.
     34  *  @stable ICU 2.4
     35  */
     36 #define U_COPYRIGHT_STRING_LENGTH  128
     38 /** An ICU version consists of up to 4 numbers from 0..255.
     39  *  @stable ICU 2.4
     40  */
     41 #define U_MAX_VERSION_LENGTH 4
     43 /** In a string, ICU version fields are delimited by dots.
     44  *  @stable ICU 2.4
     45  */
     46 #define U_VERSION_DELIMITER '.'
     48 /** The maximum length of an ICU version string.
     49  *  @stable ICU 2.4
     50  */
     51 #define U_MAX_VERSION_STRING_LENGTH 20
     53 /** The binary form of a version on ICU APIs is an array of 4 uint8_t.
     54  *  To compare two versions, use memcmp(v1,v2,sizeof(UVersionInfo)).
     55  *  @stable ICU 2.4
     56  */
     57 typedef uint8_t UVersionInfo[U_MAX_VERSION_LENGTH];
     59 /*===========================================================================*/
     60 /* C++ namespace if supported. Versioned unless versioning is disabled.      */
     61 /*===========================================================================*/
     63 /**
     64  * \def U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
     65  * This is used to begin a declaration of a public ICU C++ API.
     66  * When not compiling for C++, it does nothing.
     67  * When compiling for C++, it begins an extern "C++" linkage block (to protect
     68  * against cases in which an external client includes ICU header files inside
     69  * an extern "C" linkage block).
     70  * If the C++ compiler supports namespaces, it also begins a namespace block.
     71  * @stable ICU 2.4
     72  */
     74 /**
     75  * \def U_NAMESPACE_END
     76  * This is used to end a declaration of a public ICU C++ API.
     77  * When not compiling for C++, it does nothing.
     78  * When compiling for C++, it ends the extern "C++" block begun by
     80  * If the C++ compiler supports namespaces, it also ends the namespace block
     81  * begun by U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN.
     82  * @stable ICU 2.4
     83  */
     85 /**
     86  * \def U_NAMESPACE_USE
     87  * This is used to specify that the rest of the code uses the
     88  * public ICU C++ API namespace.
     89  * If the compiler doesn't support namespaces, this does nothing.
     90  * @stable ICU 2.4
     91  */
     93 /**
     95  * This is used to qualify that a function or class is part of
     96  * the public ICU C++ API namespace.
     97  * If the compiler doesn't support namespaces, this does nothing.
     98  * @stable ICU 2.4
     99  */
    101 /* Define namespace symbols if the compiler supports it. */
    102 #ifdef XP_CPLUSPLUS
    103 #if U_HAVE_NAMESPACE
    104 #   if U_DISABLE_RENAMING
    105 #       define U_ICU_NAMESPACE icu
    106         namespace U_ICU_NAMESPACE { }
    107 #   else
    108 #       define U_ICU_NAMESPACE U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(icu)
    109         namespace U_ICU_NAMESPACE { }
    110         namespace icu = U_ICU_NAMESPACE;
    111 #   endif
    113 #   define U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN extern "C++" { namespace U_ICU_NAMESPACE {
    114 #   define U_NAMESPACE_END } }
    115 #   define U_NAMESPACE_USE using namespace U_ICU_NAMESPACE;
    118 #   ifndef U_USING_ICU_NAMESPACE
    119 #       define U_USING_ICU_NAMESPACE 1
    120 #   endif
    121 #   if U_USING_ICU_NAMESPACE
    122         U_NAMESPACE_USE
    123 #   endif
    124 #else
    125 #   define U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN extern "C++" {
    126 #   define U_NAMESPACE_END }
    127 #   define U_NAMESPACE_USE
    128 #   define U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER
    129 #endif
    130 #else
    131 #   define U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
    132 #   define U_NAMESPACE_END
    133 #   define U_NAMESPACE_USE
    134 #   define U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER
    135 #endif
    137 /*===========================================================================*/
    138 /* General version helper functions. Definitions in putil.c                  */
    139 /*===========================================================================*/
    141 /**
    142  * Parse a string with dotted-decimal version information and
    143  * fill in a UVersionInfo structure with the result.
    144  * Definition of this function lives in putil.c
    145  *
    146  * @param versionArray The destination structure for the version information.
    147  * @param versionString A string with dotted-decimal version information,
    148  *                      with up to four non-negative number fields with
    149  *                      values of up to 255 each.
    150  * @stable ICU 2.4
    151  */
    152 U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2
    153 u_versionFromString(UVersionInfo versionArray, const char *versionString);
    155 /**
    156  * Parse a Unicode string with dotted-decimal version information and
    157  * fill in a UVersionInfo structure with the result.
    158  * Definition of this function lives in putil.c
    159  *
    160  * @param versionArray The destination structure for the version information.
    161  * @param versionString A Unicode string with dotted-decimal version
    162  *                      information, with up to four non-negative number
    163  *                      fields with values of up to 255 each.
    164  * @stable ICU 4.2
    165  */
    166 U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2
    167 u_versionFromUString(UVersionInfo versionArray, const UChar *versionString);
    170 /**
    171  * Write a string with dotted-decimal version information according
    172  * to the input UVersionInfo.
    173  * Definition of this function lives in putil.c
    174  *
    175  * @param versionArray The version information to be written as a string.
    176  * @param versionString A string buffer that will be filled in with
    177  *                      a string corresponding to the numeric version
    178  *                      information in versionArray.
    179  *                      The buffer size must be at least U_MAX_VERSION_STRING_LENGTH.
    180  * @stable ICU 2.4
    181  */
    182 U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2
    183 u_versionToString(UVersionInfo versionArray, char *versionString);
    185 /**
    186  * Gets the ICU release version.  The version array stores the version information
    187  * for ICU.  For example, release "" is then represented as 0x01031F02.
    188  * Definition of this function lives in putil.c
    189  *
    190  * @param versionArray the version # information, the result will be filled in
    191  * @stable ICU 2.0
    192  */
    193 U_STABLE void U_EXPORT2
    194 u_getVersion(UVersionInfo versionArray);
    195 #endif