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      1 /*
      2 ******************************************************************************
      3 *   Copyright (C) 1997-2008, International Business Machines
      4 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      5 ******************************************************************************
      6 *   file name:  nfrs.cpp
      7 *   encoding:   US-ASCII
      8 *   tab size:   8 (not used)
      9 *   indentation:4
     10 *
     11 * Modification history
     12 * Date        Name      Comments
     13 * 10/11/2001  Doug      Ported from ICU4J
     14 */
     16 #include "nfrs.h"
     18 #if U_HAVE_RBNF
     20 #include "unicode/uchar.h"
     21 #include "nfrule.h"
     22 #include "nfrlist.h"
     24 #ifdef RBNF_DEBUG
     25 #include "cmemory.h"
     26 #endif
     28 #include "util.h"
     32 #if 0
     33 // euclid's algorithm works with doubles
     34 // note, doubles only get us up to one quadrillion or so, which
     35 // isn't as much range as we get with longs.  We probably still
     36 // want either 64-bit math, or BigInteger.
     38 static int64_t
     39 util_lcm(int64_t x, int64_t y)
     40 {
     41     x.abs();
     42     y.abs();
     44     if (x == 0 || y == 0) {
     45         return 0;
     46     } else {
     47         do {
     48             if (x < y) {
     49                 int64_t t = x; x = y; y = t;
     50             }
     51             x -= y * (x/y);
     52         } while (x != 0);
     54         return y;
     55     }
     56 }
     58 #else
     59 /**
     60  * Calculates the least common multiple of x and y.
     61  */
     62 static int64_t
     63 util_lcm(int64_t x, int64_t y)
     64 {
     65     // binary gcd algorithm from Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming,"
     66     // vol. 2, 1st ed., pp. 298-299
     67     int64_t x1 = x;
     68     int64_t y1 = y;
     70     int p2 = 0;
     71     while ((x1 & 1) == 0 && (y1 & 1) == 0) {
     72         ++p2;
     73         x1 >>= 1;
     74         y1 >>= 1;
     75     }
     77     int64_t t;
     78     if ((x1 & 1) == 1) {
     79         t = -y1;
     80     } else {
     81         t = x1;
     82     }
     84     while (t != 0) {
     85         while ((t & 1) == 0) {
     86             t = t >> 1;
     87         }
     88         if (t > 0) {
     89             x1 = t;
     90         } else {
     91             y1 = -t;
     92         }
     93         t = x1 - y1;
     94     }
     96     int64_t gcd = x1 << p2;
     98     // x * y == gcd(x, y) * lcm(x, y)
     99     return x / gcd * y;
    100 }
    101 #endif
    103 static const UChar gPercent = 0x0025;
    104 static const UChar gColon = 0x003a;
    105 static const UChar gSemicolon = 0x003b;
    106 static const UChar gLineFeed = 0x000a;
    108 static const UChar gFourSpaces[] =
    109 {
    110     0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0
    111 }; /* "    " */
    112 static const UChar gPercentPercent[] =
    113 {
    114     0x25, 0x25, 0
    115 }; /* "%%" */
    117 NFRuleSet::NFRuleSet(UnicodeString* descriptions, int32_t index, UErrorCode& status)
    118   : name()
    119   , rules(0)
    120   , negativeNumberRule(NULL)
    121   , fIsFractionRuleSet(FALSE)
    122   , fIsPublic(FALSE)
    123   , fRecursionCount(0)
    124 {
    125     for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    126         fractionRules[i] = NULL;
    127     }
    129     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    130         return;
    131     }
    133     UnicodeString& description = descriptions[index]; // !!! make sure index is valid
    135     if (description.length() == 0) {
    136         // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty rule set description");
    137         status = U_PARSE_ERROR;
    138         return;
    139     }
    141     // if the description begins with a rule set name (the rule set
    142     // name can be omitted in formatter descriptions that consist
    143     // of only one rule set), copy it out into our "name" member
    144     // and delete it from the description
    145     if (description.charAt(0) == gPercent) {
    146         int32_t pos = description.indexOf(gColon);
    147         if (pos == -1) {
    148             // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rule set name doesn't end in colon");
    149             status = U_PARSE_ERROR;
    150         } else {
    151             name.setTo(description, 0, pos);
    152             while (pos < description.length() && uprv_isRuleWhiteSpace(description.charAt(++pos))) {
    153             }
    154             description.remove(0, pos);
    155         }
    156     } else {
    157         name.setTo(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("%default"));
    158     }
    160     if (description.length() == 0) {
    161         // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty rule set description");
    162         status = U_PARSE_ERROR;
    163     }
    165     fIsPublic = name.indexOf(gPercentPercent) != 0;
    167     // all of the other members of NFRuleSet are initialized
    168     // by parseRules()
    169 }
    171 void
    172 NFRuleSet::parseRules(UnicodeString& description, const RuleBasedNumberFormat* owner, UErrorCode& status)
    173 {
    174     // start by creating a Vector whose elements are Strings containing
    175     // the descriptions of the rules (one rule per element).  The rules
    176     // are separated by semicolons (there's no escape facility: ALL
    177     // semicolons are rule delimiters)
    179     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    180         return;
    181     }
    183     // dlf - the original code kept a separate description array for no reason,
    184     // so I got rid of it.  The loop was too complex so I simplified it.
    186     UnicodeString currentDescription;
    187     int32_t oldP = 0;
    188     while (oldP < description.length()) {
    189         int32_t p = description.indexOf(gSemicolon, oldP);
    190         if (p == -1) {
    191             p = description.length();
    192         }
    193         currentDescription.setTo(description, oldP, p - oldP);
    194         NFRule::makeRules(currentDescription, this, rules.last(), owner, rules, status);
    195         oldP = p + 1;
    196     }
    198     // for rules that didn't specify a base value, their base values
    199     // were initialized to 0.  Make another pass through the list and
    200     // set all those rules' base values.  We also remove any special
    201     // rules from the list and put them into their own member variables
    202     int64_t defaultBaseValue = 0;
    204     // (this isn't a for loop because we might be deleting items from
    205     // the vector-- we want to make sure we only increment i when
    206     // we _didn't_ delete aything from the vector)
    207     uint32_t i = 0;
    208     while (i < rules.size()) {
    209         NFRule* rule = rules[i];
    211         switch (rule->getType()) {
    212             // if the rule's base value is 0, fill in a default
    213             // base value (this will be 1 plus the preceding
    214             // rule's base value for regular rule sets, and the
    215             // same as the preceding rule's base value in fraction
    216             // rule sets)
    217         case NFRule::kNoBase:
    218             rule->setBaseValue(defaultBaseValue, status);
    219             if (!isFractionRuleSet()) {
    220                 ++defaultBaseValue;
    221             }
    222             ++i;
    223             break;
    225             // if it's the negative-number rule, copy it into its own
    226             // data member and delete it from the list
    227         case NFRule::kNegativeNumberRule:
    228             negativeNumberRule = rules.remove(i);
    229             break;
    231             // if it's the improper fraction rule, copy it into the
    232             // correct element of fractionRules
    233         case NFRule::kImproperFractionRule:
    234             fractionRules[0] = rules.remove(i);
    235             break;
    237             // if it's the proper fraction rule, copy it into the
    238             // correct element of fractionRules
    239         case NFRule::kProperFractionRule:
    240             fractionRules[1] = rules.remove(i);
    241             break;
    243             // if it's the master rule, copy it into the
    244             // correct element of fractionRules
    245         case NFRule::kMasterRule:
    246             fractionRules[2] = rules.remove(i);
    247             break;
    249             // if it's a regular rule that already knows its base value,
    250             // check to make sure the rules are in order, and update
    251             // the default base value for the next rule
    252         default:
    253             if (rule->getBaseValue() < defaultBaseValue) {
    254                 // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rules are not in order");
    255                 status = U_PARSE_ERROR;
    256                 return;
    257             }
    258             defaultBaseValue = rule->getBaseValue();
    259             if (!isFractionRuleSet()) {
    260                 ++defaultBaseValue;
    261             }
    262             ++i;
    263             break;
    264         }
    265     }
    266 }
    268 NFRuleSet::~NFRuleSet()
    269 {
    270     delete negativeNumberRule;
    271     delete fractionRules[0];
    272     delete fractionRules[1];
    273     delete fractionRules[2];
    274 }
    276 static UBool
    277 util_equalRules(const NFRule* rule1, const NFRule* rule2)
    278 {
    279     if (rule1) {
    280         if (rule2) {
    281             return *rule1 == *rule2;
    282         }
    283     } else if (!rule2) {
    284         return TRUE;
    285     }
    286     return FALSE;
    287 }
    289 UBool
    290 NFRuleSet::operator==(const NFRuleSet& rhs) const
    291 {
    292     if (rules.size() == rhs.rules.size() &&
    293         fIsFractionRuleSet == rhs.fIsFractionRuleSet &&
    294         name == rhs.name &&
    295         util_equalRules(negativeNumberRule, rhs.negativeNumberRule) &&
    296         util_equalRules(fractionRules[0], rhs.fractionRules[0]) &&
    297         util_equalRules(fractionRules[1], rhs.fractionRules[1]) &&
    298         util_equalRules(fractionRules[2], rhs.fractionRules[2])) {
    300         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rules.size(); ++i) {
    301             if (*rules[i] != *rhs.rules[i]) {
    302                 return FALSE;
    303             }
    304         }
    305         return TRUE;
    306     }
    307     return FALSE;
    308 }
    310 #define RECURSION_LIMIT 50
    312 void
    313 NFRuleSet::format(int64_t number, UnicodeString& toAppendTo, int32_t pos) const
    314 {
    315     NFRule *rule = findNormalRule(number);
    316     if (rule) { // else error, but can't report it
    317         NFRuleSet* ncThis = (NFRuleSet*)this;
    318         if (ncThis->fRecursionCount++ >= RECURSION_LIMIT) {
    319             // stop recursion
    320             ncThis->fRecursionCount = 0;
    321         } else {
    322             rule->doFormat(number, toAppendTo, pos);
    323             ncThis->fRecursionCount--;
    324         }
    325     }
    326 }
    328 void
    329 NFRuleSet::format(double number, UnicodeString& toAppendTo, int32_t pos) const
    330 {
    331     NFRule *rule = findDoubleRule(number);
    332     if (rule) { // else error, but can't report it
    333         NFRuleSet* ncThis = (NFRuleSet*)this;
    334         if (ncThis->fRecursionCount++ >= RECURSION_LIMIT) {
    335             // stop recursion
    336             ncThis->fRecursionCount = 0;
    337         } else {
    338             rule->doFormat(number, toAppendTo, pos);
    339             ncThis->fRecursionCount--;
    340         }
    341     }
    342 }
    344 NFRule*
    345 NFRuleSet::findDoubleRule(double number) const
    346 {
    347     // if this is a fraction rule set, use findFractionRuleSetRule()
    348     if (isFractionRuleSet()) {
    349         return findFractionRuleSetRule(number);
    350     }
    352     // if the number is negative, return the negative number rule
    353     // (if there isn't a negative-number rule, we pretend it's a
    354     // positive number)
    355     if (number < 0) {
    356         if (negativeNumberRule) {
    357             return  negativeNumberRule;
    358         } else {
    359             number = -number;
    360         }
    361     }
    363     // if the number isn't an integer, we use one of the fraction rules...
    364     if (number != uprv_floor(number)) {
    365         // if the number is between 0 and 1, return the proper
    366         // fraction rule
    367         if (number < 1 && fractionRules[1]) {
    368             return fractionRules[1];
    369         }
    370         // otherwise, return the improper fraction rule
    371         else if (fractionRules[0]) {
    372             return fractionRules[0];
    373         }
    374     }
    376     // if there's a master rule, use it to format the number
    377     if (fractionRules[2]) {
    378         return fractionRules[2];
    379     }
    381     // and if we haven't yet returned a rule, use findNormalRule()
    382     // to find the applicable rule
    383     int64_t r = util64_fromDouble(number + 0.5);
    384     return findNormalRule(r);
    385 }
    387 NFRule *
    388 NFRuleSet::findNormalRule(int64_t number) const
    389 {
    390     // if this is a fraction rule set, use findFractionRuleSetRule()
    391     // to find the rule (we should only go into this clause if the
    392     // value is 0)
    393     if (fIsFractionRuleSet) {
    394         return findFractionRuleSetRule((double)number);
    395     }
    397     // if the number is negative, return the negative-number rule
    398     // (if there isn't one, pretend the number is positive)
    399     if (number < 0) {
    400         if (negativeNumberRule) {
    401             return negativeNumberRule;
    402         } else {
    403             number = -number;
    404         }
    405     }
    407     // we have to repeat the preceding two checks, even though we
    408     // do them in findRule(), because the version of format() that
    409     // takes a long bypasses findRule() and goes straight to this
    410     // function.  This function does skip the fraction rules since
    411     // we know the value is an integer (it also skips the master
    412     // rule, since it's considered a fraction rule.  Skipping the
    413     // master rule in this function is also how we avoid infinite
    414     // recursion)
    416     // {dlf} unfortunately this fails if there are no rules except
    417     // special rules.  If there are no rules, use the master rule.
    419     // binary-search the rule list for the applicable rule
    420     // (a rule is used for all values from its base value to
    421     // the next rule's base value)
    422     int32_t hi = rules.size();
    423     if (hi > 0) {
    424         int32_t lo = 0;
    426         while (lo < hi) {
    427             int32_t mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
    428             if (rules[mid]->getBaseValue() == number) {
    429                 return rules[mid];
    430             }
    431             else if (rules[mid]->getBaseValue() > number) {
    432                 hi = mid;
    433             }
    434             else {
    435                 lo = mid + 1;
    436             }
    437         }
    438         if (hi == 0) { // bad rule set, minimum base > 0
    439             return NULL; // want to throw exception here
    440         }
    442         NFRule *result = rules[hi - 1];
    444         // use shouldRollBack() to see whether we need to invoke the
    445         // rollback rule (see shouldRollBack()'s documentation for
    446         // an explanation of the rollback rule).  If we do, roll back
    447         // one rule and return that one instead of the one we'd normally
    448         // return
    449         if (result->shouldRollBack((double)number)) {
    450             if (hi == 1) { // bad rule set, no prior rule to rollback to from this base
    451                 return NULL;
    452             }
    453             result = rules[hi - 2];
    454         }
    455         return result;
    456     }
    457     // else use the master rule
    458     return fractionRules[2];
    459 }
    461 /**
    462  * If this rule is a fraction rule set, this function is used by
    463  * findRule() to select the most appropriate rule for formatting
    464  * the number.  Basically, the base value of each rule in the rule
    465  * set is treated as the denominator of a fraction.  Whichever
    466  * denominator can produce the fraction closest in value to the
    467  * number passed in is the result.  If there's a tie, the earlier
    468  * one in the list wins.  (If there are two rules in a row with the
    469  * same base value, the first one is used when the numerator of the
    470  * fraction would be 1, and the second rule is used the rest of the
    471  * time.
    472  * @param number The number being formatted (which will always be
    473  * a number between 0 and 1)
    474  * @return The rule to use to format this number
    475  */
    476 NFRule*
    477 NFRuleSet::findFractionRuleSetRule(double number) const
    478 {
    479     // the obvious way to do this (multiply the value being formatted
    480     // by each rule's base value until you get an integral result)
    481     // doesn't work because of rounding error.  This method is more
    482     // accurate
    484     // find the least common multiple of the rules' base values
    485     // and multiply this by the number being formatted.  This is
    486     // all the precision we need, and we can do all of the rest
    487     // of the math using integer arithmetic
    488     int64_t leastCommonMultiple = rules[0]->getBaseValue();
    489     int64_t numerator;
    490     {
    491         for (uint32_t i = 1; i < rules.size(); ++i) {
    492             leastCommonMultiple = util_lcm(leastCommonMultiple, rules[i]->getBaseValue());
    493         }
    494         numerator = util64_fromDouble(number * (double)leastCommonMultiple + 0.5);
    495     }
    496     // for each rule, do the following...
    497     int64_t tempDifference;
    498     int64_t difference = util64_fromDouble(uprv_maxMantissa());
    499     int32_t winner = 0;
    500     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rules.size(); ++i) {
    501         // "numerator" is the numerator of the fraction if the
    502         // denominator is the LCD.  The numerator if the rule's
    503         // base value is the denominator is "numerator" times the
    504         // base value divided bythe LCD.  Here we check to see if
    505         // that's an integer, and if not, how close it is to being
    506         // an integer.
    507         tempDifference = numerator * rules[i]->getBaseValue() % leastCommonMultiple;
    510         // normalize the result of the above calculation: we want
    511         // the numerator's distance from the CLOSEST multiple
    512         // of the LCD
    513         if (leastCommonMultiple - tempDifference < tempDifference) {
    514             tempDifference = leastCommonMultiple - tempDifference;
    515         }
    517         // if this is as close as we've come, keep track of how close
    518         // that is, and the line number of the rule that did it.  If
    519         // we've scored a direct hit, we don't have to look at any more
    520         // rules
    521         if (tempDifference < difference) {
    522             difference = tempDifference;
    523             winner = i;
    524             if (difference == 0) {
    525                 break;
    526             }
    527         }
    528     }
    530     // if we have two successive rules that both have the winning base
    531     // value, then the first one (the one we found above) is used if
    532     // the numerator of the fraction is 1 and the second one is used if
    533     // the numerator of the fraction is anything else (this lets us
    534     // do things like "one third"/"two thirds" without haveing to define
    535     // a whole bunch of extra rule sets)
    536     if ((unsigned)(winner + 1) < rules.size() &&
    537         rules[winner + 1]->getBaseValue() == rules[winner]->getBaseValue()) {
    538         double n = ((double)rules[winner]->getBaseValue()) * number;
    539         if (n < 0.5 || n >= 2) {
    540             ++winner;
    541         }
    542     }
    544     // finally, return the winning rule
    545     return rules[winner];
    546 }
    548 /**
    549  * Parses a string.  Matches the string to be parsed against each
    550  * of its rules (with a base value less than upperBound) and returns
    551  * the value produced by the rule that matched the most charcters
    552  * in the source string.
    553  * @param text The string to parse
    554  * @param parsePosition The initial position is ignored and assumed
    555  * to be 0.  On exit, this object has been updated to point to the
    556  * first character position this rule set didn't consume.
    557  * @param upperBound Limits the rules that can be allowed to match.
    558  * Only rules whose base values are strictly less than upperBound
    559  * are considered.
    560  * @return The numerical result of parsing this string.  This will
    561  * be the matching rule's base value, composed appropriately with
    562  * the results of matching any of its substitutions.  The object
    563  * will be an instance of Long if it's an integral value; otherwise,
    564  * it will be an instance of Double.  This function always returns
    565  * a valid object: If nothing matched the input string at all,
    566  * this function returns new Long(0), and the parse position is
    567  * left unchanged.
    568  */
    569 #ifdef RBNF_DEBUG
    570 #include <stdio.h>
    572 static void dumpUS(FILE* f, const UnicodeString& us) {
    573   int len = us.length();
    574   char* buf = (char *)uprv_malloc((len+1)*sizeof(char)); //new char[len+1];
    575   if (buf != NULL) {
    576 	  us.extract(0, len, buf);
    577 	  buf[len] = 0;
    578 	  fprintf(f, "%s", buf);
    579 	  uprv_free(buf); //delete[] buf;
    580   }
    581 }
    582 #endif
    584 UBool
    585 NFRuleSet::parse(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos, double upperBound, Formattable& result) const
    586 {
    587     // try matching each rule in the rule set against the text being
    588     // parsed.  Whichever one matches the most characters is the one
    589     // that determines the value we return.
    591     result.setLong(0);
    593     // dump out if there's no text to parse
    594     if (text.length() == 0) {
    595         return 0;
    596     }
    598     ParsePosition highWaterMark;
    599     ParsePosition workingPos = pos;
    601 #ifdef RBNF_DEBUG
    602     fprintf(stderr, "<nfrs> %x '", this);
    603     dumpUS(stderr, name);
    604     fprintf(stderr, "' text '");
    605     dumpUS(stderr, text);
    606     fprintf(stderr, "'\n");
    607     fprintf(stderr, "  parse negative: %d\n", this, negativeNumberRule != 0);
    608 #endif
    610     // start by trying the negative number rule (if there is one)
    611     if (negativeNumberRule) {
    612         Formattable tempResult;
    613 #ifdef RBNF_DEBUG
    614         fprintf(stderr, "  <nfrs before negative> %x ub: %g\n", negativeNumberRule, upperBound);
    615 #endif
    616         UBool success = negativeNumberRule->doParse(text, workingPos, 0, upperBound, tempResult);
    617 #ifdef RBNF_DEBUG
    618         fprintf(stderr, "  <nfrs after negative> success: %d wpi: %d\n", success, workingPos.getIndex());
    619 #endif
    620         if (success && workingPos.getIndex() > highWaterMark.getIndex()) {
    621             result = tempResult;
    622             highWaterMark = workingPos;
    623         }
    624         workingPos = pos;
    625     }
    626 #ifdef RBNF_DEBUG
    627     fprintf(stderr, "<nfrs> continue fractional with text '");
    628     dumpUS(stderr, text);
    629     fprintf(stderr, "' hwm: %d\n", highWaterMark.getIndex());
    630 #endif
    631     // then try each of the fraction rules
    632     {
    633         for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    634             if (fractionRules[i]) {
    635                 Formattable tempResult;
    636                 UBool success = fractionRules[i]->doParse(text, workingPos, 0, upperBound, tempResult);
    637                 if (success && (workingPos.getIndex() > highWaterMark.getIndex())) {
    638                     result = tempResult;
    639                     highWaterMark = workingPos;
    640                 }
    641                 workingPos = pos;
    642             }
    643         }
    644     }
    645 #ifdef RBNF_DEBUG
    646     fprintf(stderr, "<nfrs> continue other with text '");
    647     dumpUS(stderr, text);
    648     fprintf(stderr, "' hwm: %d\n", highWaterMark.getIndex());
    649 #endif
    651     // finally, go through the regular rules one at a time.  We start
    652     // at the end of the list because we want to try matching the most
    653     // sigificant rule first (this helps ensure that we parse
    654     // "five thousand three hundred six" as
    655     // "(five thousand) (three hundred) (six)" rather than
    656     // "((five thousand three) hundred) (six)").  Skip rules whose
    657     // base values are higher than the upper bound (again, this helps
    658     // limit ambiguity by making sure the rules that match a rule's
    659     // are less significant than the rule containing the substitutions)/
    660     {
    661         int64_t ub = util64_fromDouble(upperBound);
    662 #ifdef RBNF_DEBUG
    663         {
    664             char ubstr[64];
    665             util64_toa(ub, ubstr, 64);
    666             char ubstrhex[64];
    667             util64_toa(ub, ubstrhex, 64, 16);
    668             fprintf(stderr, "ub: %g, i64: %s (%s)\n", upperBound, ubstr, ubstrhex);
    669         }
    670 #endif
    671         for (int32_t i = rules.size(); --i >= 0 && highWaterMark.getIndex() < text.length();) {
    672             if ((!fIsFractionRuleSet) && (rules[i]->getBaseValue() >= ub)) {
    673                 continue;
    674             }
    675             Formattable tempResult;
    676             UBool success = rules[i]->doParse(text, workingPos, fIsFractionRuleSet, upperBound, tempResult);
    677             if (success && workingPos.getIndex() > highWaterMark.getIndex()) {
    678                 result = tempResult;
    679                 highWaterMark = workingPos;
    680             }
    681             workingPos = pos;
    682         }
    683     }
    684 #ifdef RBNF_DEBUG
    685     fprintf(stderr, "<nfrs> exit\n");
    686 #endif
    687     // finally, update the parse postion we were passed to point to the
    688     // first character we didn't use, and return the result that
    689     // corresponds to that string of characters
    690     pos = highWaterMark;
    692     return 1;
    693 }
    695 void
    696 NFRuleSet::appendRules(UnicodeString& result) const
    697 {
    698     // the rule set name goes first...
    699     result.append(name);
    700     result.append(gColon);
    701     result.append(gLineFeed);
    703     // followed by the regular rules...
    704     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) {
    705         result.append(gFourSpaces);
    706         rules[i]->_appendRuleText(result);
    707         result.append(gLineFeed);
    708     }
    710     // followed by the special rules (if they exist)
    711     if (negativeNumberRule) {
    712         result.append(gFourSpaces);
    713         negativeNumberRule->_appendRuleText(result);
    714         result.append(gLineFeed);
    715     }
    717     {
    718         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    719             if (fractionRules[i]) {
    720                 result.append(gFourSpaces);
    721                 fractionRules[i]->_appendRuleText(result);
    722                 result.append(gLineFeed);
    723             }
    724         }
    725     }
    726 }
    728 // utility functions
    730 int64_t util64_fromDouble(double d) {
    731     int64_t result = 0;
    732     if (!uprv_isNaN(d)) {
    733         double mant = uprv_maxMantissa();
    734         if (d < -mant) {
    735             d = -mant;
    736         } else if (d > mant) {
    737             d = mant;
    738         }
    739         UBool neg = d < 0;
    740         if (neg) {
    741             d = -d;
    742         }
    743         result = (int64_t)uprv_floor(d);
    744         if (neg) {
    745             result = -result;
    746         }
    747     }
    748     return result;
    749 }
    751 int64_t util64_pow(int32_t r, uint32_t e)  {
    752     if (r == 0) {
    753         return 0;
    754     } else if (e == 0) {
    755         return 1;
    756     } else {
    757         int64_t n = r;
    758         while (--e > 0) {
    759             n *= r;
    760         }
    761         return n;
    762     }
    763 }
    765 static const uint8_t asciiDigits[] = {
    766     0x30u, 0x31u, 0x32u, 0x33u, 0x34u, 0x35u, 0x36u, 0x37u,
    767     0x38u, 0x39u, 0x61u, 0x62u, 0x63u, 0x64u, 0x65u, 0x66u,
    768     0x67u, 0x68u, 0x69u, 0x6au, 0x6bu, 0x6cu, 0x6du, 0x6eu,
    769     0x6fu, 0x70u, 0x71u, 0x72u, 0x73u, 0x74u, 0x75u, 0x76u,
    770     0x77u, 0x78u, 0x79u, 0x7au,
    771 };
    773 static const UChar kUMinus = (UChar)0x002d;
    775 #ifdef RBNF_DEBUG
    776 static const char kMinus = '-';
    778 static const uint8_t digitInfo[] = {
    779         0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
    780         0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
    781         0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
    782         0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
    783         0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
    784         0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
    785     0x80u, 0x81u, 0x82u, 0x83u, 0x84u, 0x85u, 0x86u, 0x87u,
    786     0x88u, 0x89u,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
    787         0, 0x8au, 0x8bu, 0x8cu, 0x8du, 0x8eu, 0x8fu, 0x90u,
    788     0x91u, 0x92u, 0x93u, 0x94u, 0x95u, 0x96u, 0x97u, 0x98u,
    789     0x99u, 0x9au, 0x9bu, 0x9cu, 0x9du, 0x9eu, 0x9fu, 0xa0u,
    790     0xa1u, 0xa2u, 0xa3u,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
    791         0, 0x8au, 0x8bu, 0x8cu, 0x8du, 0x8eu, 0x8fu, 0x90u,
    792     0x91u, 0x92u, 0x93u, 0x94u, 0x95u, 0x96u, 0x97u, 0x98u,
    793     0x99u, 0x9au, 0x9bu, 0x9cu, 0x9du, 0x9eu, 0x9fu, 0xa0u,
    794     0xa1u, 0xa2u, 0xa3u,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
    795 };
    797 int64_t util64_atoi(const char* str, uint32_t radix)
    798 {
    799     if (radix > 36) {
    800         radix = 36;
    801     } else if (radix < 2) {
    802         radix = 2;
    803     }
    804     int64_t lradix = radix;
    806     int neg = 0;
    807     if (*str == kMinus) {
    808         ++str;
    809         neg = 1;
    810     }
    811     int64_t result = 0;
    812     uint8_t b;
    813     while ((b = digitInfo[*str++]) && ((b &= 0x7f) < radix)) {
    814         result *= lradix;
    815         result += (int32_t)b;
    816     }
    817     if (neg) {
    818         result = -result;
    819     }
    820     return result;
    821 }
    823 int64_t util64_utoi(const UChar* str, uint32_t radix)
    824 {
    825     if (radix > 36) {
    826         radix = 36;
    827     } else if (radix < 2) {
    828         radix = 2;
    829     }
    830     int64_t lradix = radix;
    832     int neg = 0;
    833     if (*str == kUMinus) {
    834         ++str;
    835         neg = 1;
    836     }
    837     int64_t result = 0;
    838     UChar c;
    839     uint8_t b;
    840     while (((c = *str++) < 0x0080) && (b = digitInfo[c]) && ((b &= 0x7f) < radix)) {
    841         result *= lradix;
    842         result += (int32_t)b;
    843     }
    844     if (neg) {
    845         result = -result;
    846     }
    847     return result;
    848 }
    850 uint32_t util64_toa(int64_t w, char* buf, uint32_t len, uint32_t radix, UBool raw)
    851 {
    852     if (radix > 36) {
    853         radix = 36;
    854     } else if (radix < 2) {
    855         radix = 2;
    856     }
    857     int64_t base = radix;
    859     char* p = buf;
    860     if (len && (w < 0) && (radix == 10) && !raw) {
    861         w = -w;
    862         *p++ = kMinus;
    863         --len;
    864     } else if (len && (w == 0)) {
    865         *p++ = (char)raw ? 0 : asciiDigits[0];
    866         --len;
    867     }
    869     while (len && w != 0) {
    870         int64_t n = w / base;
    871         int64_t m = n * base;
    872         int32_t d = (int32_t)(w-m);
    873         *p++ = raw ? (char)d : asciiDigits[d];
    874         w = n;
    875         --len;
    876     }
    877     if (len) {
    878         *p = 0; // null terminate if room for caller convenience
    879     }
    881     len = p - buf;
    882     if (*buf == kMinus) {
    883         ++buf;
    884     }
    885     while (--p > buf) {
    886         char c = *p;
    887         *p = *buf;
    888         *buf = c;
    889         ++buf;
    890     }
    892     return len;
    893 }
    894 #endif
    896 uint32_t util64_tou(int64_t w, UChar* buf, uint32_t len, uint32_t radix, UBool raw)
    897 {
    898     if (radix > 36) {
    899         radix = 36;
    900     } else if (radix < 2) {
    901         radix = 2;
    902     }
    903     int64_t base = radix;
    905     UChar* p = buf;
    906     if (len && (w < 0) && (radix == 10) && !raw) {
    907         w = -w;
    908         *p++ = kUMinus;
    909         --len;
    910     } else if (len && (w == 0)) {
    911         *p++ = (UChar)raw ? 0 : asciiDigits[0];
    912         --len;
    913     }
    915     while (len && (w != 0)) {
    916         int64_t n = w / base;
    917         int64_t m = n * base;
    918         int32_t d = (int32_t)(w-m);
    919         *p++ = (UChar)(raw ? d : asciiDigits[d]);
    920         w = n;
    921         --len;
    922     }
    923     if (len) {
    924         *p = 0; // null terminate if room for caller convenience
    925     }
    927     len = (uint32_t)(p - buf);
    928     if (*buf == kUMinus) {
    929         ++buf;
    930     }
    931     while (--p > buf) {
    932         UChar c = *p;
    933         *p = *buf;
    934         *buf = c;
    935         ++buf;
    936     }
    938     return len;
    939 }
    944 /* U_HAVE_RBNF */
    945 #endif