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      1 /* Modified for use with yasm by Peter Johnson. */
      2 /*
      3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      4 perfect.c: code to generate code for a hash for perfect hashing.
      5 (c) Bob Jenkins, September 1996, December 1999
      6 You may use this code in any way you wish, and it is free.  No warranty.
      7 I hereby place this in the public domain.
      8 Source is http://burtleburtle.net/bob/c/perfect.c
     10 This generates a minimal perfect hash function.  That means, given a
     11 set of n keys, this determines a hash function that maps each of
     12 those keys into a value in 0..n-1 with no collisions.
     14 The perfect hash function first uses a normal hash function on the key
     15 to determine (a,b) such that the pair (a,b) is distinct for all
     16 keys, then it computes a^scramble[tab[b]] to get the final perfect hash.
     17 tab[] is an array of 1-byte values and scramble[] is a 256-term array of
     18 2-byte or 4-byte values.  If there are n keys, the length of tab[] is a
     19 power of two between n/3 and n.
     21 I found the idea of computing distinct (a,b) values in "Practical minimal
     22 perfect hash functions for large databases", Fox, Heath, Chen, and Daoud,
     23 Communications of the ACM, January 1992.  They found the idea in Chichelli
     24 (CACM Jan 1980).  Beyond that, our methods differ.
     26 The key is hashed to a pair (a,b) where a in 0..*alen*-1 and b in
     27 0..*blen*-1.  A fast hash function determines both a and b
     28 simultaneously.  Any decent hash function is likely to produce
     29 hashes so that (a,b) is distinct for all pairs.  I try the hash
     30 using different values of *salt* until all pairs are distinct.
     32 The final hash is (a XOR scramble[tab[b]]).  *scramble* is a
     33 predetermined mapping of 0..255 into 0..smax-1.  *tab* is an
     34 array that we fill in in such a way as to make the hash perfect.
     36 First we fill in all values of *tab* that are used by more than one
     37 key.  We try all possible values for each position until one works.
     39 This leaves m unmapped keys and m values that something could hash to.
     40 If you treat unmapped keys as lefthand nodes and unused hash values
     41 as righthand nodes, and draw a line connecting each key to each hash
     42 value it could map to, you get a bipartite graph.  We attempt to
     43 find a perfect matching in this graph.  If we succeed, we have
     44 determined a perfect hash for the whole set of keys.
     46 *scramble* is used because (a^tab[i]) clusters keys around *a*.
     47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     48 */
     50 #include <string.h>
     51 #include "tools/genperf/standard.h"
     52 #include "libyasm/coretype.h"
     53 #include "libyasm/phash.h"
     54 #include "tools/genperf/perfect.h"
     56 #define CHECKSTATE 8
     58 /*
     59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     60 Find the mapping that will produce a perfect hash
     61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     62 */
     64 /* return the ceiling of the log (base 2) of val */
     65 ub4  phash_log2(val)
     66 ub4  val;
     67 {
     68   ub4 i;
     69   for (i=0; ((ub4)1<<i) < val; ++i)
     70     ;
     71   return i;
     72 }
     74 /* compute p(x), where p is a permutation of 0..(1<<nbits)-1 */
     75 /* permute(0)=0.  This is intended and useful. */
     76 static ub4  permute(
     77     ub4 x,                                   /* input, a value in some range */
     78     ub4 nbits)                             /* input, number of bits in range */
     79 {
     80   int i;
     81   int mask   = ((ub4)1<<nbits)-1;                                /* all ones */
     82   int const2 = 1+nbits/2;
     83   int const3 = 1+nbits/3;
     84   int const4 = 1+nbits/4;
     85   int const5 = 1+nbits/5;
     86   for (i=0; i<20; ++i)
     87   {
     88     x = (x+(x<<const2)) & mask;
     89     x = (x^(x>>const3));
     90     x = (x+(x<<const4)) & mask;
     91     x = (x^(x>>const5));
     92   }
     93   return x;
     94 }
     96 /* initialize scramble[] with distinct random values in 0..smax-1 */
     97 static void scrambleinit(
     98     ub4      *scramble,                        /* hash is a^scramble[tab[b]] */
     99     ub4       smax)                /* scramble values should be in 0..smax-1 */
    100 {
    101   ub4 i;
    103   /* fill scramble[] with distinct random integers in 0..smax-1 */
    104   for (i=0; i<SCRAMBLE_LEN; ++i)
    105   {
    106     scramble[i] = permute(i, phash_log2(smax));
    107   }
    108 }
    110 /*
    111  * Check if key1 and key2 are the same.
    112  * We already checked (a,b) are the same.
    113  */
    114 static void checkdup(
    115     key      *key1,
    116     key      *key2,
    117     hashform *form)
    118 {
    119   switch(form->hashtype)
    120   {
    121   case STRING_HT:
    122     if ((key1->len_k == key2->len_k) &&
    123         !memcmp(key1->name_k, key2->name_k, (size_t)key1->len_k))
    124     {
    125       fprintf(stderr, "perfect.c: Duplicates keys!  %.*s\n",
    126               (int)key1->len_k, key1->name_k);
    127       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    128     }
    129     break;
    130   case INT_HT:
    131     if (key1->hash_k == key2->hash_k)
    132     {
    133       fprintf(stderr, "perfect.c: Duplicate keys!  %.8lx\n", key1->hash_k);
    134       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    135     }
    136     break;
    137   case AB_HT:
    138     fprintf(stderr, "perfect.c: Duplicate keys!  %.8lx %.8lx\n",
    139             key1->a_k, key1->b_k);
    140     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    141     break;
    142   default:
    143     fprintf(stderr, "perfect.c: Illegal hash type %ld\n", (ub4)form->hashtype);
    144     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    145     break;
    146   }
    147 }
    150 /*
    151  * put keys in tabb according to key->b_k
    152  * check if the initial hash might work
    153  */
    154 static int inittab(
    155     bstuff   *tabb,                 /* output, list of keys with b for (a,b) */
    156     ub4       blen,                                        /* length of tabb */
    157     key      *keys,                           /* list of keys already hashed */
    158     hashform *form,                                       /* user directives */
    159     int       complete)    /* TRUE means to complete init despite collisions */
    160 {
    161   int  nocollision = TRUE;
    162   key *mykey;
    164   memset((void *)tabb, 0, (size_t)(sizeof(bstuff)*blen));
    166   /* Two keys with the same (a,b) guarantees a collision */
    167   for (mykey=keys; mykey; mykey=mykey->next_k)
    168   {
    169     key *otherkey;
    171     for (otherkey=tabb[mykey->b_k].list_b;
    172          otherkey;
    173          otherkey=otherkey->nextb_k)
    174     {
    175       if (mykey->a_k == otherkey->a_k)
    176       {
    177         nocollision = FALSE;
    178         checkdup(mykey, otherkey, form);
    179         if (!complete)
    180           return FALSE;
    181       }
    182     }
    183     ++tabb[mykey->b_k].listlen_b;
    184     mykey->nextb_k = tabb[mykey->b_k].list_b;
    185     tabb[mykey->b_k].list_b = mykey;
    186   }
    188   /* no two keys have the same (a,b) pair */
    189   return nocollision;
    190 }
    193 /* Do the initial hash for normal mode (use lookup and checksum) */
    194 static void initnorm(
    195     key      *keys,                                      /* list of all keys */
    196     ub4       alen,                /* (a,b) has a in 0..alen-1, a power of 2 */
    197     ub4       blen,                /* (a,b) has b in 0..blen-1, a power of 2 */
    198     ub4       smax,               /* maximum range of computable hash values */
    199     ub4       salt,                 /* used to initialize the hash function */
    200     gencode  *final)                      /* output, code for the final hash */
    201 {
    202   key *mykey;
    203   if (phash_log2(alen)+phash_log2(blen) > UB4BITS)
    204   {
    205     ub4 initlev = (salt*0x9e3779b9)&0xffffffff;  /* the golden ratio; an arbitrary value */
    207     for (mykey=keys; mykey; mykey=mykey->next_k)
    208     {
    209       ub4 i, state[CHECKSTATE];
    210       for (i=0; i<CHECKSTATE; ++i) state[i] = initlev;
    211       phash_checksum( mykey->name_k, mykey->len_k, state);
    212       mykey->a_k = state[0]&(alen-1);
    213       mykey->b_k = state[1]&(blen-1);
    214     }
    215     final->used = 4;
    216     sprintf(final->line[0],
    217             "  unsigned long i,state[CHECKSTATE],rsl;\n");
    218     sprintf(final->line[1],
    219             "  for (i=0; i<CHECKSTATE; ++i) state[i]=0x%lx;\n",initlev);
    220     sprintf(final->line[2],
    221             "  phash_checksum(key, len, state);\n");
    222     sprintf(final->line[3],
    223             "  rsl = ((state[0]&0x%lx)^scramble[tab[state[1]&0x%lx]]);\n",
    224             alen-1, blen-1);
    225   }
    226   else
    227   {
    228     ub4 loga = phash_log2(alen);                            /* log based 2 of blen */
    229     ub4 initlev = (salt*0x9e3779b9)&0xffffffff;  /* the golden ratio; an arbitrary value */
    231     for (mykey=keys; mykey; mykey=mykey->next_k)
    232     {
    233       ub4 hash = phash_lookup(mykey->name_k, mykey->len_k, initlev);
    234       mykey->a_k = (loga > 0) ? hash>>(UB4BITS-loga) : 0;
    235       mykey->b_k = (blen > 1) ? hash&(blen-1) : 0;
    236     }
    237     final->used = 2;
    238     sprintf(final->line[0],
    239             "  unsigned long rsl, val = phash_lookup(key, len, 0x%lxUL);\n", initlev);
    240     if (smax <= 1)
    241     {
    242       sprintf(final->line[1], "  rsl = 0;\n");
    243     }
    244     else if (blen < USE_SCRAMBLE)
    245     {
    246       sprintf(final->line[1], "  rsl = ((val>>%ld)^tab[val&0x%lx]);\n",
    247               UB4BITS-phash_log2(alen), blen-1);
    248     }
    249     else
    250     {
    251       sprintf(final->line[1], "  rsl = ((val>>%ld)^scramble[tab[val&0x%lx]]);\n",
    252               UB4BITS-phash_log2(alen), blen-1);
    253     }
    254   }
    255 }
    259 /* Do initial hash for inline mode */
    260 static void initinl(
    261     key      *keys,                                      /* list of all keys */
    262     ub4       alen,                /* (a,b) has a in 0..alen-1, a power of 2 */
    263     ub4       blen,                /* (a,b) has b in 0..blen-1, a power of 2 */
    264     ub4       smax,                       /* range of computable hash values */
    265     ub4       salt,                  /* used to initialize the hash function */
    266     gencode  *final)                        /* generated code for final hash */
    267 {
    268   key *mykey;
    269   ub4  amask = alen-1;
    270   ub4  blog  = phash_log2(blen);
    271   ub4  initval = salt*0x9e3779b9;    /* the golden ratio; an arbitrary value */
    273   /* It's more important to have b uniform than a, so b is the low bits */
    274   for (mykey = keys;  mykey != (key *)0;  mykey = mykey->next_k)
    275   {
    276     ub4   hash = initval;
    277     ub4   i;
    278     for (i=0; i<mykey->len_k; ++i)
    279     {
    280       hash = ((ub1)mykey->name_k[i] ^ hash) + ((hash<<(UB4BITS-6))+(hash>>6));
    281     }
    282     mykey->hash_k = hash;
    283     mykey->a_k = (alen > 1) ? (hash & amask) : 0;
    284     mykey->b_k = (blen > 1) ? (hash >> (UB4BITS-blog)) : 0;
    285   }
    286   final->used = 1;
    287   if (smax <= 1)
    288   {
    289     sprintf(final->line[0], "  unsigned long rsl = 0;\n");
    290   }
    291   else if (blen < USE_SCRAMBLE)
    292   {
    293     sprintf(final->line[0], "  unsigned long rsl = ((val & 0x%lx) ^ tab[val >> %ld]);\n",
    294             amask, UB4BITS-blog);
    295   }
    296   else
    297   {
    298     sprintf(final->line[0], "  unsigned long rsl = ((val & 0x%lx) ^ scramble[tab[val >> %ld]]);\n",
    299             amask, UB4BITS-blog);
    300   }
    301 }
    304 /*
    305  * Run a hash function on the key to get a and b
    306  * Returns:
    307  *   0: didn't find distinct (a,b) for all keys
    308  *   1: found distinct (a,b) for all keys, put keys in tabb[]
    309  *   2: found a perfect hash, no need to do any more work
    310  */
    311 static ub4 initkey(
    312     key      *keys,                                      /* list of all keys */
    313     ub4       nkeys,                                 /* total number of keys */
    314     bstuff   *tabb,                                    /* stuff indexed by b */
    315     ub4       alen,                /* (a,b) has a in 0..alen-1, a power of 2 */
    316     ub4       blen,                /* (a,b) has b in 0..blen-1, a power of 2 */
    317     ub4       smax,                       /* range of computable hash values */
    318     ub4       salt,                 /* used to initialize the hash function */
    319     hashform *form,                                       /* user directives */
    320     gencode  *final)                                  /* code for final hash */
    321 {
    322   /* Do the initial hash of the keys */
    323   switch(form->mode)
    324   {
    325   case NORMAL_HM:
    326     initnorm(keys, alen, blen, smax, salt, final);
    327     break;
    328   case INLINE_HM:
    329     initinl(keys, alen, blen, smax, salt, final);
    330     break;
    331 #if 0
    332   case HEX_HM:
    333   case DECIMAL_HM:
    334     finished = inithex(keys, nkeys, alen, blen, smax, salt, final, form);
    335     if (finished) return 2;
    336     break;
    337 #endif
    338   default:
    339     fprintf(stderr, "fatal error: illegal mode\n");
    340     exit(1);
    341   }
    343   if (nkeys <= 1)
    344   {
    345     final->used = 1;
    346     sprintf(final->line[0], "  unsigned long rsl = 0;\n");
    347     return 2;
    348   }
    350   return inittab(tabb, blen, keys, form, FALSE);
    351 }
    353 /* Print an error message and exit if there are duplicates */
    354 static void duplicates(
    355     bstuff   *tabb,                /* array of lists of keys with the same b */
    356     ub4       blen,                          /* length of tabb, a power of 2 */
    357     key      *keys,
    358     hashform *form)                                       /* user directives */
    359 {
    360   ub4  i;
    361   key *key1;
    362   key *key2;
    364   (void)inittab(tabb, blen, keys, form, TRUE);
    366   /* for each b, do nested loops through key list looking for duplicates */
    367   for (i=0; i<blen; ++i)
    368     for (key1=tabb[i].list_b; key1; key1=key1->nextb_k)
    369       for (key2=key1->nextb_k; key2; key2=key2->nextb_k)
    370         checkdup(key1, key2, form);
    371 }
    374 /* Try to apply an augmenting list */
    375 static int apply(
    376     bstuff *tabb,
    377     hstuff *tabh,
    378     qstuff *tabq,
    379     ub4     blen,
    380     ub4    *scramble,
    381     ub4     tail,
    382     int     rollback)      /* FALSE applies augmenting path, TRUE rolls back */
    383 {
    384   ub4     hash;
    385   key    *mykey;
    386   bstuff *pb;
    387   ub4     child;
    388   ub4     parent;
    389   ub4     stabb;                                         /* scramble[tab[b]] */
    391   /* walk from child to parent */
    392   for (child=tail-1; child; child=parent)
    393   {
    394     parent = tabq[child].parent_q;                    /* find child's parent */
    395     pb     = tabq[parent].b_q;             /* find parent's list of siblings */
    397     /* erase old hash values */
    398     stabb = scramble[pb->val_b];
    399     for (mykey=pb->list_b; mykey; mykey=mykey->nextb_k)
    400     {
    401       hash = mykey->a_k^stabb;
    402       if (mykey == tabh[hash].key_h)
    403       {                            /* erase hash for all of child's siblings */
    404         tabh[hash].key_h = (key *)0;
    405       }
    406     }
    408     /* change pb->val_b, which will change the hashes of all parent siblings */
    409     pb->val_b = (rollback ? tabq[child].oldval_q : tabq[child].newval_q);
    411     /* set new hash values */
    412     stabb = scramble[pb->val_b];
    413     for (mykey=pb->list_b; mykey; mykey=mykey->nextb_k)
    414     {
    415       hash = mykey->a_k^stabb;
    416       if (rollback)
    417       {
    418         if (parent == 0) continue;                  /* root never had a hash */
    419       }
    420       else if (tabh[hash].key_h)
    421       {
    422         /* very rare: roll back any changes */
    423         apply(tabb, tabh, tabq, blen, scramble, tail, TRUE);
    424         return FALSE;                                  /* failure, collision */
    425       }
    426       tabh[hash].key_h = mykey;
    427     }
    428   }
    429   return TRUE;
    430 }
    433 /*
    434 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    435 augment(): Add item to the mapping.
    437 Construct a spanning tree of *b*s with *item* as root, where each
    438 parent can have all its hashes changed (by some new val_b) with
    439 at most one collision, and each child is the b of that collision.
    441 I got this from Tarjan's "Data Structures and Network Algorithms".  The
    442 path from *item* to a *b* that can be remapped with no collision is
    443 an "augmenting path".  Change values of tab[b] along the path so that
    444 the unmapped key gets mapped and the unused hash value gets used.
    446 Assuming 1 key per b, if m out of n hash values are still unused,
    447 you should expect the transitive closure to cover n/m nodes before
    448 an unused node is found.  Sum(i=1..n)(n/i) is about nlogn, so expect
    449 this approach to take about nlogn time to map all single-key b's.
    450 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    451 */
    452 static int augment(
    453     bstuff   *tabb,                                    /* stuff indexed by b */
    454     hstuff   *tabh,  /* which key is associated with which hash, indexed by hash */
    455     qstuff   *tabq,        /* queue of *b* values, this is the spanning tree */
    456     ub4       blen,                                        /* length of tabb */
    457     ub4      *scramble,                  /* final hash is a^scramble[tab[b]] */
    458     ub4       smax,                             /* highest value in scramble */
    459     bstuff   *item,                       /* &tabb[b] for the b to be mapped */
    460     ub4       nkeys,                     /* final hash must be in 0..nkeys-1 */
    461     ub4       highwater,    /* a value higher than any now in tabb[].water_b */
    462     hashform *form)           /* TRUE if we should do a minimal perfect hash */
    463 {
    464   ub4  q;                      /* current position walking through the queue */
    465   ub4  tail;              /* tail of the queue.  0 is the head of the queue. */
    466   ub4  limit=((blen < USE_SCRAMBLE) ? smax : UB1MAXVAL+1);
    467   ub4  highhash = ((form->perfect == MINIMAL_HP) ? nkeys : smax);
    468   int  trans = (form->speed == SLOW_HS || form->perfect == MINIMAL_HP);
    470   /* initialize the root of the spanning tree */
    471   tabq[0].b_q = item;
    472   tail = 1;
    474   /* construct the spanning tree by walking the queue, add children to tail */
    475   for (q=0; q<tail; ++q)
    476   {
    477     bstuff *myb = tabq[q].b_q;                        /* the b for this node */
    478     ub4     i;                              /* possible value for myb->val_b */
    480     if (!trans && (q == 1))
    481       break;                                  /* don't do transitive closure */
    483     for (i=0; i<limit; ++i)
    484     {
    485       bstuff *childb = (bstuff *)0;             /* the b that this i maps to */
    486       key    *mykey;                       /* for walking through myb's keys */
    488       for (mykey = myb->list_b; mykey; mykey=mykey->nextb_k)
    489       {
    490         key    *childkey;
    491         ub4 hash = mykey->a_k^scramble[i];
    493         if (hash >= highhash) break;                        /* out of bounds */
    494         childkey = tabh[hash].key_h;
    496         if (childkey)
    497         {
    498           bstuff *hitb = &tabb[childkey->b_k];
    500           if (childb)
    501           {
    502             if (childb != hitb) break;            /* hit at most one child b */
    503           }
    504           else
    505           {
    506             childb = hitb;                        /* remember this as childb */
    507             if (childb->water_b == highwater) break;     /* already explored */
    508           }
    509         }
    510       }
    511       if (mykey) continue;             /* myb with i has multiple collisions */
    513       /* add childb to the queue of reachable things */
    514       if (childb) childb->water_b = highwater;
    515       tabq[tail].b_q      = childb;
    516       tabq[tail].newval_q = (ub2)i; /* how to make parent (myb) use this hash */
    517       tabq[tail].oldval_q = myb->val_b;            /* need this for rollback */
    518       tabq[tail].parent_q = q;
    519       ++tail;
    521       if (!childb)
    522       {                                  /* found an *i* with no collisions? */
    523         /* try to apply the augmenting path */
    524         if (apply(tabb, tabh, tabq, blen, scramble, tail, FALSE))
    525           return TRUE;        /* success, item was added to the perfect hash */
    527         --tail;                    /* don't know how to handle such a child! */
    528       }
    529     }
    530   }
    531   return FALSE;
    532 }
    535 /* find a mapping that makes this a perfect hash */
    536 static int perfect(
    537     bstuff   *tabb,
    538     hstuff   *tabh,
    539     qstuff   *tabq,
    540     ub4       blen,
    541     ub4       smax,
    542     ub4      *scramble,
    543     ub4       nkeys,
    544     hashform *form)
    545 {
    546   ub4 maxkeys;                           /* maximum number of keys for any b */
    547   ub4 i, j;
    549   /* clear any state from previous attempts */
    550   memset((void *)tabh, 0,
    551          (size_t)(sizeof(hstuff)*
    552                   ((form->perfect == MINIMAL_HP) ? nkeys : smax)));
    553   memset((void *)tabq, 0, (size_t)(sizeof(qstuff)*(blen+1)));
    555   for (maxkeys=0,i=0; i<blen; ++i)
    556     if (tabb[i].listlen_b > maxkeys)
    557       maxkeys = tabb[i].listlen_b;
    559   /* In descending order by number of keys, map all *b*s */
    560   for (j=maxkeys; j>0; --j)
    561     for (i=0; i<blen; ++i)
    562       if (tabb[i].listlen_b == j)
    563         if (!augment(tabb, tabh, tabq, blen, scramble, smax, &tabb[i], nkeys,
    564                      i+1, form))
    565         {
    566           fprintf(stderr, "fail to map group of size %ld for tab size %ld\n", j, blen);
    567           return FALSE;
    568         }
    570   /* Success!  We found a perfect hash of all keys into 0..nkeys-1. */
    571   return TRUE;
    572 }
    575 /*
    576  * Simple case: user gave (a,b).  No more mixing, no guessing alen or blen.
    577  * This assumes a,b reside in (key->a_k, key->b_k), and final->form == AB_HK.
    578  */
    579 static void hash_ab(
    580     bstuff  **tabb,       /* output, tab[] of the perfect hash, length *blen */
    581     ub4      *alen,             /* output, 0..alen-1 is range for a of (a,b) */
    582     ub4      *blen,             /* output, 0..blen-1 is range for b of (a,b) */
    583     ub4      *salt,                     /* output, initializes initial hash */
    584     gencode  *final,                                  /* code for final hash */
    585     ub4      *scramble,                  /* input, hash = a^scramble[tab[b]] */
    586     ub4      *smax,                       /* input, scramble[i] in 0..smax-1 */
    587     key      *keys,                                   /* input, keys to hash */
    588     ub4       nkeys,                   /* input, number of keys being hashed */
    589     hashform *form)                                       /* user directives */
    590 {
    591   hstuff *tabh;
    592   qstuff *tabq;
    593   key    *mykey;
    594   ub4     i;
    595   int     used_tab;
    597   /* initially make smax the first power of two bigger than nkeys */
    598   *smax = ((ub4)1<<phash_log2(nkeys));
    599   scrambleinit(scramble, *smax);
    601   /* set *alen and *blen based on max A and B from user */
    602   *alen = 1;
    603   *blen = 1;
    604   for (mykey = keys;  mykey != (key *)0;  mykey = mykey->next_k)
    605   {
    606     while (*alen <= mykey->a_k) *alen *= 2;
    607     while (*blen <= mykey->b_k) *blen *= 2;
    608   }
    609   if (*alen > 2**smax)
    610   {
    611     fprintf(stderr,
    612       "perfect.c: Can't deal with (A,B) having A bigger than twice \n");
    613     fprintf(stderr,
    614       "  the smallest power of two greater or equal to any legal hash.\n");
    615     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    616   }
    618   /* allocate working memory */
    619   *tabb = (bstuff *)yasm_xmalloc((size_t)(sizeof(bstuff)*(*blen)));
    620   tabq  = (qstuff *)yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(qstuff)*(*blen+1));
    621   tabh  = (hstuff *)yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(hstuff)*(form->perfect == MINIMAL_HP ?
    622                                              nkeys : *smax));
    624   /* check that (a,b) are distinct and put them in tabb indexed by b */
    625   (void)inittab(*tabb, *blen, keys, form, FALSE);
    627   /* try with smax */
    628   if (!perfect(*tabb, tabh, tabq, *blen, *smax, scramble, nkeys, form))
    629   {
    630     if (form->perfect == MINIMAL_HP)
    631     {
    632       fprintf(stderr, "fatal error: Cannot find perfect hash for user (A,B) pairs\n");
    633       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    634     }
    635     else
    636     {
    637       /* try with 2*smax */
    638       free((void *)tabh);
    639       *smax = *smax * 2;
    640       scrambleinit(scramble, *smax);
    641       tabh = (hstuff *)yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(hstuff)*(form->perfect == MINIMAL_HP ?
    642                                                 nkeys : *smax));
    643       if (!perfect(*tabb, tabh, tabq, *blen, *smax, scramble, nkeys, form))
    644       {
    645         fprintf(stderr, "fatal error: Cannot find perfect hash for user (A,B) pairs\n");
    646         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    647       }
    648     }
    649   }
    651   /* check if tab[] was really needed */
    652   for (i=0; i<*blen; ++i)
    653   {
    654     if ((*tabb)[i].val_b != 0) break;            /* assumes permute(0) == 0 */
    655   }
    656   used_tab = (i < *blen);
    658   /* write the code for the perfect hash */
    659   *salt = 1;
    660   final->used = 1;
    661   if (!used_tab)
    662   {
    663     sprintf(final->line[0], "  unsigned long rsl = a;\n");
    664   }
    665   else if (*blen < USE_SCRAMBLE)
    666   {
    667     sprintf(final->line[0], "  unsigned long rsl = (a ^ tab[b]);\n");
    668   }
    669   else
    670   {
    671     sprintf(final->line[0], "  unsigned long rsl = (a ^ scramble[tab[b]]);\n");
    672   }
    674   free((void *)tabq);
    675   free((void *)tabh);
    676 }
    679 /* guess initial values for alen and blen */
    680 static void initalen(
    681     ub4      *alen,                                  /* output, initial alen */
    682     ub4      *blen,                                  /* output, initial blen */
    683     ub4      *smax,/* input, power of two greater or equal to max hash value */
    684     ub4       nkeys,                          /* number of keys being hashed */
    685     hashform *form)                                       /* user directives */
    686 {
    687   /*
    688    * Find initial *alen, *blen
    689    * Initial alen and blen values were found empirically.  Some factors:
    690    *
    691    * If smax<256 there is no scramble, so tab[b] needs to cover 0..smax-1.
    692    *
    693    * alen and blen must be powers of 2 because the values in 0..alen-1 and
    694    * 0..blen-1 are produced by applying a bitmask to the initial hash function.
    695    *
    696    * alen must be less than smax, in fact less than nkeys, because otherwise
    697    * there would often be no i such that a^scramble[i] is in 0..nkeys-1 for
    698    * all the *a*s associated with a given *b*, so there would be no legal
    699    * value to assign to tab[b].  This only matters when we're doing a minimal
    700    * perfect hash.
    701    *
    702    * It takes around 800 trials to find distinct (a,b) with nkey=smax*(5/8)
    703    * and alen*blen = smax*smax/32.
    704    *
    705    * Values of blen less than smax/4 never work, and smax/2 always works.
    706    *
    707    * We want blen as small as possible because it is the number of bytes in
    708    * the huge array we must create for the perfect hash.
    709    *
    710    * When nkey <= smax*(5/8), blen=smax/4 works much more often with
    711    * alen=smax/8 than with alen=smax/4.  Above smax*(5/8), blen=smax/4
    712    * doesn't seem to care whether alen=smax/8 or alen=smax/4.  I think it
    713    * has something to do with 5/8 = 1/8 * 5.  For example examine 80000,
    714    * 85000, and 90000 keys with different values of alen.  This only matters
    715    * if we're doing a minimal perfect hash.
    716    *
    717    * When alen*blen <= 1<<UB4BITS, the initial hash must produce one integer.
    718    * Bigger than that it must produce two integers, which increases the
    719    * cost of the hash per character hashed.
    720    */
    721   if (form->perfect == NORMAL_HP)
    722   {
    723     if ((form->speed == FAST_HS) && (nkeys > *smax*0.8))
    724     {
    725       *smax = *smax * 2;
    726     }
    728     *alen = ((form->hashtype==INT_HT) && *smax>131072) ?
    729       ((ub4)1<<(UB4BITS-phash_log2(*blen))) :   /* distinct keys => distinct (A,B) */
    730       *smax;                         /* no reason to restrict alen to smax/2 */
    731     if ((form->hashtype == INT_HT) && *smax < 32)
    732       *blen = *smax;                      /* go for function speed not space */
    733     else if (*smax/4 <= (1<<14))
    734       *blen = ((nkeys <= *smax*0.56) ? *smax/32 :
    735                (nkeys <= *smax*0.74) ? *smax/16 : *smax/8);
    736     else
    737       *blen = ((nkeys <= *smax*0.6) ? *smax/16 :
    738                (nkeys <= *smax*0.8) ? *smax/8 : *smax/4);
    740     if ((form->speed == FAST_HS) && (*blen < *smax/8))
    741       *blen = *smax/8;
    743     if (*alen < 1) *alen = 1;
    744     if (*blen < 1) *blen = 1;
    745   }
    746   else
    747   {
    748     switch(phash_log2(*smax))
    749     {
    750     case 0:
    751       *alen = 1;
    752       *blen = 1;
    753     case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8:
    754       *alen = (form->perfect == NORMAL_HP) ? *smax : *smax/2;
    755       *blen = *smax/2;
    756       break;
    757     case 9:
    758     case 10:
    759     case 11:
    760     case 12:
    761     case 13:
    762     case 14:
    763     case 15:
    764     case 16:
    765     case 17:
    766       if (form->speed == FAST_HS)
    767       {
    768         *alen = *smax/2;
    769         *blen = *smax/4;
    770       }
    771       else if (*smax/4 < USE_SCRAMBLE)
    772       {
    773         *alen = ((nkeys <= *smax*0.52) ? *smax/8 : *smax/4);
    774         *blen = ((nkeys <= *smax*0.52) ? *smax/8 : *smax/4);
    775       }
    776       else
    777       {
    778         *alen = ((nkeys <= *smax*(5.0/8.0)) ? *smax/8 :
    779                  (nkeys <= *smax*(3.0/4.0)) ? *smax/4 : *smax/2);
    780         *blen = *smax/4;                /* always give the small size a shot */
    781       }
    782       break;
    783     case 18:
    784       if (form->speed == FAST_HS)
    785       {
    786         *alen = *smax/2;
    787         *blen = *smax/2;
    788       }
    789       else
    790       {
    791         *alen = *smax/8;                 /* never require the multiword hash */
    792         *blen = (nkeys <= *smax*(5.0/8.0)) ? *smax/4 : *smax/2;
    793       }
    794       break;
    795     case 19:
    796     case 20:
    797       *alen = (nkeys <= *smax*(5.0/8.0)) ? *smax/8 : *smax/2;
    798       *blen = (nkeys <= *smax*(5.0/8.0)) ? *smax/4 : *smax/2;
    799       break;
    800     default:
    801       *alen = *smax/2;              /* just find a hash as quick as possible */
    802       *blen = *smax/2;     /* we'll be thrashing virtual memory at this size */
    803       break;
    804     }
    805   }
    806 }
    808 /*
    809 ** Try to find a perfect hash function.
    810 ** Return the successful initializer for the initial hash.
    811 ** Return 0 if no perfect hash could be found.
    812 */
    813 void findhash(
    814     bstuff  **tabb,       /* output, tab[] of the perfect hash, length *blen */
    815     hstuff  **tabh,       /* output, table of keys indexed by hash value */
    816     ub4      *alen,             /* output, 0..alen-1 is range for a of (a,b) */
    817     ub4      *blen,             /* output, 0..blen-1 is range for b of (a,b) */
    818     ub4      *salt,                     /* output, initializes initial hash */
    819     gencode  *final,                                  /* code for final hash */
    820     ub4      *scramble,                  /* input, hash = a^scramble[tab[b]] */
    821     ub4      *smax,                       /* input, scramble[i] in 0..smax-1 */
    822     key      *keys,                                   /* input, keys to hash */
    823     ub4       nkeys,                   /* input, number of keys being hashed */
    824     hashform *form)                                       /* user directives */
    825 {
    826   ub4 bad_initkey;                       /* how many times did initkey fail? */
    827   ub4 bad_perfect;                       /* how many times did perfect fail? */
    828   ub4 trysalt;                        /* trial initializer for initial hash */
    829   ub4 maxalen;
    830   qstuff *tabq;    /* table of stuff indexed by queue value, used by augment */
    832   /* The case of (A,B) supplied by the user is a special case */
    833   if (form->hashtype == AB_HT)
    834   {
    835     hash_ab(tabb, alen, blen, salt, final,
    836             scramble, smax, keys, nkeys, form);
    837     return;
    838   }
    840   /* guess initial values for smax, alen and blen */
    841   *smax = ((ub4)1<<phash_log2(nkeys));
    842   initalen(alen, blen, smax, nkeys, form);
    844   scrambleinit(scramble, *smax);
    846   maxalen = (form->perfect == MINIMAL_HP) ? *smax/2 : *smax;
    848   /* allocate working memory */
    849   *tabb = (bstuff *)yasm_xmalloc((size_t)(sizeof(bstuff)*(*blen)));
    850   tabq  = (qstuff *)yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(qstuff)*(*blen+1));
    851   *tabh  = (hstuff *)yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(hstuff)*(form->perfect == MINIMAL_HP ?
    852                                              nkeys : *smax));
    854   /* Actually find the perfect hash */
    855   *salt = 0;
    856   bad_initkey = 0;
    857   bad_perfect = 0;
    858   for (trysalt=1; ; ++trysalt)
    859   {
    860     ub4 rslinit;
    861     /* Try to find distinct (A,B) for all keys */
    863     rslinit = initkey(keys, nkeys, *tabb, *alen, *blen, *smax, trysalt,
    864                       form, final);
    866     if (rslinit == 2)
    867     {      /* initkey actually found a perfect hash, not just distinct (a,b) */
    868       *salt = 1;
    869       *blen = 0;
    870       break;
    871     }
    872     else if (rslinit == 0)
    873     {
    874       /* didn't find distinct (a,b) */
    875       if (++bad_initkey >= RETRY_INITKEY)
    876       {
    877         /* Try to put more bits in (A,B) to make distinct (A,B) more likely */
    878         if (*alen < maxalen)
    879         {
    880           *alen *= 2;
    881         }
    882         else if (*blen < *smax)
    883         {
    884           *blen *= 2;
    885           free(tabq);
    886           free(*tabb);
    887           *tabb  = (bstuff *)yasm_xmalloc((size_t)(sizeof(bstuff)*(*blen)));
    888           tabq  = (qstuff *)yasm_xmalloc((size_t)(sizeof(qstuff)*(*blen+1)));
    889         }
    890         else
    891         {
    892           duplicates(*tabb, *blen, keys, form);      /* check for duplicates */
    893           fprintf(stderr, "fatal error: Cannot perfect hash: cannot find distinct (A,B)\n");
    894           exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    895         }
    896         bad_initkey = 0;
    897         bad_perfect = 0;
    898       }
    899       continue;                             /* two keys have same (a,b) pair */
    900     }
    902     /* Given distinct (A,B) for all keys, build a perfect hash */
    903     if (!perfect(*tabb, *tabh, tabq, *blen, *smax, scramble, nkeys, form))
    904     {
    905       if ((form->hashtype != INT_HT && ++bad_perfect >= RETRY_PERFECT) ||
    906           (form->hashtype == INT_HT && ++bad_perfect >= RETRY_HEX))
    907       {
    908         if (*blen < *smax)
    909         {
    910           *blen *= 2;
    911           free(*tabb);
    912           free(tabq);
    913           *tabb  = (bstuff *)yasm_xmalloc((size_t)(sizeof(bstuff)*(*blen)));
    914           tabq  = (qstuff *)yasm_xmalloc((size_t)(sizeof(qstuff)*(*blen+1)));
    915           --trysalt;               /* we know this salt got distinct (A,B) */
    916         }
    917         else
    918         {
    919           fprintf(stderr, "fatal error: Cannot perfect hash: cannot build tab[]\n");
    920           exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    921         }
    922         bad_perfect = 0;
    923       }
    924       continue;
    925     }
    927     *salt = trysalt;
    928     break;
    929   }
    931   /* free working memory */
    932   free((void *)tabq);
    933 }
    935 #if 0
    936 /*
    937 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    938 Input/output type routines
    939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    940 */
    942 /* get the list of keys */
    943 static void getkeys(keys, nkeys, textroot, keyroot, form)
    944 key      **keys;                                         /* list of all keys */
    945 ub4       *nkeys;                                          /* number of keys */
    946 reroot    *textroot;                          /* get space to store key text */
    947 reroot    *keyroot;                                    /* get space for keys */
    948 hashform  *form;                                          /* user directives */
    949 {
    950   key  *mykey;
    951   char *mytext;
    952   mytext = (char *)renew(textroot);
    953   *keys = 0;
    954   *nkeys = 0;
    955   while (fgets(mytext, MAXKEYLEN, stdin))
    956   {
    957     mykey = (key *)renew(keyroot);
    958     if (form->mode == AB_HM)
    959     {
    960       sscanf(mytext, "%lx %lx ", &mykey->a_k, &mykey->b_k);
    961     }
    962     else if (form->mode == ABDEC_HM)
    963     {
    964       sscanf(mytext, "%ld %ld ", &mykey->a_k, &mykey->b_k);
    965     }
    966     else if (form->mode == HEX_HM)
    967     {
    968       sscanf(mytext, "%lx ", &mykey->hash_k);
    969     }
    970     else if (form->mode == DECIMAL_HM)
    971     {
    972       sscanf(mytext, "%ld ", &mykey->hash_k);
    973     }
    974     else
    975     {
    976       mykey->name_k = (ub1 *)mytext;
    977       mytext = (char *)renew(textroot);
    978       mykey->len_k  = (ub4)(strlen((char *)mykey->name_k)-1);
    979     }
    980     mykey->next_k = *keys;
    981     *keys = mykey;
    982     ++*nkeys;
    983   }
    984   redel(textroot, mytext);
    985 }
    987 /* make the .c file */
    988 static void make_c(tab, smax, blen, scramble, final, form)
    989 bstuff   *tab;                                         /* table indexed by b */
    990 ub4       smax;                                       /* range of scramble[] */
    991 ub4       blen;                                /* b in 0..blen-1, power of 2 */
    992 ub4      *scramble;                                    /* used in final hash */
    993 gencode  *final;                                  /* code for the final hash */
    994 hashform *form;                                           /* user directives */
    995 {
    996   ub4   i;
    997   FILE *f;
    998   f = fopen("phash.c", "w");
    999   fprintf(f, "/* table for the mapping for the perfect hash */\n");
   1000   fprintf(f, "#include \"lookupa.h\"\n");
   1001   fprintf(f, "\n");
   1002   if (blen >= USE_SCRAMBLE)
   1003   {
   1004     fprintf(f, "/* A way to make the 1-byte values in tab bigger */\n");
   1005     if (smax > UB2MAXVAL+1)
   1006     {
   1007       fprintf(f, "unsigned long scramble[] = {\n");
   1008       for (i=0; i<=UB1MAXVAL; i+=4)
   1009         fprintf(f, "0x%.8lx, 0x%.8lx, 0x%.8lx, 0x%.8lx,\n",
   1010                 scramble[i+0], scramble[i+1], scramble[i+2], scramble[i+3]);
   1011     }
   1012     else
   1013     {
   1014       fprintf(f, "unsigned short scramble[] = {\n");
   1015       for (i=0; i<=UB1MAXVAL; i+=8)
   1016         fprintf(f,
   1017 "0x%.4lx, 0x%.4lx, 0x%.4lx, 0x%.4lx, 0x%.4lx, 0x%.4lx, 0x%.4lx, 0x%.4lx,\n",
   1018                 scramble[i+0], scramble[i+1], scramble[i+2], scramble[i+3],
   1019                 scramble[i+4], scramble[i+5], scramble[i+6], scramble[i+7]);
   1020     }
   1021     fprintf(f, "};\n");
   1022     fprintf(f, "\n");
   1023   }
   1024   if (blen > 0)
   1025   {
   1026     fprintf(f, "/* small adjustments to _a_ to make values distinct */\n");
   1028     if (smax <= UB1MAXVAL+1 || blen >= USE_SCRAMBLE)
   1029       fprintf(f, "unsigned char tab[] = {\n");
   1030     else
   1031       fprintf(f, "unsigned short tab[] = {\n");
   1033     if (blen < 16)
   1034     {
   1035       for (i=0; i<blen; ++i) fprintf(f, "%3d,", scramble[tab[i].val_b]);
   1036     }
   1037     else if (blen <= 1024)
   1038     {
   1039       for (i=0; i<blen; i+=16)
   1040         fprintf(f, "%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,\n",
   1041                 scramble[tab[i+0].val_b], scramble[tab[i+1].val_b],
   1042                 scramble[tab[i+2].val_b], scramble[tab[i+3].val_b],
   1043                 scramble[tab[i+4].val_b], scramble[tab[i+5].val_b],
   1044                 scramble[tab[i+6].val_b], scramble[tab[i+7].val_b],
   1045                 scramble[tab[i+8].val_b], scramble[tab[i+9].val_b],
   1046                 scramble[tab[i+10].val_b], scramble[tab[i+11].val_b],
   1047                 scramble[tab[i+12].val_b], scramble[tab[i+13].val_b],
   1048                 scramble[tab[i+14].val_b], scramble[tab[i+15].val_b]);
   1049     }
   1050     else if (blen < USE_SCRAMBLE)
   1051     {
   1052       for (i=0; i<blen; i+=8)
   1053         fprintf(f, "%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,\n",
   1054                 scramble[tab[i+0].val_b], scramble[tab[i+1].val_b],
   1055                 scramble[tab[i+2].val_b], scramble[tab[i+3].val_b],
   1056                 scramble[tab[i+4].val_b], scramble[tab[i+5].val_b],
   1057                 scramble[tab[i+6].val_b], scramble[tab[i+7].val_b]);
   1058     }
   1059     else
   1060     {
   1061       for (i=0; i<blen; i+=16)
   1062         fprintf(f, "%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,\n",
   1063                 tab[i+0].val_b, tab[i+1].val_b,
   1064                 tab[i+2].val_b, tab[i+3].val_b,
   1065                 tab[i+4].val_b, tab[i+5].val_b,
   1066                 tab[i+6].val_b, tab[i+7].val_b,
   1067                 tab[i+8].val_b, tab[i+9].val_b,
   1068                 tab[i+10].val_b, tab[i+11].val_b,
   1069                 tab[i+12].val_b, tab[i+13].val_b,
   1070                 tab[i+14].val_b, tab[i+15].val_b);
   1071     }
   1072     fprintf(f, "};\n");
   1073     fprintf(f, "\n");
   1074   }
   1075   fprintf(f, "/* The hash function */\n");
   1076   switch(form->mode)
   1077   {
   1078   case NORMAL_HM:
   1079     fprintf(f, "ub4 phash(key, len)\n");
   1080     fprintf(f, "char *key;\n");
   1081     fprintf(f, "int   len;\n");
   1082     break;
   1083   case INLINE_HM:
   1084   case HEX_HM:
   1085   case DECIMAL_HM:
   1086     fprintf(f, "ub4 phash(val)\n");
   1087     fprintf(f, "ub4 val;\n");
   1088     break;
   1089   case AB_HM:
   1090   case ABDEC_HM:
   1091     fprintf(f, "ub4 phash(a,b)\n");
   1092     fprintf(f, "ub4 a;\n");
   1093     fprintf(f, "ub4 b;\n");
   1094     break;
   1095   }
   1096   fprintf(f, "{\n");
   1097   for (i=0; i<final->used; ++i)
   1098     fprintf(f, final->line[i]);
   1099   fprintf(f, "  return rsl;\n");
   1100   fprintf(f, "}\n");
   1101   fprintf(f, "\n");
   1102   fclose(f);
   1103 }
   1105 /*
   1106 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1107 Read in the keys, find the hash, and write the .c and .h files
   1108 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1109 */
   1110 static void driver(form)
   1111 hashform *form;                                           /* user directives */
   1112 {
   1113   ub4       nkeys;                                         /* number of keys */
   1114   key      *keys;                                    /* head of list of keys */
   1115   bstuff   *tab;                                       /* table indexed by b */
   1116   ub4       smax;            /* scramble[] values in 0..smax-1, a power of 2 */
   1117   ub4       alen;                            /* a in 0..alen-1, a power of 2 */
   1118   ub4       blen;                            /* b in 0..blen-1, a power of 2 */
   1119   ub4       salt;                       /* a parameter to the hash function */
   1120   reroot   *textroot;                      /* MAXKEYLEN-character text lines */
   1121   reroot   *keyroot;                                       /* source of keys */
   1122   gencode   final;                                    /* code for final hash */
   1123   ub4       i;
   1124   ub4       scramble[SCRAMBLE_LEN];           /* used in final hash function */
   1125   char      buf[10][80];                        /* buffer for generated code */
   1126   char     *buf2[10];                             /* also for generated code */
   1128   /* set up memory sources */
   1129   textroot = remkroot((size_t)MAXKEYLEN);
   1130   keyroot  = remkroot(sizeof(key));
   1132   /* set up code for final hash */
   1133   final.line = buf2;
   1134   final.used = 0;
   1135   final.len  = 10;
   1136   for (i=0; i<10; ++i) final.line[i] = buf[i];
   1138   /* read in the list of keywords */
   1139   getkeys(&keys, &nkeys, textroot, keyroot, form);
   1141   /* find the hash */
   1142   findhash(&tab, &alen, &blen, &salt, &final,
   1143            scramble, &smax, keys, nkeys, form);
   1145   /* generate the phash.c file */
   1146   make_c(tab, smax, blen, scramble, &final, form);
   1148   /* clean up memory sources */
   1149   refree(textroot);
   1150   refree(keyroot);
   1151   free((void *)tab);
   1152 }
   1155 /* Interpret arguments and call the driver */
   1156 /* See usage_error for the expected arguments */
   1157 int main(argc, argv)
   1158 int    argc;
   1159 char **argv;
   1160 {
   1161   int      mode_given = FALSE;
   1162   int      minimal_given = FALSE;
   1163   int      speed_given = FALSE;
   1164   hashform form;
   1165   char    *c;
   1167   /* default behavior */
   1168   form.mode = NORMAL_HM;
   1169   form.hashtype = STRING_HT;
   1170   form.perfect = MINIMAL_HP;
   1171   form.speed = SLOW_HS;
   1173   /* Generate the [minimal] perfect hash */
   1174   driver(&form);
   1176   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
   1177 }
   1178 #endif