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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "ui/views/bubble/bubble_frame_view.h"
      7 #include <algorithm>
      9 #include "grit/ui_resources.h"
     10 #include "ui/base/hit_test.h"
     11 #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
     12 #include "ui/gfx/path.h"
     13 #include "ui/gfx/screen.h"
     14 #include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h"
     15 #include "ui/views/bubble/bubble_border.h"
     16 #include "ui/views/controls/button/label_button.h"
     17 #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
     18 #include "ui/views/widget/widget_delegate.h"
     19 #include "ui/views/window/client_view.h"
     21 namespace {
     23 // Padding, in pixels, for the title view, when it exists.
     24 const int kTitleTopInset = 12;
     25 const int kTitleLeftInset = 19;
     26 const int kTitleBottomInset = 12;
     28 // Get the |vertical| or horizontal screen overflow of the |window_bounds|.
     29 int GetOffScreenLength(const gfx::Rect& monitor_bounds,
     30                        const gfx::Rect& window_bounds,
     31                        bool vertical) {
     32   if (monitor_bounds.IsEmpty() || monitor_bounds.Contains(window_bounds))
     33     return 0;
     35   //  window_bounds
     36   //  +-------------------------------+
     37   //  |             top               |
     38   //  |      +----------------+       |
     39   //  | left | monitor_bounds | right |
     40   //  |      +----------------+       |
     41   //  |            bottom             |
     42   //  +-------------------------------+
     43   if (vertical)
     44     return std::max(0, monitor_bounds.y() - window_bounds.y()) +
     45            std::max(0, window_bounds.bottom() - monitor_bounds.bottom());
     46   return std::max(0, monitor_bounds.x() - window_bounds.x()) +
     47          std::max(0, window_bounds.right() - monitor_bounds.right());
     48 }
     50 }  // namespace
     52 namespace views {
     54 // static
     55 const char BubbleFrameView::kViewClassName[] = "BubbleFrameView";
     57 // static
     58 gfx::Insets BubbleFrameView::GetTitleInsets() {
     59   return gfx::Insets(kTitleTopInset, kTitleLeftInset, kTitleBottomInset, 0);
     60 }
     62 BubbleFrameView::BubbleFrameView(const gfx::Insets& content_margins)
     63     : bubble_border_(NULL),
     64       content_margins_(content_margins),
     65       title_(NULL),
     66       close_(NULL),
     67       titlebar_extra_view_(NULL) {
     68   ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
     69   title_ = new Label(string16(), rb.GetFont(ui::ResourceBundle::MediumFont));
     70   title_->SetHorizontalAlignment(gfx::ALIGN_LEFT);
     71   AddChildView(title_);
     73   close_ = new LabelButton(this, string16());
     74   close_->SetImage(CustomButton::STATE_NORMAL,
     75                    *rb.GetImageNamed(IDR_CLOSE_DIALOG).ToImageSkia());
     76   close_->SetImage(CustomButton::STATE_HOVERED,
     77                    *rb.GetImageNamed(IDR_CLOSE_DIALOG_H).ToImageSkia());
     78   close_->SetImage(CustomButton::STATE_PRESSED,
     79                    *rb.GetImageNamed(IDR_CLOSE_DIALOG_P).ToImageSkia());
     80   close_->SetSize(close_->GetPreferredSize());
     81   close_->set_border(NULL);
     82   close_->SetVisible(false);
     83   AddChildView(close_);
     84 }
     86 BubbleFrameView::~BubbleFrameView() {}
     88 gfx::Rect BubbleFrameView::GetBoundsForClientView() const {
     89   gfx::Rect client_bounds = GetLocalBounds();
     90   client_bounds.Inset(GetInsets());
     91   client_bounds.Inset(bubble_border_->GetInsets());
     92   return client_bounds;
     93 }
     95 gfx::Rect BubbleFrameView::GetWindowBoundsForClientBounds(
     96     const gfx::Rect& client_bounds) const {
     97   return const_cast<BubbleFrameView*>(this)->GetUpdatedWindowBounds(
     98       gfx::Rect(), client_bounds.size(), false);
     99 }
    101 int BubbleFrameView::NonClientHitTest(const gfx::Point& point) {
    102   if (!bounds().Contains(point))
    103     return HTNOWHERE;
    104   if (close_->visible() && close_->GetMirroredBounds().Contains(point))
    105     return HTCLOSE;
    107   // Allow dialogs to show the system menu and be dragged.
    108   if (GetWidget()->widget_delegate()->AsDialogDelegate()) {
    109     gfx::Rect sys_rect(0, 0, title_->x(), title_->y());
    110     sys_rect.set_origin(gfx::Point(GetMirroredXForRect(sys_rect), 0));
    111     if (sys_rect.Contains(point))
    112       return HTSYSMENU;
    113     if (point.y() < title_->bounds().bottom())
    114       return HTCAPTION;
    115   }
    117   return GetWidget()->client_view()->NonClientHitTest(point);
    118 }
    120 void BubbleFrameView::GetWindowMask(const gfx::Size& size,
    121                                     gfx::Path* window_mask) {
    122   // NOTE: this only provides implementations for the types used by dialogs.
    123   if ((bubble_border_->arrow() != BubbleBorder::NONE &&
    124        bubble_border_->arrow() != BubbleBorder::FLOAT) ||
    125       (bubble_border_->shadow() != BubbleBorder::SMALL_SHADOW &&
    126        bubble_border_->shadow() != BubbleBorder::NO_SHADOW_OPAQUE_BORDER))
    127     return;
    129   // Use a window mask roughly matching the border in the image assets.
    130   static const int kBorderStrokeSize = 1;
    131   static const SkScalar kCornerRadius = SkIntToScalar(6);
    132   const gfx::Insets border_insets = bubble_border_->GetInsets();
    133   SkRect rect = { SkIntToScalar(border_insets.left() - kBorderStrokeSize),
    134                   SkIntToScalar(border_insets.top() - kBorderStrokeSize),
    135                   SkIntToScalar(size.width() - border_insets.right() +
    136                                 kBorderStrokeSize),
    137                   SkIntToScalar(size.height() - border_insets.bottom() +
    138                                 kBorderStrokeSize) };
    139   if (bubble_border_->shadow() == BubbleBorder::NO_SHADOW_OPAQUE_BORDER) {
    140     window_mask->addRoundRect(rect, kCornerRadius, kCornerRadius);
    141   } else {
    142     static const int kBottomBorderShadowSize = 2;
    143     rect.fBottom += SkIntToScalar(kBottomBorderShadowSize);
    144     window_mask->addRect(rect);
    145   }
    146 }
    148 void BubbleFrameView::ResetWindowControls() {
    149   close_->SetVisible(GetWidget()->widget_delegate()->ShouldShowCloseButton());
    150 }
    152 void BubbleFrameView::UpdateWindowIcon() {}
    154 void BubbleFrameView::UpdateWindowTitle() {
    155   title_->SetText(GetWidget()->widget_delegate()->ShouldShowWindowTitle() ?
    156       GetWidget()->widget_delegate()->GetWindowTitle() : string16());
    157   // Update the close button visibility too, otherwise it's not intialized.
    158   ResetWindowControls();
    159 }
    161 gfx::Insets BubbleFrameView::GetInsets() const {
    162   gfx::Insets insets = content_margins_;
    163   const int title_height = title_->text().empty() ? 0 :
    164       title_->GetPreferredSize().height() + kTitleTopInset + kTitleBottomInset;
    165   const int close_height = close_->visible() ? close_->height() : 0;
    166   insets += gfx::Insets(std::max(title_height, close_height), 0, 0, 0);
    167   return insets;
    168 }
    170 gfx::Size BubbleFrameView::GetPreferredSize() {
    171   const gfx::Size client(GetWidget()->client_view()->GetPreferredSize());
    172   gfx::Size size(GetUpdatedWindowBounds(gfx::Rect(), client, false).size());
    173   // Accommodate the width of the title bar elements.
    174   int title_bar_width = GetInsets().width() + border()->GetInsets().width();
    175   if (!title_->text().empty())
    176     title_bar_width += kTitleLeftInset + title_->GetPreferredSize().width();
    177   if (close_->visible())
    178     title_bar_width += close_->width() + 1;
    179   if (titlebar_extra_view_ != NULL)
    180     title_bar_width += titlebar_extra_view_->GetPreferredSize().width();
    181   size.SetToMax(gfx::Size(title_bar_width, 0));
    182   return size;
    183 }
    185 void BubbleFrameView::Layout() {
    186   gfx::Rect bounds(GetLocalBounds());
    187   bounds.Inset(border()->GetInsets());
    188   // Small additional insets yield the desired 10px visual close button insets.
    189   bounds.Inset(0, 0, close_->width() + 1, 0);
    190   close_->SetPosition(gfx::Point(bounds.right(), bounds.y() + 2));
    192   gfx::Rect title_bounds(bounds);
    193   title_bounds.Inset(kTitleLeftInset, kTitleTopInset, 0, 0);
    194   gfx::Size title_size(title_->GetPreferredSize());
    195   const int title_width = std::max(0, close_->bounds().x() - title_bounds.x());
    196   title_size.SetToMin(gfx::Size(title_width, title_size.height()));
    197   title_bounds.set_size(title_size);
    198   title_->SetBoundsRect(title_bounds);
    200   if (titlebar_extra_view_) {
    201     const int extra_width = close_->bounds().x() - title_->bounds().right();
    202     gfx::Size size = titlebar_extra_view_->GetPreferredSize();
    203     size.SetToMin(gfx::Size(std::max(0, extra_width), size.height()));
    204     gfx::Rect titlebar_extra_view_bounds(
    205         bounds.right() - size.width(),
    206         title_bounds.y(),
    207         size.width(),
    208         title_bounds.height());
    209     titlebar_extra_view_bounds.Subtract(title_bounds);
    210     titlebar_extra_view_->SetBoundsRect(titlebar_extra_view_bounds);
    211   }
    212 }
    214 const char* BubbleFrameView::GetClassName() const {
    215   return kViewClassName;
    216 }
    218 void BubbleFrameView::ChildPreferredSizeChanged(View* child) {
    219   if (child == titlebar_extra_view_ || child == title_)
    220     Layout();
    221 }
    223 void BubbleFrameView::ButtonPressed(Button* sender, const ui::Event& event) {
    224   if (sender == close_)
    225     GetWidget()->Close();
    226 }
    228 void BubbleFrameView::SetBubbleBorder(BubbleBorder* border) {
    229   bubble_border_ = border;
    230   set_border(bubble_border_);
    232   // Update the background, which relies on the border.
    233   set_background(new views::BubbleBackground(border));
    234 }
    236 void BubbleFrameView::SetTitlebarExtraView(View* view) {
    237   DCHECK(view);
    238   DCHECK(!titlebar_extra_view_);
    239   AddChildView(view);
    240   titlebar_extra_view_ = view;
    241 }
    243 gfx::Rect BubbleFrameView::GetUpdatedWindowBounds(const gfx::Rect& anchor_rect,
    244                                                   gfx::Size client_size,
    245                                                   bool adjust_if_offscreen) {
    246   gfx::Insets insets(GetInsets());
    247   client_size.Enlarge(insets.width(), insets.height());
    249   const BubbleBorder::Arrow arrow = bubble_border_->arrow();
    250   if (adjust_if_offscreen && BubbleBorder::has_arrow(arrow)) {
    251     if (!bubble_border_->is_arrow_at_center(arrow)) {
    252       // Try to mirror the anchoring if the bubble does not fit on the screen.
    253       MirrorArrowIfOffScreen(true, anchor_rect, client_size);
    254       MirrorArrowIfOffScreen(false, anchor_rect, client_size);
    255     } else {
    256       // Mirror as needed vertically if the arrow is on a horizontal edge and
    257       // vice-versa.
    258       MirrorArrowIfOffScreen(BubbleBorder::is_arrow_on_horizontal(arrow),
    259                              anchor_rect,
    260                              client_size);
    261       OffsetArrowIfOffScreen(anchor_rect, client_size);
    262     }
    263   }
    265   // Calculate the bounds with the arrow in its updated location and offset.
    266   return bubble_border_->GetBounds(anchor_rect, client_size);
    267 }
    269 gfx::Rect BubbleFrameView::GetMonitorBounds(const gfx::Rect& rect) {
    270   // TODO(scottmg): Native is wrong. http://crbug.com/133312
    271   return gfx::Screen::GetNativeScreen()->GetDisplayNearestPoint(
    272       rect.CenterPoint()).work_area();
    273 }
    275 void BubbleFrameView::MirrorArrowIfOffScreen(
    276     bool vertical,
    277     const gfx::Rect& anchor_rect,
    278     const gfx::Size& client_size) {
    279   // Check if the bounds don't fit on screen.
    280   gfx::Rect monitor_rect(GetMonitorBounds(anchor_rect));
    281   gfx::Rect window_bounds(bubble_border_->GetBounds(anchor_rect, client_size));
    282   if (GetOffScreenLength(monitor_rect, window_bounds, vertical) > 0) {
    283     BubbleBorder::Arrow arrow = bubble_border()->arrow();
    284     // Mirror the arrow and get the new bounds.
    285     bubble_border_->set_arrow(
    286         vertical ? BubbleBorder::vertical_mirror(arrow) :
    287                    BubbleBorder::horizontal_mirror(arrow));
    288     gfx::Rect mirror_bounds =
    289         bubble_border_->GetBounds(anchor_rect, client_size);
    290     // Restore the original arrow if mirroring doesn't show more of the bubble.
    291     if (GetOffScreenLength(monitor_rect, mirror_bounds, vertical) >=
    292         GetOffScreenLength(monitor_rect, window_bounds, vertical))
    293       bubble_border_->set_arrow(arrow);
    294     else
    295       SchedulePaint();
    296   }
    297 }
    299 void BubbleFrameView::OffsetArrowIfOffScreen(const gfx::Rect& anchor_rect,
    300                                              const gfx::Size& client_size) {
    301   BubbleBorder::Arrow arrow = bubble_border()->arrow();
    302   DCHECK(BubbleBorder::is_arrow_at_center(arrow));
    304   // Get the desired bubble bounds without adjustment.
    305   bubble_border_->set_arrow_offset(0);
    306   gfx::Rect window_bounds(bubble_border_->GetBounds(anchor_rect, client_size));
    308   gfx::Rect monitor_rect(GetMonitorBounds(anchor_rect));
    309   if (monitor_rect.IsEmpty() || monitor_rect.Contains(window_bounds))
    310     return;
    312   // Calculate off-screen adjustment.
    313   const bool is_horizontal = BubbleBorder::is_arrow_on_horizontal(arrow);
    314   int offscreen_adjust = 0;
    315   if (is_horizontal) {
    316     if (window_bounds.x() < monitor_rect.x())
    317       offscreen_adjust = monitor_rect.x() - window_bounds.x();
    318     else if (window_bounds.right() > monitor_rect.right())
    319       offscreen_adjust = monitor_rect.right() - window_bounds.right();
    320   } else {
    321     if (window_bounds.y() < monitor_rect.y())
    322       offscreen_adjust = monitor_rect.y() - window_bounds.y();
    323     else if (window_bounds.bottom() > monitor_rect.bottom())
    324       offscreen_adjust = monitor_rect.bottom() - window_bounds.bottom();
    325   }
    327   // For center arrows, arrows are moved in the opposite direction of
    328   // |offscreen_adjust|, e.g. positive |offscreen_adjust| means bubble
    329   // window needs to be moved to the right and that means we need to move arrow
    330   // to the left, and that means negative offset.
    331   bubble_border_->set_arrow_offset(
    332       bubble_border_->GetArrowOffset(window_bounds.size()) - offscreen_adjust);
    333   if (offscreen_adjust)
    334     SchedulePaint();
    335 }
    337 }  // namespace views