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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include "ui/views/view.h"
     10 namespace views {
     12 class DialogClientView;
     13 class Widget;
     15 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     16 // ClientView
     17 //
     18 //  A ClientView is a View subclass that is used to occupy the "client area"
     19 //  of a widget. It provides basic information to the widget that contains it
     20 //  such as non-client hit testing information, sizing etc. Sub-classes of
     21 //  ClientView are used to create more elaborate contents, e.g.
     22 //  "DialogClientView".
     23 class VIEWS_EXPORT ClientView : public View {
     24  public:
     25   // Internal class name
     26   static const char kViewClassName[];
     28   // Constructs a ClientView object for the specified widget with the specified
     29   // contents. Since this object is created during the process of creating
     30   // |widget|, |contents_view| must be valid if you want the initial size of
     31   // the widget to be based on |contents_view|'s preferred size.
     32   ClientView(Widget* widget, View* contents_view);
     33   virtual ~ClientView() {}
     35   // Manual RTTI ftw.
     36   virtual DialogClientView* AsDialogClientView();
     37   virtual const DialogClientView* AsDialogClientView() const;
     39   // Returns true to signal that the Widget can be closed. Specialized
     40   // ClientView subclasses can override this default behavior to allow the
     41   // close to be blocked until the user corrects mistakes, accepts a warning
     42   // dialog, etc.
     43   virtual bool CanClose();
     45   // Notification that the widget is closing.
     46   virtual void WidgetClosing();
     48   // Tests to see if the specified point (in view coordinates) is within the
     49   // bounds of this view. If so, it returns HTCLIENT in this default
     50   // implementation. If it is outside the bounds of this view, this must return
     51   // HTNOWHERE to tell the caller to do further processing to determine where
     52   // in the non-client area it is (if it is).
     53   // Subclasses of ClientView can extend this logic by overriding this method
     54   // to detect if regions within the client area count as parts of the "non-
     55   // client" area. A good example of this is the size box at the bottom right
     56   // corner of resizable dialog boxes.
     57   virtual int NonClientHitTest(const gfx::Point& point);
     59   // Overridden from View:
     60   virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() OVERRIDE;
     61   virtual gfx::Size GetMaximumSize() OVERRIDE;
     62   virtual gfx::Size GetMinimumSize() OVERRIDE;
     63   virtual void Layout() OVERRIDE;
     64   virtual const char* GetClassName() const OVERRIDE;
     66  protected:
     67   // Overridden from View:
     68   virtual void GetAccessibleState(ui::AccessibleViewState* state) OVERRIDE;
     69   virtual void OnBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& previous_bounds) OVERRIDE;
     70   virtual void ViewHierarchyChanged(
     71       const ViewHierarchyChangedDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
     73   // Accessors for private data members.
     74   View* contents_view() const { return contents_view_; }
     75   void set_contents_view(View* contents_view) {
     76     contents_view_ = contents_view;
     77   }
     79  private:
     80   // The View that this ClientView contains.
     81   View* contents_view_;
     82 };
     84 }  // namespace views
     86 #endif  // UI_VIEWS_WINDOW_CLIENT_VIEW_H_