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      1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include "base/basictypes.h"
      9 #include "base/callback_forward.h"
     10 #include "base/files/file_util_proxy.h"
     11 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     12 #include "base/platform_file.h"
     13 #include "webkit/browser/webkit_storage_browser_export.h"
     14 #include "webkit/common/fileapi/directory_entry.h"
     16 namespace base {
     17 class Time;
     18 }
     20 namespace webkit_blob {
     21 class ShareableFileReference;
     22 }
     24 namespace fileapi {
     26 class FileSystemOperationContext;
     27 class FileSystemURL;
     29 // An interface which provides filesystem-specific file operations for
     30 // FileSystemOperationImpl.
     31 //
     32 // Each filesystem which needs to be dispatched from FileSystemOperationImpl
     33 // must implement this interface or a synchronous version of interface:
     34 // FileSystemFileUtil.
     35 //
     36 // As far as an instance of this class is owned by a FileSystemBackend
     37 // (which is owned by FileSystemContext), it's guaranteed that this instance's
     38 // alive while FileSystemOperationContext given to each operation is kept
     39 // alive. (Note that this instance might be freed on different thread
     40 // from the thread it is created.)
     41 //
     42 // It is NOT valid to give null callback to this class, and implementors
     43 // can assume that they don't get any null callbacks.
     44 //
     45 class WEBKIT_STORAGE_BROWSER_EXPORT AsyncFileUtil {
     46  public:
     47   typedef base::Callback<
     48       void(base::PlatformFileError result)> StatusCallback;
     50   // |on_close_callback| will be called after the |file| is closed in the
     51   // child process. |on_close_callback|.is_null() can be true, if no operation
     52   // is needed on closing the file.
     53   typedef base::Callback<
     54       void(base::PlatformFileError result,
     55            base::PassPlatformFile file,
     56            const base::Closure& on_close_callback)> CreateOrOpenCallback;
     58   typedef base::Callback<
     59       void(base::PlatformFileError result,
     60            bool created)> EnsureFileExistsCallback;
     62   typedef base::Callback<
     63       void(base::PlatformFileError result,
     64            const base::PlatformFileInfo& file_info)> GetFileInfoCallback;
     66   typedef std::vector<DirectoryEntry> EntryList;
     67   typedef base::Callback<
     68       void(base::PlatformFileError result,
     69            const EntryList& file_list,
     70            bool has_more)> ReadDirectoryCallback;
     72   typedef base::Callback<
     73       void(base::PlatformFileError result,
     74            const base::PlatformFileInfo& file_info,
     75            const base::FilePath& platform_path,
     76            const scoped_refptr<webkit_blob::ShareableFileReference>& file_ref
     77            )> CreateSnapshotFileCallback;
     79   AsyncFileUtil() {}
     80   virtual ~AsyncFileUtil() {}
     82   // Creates or opens a file with the given flags.
     83   // If PLATFORM_FILE_CREATE is set in |file_flags| it always tries to create
     84   // a new file at the given |url| and calls back with
     85   // PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_FILE_EXISTS if the |url| already exists.
     86   //
     87   // FileSystemOperationImpl::OpenFile calls this.
     88   // This is used only by Pepper/NaCL File API.
     89   //
     90   virtual void CreateOrOpen(
     91       scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context,
     92       const FileSystemURL& url,
     93       int file_flags,
     94       const CreateOrOpenCallback& callback) = 0;
     96   // Ensures that the given |url| exist.  This creates a empty new file
     97   // at |url| if the |url| does not exist.
     98   //
     99   // FileSystemOperationImpl::CreateFile calls this.
    100   //
    101   // This reports following error code via |callback|:
    102   // - PLATFORM_FILE_OK and created==true if a file has not existed and
    103   //   is created at |url|.
    104   // - PLATFORM_FILE_OK and created==false if the file already exists.
    105   // - Other error code (with created=false) if a file hasn't existed yet
    106   //   and there was an error while creating a new file.
    107   //
    108   virtual void EnsureFileExists(
    109       scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context,
    110       const FileSystemURL& url,
    111       const EnsureFileExistsCallback& callback) = 0;
    113   // Creates directory at given url.
    114   //
    115   // FileSystemOperationImpl::CreateDirectory calls this.
    116   //
    117   // This reports following error code via |callback|:
    118   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if the |url|'s parent directory
    119   //   does not exist and |recursive| is false.
    120   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_EXISTS if a directory already exists at |url|
    121   //   and |exclusive| is true.
    122   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_EXISTS if a file already exists at |url|
    123   //   (regardless of |exclusive| value).
    124   // - Other error code if it failed to create a directory.
    125   //
    126   virtual void CreateDirectory(
    127       scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context,
    128       const FileSystemURL& url,
    129       bool exclusive,
    130       bool recursive,
    131       const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
    133   // Retrieves the information about a file.
    134   //
    135   // FileSystemOperationImpl::GetMetadata calls this.
    136   //
    137   // This reports following error code via |callback|:
    138   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if the file doesn't exist.
    139   // - Other error code if there was an error while retrieving the file info.
    140   //
    141   virtual void GetFileInfo(
    142       scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context,
    143       const FileSystemURL& url,
    144       const GetFileInfoCallback& callback) = 0;
    146   // Reads contents of a directory at |path|.
    147   //
    148   // FileSystemOperationImpl::ReadDirectory calls this.
    149   //
    150   // Note that the |name| field of each entry in |file_list|
    151   // returned by |callback| should have a base file name
    152   // of the entry relative to the directory, but not an absolute path.
    153   //
    154   // (E.g. if ReadDirectory is called for a directory
    155   // 'path/to/dir' and the directory has entries 'a' and 'b',
    156   // the returned |file_list| should include entries whose names
    157   // are 'a' and 'b', but not '/path/to/dir/a' and '/path/to/dir/b'.)
    158   //
    159   // This reports following error code via |callback|:
    160   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if the target directory doesn't exist.
    161   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY if an entry exists at |url| but
    162   //   is a file (not a directory).
    163   //
    164   virtual void ReadDirectory(
    165       scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context,
    166       const FileSystemURL& url,
    167       const ReadDirectoryCallback& callback) = 0;
    169   // Modifies timestamps of a file or directory at |url| with
    170   // |last_access_time| and |last_modified_time|. The function DOES NOT
    171   // create a file unlike 'touch' command on Linux.
    172   //
    173   // FileSystemOperationImpl::TouchFile calls this.
    174   // This is used only by Pepper/NaCL File API.
    175   //
    176   virtual void Touch(
    177       scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context,
    178       const FileSystemURL& url,
    179       const base::Time& last_access_time,
    180       const base::Time& last_modified_time,
    181       const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
    183   // Truncates a file at |path| to |length|. If |length| is larger than
    184   // the original file size, the file will be extended, and the extended
    185   // part is filled with null bytes.
    186   //
    187   // FileSystemOperationImpl::Truncate calls this.
    188   //
    189   // This reports following error code via |callback|:
    190   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if the file doesn't exist.
    191   //
    192   virtual void Truncate(
    193       scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context,
    194       const FileSystemURL& url,
    195       int64 length,
    196       const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
    198   // Copies a file from |src_url| to |dest_url|.
    199   // This must be called for files that belong to the same filesystem
    200   // (i.e. type() and origin() of the |src_url| and |dest_url| must match).
    201   //
    202   // FileSystemOperationImpl::Copy calls this for same-filesystem copy case.
    203   //
    204   // This reports following error code via |callback|:
    205   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if |src_url|
    206   //   or the parent directory of |dest_url| does not exist.
    207   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_A_FILE if |src_url| exists but is not a file.
    208   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION if |dest_url| exists and
    209   //   is not a file.
    210   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_FAILED if |dest_url| does not exist and
    211   //   its parent path is a file.
    212   //
    213   virtual void CopyFileLocal(
    214       scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context,
    215       const FileSystemURL& src_url,
    216       const FileSystemURL& dest_url,
    217       const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
    219   // Moves a local file from |src_url| to |dest_url|.
    220   // This must be called for files that belong to the same filesystem
    221   // (i.e. type() and origin() of the |src_url| and |dest_url| must match).
    222   //
    223   // FileSystemOperationImpl::Move calls this for same-filesystem move case.
    224   //
    225   // This reports following error code via |callback|:
    226   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if |src_url|
    227   //   or the parent directory of |dest_url| does not exist.
    228   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_A_FILE if |src_url| exists but is not a file.
    229   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION if |dest_url| exists and
    230   //   is not a file.
    231   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_FAILED if |dest_url| does not exist and
    232   //   its parent path is a file.
    233   //
    234   virtual void MoveFileLocal(
    235       scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context,
    236       const FileSystemURL& src_url,
    237       const FileSystemURL& dest_url,
    238       const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
    240   // Copies in a single file from a different filesystem.
    241   //
    242   // FileSystemOperationImpl::Copy or Move calls this for cross-filesystem
    243   // cases.
    244   //
    245   // This reports following error code via |callback|:
    246   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if |src_file_path|
    247   //   or the parent directory of |dest_url| does not exist.
    248   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION if |dest_url| exists and
    249   //   is not a file.
    250   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_FAILED if |dest_url| does not exist and
    251   //   its parent path is a file.
    252   //
    253   virtual void CopyInForeignFile(
    254         scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context,
    255         const base::FilePath& src_file_path,
    256         const FileSystemURL& dest_url,
    257         const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
    259   // Deletes a single file.
    260   //
    261   // FileSystemOperationImpl::RemoveFile calls this.
    262   //
    263   // This reports following error code via |callback|:
    264   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if |url| does not exist.
    265   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_A_FILE if |url| is not a file.
    266   //
    267   virtual void DeleteFile(
    268       scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context,
    269       const FileSystemURL& url,
    270       const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
    272   // Removes a single empty directory.
    273   //
    274   // FileSystemOperationImpl::RemoveDirectory calls this.
    275   //
    276   // This reports following error code via |callback|:
    277   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if |url| does not exist.
    278   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY if |url| is not a directory.
    279   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_EMPTY if |url| is not empty.
    280   //
    281   virtual void DeleteDirectory(
    282       scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context,
    283       const FileSystemURL& url,
    284       const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
    286   // Removes a single file or a single directory with its contents
    287   // (i.e. files/subdirectories under the directory).
    288   //
    289   // FileSystemOperationImpl::Remove calls this.
    290   // On some platforms, such as Chrome OS Drive File System, recursive file
    291   // deletion can be implemented more efficiently than calling DeleteFile() and
    292   // DeleteDirectory() for each files/directories.
    293   // This method is optional, so if not supported,
    294   // PLATFORM_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION should be returned via |callback|.
    295   //
    296   // This reports following error code via |callback|:
    297   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if |url| does not exist.
    298   // - PLATFORM_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION if this operation is not supported.
    299   virtual void DeleteRecursively(
    300       scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context,
    301       const FileSystemURL& url,
    302       const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
    304   // Creates a local snapshot file for a given |url| and returns the
    305   // metadata and platform path of the snapshot file via |callback|.
    306   // In regular filesystem cases the implementation may simply return
    307   // the metadata of the file itself (as well as GetMetadata does),
    308   // while in non-regular filesystem case the backend may create a
    309   // temporary snapshot file which holds the file data and return
    310   // the metadata of the temporary file.
    311   //
    312   // In the callback, it returns:
    313   // |file_info| is the metadata of the snapshot file created.
    314   // |platform_path| is the full absolute platform path to the snapshot
    315   // file created.  If a file is not backed by a real local file in
    316   // the implementor's FileSystem, the implementor must create a
    317   // local snapshot file and return the path of the created file.
    318   //
    319   // If implementors creates a temporary file for snapshotting and wants
    320   // FileAPI backend to take care of the lifetime of the file (so that
    321   // it won't get deleted while JS layer has any references to the created
    322   // File/Blob object), it should return non-empty |file_ref|.
    323   // Via the |file_ref| implementors can schedule a file deletion
    324   // or arbitrary callbacks when the last reference of File/Blob is dropped.
    325   //
    326   // FileSystemOperationImpl::CreateSnapshotFile calls this.
    327   //
    328   // This reports following error code via |callback|:
    329   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if |url| does not exist.
    330   // - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_A_FILE if |url| exists but is a directory.
    331   //
    332   // The field values of |file_info| are undefined (implementation
    333   // dependent) in error cases, and the caller should always
    334   // check the return code.
    335   virtual void CreateSnapshotFile(
    336       scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> context,
    337       const FileSystemURL& url,
    338       const CreateSnapshotFileCallback& callback) = 0;
    340  private:
    341   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AsyncFileUtil);
    342 };
    344 }  // namespace fileapi