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      1 /*
      2  *******************************************************************************
      3  *   Copyright (C) 1997-2009, International Business Machines
      4  *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      5  *******************************************************************************
      6  *   Date        Name        Description
      7  *   06/23/00    aliu        Creation.
      8  *******************************************************************************
      9  */
     11 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     15 #include <stdlib.h>
     16 #include <string.h>
     17 #include "unicode/utrans.h"
     18 #include "unicode/ustring.h"
     19 #include "cintltst.h"
     21 #define TEST(x) addTest(root, &x, "utrans/" # x)
     23 static void TestAPI(void);
     24 static void TestSimpleRules(void);
     25 static void TestFilter(void);
     26 static void TestOpenInverse(void);
     27 static void TestClone(void);
     28 static void TestRegisterUnregister(void);
     29 static void TestExtractBetween(void);
     30 static void TestUnicodeIDs(void);
     32 static void _expectRules(const char*, const char*, const char*);
     33 static void _expect(const UTransliterator* trans, const char* cfrom, const char* cto);
     35 void addUTransTest(TestNode** root);
     38 void
     39 addUTransTest(TestNode** root) {
     40     TEST(TestAPI);
     41     TEST(TestSimpleRules);
     42     TEST(TestFilter);
     43     TEST(TestOpenInverse);
     44     TEST(TestClone);
     45     TEST(TestRegisterUnregister);
     46     TEST(TestExtractBetween);
     47     TEST(TestUnicodeIDs);
     48 }
     50 /*------------------------------------------------------------------
     51  * Replaceable glue
     52  *
     53  * To test the Replaceable glue we have to dummy up a C-based
     54  * Replaceable callback.  This code is for testing purposes only.
     55  *------------------------------------------------------------------*/
     57 typedef struct XReplaceable {
     58     UChar* text;    /* MUST BE null-terminated */
     59 } XReplaceable;
     61 static void InitXReplaceable(XReplaceable* rep, const char* cstring) {
     62     rep->text = malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (strlen(cstring)+1));
     63     u_uastrcpy(rep->text, cstring);
     64 }
     66 static void FreeXReplaceable(XReplaceable* rep) {
     67     if (rep->text != NULL) {
     68         free(rep->text);
     69         rep->text = NULL;
     70     }
     71 }
     73 /* UReplaceableCallbacks callback */
     74 static int32_t Xlength(const UReplaceable* rep) {
     75     const XReplaceable* x = (const XReplaceable*)rep;
     76     return u_strlen(x->text);
     77 }
     79 /* UReplaceableCallbacks callback */
     80 static UChar XcharAt(const UReplaceable* rep, int32_t offset) {
     81     const XReplaceable* x = (const XReplaceable*)rep;
     82     return x->text[offset];
     83 }
     85 /* UReplaceableCallbacks callback */
     86 static UChar32 Xchar32At(const UReplaceable* rep, int32_t offset) {
     87     const XReplaceable* x = (const XReplaceable*)rep;
     88     return x->text[offset];
     89 }
     91 /* UReplaceableCallbacks callback */
     92 static void Xreplace(UReplaceable* rep, int32_t start, int32_t limit,
     93               const UChar* text, int32_t textLength) {
     94     XReplaceable* x = (XReplaceable*)rep;
     95     int32_t newLen = Xlength(rep) + limit - start + textLength;
     96     UChar* newText = (UChar*) malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (newLen+1));
     97     u_strncpy(newText, x->text, start);
     98     u_strncpy(newText + start, text, textLength);
     99     u_strcpy(newText + start + textLength, x->text + limit);
    100     free(x->text);
    101     x->text = newText;
    102 }
    104 /* UReplaceableCallbacks callback */
    105 static void Xcopy(UReplaceable* rep, int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t dest) {
    106     XReplaceable* x = (XReplaceable*)rep;
    107     int32_t newLen = Xlength(rep) + limit - start;
    108     UChar* newText = (UChar*) malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (newLen+1));
    109     u_strncpy(newText, x->text, dest);
    110     u_strncpy(newText + dest, x->text + start, limit - start);
    111     u_strcpy(newText + dest + limit - start, x->text + dest);
    112     free(x->text);
    113     x->text = newText;
    114 }
    116 /* UReplaceableCallbacks callback */
    117 static void Xextract(UReplaceable* rep, int32_t start, int32_t limit, UChar* dst) {
    118     XReplaceable* x = (XReplaceable*)rep;
    119     int32_t len = limit - start;
    120     u_strncpy(dst, x->text, len);
    121 }
    123 static void InitXReplaceableCallbacks(UReplaceableCallbacks* callbacks) {
    124     callbacks->length = Xlength;
    125     callbacks->charAt = XcharAt;
    126     callbacks->char32At = Xchar32At;
    127     callbacks->replace = Xreplace;
    128     callbacks->extract = Xextract;
    129     callbacks->copy = Xcopy;
    130 }
    132 /*------------------------------------------------------------------
    133  * Tests
    134  *------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    136 static void TestAPI() {
    137     enum { BUF_CAP = 128 };
    138     char buf[BUF_CAP], buf2[BUF_CAP];
    139     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    140     UTransliterator* trans = NULL;
    141     int32_t i, n;
    143     /* Test getAvailableIDs */
    144     n = utrans_countAvailableIDs();
    145     if (n < 1) {
    146         log_err("FAIL: utrans_countAvailableIDs() returned %d\n", n);
    147     } else {
    148         log_verbose("System ID count: %d\n", n);
    149     }
    150     for (i=0; i<n; ++i) {
    151         utrans_getAvailableID(i, buf, BUF_CAP);
    152         if (*buf == 0) {
    153             log_err("FAIL: System transliterator %d: \"\"\n", i);
    154         } else {
    155             log_verbose("System transliterator %d: \"%s\"\n", i, buf);
    156         }
    157     }
    159     /* Test open */
    160     utrans_getAvailableID(0, buf, BUF_CAP);
    161     trans = utrans_open(buf, UTRANS_FORWARD,NULL,0,NULL, &status);
    162     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    163         log_err("FAIL: utrans_open(%s) failed, error=%s\n",
    164                 buf, u_errorName(status));
    165     }
    167     else {
    168         /* Test getID */
    169         utrans_getID(trans, buf2, BUF_CAP);
    170         if (0 != strcmp(buf, buf2)) {
    171             log_err("FAIL: utrans_getID(%s) returned %s\n",
    172                     buf, buf2);
    173         }
    174         utrans_close(trans);
    175     }
    176 }
    178 static void TestUnicodeIDs() {
    179     UEnumeration *uenum;
    180     UTransliterator *utrans;
    181     const UChar *id, *id2;
    182     int32_t idLength, id2Length, count, count2;
    184     UErrorCode errorCode;
    186     errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    187     uenum=utrans_openIDs(&errorCode);
    188     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    189         log_err("utrans_openIDs() failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
    190         return;
    191     }
    193     count=uenum_count(uenum, &errorCode);
    194     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode) || count<1) {
    195         log_err("uenum_count(transliterator IDs)=%d - %s\n", count, u_errorName(errorCode));
    196     }
    198     count=0;
    199     for(;;) {
    200         id=uenum_unext(uenum, &idLength, &errorCode);
    201         if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    202             log_err("uenum_unext(transliterator ID %d) failed - %s\n", count, u_errorName(errorCode));
    203             break;
    204         }
    205         if(id==NULL) {
    206             break;
    207         }
    209         if(++count>10) {
    210             /* try to actually open only a few transliterators */
    211             continue;
    212         }
    214         utrans=utrans_openU(id, idLength, UTRANS_FORWARD, NULL, 0, NULL, &errorCode);
    215         if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    216             log_err("utrans_openU(%s) failed - %s\n", aescstrdup(id, idLength), u_errorName(errorCode));
    217             continue;
    218         }
    220         id2=utrans_getUnicodeID(utrans, &id2Length);
    221         if(idLength!=id2Length || 0!=u_memcmp(id, id2, idLength)) {
    222             log_err("utrans_getUnicodeID(%s) does not match the original ID\n", aescstrdup(id, idLength));
    223         }
    225         utrans_close(utrans);
    226     }
    228     uenum_reset(uenum, &errorCode);
    229     if(U_FAILURE(errorCode) || count<1) {
    230         log_err("uenum_reset(transliterator IDs) failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
    231     } else {
    232         count2=uenum_count(uenum, &errorCode);
    233         if(U_FAILURE(errorCode) || count<1) {
    234             log_err("2nd uenum_count(transliterator IDs)=%d - %s\n", count2, u_errorName(errorCode));
    235         } else if(count!=count2) {
    236             log_err("uenum_unext(transliterator IDs) returned %d IDs but uenum_count() after uenum_reset() claims there are %d\n", count, count2);
    237         }
    238     }
    240     uenum_close(uenum);
    241 }
    243 static void TestOpenInverse(){
    244     UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    245     UTransliterator* t1=NULL;
    246     UTransliterator* inverse1=NULL;
    247     enum { BUF_CAP = 128 };
    248     char buf1[BUF_CAP];
    249     int32_t i=0;
    251     const char TransID[][25]={
    252            "Halfwidth-Fullwidth",
    253            "Fullwidth-Halfwidth",
    254            "Greek-Latin" ,
    255            "Latin-Greek",
    256            /*"Arabic-Latin", // Removed in 2.0*/
    257            /*"Latin-Arabic", // Removed in 2.0*/
    258            "Katakana-Latin",
    259            "Latin-Katakana",
    260            /*"Hebrew-Latin", // Removed in 2.0*/
    261            /*"Latin-Hebrew", // Removed in 2.0*/
    262            "Cyrillic-Latin",
    263            "Latin-Cyrillic",
    264            "Devanagari-Latin",
    265            "Latin-Devanagari",
    266            "Any-Hex",
    267            "Hex-Any"
    268          };
    270     for(i=0; i<sizeof(TransID)/sizeof(TransID[0]); i=i+2){
    271         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    272         t1=utrans_open(TransID[i], UTRANS_FORWARD,NULL,0,NULL, &status);
    273         if(t1 == NULL || U_FAILURE(status)){
    274             log_data_err("FAIL: in instantiation for id=%s -> %s (Are you missing data?)\n", TransID[i], u_errorName(status));
    275             continue;
    276         }
    277         inverse1=utrans_openInverse(t1, &status);
    278         if(U_FAILURE(status)){
    279             log_err("FAIL: utrans_openInverse() failed for id=%s. Error=%s\n", TransID[i], myErrorName(status));
    280             continue;
    281         }
    282         utrans_getID(inverse1, buf1, BUF_CAP);
    283         if(strcmp(buf1, TransID[i+1]) != 0){
    284             log_err("FAIL :openInverse() for %s returned %s instead of %s\n", TransID[i], buf1, TransID[i+1]);
    285         }
    286         utrans_close(t1);
    287         utrans_close(inverse1);
    288    }
    289 }
    291 static void TestClone(){
    292     UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    293     UTransliterator* t1=NULL;
    294     UTransliterator* t2=NULL;
    295     UTransliterator* t3=NULL;
    296     UTransliterator* t4=NULL;
    297     enum { BUF_CAP = 128 };
    298     char buf1[BUF_CAP], buf2[BUF_CAP], buf3[BUF_CAP];
    300     t1=utrans_open("Latin-Devanagari", UTRANS_FORWARD, NULL,0,NULL,&status);
    301     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
    302         log_data_err("FAIL: construction -> %s (Are you missing data?)\n", u_errorName(status));
    303         return;
    304     }
    305     t2=utrans_open("Latin-Greek", UTRANS_FORWARD, NULL,0,NULL,&status);
    306     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
    307         log_err("FAIL: construction\n");
    308         utrans_close(t1);
    309         return;
    310     }
    312     t3=utrans_clone(t1, &status);
    313     t4=utrans_clone(t2, &status);
    315     utrans_getID(t1, buf1, BUF_CAP);
    316     utrans_getID(t2, buf2, BUF_CAP);
    317     utrans_getID(t3, buf3, BUF_CAP);
    319     if(strcmp(buf1, buf3) != 0 ||
    320         strcmp(buf1, buf2) == 0) {
    321         log_err("FAIL: utrans_clone() failed\n");
    322     }
    324     utrans_getID(t4, buf3, BUF_CAP);
    326     if(strcmp(buf2, buf3) != 0 ||
    327         strcmp(buf1, buf3) == 0) {
    328         log_err("FAIL: utrans_clone() failed\n");
    329     }
    331     utrans_close(t1);
    332     utrans_close(t2);
    333     utrans_close(t3);
    334     utrans_close(t4);
    336 }
    338 static void TestRegisterUnregister(){
    339     UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    340     UTransliterator* t1=NULL;
    341     UTransliterator* rules=NULL, *rules2;
    342     UTransliterator* inverse1=NULL;
    343     UChar rule[]={ 0x0061, 0x003c, 0x003e, 0x0063}; /*a<>b*/
    345     U_STRING_DECL(ID, "TestA-TestB", 11);
    346     U_STRING_INIT(ID, "TestA-TestB", 11);
    348     /* Make sure it doesn't exist */
    349     t1=utrans_open("TestA-TestB", UTRANS_FORWARD,NULL,0,NULL, &status);
    350     if(t1 != NULL || U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    351         log_err("FAIL: TestA-TestB already registered\n");
    352         return;
    353     }
    354     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    355     /* Check inverse too */
    356     inverse1=utrans_open("TestA-TestB", UTRANS_REVERSE, NULL,0,NULL,&status);
    357     if(inverse1 != NULL || U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    358         log_err("FAIL: TestA-TestB already registered\n");
    359         return;
    360     }
    361     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    362     /* Create it */
    363     rules=utrans_open("TestA-TestB",UTRANS_FORWARD, rule, 4, NULL, &status);
    364     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
    365         log_err("FAIL: utrans_openRules(a<>B) failed with error=%s\n", myErrorName(status));
    366         return;
    367     }
    369     /* clone it so we can register it a second time */
    370     rules2=utrans_clone(rules, &status);
    371     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    372         log_err("FAIL: utrans_clone(a<>B) failed with error=%s\n", myErrorName(status));
    373         return;
    374     }
    376     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    377     /* Register it */
    378     utrans_register(rules, &status);
    379     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
    380         log_err("FAIL: utrans_register failed with error=%s\n", myErrorName(status));
    381         return;
    382     }
    383     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    384     /* Now check again -- should exist now*/
    385     t1= utrans_open("TestA-TestB", UTRANS_FORWARD, NULL,0,NULL,&status);
    386     if(U_FAILURE(status) || t1 == NULL){
    387         log_err("FAIL: TestA-TestB not registered\n");
    388         return;
    389     }
    390     utrans_close(t1);
    392     /*unregister the instance*/
    393     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    394     utrans_unregister("TestA-TestB");
    395     /* now Make sure it doesn't exist */
    396     t1=utrans_open("TestA-TestB", UTRANS_FORWARD,NULL,0,NULL, &status);
    397     if(U_SUCCESS(status) || t1 != NULL) {
    398         log_err("FAIL: TestA-TestB isn't unregistered\n");
    399         return;
    400     }
    401     utrans_close(t1);
    403     /* now with utrans_unregisterID(const UChar *) */
    404     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    405     utrans_register(rules2, &status);
    406     if(U_FAILURE(status)){
    407         log_err("FAIL: 2nd utrans_register failed with error=%s\n", myErrorName(status));
    408         return;
    409     }
    410     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    411     /* Now check again -- should exist now*/
    412     t1= utrans_open("TestA-TestB", UTRANS_FORWARD, NULL,0,NULL,&status);
    413     if(U_FAILURE(status) || t1 == NULL){
    414         log_err("FAIL: 2nd TestA-TestB not registered\n");
    415         return;
    416     }
    417     utrans_close(t1);
    419     /*unregister the instance*/
    420     status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
    421     utrans_unregisterID(ID, -1);
    422     /* now Make sure it doesn't exist */
    423     t1=utrans_openU(ID, -1, UTRANS_FORWARD,NULL,0,NULL, &status);
    424     if(U_SUCCESS(status) || t1 != NULL) {
    425         log_err("FAIL: 2nd TestA-TestB isn't unregistered\n");
    426         return;
    427     }
    429     utrans_close(t1);
    430     utrans_close(inverse1);
    431 }
    433 static void TestSimpleRules() {
    434     /* Test rules */
    435     /* Example: rules 1. ab>x|y
    436      *                2. yc>z
    437      *
    438      * []|eabcd  start - no match, copy e to tranlated buffer
    439      * [e]|abcd  match rule 1 - copy output & adjust cursor
    440      * [ex|y]cd  match rule 2 - copy output & adjust cursor
    441      * [exz]|d   no match, copy d to transliterated buffer
    442      * [exzd]|   done
    443      */
    444     _expectRules("ab>x|y;"
    445                  "yc>z",
    446                  "eabcd", "exzd");
    448     /* Another set of rules:
    449      *    1. ab>x|yzacw
    450      *    2. za>q
    451      *    3. qc>r
    452      *    4. cw>n
    453      *
    454      * []|ab       Rule 1
    455      * [x|yzacw]   No match
    456      * [xy|zacw]   Rule 2
    457      * [xyq|cw]    Rule 4
    458      * [xyqn]|     Done
    459      */
    460     _expectRules("ab>x|yzacw;"
    461                  "za>q;"
    462                  "qc>r;"
    463                  "cw>n",
    464                  "ab", "xyqn");
    466     /* Test categories
    467      */
    468     _expectRules("$dummy=" "\\uE100" ";" /* careful here with E100 */
    469                  "$vowel=[aeiouAEIOU];"
    470                  "$lu=[:Lu:];"
    471                  "$vowel } $lu > '!';"
    472                  "$vowel > '&';"
    473                  "'!' { $lu > '^';"
    474                  "$lu > '*';"
    475                  "a > ERROR",
    476                  "abcdefgABCDEFGU", "&bcd&fg!^**!^*&");
    478     /* Test multiple passes
    479     */
    480     _expectRules("abc > xy;"
    481                  "::Null;"
    482                  "aba > z;",
    483                  "abc ababc aba", "xy abxy z");
    484 }
    486 static void TestFilter() {
    487     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    488     UChar filt[128];
    489     UChar buf[128];
    490     UChar exp[128];
    491     char *cbuf;
    492     int32_t limit;
    493     const char* DATA[] = {
    494         "[^c]", /* Filter out 'c' */
    495         "abcde",
    496         "\\u0061\\u0062c\\u0064\\u0065",
    498         "", /* No filter */
    499         "abcde",
    500         "\\u0061\\u0062\\u0063\\u0064\\u0065"
    501     };
    502     int32_t DATA_length = sizeof(DATA) / sizeof(DATA[0]);
    503     int32_t i;
    505     UTransliterator* hex = utrans_open("Any-Hex", UTRANS_FORWARD, NULL,0,NULL,&status);
    507     if (hex == 0 || U_FAILURE(status)) {
    508         log_err("FAIL: utrans_open(Unicode-Hex) failed, error=%s\n",
    509                 u_errorName(status));
    510         goto exit;
    511     }
    513     for (i=0; i<DATA_length; i+=3) {
    514         /*u_uastrcpy(filt, DATA[i]);*/
    515         u_charsToUChars(DATA[i], filt, (int32_t)strlen(DATA[i])+1);
    516         utrans_setFilter(hex, filt, -1, &status);
    518         if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    519             log_err("FAIL: utrans_setFilter() failed, error=%s\n",
    520                     u_errorName(status));
    521             goto exit;
    522         }
    524         /*u_uastrcpy(buf, DATA[i+1]);*/
    525         u_charsToUChars(DATA[i+1], buf, (int32_t)strlen(DATA[i+1])+1);
    526         limit = 5;
    527         utrans_transUChars(hex, buf, NULL, 128, 0, &limit, &status);
    529         if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    530             log_err("FAIL: utrans_transUChars() failed, error=%s\n",
    531                     u_errorName(status));
    532             goto exit;
    533         }
    535         cbuf=aescstrdup(buf, -1);
    536         u_charsToUChars(DATA[i+2], exp, (int32_t)strlen(DATA[i+2])+1);
    537         if (0 == u_strcmp(buf, exp)) {
    538             log_verbose("Ok: %s | %s -> %s\n", DATA[i+1], DATA[i], cbuf);
    539         } else {
    540             log_err("FAIL: %s | %s -> %s, expected %s\n", DATA[i+1], DATA[i], cbuf, DATA[i+2]);
    541         }
    542     }
    544  exit:
    545     utrans_close(hex);
    546 }
    548 /**
    549  * Test the UReplaceableCallback extractBetween support.  We use a
    550  * transliterator known to rely on this call.
    551  */
    552 static void TestExtractBetween() {
    554     UTransliterator *trans;
    555     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    556     UParseError parseErr;
    558     trans = utrans_open("Lower", UTRANS_FORWARD, NULL, -1,
    559                         &parseErr, &status);
    561     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    562         log_err("FAIL: utrans_open(Lower) failed, error=%s\n",
    563                 u_errorName(status));
    564     } else {
    565         _expect(trans, "ABC", "abc");
    567         utrans_close(trans);
    568     }
    569 }
    571 static void _expectRules(const char* crules,
    572                   const char* cfrom,
    573                   const char* cto) {
    574     /* u_uastrcpy has no capacity param for the buffer -- so just
    575      * make all buffers way too big */
    576     enum { CAP = 256 };
    577     UChar rules[CAP];
    578     UTransliterator *trans;
    579     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    580     UParseError parseErr;
    582     u_uastrcpy(rules, crules);
    584     trans = utrans_open(crules /*use rules as ID*/, UTRANS_FORWARD, rules, -1,
    585                              &parseErr, &status);
    586     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    587         utrans_close(trans);
    588         log_data_err("FAIL: utrans_openRules(%s) failed, error=%s (Are you missing data?)\n",
    589                 crules, u_errorName(status));
    590         return;
    591     }
    593     _expect(trans, cfrom, cto);
    595     utrans_close(trans);
    596 }
    598 static void _expect(const UTransliterator* trans,
    599              const char* cfrom,
    600              const char* cto) {
    601     /* u_uastrcpy has no capacity param for the buffer -- so just
    602      * make all buffers way too big */
    603     enum { CAP = 256 };
    604     UChar from[CAP];
    605     UChar to[CAP];
    606     UChar buf[CAP];
    607     const UChar *ID;
    608     int32_t IDLength;
    609     const char *id;
    611     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    612     int32_t limit;
    613     UTransPosition pos;
    614     XReplaceable xrep;
    615     XReplaceable *xrepPtr = &xrep;
    616     UReplaceableCallbacks xrepVtable;
    618     u_uastrcpy(from, cfrom);
    619     u_uastrcpy(to, cto);
    621     ID = utrans_getUnicodeID(trans, &IDLength);
    622     id = aescstrdup(ID, IDLength);
    624     /* utrans_transUChars() */
    625     u_strcpy(buf, from);
    626     limit = u_strlen(buf);
    627     utrans_transUChars(trans, buf, NULL, CAP, 0, &limit, &status);
    628     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    629         log_err("FAIL: utrans_transUChars() failed, error=%s\n",
    630                 u_errorName(status));
    631         return;
    632     }
    634     if (0 == u_strcmp(buf, to)) {
    635         log_verbose("Ok: utrans_transUChars(%s) x %s -> %s\n",
    636                     id, cfrom, cto);
    637     } else {
    638         char actual[CAP];
    639         u_austrcpy(actual, buf);
    640         log_err("FAIL: utrans_transUChars(%s) x %s -> %s, expected %s\n",
    641                 id, cfrom, actual, cto);
    642     }
    644     /* utrans_transIncrementalUChars() */
    645     u_strcpy(buf, from);
    646     pos.start = pos.contextStart = 0;
    647     pos.limit = pos.contextLimit = u_strlen(buf);
    648     utrans_transIncrementalUChars(trans, buf, NULL, CAP, &pos, &status);
    649     utrans_transUChars(trans, buf, NULL, CAP, pos.start, &pos.limit, &status);
    650     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    651         log_err("FAIL: utrans_transIncrementalUChars() failed, error=%s\n",
    652                 u_errorName(status));
    653         return;
    654     }
    656     if (0 == u_strcmp(buf, to)) {
    657         log_verbose("Ok: utrans_transIncrementalUChars(%s) x %s -> %s\n",
    658                     id, cfrom, cto);
    659     } else {
    660         char actual[CAP];
    661         u_austrcpy(actual, buf);
    662         log_err("FAIL: utrans_transIncrementalUChars(%s) x %s -> %s, expected %s\n",
    663                 id, cfrom, actual, cto);
    664     }
    666     /* utrans_trans() */
    667     InitXReplaceableCallbacks(&xrepVtable);
    668     InitXReplaceable(&xrep, cfrom);
    669     limit = u_strlen(from);
    670     utrans_trans(trans, (UReplaceable*)xrepPtr, &xrepVtable, 0, &limit, &status);
    671     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    672         log_err("FAIL: utrans_trans() failed, error=%s\n",
    673                 u_errorName(status));
    674         FreeXReplaceable(&xrep);
    675         return;
    676     }
    678     if (0 == u_strcmp(xrep.text, to)) {
    679         log_verbose("Ok: utrans_trans(%s) x %s -> %s\n",
    680                     id, cfrom, cto);
    681     } else {
    682         char actual[CAP];
    683         u_austrcpy(actual, xrep.text);
    684         log_err("FAIL: utrans_trans(%s) x %s -> %s, expected %s\n",
    685                 id, cfrom, actual, cto);
    686     }
    687     FreeXReplaceable(&xrep);
    689     /* utrans_transIncremental() */
    690     InitXReplaceable(&xrep, cfrom);
    691     pos.start = pos.contextStart = 0;
    692     pos.limit = pos.contextLimit = u_strlen(from);
    693     utrans_transIncremental(trans, (UReplaceable*)xrepPtr, &xrepVtable, &pos, &status);
    694     utrans_trans(trans, (UReplaceable*)xrepPtr, &xrepVtable, pos.start, &pos.limit, &status);
    695     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    696         log_err("FAIL: utrans_transIncremental() failed, error=%s\n",
    697                 u_errorName(status));
    698         FreeXReplaceable(&xrep);
    699         return;
    700     }
    702     if (0 == u_strcmp(xrep.text, to)) {
    703         log_verbose("Ok: utrans_transIncremental(%s) x %s -> %s\n",
    704                     id, cfrom, cto);
    705     } else {
    706         char actual[CAP];
    707         u_austrcpy(actual, xrep.text);
    708         log_err("FAIL: utrans_transIncremental(%s) x %s -> %s, expected %s\n",
    709                 id, cfrom, actual, cto);
    710     }
    711     FreeXReplaceable(&xrep);
    712 }
    714 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_TRANSLITERATION */