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      1 /*
      2     SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
      3     Copyright (C) 1997-2012 Sam Lantinga
      5     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      6     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
      7     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      8     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     10     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     13     Lesser General Public License for more details.
     15     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
     16     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
     17     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
     19     Sam Lantinga
     20     slouken (at) libsdl.org
     21 */
     22 #include "SDL_config.h"
     24 /* CPU feature detection for SDL */
     26 #include "SDL.h"
     27 #include "SDL_cpuinfo.h"
     29 #if defined(__MACOSX__) && (defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__))
     30 #include <sys/sysctl.h> /* For AltiVec check */
     32 #include <signal.h>
     33 #include <setjmp.h>
     34 #endif
     36 #define CPU_HAS_RDTSC	0x00000001
     37 #define CPU_HAS_MMX	0x00000002
     38 #define CPU_HAS_MMXEXT	0x00000004
     39 #define CPU_HAS_3DNOW	0x00000010
     40 #define CPU_HAS_3DNOWEXT 0x00000020
     41 #define CPU_HAS_SSE	0x00000040
     42 #define CPU_HAS_SSE2	0x00000080
     43 #define CPU_HAS_ALTIVEC	0x00000100
     46 /* This is the brute force way of detecting instruction sets...
     47    the idea is borrowed from the libmpeg2 library - thanks!
     48  */
     49 static jmp_buf jmpbuf;
     50 static void illegal_instruction(int sig)
     51 {
     52 	longjmp(jmpbuf, 1);
     53 }
     54 #endif /* HAVE_SETJMP */
     56 static __inline__ int CPU_haveCPUID(void)
     57 {
     58 	int has_CPUID = 0;
     59 #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(i386)
     60 	__asm__ (
     61 "        pushfl                      # Get original EFLAGS             \n"
     62 "        popl    %%eax                                                 \n"
     63 "        movl    %%eax,%%ecx                                           \n"
     64 "        xorl    $0x200000,%%eax     # Flip ID bit in EFLAGS           \n"
     65 "        pushl   %%eax               # Save new EFLAGS value on stack  \n"
     66 "        popfl                       # Replace current EFLAGS value    \n"
     67 "        pushfl                      # Get new EFLAGS                  \n"
     68 "        popl    %%eax               # Store new EFLAGS in EAX         \n"
     69 "        xorl    %%ecx,%%eax         # Can not toggle ID bit,          \n"
     70 "        jz      1f                  # Processor=80486                 \n"
     71 "        movl    $1,%0               # We have CPUID support           \n"
     72 "1:                                                                    \n"
     73 	: "=m" (has_CPUID)
     74 	:
     75 	: "%eax", "%ecx"
     76 	);
     77 #elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__)
     78 /* Technically, if this is being compiled under __x86_64__ then it has
     79 CPUid by definition.  But it's nice to be able to prove it.  :)      */
     80 	__asm__ (
     81 "        pushfq                      # Get original EFLAGS             \n"
     82 "        popq    %%rax                                                 \n"
     83 "        movq    %%rax,%%rcx                                           \n"
     84 "        xorl    $0x200000,%%eax     # Flip ID bit in EFLAGS           \n"
     85 "        pushq   %%rax               # Save new EFLAGS value on stack  \n"
     86 "        popfq                       # Replace current EFLAGS value    \n"
     87 "        pushfq                      # Get new EFLAGS                  \n"
     88 "        popq    %%rax               # Store new EFLAGS in EAX         \n"
     89 "        xorl    %%ecx,%%eax         # Can not toggle ID bit,          \n"
     90 "        jz      1f                  # Processor=80486                 \n"
     91 "        movl    $1,%0               # We have CPUID support           \n"
     92 "1:                                                                    \n"
     93 	: "=m" (has_CPUID)
     94 	:
     95 	: "%rax", "%rcx"
     96 	);
     97 #elif (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_IX86)) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
     98 	__asm {
     99         pushfd                      ; Get original EFLAGS
    100         pop     eax
    101         mov     ecx, eax
    102         xor     eax, 200000h        ; Flip ID bit in EFLAGS
    103         push    eax                 ; Save new EFLAGS value on stack
    104         popfd                       ; Replace current EFLAGS value
    105         pushfd                      ; Get new EFLAGS
    106         pop     eax                 ; Store new EFLAGS in EAX
    107         xor     eax, ecx            ; Can not toggle ID bit,
    108         jz      done                ; Processor=80486
    109         mov     has_CPUID,1         ; We have CPUID support
    110 done:
    111 	}
    112 #elif defined(__sun) && defined(__i386)
    113 	__asm (
    114 "       pushfl                 \n"
    115 "	popl    %eax           \n"
    116 "	movl    %eax,%ecx      \n"
    117 "	xorl    $0x200000,%eax \n"
    118 "	pushl   %eax           \n"
    119 "	popfl                  \n"
    120 "	pushfl                 \n"
    121 "	popl    %eax           \n"
    122 "	xorl    %ecx,%eax      \n"
    123 "	jz      1f             \n"
    124 "	movl    $1,-8(%ebp)    \n"
    125 "1:                            \n"
    126 	);
    127 #elif defined(__sun) && defined(__amd64)
    128 	__asm (
    129 "       pushfq                 \n"
    130 "       popq    %rax           \n"
    131 "       movq    %rax,%rcx      \n"
    132 "       xorl    $0x200000,%eax \n"
    133 "       pushq   %rax           \n"
    134 "       popfq                  \n"
    135 "       pushfq                 \n"
    136 "       popq    %rax           \n"
    137 "       xorl    %ecx,%eax      \n"
    138 "       jz      1f             \n"
    139 "       movl    $1,-8(%rbp)    \n"
    140 "1:                            \n"
    141 	);
    142 #endif
    143 	return has_CPUID;
    144 }
    146 static __inline__ int CPU_getCPUIDFeatures(void)
    147 {
    148 	int features = 0;
    149 #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(i386)
    150 	__asm__ (
    151 "        xorl    %%eax,%%eax         # Set up for CPUID instruction    \n"
    152 "        pushl   %%ebx                                                 \n"
    153 "        cpuid                       # Get and save vendor ID          \n"
    154 "        popl    %%ebx                                                 \n"
    155 "        cmpl    $1,%%eax            # Make sure 1 is valid input for CPUID\n"
    156 "        jl      1f                  # We dont have the CPUID instruction\n"
    157 "        xorl    %%eax,%%eax                                           \n"
    158 "        incl    %%eax                                                 \n"
    159 "        pushl   %%ebx                                                 \n"
    160 "        cpuid                       # Get family/model/stepping/features\n"
    161 "        popl    %%ebx                                                 \n"
    162 "        movl    %%edx,%0                                              \n"
    163 "1:                                                                    \n"
    164 	: "=m" (features)
    165 	:
    166 	: "%eax", "%ecx", "%edx"
    167 	);
    168 #elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__)
    169 	__asm__ (
    170 "        xorl    %%eax,%%eax         # Set up for CPUID instruction    \n"
    171 "        pushq   %%rbx                                                 \n"
    172 "        cpuid                       # Get and save vendor ID          \n"
    173 "        popq    %%rbx                                                 \n"
    174 "        cmpl    $1,%%eax            # Make sure 1 is valid input for CPUID\n"
    175 "        jl      1f                  # We dont have the CPUID instruction\n"
    176 "        xorl    %%eax,%%eax                                           \n"
    177 "        incl    %%eax                                                 \n"
    178 "        pushq   %%rbx                                                 \n"
    179 "        cpuid                       # Get family/model/stepping/features\n"
    180 "        popq    %%rbx                                                 \n"
    181 "        movl    %%edx,%0                                              \n"
    182 "1:                                                                    \n"
    183 	: "=m" (features)
    184 	:
    185 	: "%rax", "%rcx", "%rdx"
    186 	);
    187 #elif (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_IX86)) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
    188 	__asm {
    189         xor     eax, eax            ; Set up for CPUID instruction
    190         push    ebx
    191         cpuid                       ; Get and save vendor ID
    192         pop     ebx
    193         cmp     eax, 1              ; Make sure 1 is valid input for CPUID
    194         jl      done                ; We dont have the CPUID instruction
    195         xor     eax, eax
    196         inc     eax
    197         push    ebx
    198         cpuid                       ; Get family/model/stepping/features
    199         pop     ebx
    200         mov     features, edx
    201 done:
    202 	}
    203 #elif defined(__sun) && (defined(__i386) || defined(__amd64))
    204 	    __asm(
    205 "        xorl    %eax,%eax         \n"
    206 "        pushl   %ebx              \n"
    207 "        cpuid                     \n"
    208 "        popl    %ebx              \n"
    209 "        cmpl    $1,%eax           \n"
    210 "        jl      1f                \n"
    211 "        xorl    %eax,%eax         \n"
    212 "        incl    %eax              \n"
    213 "        pushl   %ebx              \n"
    214 "        cpuid                     \n"
    215 "        popl    %ebx              \n"
    216 #ifdef __i386
    217 "        movl    %edx,-8(%ebp)     \n"
    218 #else
    219 "        movl    %edx,-8(%rbp)     \n"
    220 #endif
    221 "1:                                \n"
    222 #endif
    223 	return features;
    224 }
    226 static __inline__ int CPU_getCPUIDFeaturesExt(void)
    227 {
    228 	int features = 0;
    229 #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(i386)
    230 	__asm__ (
    231 "        movl    $0x80000000,%%eax   # Query for extended functions    \n"
    232 "        pushl   %%ebx                                                 \n"
    233 "        cpuid                       # Get extended function limit     \n"
    234 "        popl    %%ebx                                                 \n"
    235 "        cmpl    $0x80000001,%%eax                                     \n"
    236 "        jl      1f                  # Nope, we dont have function 800000001h\n"
    237 "        movl    $0x80000001,%%eax   # Setup extended function 800000001h\n"
    238 "        pushl   %%ebx                                                 \n"
    239 "        cpuid                       # and get the information         \n"
    240 "        popl    %%ebx                                                 \n"
    241 "        movl    %%edx,%0                                              \n"
    242 "1:                                                                    \n"
    243 	: "=m" (features)
    244 	:
    245 	: "%eax", "%ecx", "%edx"
    246 	);
    247 #elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined (__x86_64__)
    248 	__asm__ (
    249 "        movl    $0x80000000,%%eax   # Query for extended functions    \n"
    250 "        pushq   %%rbx                                                 \n"
    251 "        cpuid                       # Get extended function limit     \n"
    252 "        popq    %%rbx                                                 \n"
    253 "        cmpl    $0x80000001,%%eax                                     \n"
    254 "        jl      1f                  # Nope, we dont have function 800000001h\n"
    255 "        movl    $0x80000001,%%eax   # Setup extended function 800000001h\n"
    256 "        pushq   %%rbx                                                 \n"
    257 "        cpuid                       # and get the information         \n"
    258 "        popq    %%rbx                                                 \n"
    259 "        movl    %%edx,%0                                              \n"
    260 "1:                                                                    \n"
    261 	: "=m" (features)
    262 	:
    263 	: "%rax", "%rcx", "%rdx"
    264 	);
    265 #elif (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_IX86)) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
    266 	__asm {
    267         mov     eax,80000000h       ; Query for extended functions
    268         push    ebx
    269         cpuid                       ; Get extended function limit
    270         pop     ebx
    271         cmp     eax,80000001h
    272         jl      done                ; Nope, we dont have function 800000001h
    273         mov     eax,80000001h       ; Setup extended function 800000001h
    274         push    ebx
    275         cpuid                       ; and get the information
    276         pop     ebx
    277         mov     features,edx
    278 done:
    279 	}
    280 #elif defined(__sun) && ( defined(__i386) || defined(__amd64) )
    281 	    __asm (
    282 "        movl    $0x80000000,%eax \n"
    283 "        pushl   %ebx             \n"
    284 "        cpuid                    \n"
    285 "        popl    %ebx             \n"
    286 "        cmpl    $0x80000001,%eax \n"
    287 "        jl      1f               \n"
    288 "        movl    $0x80000001,%eax \n"
    289 "        pushl   %ebx             \n"
    290 "        cpuid                    \n"
    291 "        popl    %ebx             \n"
    292 #ifdef __i386
    293 "        movl    %edx,-8(%ebp)   \n"
    294 #else
    295 "        movl    %edx,-8(%rbp)   \n"
    296 #endif
    297 "1:                               \n"
    298 	    );
    299 #endif
    300 	return features;
    301 }
    303 static __inline__ int CPU_haveRDTSC(void)
    304 {
    305 	if ( CPU_haveCPUID() ) {
    306 		return (CPU_getCPUIDFeatures() & 0x00000010);
    307 	}
    308 	return 0;
    309 }
    311 static __inline__ int CPU_haveMMX(void)
    312 {
    313 	if ( CPU_haveCPUID() ) {
    314 		return (CPU_getCPUIDFeatures() & 0x00800000);
    315 	}
    316 	return 0;
    317 }
    319 static __inline__ int CPU_haveMMXExt(void)
    320 {
    321 	if ( CPU_haveCPUID() ) {
    322 		return (CPU_getCPUIDFeaturesExt() & 0x00400000);
    323 	}
    324 	return 0;
    325 }
    327 static __inline__ int CPU_have3DNow(void)
    328 {
    329 	if ( CPU_haveCPUID() ) {
    330 		return (CPU_getCPUIDFeaturesExt() & 0x80000000);
    331 	}
    332 	return 0;
    333 }
    335 static __inline__ int CPU_have3DNowExt(void)
    336 {
    337 	if ( CPU_haveCPUID() ) {
    338 		return (CPU_getCPUIDFeaturesExt() & 0x40000000);
    339 	}
    340 	return 0;
    341 }
    343 static __inline__ int CPU_haveSSE(void)
    344 {
    345 	if ( CPU_haveCPUID() ) {
    346 		return (CPU_getCPUIDFeatures() & 0x02000000);
    347 	}
    348 	return 0;
    349 }
    351 static __inline__ int CPU_haveSSE2(void)
    352 {
    353 	if ( CPU_haveCPUID() ) {
    354 		return (CPU_getCPUIDFeatures() & 0x04000000);
    355 	}
    356 	return 0;
    357 }
    359 static __inline__ int CPU_haveAltiVec(void)
    360 {
    361 	volatile int altivec = 0;
    362 #if defined(__MACOSX__) && (defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__))
    363 	int selectors[2] = { CTL_HW, HW_VECTORUNIT };
    364 	int hasVectorUnit = 0;
    365 	size_t length = sizeof(hasVectorUnit);
    366 	int error = sysctl(selectors, 2, &hasVectorUnit, &length, NULL, 0);
    367 	if( 0 == error )
    368 		altivec = (hasVectorUnit != 0);
    370 	void (*handler)(int sig);
    371 	handler = signal(SIGILL, illegal_instruction);
    372 	if ( setjmp(jmpbuf) == 0 ) {
    373 		asm volatile ("mtspr 256, %0\n\t"
    374 			      "vand %%v0, %%v0, %%v0"
    375 			      :
    376 			      : "r" (-1));
    377 		altivec = 1;
    378 	}
    379 	signal(SIGILL, handler);
    380 #endif
    381 	return altivec;
    382 }
    384 static Uint32 SDL_CPUFeatures = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    386 static Uint32 SDL_GetCPUFeatures(void)
    387 {
    388 	if ( SDL_CPUFeatures == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
    389 		SDL_CPUFeatures = 0;
    390 		if ( CPU_haveRDTSC() ) {
    391 			SDL_CPUFeatures |= CPU_HAS_RDTSC;
    392 		}
    393 		if ( CPU_haveMMX() ) {
    394 			SDL_CPUFeatures |= CPU_HAS_MMX;
    395 		}
    396 		if ( CPU_haveMMXExt() ) {
    397 			SDL_CPUFeatures |= CPU_HAS_MMXEXT;
    398 		}
    399 		if ( CPU_have3DNow() ) {
    400 			SDL_CPUFeatures |= CPU_HAS_3DNOW;
    401 		}
    402 		if ( CPU_have3DNowExt() ) {
    403 			SDL_CPUFeatures |= CPU_HAS_3DNOWEXT;
    404 		}
    405 		if ( CPU_haveSSE() ) {
    406 			SDL_CPUFeatures |= CPU_HAS_SSE;
    407 		}
    408 		if ( CPU_haveSSE2() ) {
    409 			SDL_CPUFeatures |= CPU_HAS_SSE2;
    410 		}
    411 		if ( CPU_haveAltiVec() ) {
    412 			SDL_CPUFeatures |= CPU_HAS_ALTIVEC;
    413 		}
    414 	}
    415 	return SDL_CPUFeatures;
    416 }
    418 SDL_bool SDL_HasRDTSC(void)
    419 {
    420 	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_RDTSC ) {
    421 		return SDL_TRUE;
    422 	}
    423 	return SDL_FALSE;
    424 }
    426 SDL_bool SDL_HasMMX(void)
    427 {
    428 	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_MMX ) {
    429 		return SDL_TRUE;
    430 	}
    431 	return SDL_FALSE;
    432 }
    434 SDL_bool SDL_HasMMXExt(void)
    435 {
    436 	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_MMXEXT ) {
    437 		return SDL_TRUE;
    438 	}
    439 	return SDL_FALSE;
    440 }
    442 SDL_bool SDL_Has3DNow(void)
    443 {
    444 	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_3DNOW ) {
    445 		return SDL_TRUE;
    446 	}
    447 	return SDL_FALSE;
    448 }
    450 SDL_bool SDL_Has3DNowExt(void)
    451 {
    452 	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_3DNOWEXT ) {
    453 		return SDL_TRUE;
    454 	}
    455 	return SDL_FALSE;
    456 }
    458 SDL_bool SDL_HasSSE(void)
    459 {
    460 	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_SSE ) {
    461 		return SDL_TRUE;
    462 	}
    463 	return SDL_FALSE;
    464 }
    466 SDL_bool SDL_HasSSE2(void)
    467 {
    468 	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_SSE2 ) {
    469 		return SDL_TRUE;
    470 	}
    471 	return SDL_FALSE;
    472 }
    474 SDL_bool SDL_HasAltiVec(void)
    475 {
    476 	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_ALTIVEC ) {
    477 		return SDL_TRUE;
    478 	}
    479 	return SDL_FALSE;
    480 }
    482 #ifdef TEST_MAIN
    484 #include <stdio.h>
    486 int main()
    487 {
    488 	printf("RDTSC: %d\n", SDL_HasRDTSC());
    489 	printf("MMX: %d\n", SDL_HasMMX());
    490 	printf("MMXExt: %d\n", SDL_HasMMXExt());
    491 	printf("3DNow: %d\n", SDL_Has3DNow());
    492 	printf("3DNowExt: %d\n", SDL_Has3DNowExt());
    493 	printf("SSE: %d\n", SDL_HasSSE());
    494 	printf("SSE2: %d\n", SDL_HasSSE2());
    495 	printf("AltiVec: %d\n", SDL_HasAltiVec());
    496 	return 0;
    497 }
    499 #endif /* TEST_MAIN */