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      1 # Core Skia library code.
      2 {
      3   'targets': [
      4     {
      5       'target_name': 'core',
      6       'product_name': 'skia_core',
      7       'type': 'static_library',
      8       'standalone_static_library': 1,
      9       'msvs_guid': 'B7760B5E-BFA8-486B-ACFD-49E3A6DE8E76',
     11       'includes': [
     12         'core.gypi',
     13       ],
     15       'include_dirs': [
     16         '../include/config',
     17         '../include/core',
     18         '../include/lazy',
     19         '../include/pathops',
     20         '../include/pipe',
     21         '../include/ports',
     22         '../include/utils',
     23         '../include/xml',
     24         '../src/core',
     25         '../src/image',
     26       ],
     27       'sources': [
     28         'core.gypi', # Makes the gypi appear in IDEs (but does not modify the build).
     29       ],
     30       'msvs_disabled_warnings': [4244, 4267,4345, 4390, 4554, 4800],
     31       'conditions': [
     32         [ 'skia_os in ["linux", "freebsd", "openbsd", "solaris", "chromeos"]', {
     33           'link_settings': {
     34             'libraries': [
     35               '-lpthread',
     36             ],
     37           },
     38         }],
     39         [ 'skia_os == "mac"', {
     40           'include_dirs': [
     41             '../include/utils/mac',
     42           ],
     43           'sources': [
     44             '../include/utils/mac/SkCGUtils.h',
     45           ],
     46           'link_settings': {
     47             'libraries': [
     48               '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework',
     49             ],
     50           },
     51         }],
     52         [ 'skia_os == "ios"', {
     53           'include_dirs': [
     54             '../include/utils/ios',
     55           ],
     56           'sources': [
     57             '../include/utils/mac/SkCGUtils.h',
     58           ],
     59           'link_settings': {
     60             'libraries': [
     61               '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework',
     62               '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework',
     63               '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreText.framework',
     64               '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework',
     65               '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework',
     66               '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework',
     67               '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGLES.framework',
     68               '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework',
     69               '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/MobileCoreServices.framework',
     70             ],
     71           },
     72         }],
     73         [ 'skia_os == "win"', {
     74           'include_dirs': [
     75             'config/win',
     76           ],
     77         }],
     78         [ 'skia_os == "android"', {
     79           'dependencies': [
     80             'android_deps.gyp:cpu_features',
     81           ],
     82         }],
     83         [ 'skia_arch_type == "arm"', {
     84           # The code in SkUtilsArm.cpp can be used on an ARM-based Linux system, not only Android.
     85           'sources': [
     86             '../src/core/SkUtilsArm.cpp',
     87             '../src/core/SkUtilsArm.h',
     88           ],
     89         }],
     90         ['skia_gpu == 1', {
     91           'include_dirs': [
     92               '../include/gpu',
     93               '../src/gpu',
     94           ],
     95         }],
     96       ],
     97       'direct_dependent_settings': {
     98         'include_dirs': [
     99           'config',
    100           '../include/config',
    101           '../include/core',
    102           '../include/lazy',
    103           '../include/pathops',
    104           '../include/pipe',
    105           'ext',
    106         ],
    107         'conditions': [
    108           [ 'skia_os == "mac"', {
    109             'include_dirs': [
    110               '../include/utils/mac',
    111             ],
    112           }],
    113           [ 'skia_os == "ios"', {
    114             'include_dirs': [
    115               '../include/utils/ios',
    116             ],
    117           }],
    118           [ 'skia_os == "win"', {
    119             'include_dirs': [
    120               'config/win',
    121             ],
    122           }],
    123         ],
    124       },
    125     },
    126   ],
    127 }
    129 # Local Variables:
    130 # tab-width:2
    131 # indent-tabs-mode:nil
    132 # End:
    133 # vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: