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      2 /*
      3  * Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
      4  *
      5  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      6  * found in the LICENSE file.
      7  */
     11 #ifndef GrResourceCache_DEFINED
     12 #define GrResourceCache_DEFINED
     14 #include "GrConfig.h"
     15 #include "GrTypes.h"
     16 #include "GrTHashCache.h"
     17 #include "GrBinHashKey.h"
     18 #include "SkTInternalLList.h"
     20 class GrResource;
     21 class GrResourceEntry;
     23 class GrResourceKey {
     24 public:
     25     enum {
     26         kHashBits   = 7,
     27         kHashCount  = 1 << kHashBits,
     28         kHashMask   = kHashCount - 1
     29     };
     31     static GrCacheID::Domain ScratchDomain() {
     32         static const GrCacheID::Domain gDomain = GrCacheID::GenerateDomain();
     33         return gDomain;
     34     }
     36     /** Uniquely identifies the GrResource subclass in the key to avoid collisions
     37         across resource types. */
     38     typedef uint8_t ResourceType;
     40     /** Flags set by the GrResource subclass. */
     41     typedef uint8_t ResourceFlags;
     43     /** Generate a unique ResourceType */
     44     static ResourceType GenerateResourceType();
     46     /** Creates a key for resource */
     47     GrResourceKey(const GrCacheID& id, ResourceType type, ResourceFlags flags) {
     48         this->init(id.getDomain(), id.getKey(), type, flags);
     49     };
     51     GrResourceKey(const GrResourceKey& src) {
     52         fKey = src.fKey;
     53     }
     55     GrResourceKey() {
     56         fKey.fHashedKey.reset();
     57     }
     59     void reset(const GrCacheID& id, ResourceType type, ResourceFlags flags) {
     60         this->init(id.getDomain(), id.getKey(), type, flags);
     61     }
     63     //!< returns hash value [0..kHashMask] for the key
     64     int getHash() const {
     65         return fKey.fHashedKey.getHash() & kHashMask;
     66     }
     68     bool isScratch() const {
     69         return ScratchDomain() ==
     70             *reinterpret_cast<const GrCacheID::Domain*>(fKey.fHashedKey.getData() +
     71                                                         kCacheIDDomainOffset);
     72     }
     74     ResourceType getResourceType() const {
     75         return *reinterpret_cast<const ResourceType*>(fKey.fHashedKey.getData() +
     76                                                       kResourceTypeOffset);
     77     }
     79     ResourceFlags getResourceFlags() const {
     80         return *reinterpret_cast<const ResourceFlags*>(fKey.fHashedKey.getData() +
     81                                                        kResourceFlagsOffset);
     82     }
     84     int compare(const GrResourceKey& other) const {
     85         return fKey.fHashedKey.compare(other.fKey.fHashedKey);
     86     }
     88     static bool LT(const GrResourceKey& a, const GrResourceKey& b) {
     89         return a.compare(b) < 0;
     90     }
     92     static bool EQ(const GrResourceKey& a, const GrResourceKey& b) {
     93         return 0 == a.compare(b);
     94     }
     96     inline static bool LT(const GrResourceEntry& entry, const GrResourceKey& key);
     97     inline static bool EQ(const GrResourceEntry& entry, const GrResourceKey& key);
     98     inline static bool LT(const GrResourceEntry& a, const GrResourceEntry& b);
     99     inline static bool EQ(const GrResourceEntry& a, const GrResourceEntry& b);
    101 private:
    102     enum {
    103         kCacheIDKeyOffset = 0,
    104         kCacheIDDomainOffset = kCacheIDKeyOffset + sizeof(GrCacheID::Key),
    105         kResourceTypeOffset = kCacheIDDomainOffset + sizeof(GrCacheID::Domain),
    106         kResourceFlagsOffset = kResourceTypeOffset + sizeof(ResourceType),
    107         kPadOffset = kResourceFlagsOffset + sizeof(ResourceFlags),
    108         kKeySize = SkAlign4(kPadOffset),
    109         kPadSize = kKeySize - kPadOffset
    110     };
    112     void init(const GrCacheID::Domain domain,
    113               const GrCacheID::Key& key,
    114               ResourceType type,
    115               ResourceFlags flags) {
    116         union {
    117             uint8_t  fKey8[kKeySize];
    118             uint32_t fKey32[kKeySize / 4];
    119         } keyData;
    121         uint8_t* k = keyData.fKey8;
    122         memcpy(k + kCacheIDKeyOffset, key.fData8, sizeof(GrCacheID::Key));
    123         memcpy(k + kCacheIDDomainOffset, &domain, sizeof(GrCacheID::Domain));
    124         memcpy(k + kResourceTypeOffset, &type, sizeof(ResourceType));
    125         memcpy(k + kResourceFlagsOffset, &flags, sizeof(ResourceFlags));
    126         memset(k + kPadOffset, 0, kPadSize);
    127         fKey.fHashedKey.setKeyData(keyData.fKey32);
    128     }
    130     struct Key;
    131     typedef GrTBinHashKey<Key, kKeySize> HashedKey;
    133     struct Key {
    134         int compare(const HashedKey& hashedKey) const {
    135             return fHashedKey.compare(hashedKey);
    136         }
    138         HashedKey fHashedKey;
    139     };
    141     Key fKey;
    142 };
    144 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    146 class GrResourceEntry {
    147 public:
    148     GrResource* resource() const { return fResource; }
    149     const GrResourceKey& key() const { return fKey; }
    151 #if GR_DEBUG
    152     void validate() const;
    153 #else
    154     void validate() const {}
    155 #endif
    157 private:
    158     GrResourceEntry(const GrResourceKey& key, GrResource* resource);
    159     ~GrResourceEntry();
    161     GrResourceKey    fKey;
    162     GrResource*      fResource;
    164     // we're a linked list
    167     friend class GrResourceCache;
    168     friend class GrDLinkedList;
    169 };
    171 bool GrResourceKey::LT(const GrResourceEntry& entry, const GrResourceKey& key) {
    172     return LT(entry.key(), key);
    173 }
    175 bool GrResourceKey::EQ(const GrResourceEntry& entry, const GrResourceKey& key) {
    176     return EQ(entry.key(), key);
    177 }
    179 bool GrResourceKey::LT(const GrResourceEntry& a, const GrResourceEntry& b) {
    180     return LT(a.key(), b.key());
    181 }
    183 bool GrResourceKey::EQ(const GrResourceEntry& a, const GrResourceEntry& b) {
    184     return EQ(a.key(), b.key());
    185 }
    187 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    189 #include "GrTHashCache.h"
    191 /**
    192  *  Cache of GrResource objects.
    193  *
    194  *  These have a corresponding GrResourceKey, built from 128bits identifying the
    195  *  resource.
    196  *
    197  *  The cache stores the entries in a double-linked list, which is its LRU.
    198  *  When an entry is "locked" (i.e. given to the caller), it is moved to the
    199  *  head of the list. If/when we must purge some of the entries, we walk the
    200  *  list backwards from the tail, since those are the least recently used.
    201  *
    202  *  For fast searches, we maintain a sorted array (based on the GrResourceKey)
    203  *  which we can bsearch. When a new entry is added, it is inserted into this
    204  *  array.
    205  *
    206  *  For even faster searches, a hash is computed from the Key. If there is
    207  *  a collision between two keys with the same hash, we fall back on the
    208  *  bsearch, and update the hash to reflect the most recent Key requested.
    209  *
    210  *  It is a goal to make the GrResourceCache the central repository and bookkeeper
    211  *  of all resources. It should replace the linked list of GrResources that
    212  *  GrGpu uses to call abandon/release.
    213  */
    214 class GrResourceCache {
    215 public:
    216     GrResourceCache(int maxCount, size_t maxBytes);
    217     ~GrResourceCache();
    219     /**
    220      *  Return the current resource cache limits.
    221      *
    222      *  @param maxResource If non-null, returns maximum number of resources
    223      *                     that can be held in the cache.
    224      *  @param maxBytes    If non-null, returns maximum number of bytes of
    225      *                     gpu memory that can be held in the cache.
    226      */
    227     void getLimits(int* maxResources, size_t* maxBytes) const;
    229     /**
    230      *  Specify the resource cache limits. If the current cache exceeds either
    231      *  of these, it will be purged (LRU) to keep the cache within these limits.
    232      *
    233      *  @param maxResources The maximum number of resources that can be held in
    234      *                      the cache.
    235      *  @param maxBytes     The maximum number of bytes of resource memory that
    236      *                      can be held in the cache.
    237      */
    238     void setLimits(int maxResources, size_t maxResourceBytes);
    240     /**
    241      *  The callback function used by the cache when it is still over budget
    242      *  after a purge. The passed in 'data' is the same 'data' handed to
    243      *  setOverbudgetCallback. The callback returns true if some resources
    244      *  have been freed.
    245      */
    246     typedef bool (*PFOverbudgetCB)(void* data);
    248     /**
    249      *  Set the callback the cache should use when it is still over budget
    250      *  after a purge. The 'data' provided here will be passed back to the
    251      *  callback. Note that the cache will attempt to purge any resources newly
    252      *  freed by the callback.
    253      */
    254     void setOverbudgetCallback(PFOverbudgetCB overbudgetCB, void* data) {
    255         fOverbudgetCB = overbudgetCB;
    256         fOverbudgetData = data;
    257     }
    259     /**
    260      * Returns the number of bytes consumed by cached resources.
    261      */
    262     size_t getCachedResourceBytes() const { return fEntryBytes; }
    264     // For a found or added resource to be completely exclusive to the caller
    265     // both the kNoOtherOwners and kHide flags need to be specified
    266     enum OwnershipFlags {
    267         kNoOtherOwners_OwnershipFlag = 0x1, // found/added resource has no other owners
    268         kHide_OwnershipFlag = 0x2  // found/added resource is hidden from future 'find's
    269     };
    271     /**
    272      *  Search for an entry with the same Key. If found, return it.
    273      *  If not found, return null.
    274      *  If ownershipFlags includes kNoOtherOwners and a resource is returned
    275      *  then that resource has no other refs to it.
    276      *  If ownershipFlags includes kHide and a resource is returned then that
    277      *  resource will not be returned from future 'find' calls until it is
    278      *  'freed' (and recycled) or makeNonExclusive is called.
    279      *  For a resource to be completely exclusive to a caller both kNoOtherOwners
    280      *  and kHide must be specified.
    281      */
    282     GrResource* find(const GrResourceKey& key,
    283                      uint32_t ownershipFlags = 0);
    285     /**
    286      *  Add the new resource to the cache (by creating a new cache entry based
    287      *  on the provided key and resource).
    288      *
    289      *  Ownership of the resource is transferred to the resource cache,
    290      *  which will unref() it when it is purged or deleted.
    291      *
    292      *  If ownershipFlags includes kHide, subsequent calls to 'find' will not
    293      *  return 'resource' until it is 'freed' (and recycled) or makeNonExclusive
    294      *  is called.
    295      */
    296     void addResource(const GrResourceKey& key,
    297                      GrResource* resource,
    298                      uint32_t ownershipFlags = 0);
    300     /**
    301      * Determines if the cache contains an entry matching a key. If a matching
    302      * entry exists but was detached then it will not be found.
    303      */
    304     bool hasKey(const GrResourceKey& key) const { return NULL != fCache.find(key); }
    306     /**
    307      * Hide 'entry' so that future searches will not find it. Such
    308      * hidden entries will not be purged. The entry still counts against
    309      * the cache's budget and should be made non-exclusive when exclusive access
    310      * is no longer needed.
    311      */
    312     void makeExclusive(GrResourceEntry* entry);
    314     /**
    315      * Restore 'entry' so that it can be found by future searches. 'entry'
    316      * will also be purgeable (provided its lock count is now 0.)
    317      */
    318     void makeNonExclusive(GrResourceEntry* entry);
    320     /**
    321      * Remove a resource from the cache and delete it!
    322      */
    323     void deleteResource(GrResourceEntry* entry);
    325     /**
    326      * Removes every resource in the cache that isn't locked.
    327      */
    328     void purgeAllUnlocked();
    330     /**
    331      * Allow cache to purge unused resources to obey resource limitations
    332      * Note: this entry point will be hidden (again) once totally ref-driven
    333      * cache maintenance is implemented. Note that the overbudget callback
    334      * will be called if the initial purge doesn't get the cache under
    335      * its budget.
    336      *
    337      * extraCount and extraBytes are added to the current resource allocation
    338      * to make sure enough room is available for future additions (e.g,
    339      * 10MB across 10 textures is about to be added).
    340      */
    341     void purgeAsNeeded(int extraCount = 0, size_t extraBytes = 0);
    343 #if GR_DEBUG
    344     void validate() const;
    345 #else
    346     void validate() const {}
    347 #endif
    349 #if GR_CACHE_STATS
    350     void printStats();
    351 #endif
    353 private:
    354     enum BudgetBehaviors {
    355         kAccountFor_BudgetBehavior,
    356         kIgnore_BudgetBehavior
    357     };
    359     void internalDetach(GrResourceEntry*, BudgetBehaviors behavior = kAccountFor_BudgetBehavior);
    360     void attachToHead(GrResourceEntry*, BudgetBehaviors behavior = kAccountFor_BudgetBehavior);
    362     void removeInvalidResource(GrResourceEntry* entry);
    364     GrTHashTable<GrResourceEntry, GrResourceKey, 8> fCache;
    366     // We're an internal doubly linked list
    367     typedef SkTInternalLList<GrResourceEntry> EntryList;
    368     EntryList      fList;
    370 #if GR_DEBUG
    371     // These objects cannot be returned by a search
    372     EntryList      fExclusiveList;
    373 #endif
    375     // our budget, used in purgeAsNeeded()
    376     int            fMaxCount;
    377     size_t         fMaxBytes;
    379     // our current stats, related to our budget
    380 #if GR_CACHE_STATS
    381     int            fHighWaterEntryCount;
    382     size_t         fHighWaterEntryBytes;
    383     int            fHighWaterClientDetachedCount;
    384     size_t         fHighWaterClientDetachedBytes;
    385 #endif
    387     int            fEntryCount;
    388     size_t         fEntryBytes;
    389     int            fClientDetachedCount;
    390     size_t         fClientDetachedBytes;
    392     // prevents recursive purging
    393     bool           fPurging;
    395     PFOverbudgetCB fOverbudgetCB;
    396     void*          fOverbudgetData;
    398     void internalPurge(int extraCount, size_t extraBytes);
    400 #if GR_DEBUG
    401     static size_t countBytes(const SkTInternalLList<GrResourceEntry>& list);
    402 #endif
    403 };
    405 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    407 #if GR_DEBUG
    408     class GrAutoResourceCacheValidate {
    409     public:
    410         GrAutoResourceCacheValidate(GrResourceCache* cache) : fCache(cache) {
    411             cache->validate();
    412         }
    413         ~GrAutoResourceCacheValidate() {
    414             fCache->validate();
    415         }
    416     private:
    417         GrResourceCache* fCache;
    418     };
    419 #else
    420     class GrAutoResourceCacheValidate {
    421     public:
    422         GrAutoResourceCacheValidate(GrResourceCache*) {}
    423     };
    424 #endif
    426 #endif