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      1 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      2  *
      3  * File:
      4  * eas_wtsynth.c
      5  *
      6  * Contents and purpose:
      7  * Implements the synthesizer functions.
      8  *
      9  * Copyright Sonic Network Inc. 2004
     11  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     12  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     13  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     14  *
     15  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     16  *
     17  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     18  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     19  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     20  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     21  * limitations under the License.
     22  *
     23  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     24  * Revision Control:
     25  *   $Revision: 795 $
     26  *   $Date: 2007-08-01 00:14:45 -0700 (Wed, 01 Aug 2007) $
     27  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     28 */
     30 // includes
     31 #include "eas_data.h"
     32 #include "eas_report.h"
     33 #include "eas_host.h"
     34 #include "eas_math.h"
     35 #include "eas_synth_protos.h"
     36 #include "eas_wtsynth.h"
     37 #include "eas_pan.h"
     39 #ifdef DLS_SYNTHESIZER
     40 #include "eas_dlssynth.h"
     41 #endif
     43 #ifdef _METRICS_ENABLED
     44 #include "eas_perf.h"
     45 #endif
     47 /* local prototypes */
     48 static EAS_RESULT WT_Initialize(S_VOICE_MGR *pVoiceMgr);
     49 static void WT_ReleaseVoice (S_VOICE_MGR *pVoiceMgr, S_SYNTH *pSynth, S_SYNTH_VOICE *pVoice, EAS_I32 voiceNum);
     50 static void WT_MuteVoice (S_VOICE_MGR *pVoiceMgr, S_SYNTH *pSynth, S_SYNTH_VOICE *pVoice, EAS_I32 voiceNum);
     51 static void WT_SustainPedal (S_VOICE_MGR *pVoiceMgr, S_SYNTH *pSynth, S_SYNTH_VOICE *pVoice, S_SYNTH_CHANNEL *pChannel, EAS_I32 voiceNum);
     52 static EAS_RESULT WT_StartVoice (S_VOICE_MGR *pVoiceMgr, S_SYNTH *pSynth, S_SYNTH_VOICE *pVoice, EAS_I32 voiceNum, EAS_U16 regionIndex);
     53 static EAS_BOOL WT_UpdateVoice (S_VOICE_MGR *pVoiceMgr, S_SYNTH *pSynth, S_SYNTH_VOICE *pVoice, EAS_I32 voiceNum, EAS_I32 *pMixBuffer, EAS_I32 numSamples);
     54 static void WT_UpdateChannel (S_VOICE_MGR *pVoiceMgr, S_SYNTH *pSynth, EAS_U8 channel);
     55 static EAS_I32 WT_UpdatePhaseInc (S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice, const S_ARTICULATION *pArt, S_SYNTH_CHANNEL *pChannel, EAS_I32 pitchCents);
     56 static EAS_I32 WT_UpdateGain (S_SYNTH_VOICE *pVoice, S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice, const S_ARTICULATION *pArt, S_SYNTH_CHANNEL *pChannel, EAS_I32 gain);
     57 static void WT_UpdateEG1 (S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice, const S_ENVELOPE *pEnv);
     58 static void WT_UpdateEG2 (S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice, const S_ENVELOPE *pEnv);
     60 #ifdef EAS_SPLIT_WT_SYNTH
     61 extern EAS_BOOL WTE_StartFrame (EAS_FRAME_BUFFER_HANDLE pFrameBuffer);
     62 extern EAS_BOOL WTE_EndFrame (EAS_FRAME_BUFFER_HANDLE pFrameBuffer, EAS_I32 *pMixBuffer, EAS_I16 masterGain);
     63 #endif
     65 #ifdef _FILTER_ENABLED
     66 static void WT_UpdateFilter (S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice, S_WT_INT_FRAME *pIntFrame, const S_ARTICULATION *pArt);
     67 #endif
     69 #ifdef _STATS
     70 extern double statsPhaseIncrement;
     71 extern double statsMaxPhaseIncrement;
     72 extern long statsPhaseSampleCount;
     73 extern double statsSampleSize;
     74 extern long statsSampleCount;
     75 #endif
     77 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     78  * Synthesizer interface
     79  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     80 */
     82 const S_SYNTH_INTERFACE wtSynth =
     83 {
     84     WT_Initialize,
     85     WT_StartVoice,
     86     WT_UpdateVoice,
     87     WT_ReleaseVoice,
     88     WT_MuteVoice,
     89     WT_SustainPedal,
     90     WT_UpdateChannel
     91 };
     93 #ifdef EAS_SPLIT_WT_SYNTH
     94 const S_FRAME_INTERFACE wtFrameInterface =
     95 {
     96     WTE_StartFrame,
     97     WTE_EndFrame
     98 };
     99 #endif
    101 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    102  * WT_Initialize()
    103  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    104  * Purpose:
    105  *
    106  * Inputs:
    107  * pVoice - pointer to voice to initialize
    108  *
    109  * Outputs:
    110  *
    111  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    112 */
    113 static EAS_RESULT WT_Initialize (S_VOICE_MGR *pVoiceMgr)
    114 {
    115     EAS_INT i;
    117     for (i = 0; i < NUM_WT_VOICES; i++)
    118     {
    120         pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[i].artIndex = DEFAULT_ARTICULATION_INDEX;
    122         pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[i].eg1State = DEFAULT_EG1_STATE;
    123         pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[i].eg1Value = DEFAULT_EG1_VALUE;
    124         pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[i].eg1Increment = DEFAULT_EG1_INCREMENT;
    126         pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[i].eg2State = DEFAULT_EG2_STATE;
    127         pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[i].eg2Value = DEFAULT_EG2_VALUE;
    128         pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[i].eg2Increment = DEFAULT_EG2_INCREMENT;
    130         /* left and right gain values are needed only if stereo output */
    131 #if (NUM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS == 2)
    132         pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[i].gainLeft = DEFAULT_VOICE_GAIN;
    133         pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[i].gainRight = DEFAULT_VOICE_GAIN;
    134 #endif
    136         pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[i].phaseFrac = DEFAULT_PHASE_FRAC;
    137         pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[i].phaseAccum = DEFAULT_PHASE_INT;
    139 #ifdef _FILTER_ENABLED
    140         pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[i].filter.z1 = DEFAULT_FILTER_ZERO;
    141         pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[i].filter.z2 = DEFAULT_FILTER_ZERO;
    142 #endif
    143     }
    145     return EAS_TRUE;
    146 }
    148 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    149  * WT_ReleaseVoice()
    150  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    151  * Purpose:
    152  * The selected voice is being released.
    153  *
    154  * Inputs:
    155  * pEASData - pointer to S_EAS_DATA
    156  * pVoice - pointer to voice to release
    157  *
    158  * Outputs:
    159  * None
    160  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    161 */
    162 /*lint -esym(715, pVoice) used in some implementations */
    163 static void WT_ReleaseVoice (S_VOICE_MGR *pVoiceMgr, S_SYNTH *pSynth, S_SYNTH_VOICE *pVoice, EAS_I32 voiceNum)
    164 {
    165     S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice;
    166     const S_ARTICULATION *pArticulation;
    168 #ifdef DLS_SYNTHESIZER
    169     if (pVoice->regionIndex & FLAG_RGN_IDX_DLS_SYNTH)
    170     {
    171         DLS_ReleaseVoice(pVoiceMgr, pSynth, pVoice, voiceNum);
    172         return;
    173     }
    174 #endif
    176     pWTVoice = &pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[voiceNum];
    177     pArticulation = &pSynth->pEAS->pArticulations[pWTVoice->artIndex];
    179     /* release EG1 */
    180     pWTVoice->eg1State = eEnvelopeStateRelease;
    181     pWTVoice->eg1Increment = pArticulation->eg1.releaseTime;
    183     /*
    184     The spec says we should release EG2, but doing so with the current
    185     voicing is causing clicks. This fix will need to be coordinated with
    186     a new sound library release
    187     */
    189     /* release EG2 */
    190     pWTVoice->eg2State = eEnvelopeStateRelease;
    191     pWTVoice->eg2Increment = pArticulation->eg2.releaseTime;
    192 }
    194 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    195  * WT_MuteVoice()
    196  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    197  * Purpose:
    198  * The selected voice is being muted.
    199  *
    200  * Inputs:
    201  * pVoice - pointer to voice to release
    202  *
    203  * Outputs:
    204  * None
    205  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    206 */
    207 /*lint -esym(715, pSynth) used in some implementations */
    208 static void WT_MuteVoice (S_VOICE_MGR *pVoiceMgr, S_SYNTH *pSynth, S_SYNTH_VOICE *pVoice, EAS_I32 voiceNum)
    209 {
    211 #ifdef DLS_SYNTHESIZER
    212     if (pVoice->regionIndex & FLAG_RGN_IDX_DLS_SYNTH)
    213     {
    214         DLS_MuteVoice(pVoiceMgr, pSynth, pVoice, voiceNum);
    215         return;
    216     }
    217 #endif
    219     /* clear deferred action flags */
    220     pVoice->voiceFlags &=
    221         ~(VOICE_FLAG_DEFER_MIDI_NOTE_OFF |
    223         VOICE_FLAG_DEFER_MUTE);
    225     /* set the envelope state */
    226     pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[voiceNum].eg1State = eEnvelopeStateMuted;
    227     pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[voiceNum].eg2State = eEnvelopeStateMuted;
    228 }
    230 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    231  * WT_SustainPedal()
    232  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    233  * Purpose:
    234  * The selected voice is held due to sustain pedal
    235  *
    236  * Inputs:
    237  * pVoice - pointer to voice to sustain
    238  *
    239  * Outputs:
    240  * None
    241  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    242 */
    243 /*lint -esym(715, pChannel) used in some implementations */
    244 static void WT_SustainPedal (S_VOICE_MGR *pVoiceMgr, S_SYNTH *pSynth, S_SYNTH_VOICE *pVoice, S_SYNTH_CHANNEL *pChannel, EAS_I32 voiceNum)
    245 {
    246     S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice;
    248 #ifdef DLS_SYNTHESIZER
    249     if (pVoice->regionIndex & FLAG_RGN_IDX_DLS_SYNTH)
    250     {
    251         DLS_SustainPedal(pVoiceMgr, pSynth, pVoice, pChannel, voiceNum);
    252         return;
    253     }
    254 #endif
    256     /* don't catch the voice if below the sustain level */
    257     pWTVoice = &pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[voiceNum];
    258     if (pWTVoice->eg1Value < pSynth->pEAS->pArticulations[pWTVoice->artIndex].eg1.sustainLevel)
    259         return;
    261     /* sustain flag is set, damper pedal is on */
    262     /* defer releasing this note until the damper pedal is off */
    263     pWTVoice->eg1State = eEnvelopeStateDecay;
    264     pVoice->voiceState = eVoiceStatePlay;
    266     /*
    267     because sustain pedal is on, this voice
    268     should defer releasing its note
    269     */
    270     pVoice->voiceFlags |= VOICE_FLAG_SUSTAIN_PEDAL_DEFER_NOTE_OFF;
    272 #ifdef _DEBUG_SYNTH
    273     { /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_INFO, "WT_SustainPedal: defer note off because sustain pedal is on\n"); */ }
    274 #endif
    275 }
    277 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    278  * WT_StartVoice()
    279  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    280  * Purpose:
    281  * Assign the region for the given instrument using the midi key number
    282  * and the RPN2 (coarse tuning) value. By using RPN2 as part of the
    283  * region selection process, we reduce the amount a given sample has
    284  * to be transposed by selecting the closest recorded root instead.
    285  *
    286  * This routine is the second half of SynthAssignRegion().
    287  * If the region was successfully found by SynthFindRegionIndex(),
    288  * then assign the region's parameters to the voice.
    289  *
    290  * Setup and initialize the following voice parameters:
    291  * m_nRegionIndex
    292  *
    293  * Inputs:
    294  * pVoice - ptr to the voice we have assigned for this channel
    295  * nRegionIndex - index of the region
    296  * pEASData - pointer to overall EAS data structure
    297  *
    298  * Outputs:
    299  * success - could find and assign the region for this voice's note otherwise
    300  * failure - could not find nor assign the region for this voice's note
    301  *
    302  * Side Effects:
    303  * psSynthObject->m_sVoice[].m_nRegionIndex is assigned
    304  * psSynthObject->m_sVoice[] parameters are assigned
    305  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    306 */
    307 static EAS_RESULT WT_StartVoice (S_VOICE_MGR *pVoiceMgr, S_SYNTH *pSynth, S_SYNTH_VOICE *pVoice, EAS_I32 voiceNum, EAS_U16 regionIndex)
    308 {
    309     S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice;
    310     const S_WT_REGION *pRegion;
    311     const S_ARTICULATION *pArt;
    312     S_SYNTH_CHANNEL *pChannel;
    314 #if (NUM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS == 2)
    315     EAS_INT pan;
    316 #endif
    318 #ifdef EAS_SPLIT_WT_SYNTH
    319     S_WT_CONFIG wtConfig;
    320 #endif
    322     /* no samples have been synthesized for this note yet */
    323     pVoice->regionIndex = regionIndex;
    324     pVoice->voiceFlags = VOICE_FLAG_NO_SAMPLES_SYNTHESIZED_YET;
    326     /* get the articulation index for this region */
    327     pWTVoice = &pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[voiceNum];
    328     pChannel = &pSynth->channels[pVoice->channel & 15];
    330     /* update static channel parameters */
    331     if (pChannel->channelFlags & CHANNEL_FLAG_UPDATE_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS)
    332         WT_UpdateChannel(pVoiceMgr, pSynth, pVoice->channel & 15);
    334 #ifdef DLS_SYNTHESIZER
    335     if (pVoice->regionIndex & FLAG_RGN_IDX_DLS_SYNTH)
    336         return DLS_StartVoice(pVoiceMgr, pSynth, pVoice, voiceNum, regionIndex);
    337 #endif
    339     pRegion = &(pSynth->pEAS->pWTRegions[regionIndex]);
    340     pWTVoice->artIndex = pRegion->artIndex;
    342 #ifdef _DEBUG_SYNTH
    343     { /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_INFO, "WT_StartVoice: Voice %ld; Region %d\n", (EAS_I32) (pVoice - pVoiceMgr->voices), regionIndex); */ }
    344 #endif
    346     pArt = &pSynth->pEAS->pArticulations[pWTVoice->artIndex];
    348     /* MIDI note on puts this voice into attack state */
    349     pWTVoice->eg1State = eEnvelopeStateAttack;
    350     pWTVoice->eg1Value = 0;
    351     pWTVoice->eg1Increment = pArt->eg1.attackTime;
    352     pWTVoice->eg2State = eEnvelopeStateAttack;
    353     pWTVoice->eg2Value = 0;
    354     pWTVoice->eg2Increment = pArt->eg2.attackTime;
    356     /* init the LFO */
    357     pWTVoice->modLFO.lfoValue = 0;
    358     pWTVoice->modLFO.lfoPhase = -pArt->lfoDelay;
    360     pVoice->gain = 0;
    362 #if (NUM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS == 2)
    363     /*
    364     Get the Midi CC10 pan value for this voice's channel
    365     convert the pan value to an "angle" representation suitable for
    366     our sin, cos calculator. This representation is NOT necessarily the same
    367     as the transform in the GM manuals because of our sin, cos calculator.
    368     "angle" = (CC10 - 64)/128
    369     */
    370     pan = (EAS_INT) pSynth->channels[pVoice->channel & 15].pan - 64;
    371     pan += pArt->pan;
    372     EAS_CalcPanControl(pan, &pWTVoice->gainLeft, &pWTVoice->gainRight);
    373 #endif
    375 #ifdef _FILTER_ENABLED
    376     /* clear out the filter states */
    377     pWTVoice->filter.z1 = 0;
    378     pWTVoice->filter.z2 = 0;
    379 #endif
    381     /* if this wave is to be generated using noise generator */
    382     if (pRegion->region.keyGroupAndFlags & REGION_FLAG_USE_WAVE_GENERATOR)
    383     {
    384         pWTVoice->phaseAccum = 4574296;
    385         pWTVoice->loopStart = WT_NOISE_GENERATOR;
    386         pWTVoice->loopEnd = 4574295;
    387     }
    389     /* normal sample */
    390     else
    391     {
    393 #ifdef EAS_SPLIT_WT_SYNTH
    394         if (voiceNum < NUM_PRIMARY_VOICES)
    395             pWTVoice->phaseAccum = (EAS_U32) pSynth->pEAS->pSamples + pSynth->pEAS->pSampleOffsets[pRegion->waveIndex];
    396         else
    397             pWTVoice->phaseAccum = pSynth->pEAS->pSampleOffsets[pRegion->waveIndex];
    398 #else
    399         pWTVoice->phaseAccum = (EAS_U32) pSynth->pEAS->pSamples + pSynth->pEAS->pSampleOffsets[pRegion->waveIndex];
    400 #endif
    402         if (pRegion->region.keyGroupAndFlags & REGION_FLAG_IS_LOOPED)
    403         {
    404             pWTVoice->loopStart = pWTVoice->phaseAccum + pRegion->loopStart;
    405             pWTVoice->loopEnd = pWTVoice->phaseAccum + pRegion->loopEnd - 1;
    406         }
    407         else
    408             pWTVoice->loopStart = pWTVoice->loopEnd = pWTVoice->phaseAccum + pSynth->pEAS->pSampleLen[pRegion->waveIndex] - 1;
    409     }
    411 #ifdef EAS_SPLIT_WT_SYNTH
    412     /* configure off-chip voices */
    413     if (voiceNum >= NUM_PRIMARY_VOICES)
    414     {
    415         wtConfig.phaseAccum = pWTVoice->phaseAccum;
    416         wtConfig.loopStart = pWTVoice->loopStart;
    417         wtConfig.loopEnd = pWTVoice->loopEnd;
    418         wtConfig.gain = pVoice->gain;
    420 #if (NUM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS == 2)
    421         wtConfig.gainLeft = pWTVoice->gainLeft;
    422         wtConfig.gainRight = pWTVoice->gainRight;
    423 #endif
    425         WTE_ConfigVoice(voiceNum - NUM_PRIMARY_VOICES, &wtConfig, pVoiceMgr->pFrameBuffer);
    426     }
    427 #endif
    429     return EAS_SUCCESS;
    430 }
    432 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    433  * WT_CheckSampleEnd
    434  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    435  * Purpose:
    436  * Check for end of sample and calculate number of samples to synthesize
    437  *
    438  * Inputs:
    439  *
    440  * Outputs:
    441  *
    442  * Notes:
    443  *
    444  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    445 */
    446 EAS_BOOL WT_CheckSampleEnd (S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice, S_WT_INT_FRAME *pWTIntFrame, EAS_BOOL update)
    447 {
    448     EAS_U32 endPhaseAccum;
    449     EAS_U32 endPhaseFrac;
    450     EAS_I32 numSamples;
    451     EAS_BOOL done = EAS_FALSE;
    453     /* check to see if we hit the end of the waveform this time */
    454     /*lint -e{703} use shift for performance */
    455     endPhaseFrac = pWTVoice->phaseFrac + (pWTIntFrame->frame.phaseIncrement << SYNTH_UPDATE_PERIOD_IN_BITS);
    456     endPhaseAccum = pWTVoice->phaseAccum + GET_PHASE_INT_PART(endPhaseFrac);
    457     if (endPhaseAccum >= pWTVoice->loopEnd)
    458     {
    459         /* calculate how far current ptr is from end */
    460         numSamples = (EAS_I32) (pWTVoice->loopEnd - pWTVoice->phaseAccum);
    462         /* now account for the fractional portion */
    463         /*lint -e{703} use shift for performance */
    464         numSamples = (EAS_I32) ((numSamples << NUM_PHASE_FRAC_BITS) - pWTVoice->phaseFrac);
    465         pWTIntFrame->numSamples = 1 + (numSamples / pWTIntFrame->frame.phaseIncrement);
    467         /* sound will be done this frame */
    468         done = EAS_TRUE;
    469     }
    471     /* update data for off-chip synth */
    472     if (update)
    473     {
    474         pWTVoice->phaseFrac = endPhaseFrac;
    475         pWTVoice->phaseAccum = endPhaseAccum;
    476     }
    478     return done;
    479 }
    481 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    482  * WT_UpdateVoice()
    483  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    484  * Purpose:
    485  * Synthesize a block of samples for the given voice.
    486  * Use linear interpolation.
    487  *
    488  * Inputs:
    489  * pEASData - pointer to overall EAS data structure
    490  *
    491  * Outputs:
    492  * number of samples actually written to buffer
    493  *
    494  * Side Effects:
    495  * - samples are added to the presently free buffer
    496  *
    497  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    498 */
    499 static EAS_BOOL WT_UpdateVoice (S_VOICE_MGR *pVoiceMgr, S_SYNTH *pSynth, S_SYNTH_VOICE *pVoice, EAS_I32 voiceNum, EAS_I32 *pMixBuffer, EAS_I32  numSamples)
    500 {
    501     S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice;
    502     S_WT_INT_FRAME intFrame;
    503     S_SYNTH_CHANNEL *pChannel;
    504     const S_WT_REGION *pWTRegion;
    505     const S_ARTICULATION *pArt;
    506     EAS_I32 temp;
    507     EAS_BOOL done;
    509 #ifdef DLS_SYNTHESIZER
    510     if (pVoice->regionIndex & FLAG_RGN_IDX_DLS_SYNTH)
    511         return DLS_UpdateVoice(pVoiceMgr, pSynth, pVoice, voiceNum, pMixBuffer, numSamples);
    512 #endif
    514     /* establish pointers to critical data */
    515     pWTVoice = &pVoiceMgr->wtVoices[voiceNum];
    516     pWTRegion = &pSynth->pEAS->pWTRegions[pVoice->regionIndex & REGION_INDEX_MASK];
    517     pArt = &pSynth->pEAS->pArticulations[pWTVoice->artIndex];
    518     pChannel = &pSynth->channels[pVoice->channel & 15];
    519     intFrame.prevGain = pVoice->gain;
    521     /* update the envelopes */
    522     WT_UpdateEG1(pWTVoice, &pArt->eg1);
    523     WT_UpdateEG2(pWTVoice, &pArt->eg2);
    525     /* update the LFO */
    526     WT_UpdateLFO(&pWTVoice->modLFO, pArt->lfoFreq);
    528 #ifdef _FILTER_ENABLED
    529     /* calculate filter if library uses filter */
    530     if (pSynth->pEAS->libAttr & LIB_FORMAT_FILTER_ENABLED)
    531         WT_UpdateFilter(pWTVoice, &intFrame, pArt);
    532     else
    533         intFrame.frame.k = 0;
    534 #endif
    536     /* update the gain */
    537     intFrame.frame.gainTarget = WT_UpdateGain(pVoice, pWTVoice, pArt, pChannel, pWTRegion->gain);
    539     /* calculate base pitch*/
    540     temp = pChannel->staticPitch + pWTRegion->tuning;
    542     /* include global transpose */
    543     if (pChannel->channelFlags & CHANNEL_FLAG_RHYTHM_CHANNEL)
    544         temp += pVoice->note * 100;
    545     else
    546         temp += (pVoice->note + pSynth->globalTranspose) * 100;
    547     intFrame.frame.phaseIncrement = WT_UpdatePhaseInc(pWTVoice, pArt, pChannel, temp);
    549     /* call into engine to generate samples */
    550     intFrame.pAudioBuffer = pVoiceMgr->voiceBuffer;
    551     intFrame.pMixBuffer = pMixBuffer;
    552     intFrame.numSamples = numSamples;
    554     /* check for end of sample */
    555     if ((pWTVoice->loopStart != WT_NOISE_GENERATOR) && (pWTVoice->loopStart == pWTVoice->loopEnd))
    556         done = WT_CheckSampleEnd(pWTVoice, &intFrame, (EAS_BOOL) (voiceNum >= NUM_PRIMARY_VOICES));
    557     else
    558         done = EAS_FALSE;
    560 #ifdef EAS_SPLIT_WT_SYNTH
    561     if (voiceNum < NUM_PRIMARY_VOICES)
    562     {
    563 #ifndef _SPLIT_WT_TEST_HARNESS
    564         WT_ProcessVoice(pWTVoice, &intFrame);
    565 #endif
    566     }
    567     else
    568         WTE_ProcessVoice(voiceNum - NUM_PRIMARY_VOICES, &intFrame.frame, pVoiceMgr->pFrameBuffer);
    569 #else
    570     WT_ProcessVoice(pWTVoice, &intFrame);
    571 #endif
    573     /* clear flag */
    574     pVoice->voiceFlags &= ~VOICE_FLAG_NO_SAMPLES_SYNTHESIZED_YET;
    576     /* if voice has finished, set flag for voice manager */
    577     if ((pVoice->voiceState != eVoiceStateStolen) && (pWTVoice->eg1State == eEnvelopeStateMuted))
    578         done = EAS_TRUE;
    580     /* if the update interval has elapsed, then force the current gain to the next
    581      * gain since we never actually reach the next gain when ramping -- we just get
    582      * very close to the target gain.
    583      */
    584     pVoice->gain = (EAS_I16) intFrame.frame.gainTarget;
    586     return done;
    587 }
    589 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    590  * WT_UpdatePhaseInc()
    591  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    592  * Purpose:
    593  * Calculate the phase increment
    594  *
    595  * Inputs:
    596  * pVoice - pointer to the voice being updated
    597  * psRegion - pointer to the region
    598  * psArticulation - pointer to the articulation
    599  * nChannelPitchForThisVoice - the portion of the pitch that is fixed for this
    600  *                  voice during the duration of this synthesis
    601  * pEASData - pointer to overall EAS data structure
    602  *
    603  * Outputs:
    604  *
    605  * Side Effects:
    606  * set the phase increment for this voice
    607  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    608 */
    609 static EAS_I32 WT_UpdatePhaseInc (S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice, const S_ARTICULATION *pArt, S_SYNTH_CHANNEL *pChannel, EAS_I32 pitchCents)
    610 {
    611     EAS_I32 temp;
    613     /*pitchCents due to CC1 = LFO * (CC1 / 128) * DEFAULT_LFO_MOD_WHEEL_TO_PITCH_CENTS */
    615         ((pChannel->modWheel) << (NUM_EG1_FRAC_BITS -7)));
    617     /* pitchCents due to channel pressure = LFO * (channel pressure / 128) * DEFAULT_LFO_CHANNEL_PRESSURE_TO_PITCH_CENTS */
    619          ((pChannel->channelPressure) << (NUM_EG1_FRAC_BITS -7)));
    621     /* now multiply the (channel pressure + CC1) pitch values by the LFO value */
    622     temp = MULT_EG1_EG1(pWTVoice->modLFO.lfoValue, temp);
    624     /*
    625     add in the LFO pitch due to
    626     channel pressure and CC1 along with
    627     the LFO pitch, the EG2 pitch, and the
    628     "static" pitch for this voice on this channel
    629     */
    630     temp += pitchCents +
    631         (MULT_EG1_EG1(pWTVoice->eg2Value, pArt->eg2ToPitch)) +
    632         (MULT_EG1_EG1(pWTVoice->modLFO.lfoValue, pArt->lfoToPitch));
    634     /* convert from cents to linear phase increment */
    635     return EAS_Calculate2toX(temp);
    636 }
    638 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    639  * WT_UpdateChannel()
    640  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    641  * Purpose:
    642  * Calculate and assign static channel parameters
    643  * These values only need to be updated if one of the controller values
    644  * for this channel changes
    645  *
    646  * Inputs:
    647  * nChannel - channel to update
    648  * pEASData - pointer to overall EAS data structure
    649  *
    650  * Outputs:
    651  *
    652  * Side Effects:
    653  * - the given channel's static gain and static pitch are updated
    654  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    655 */
    656 /*lint -esym(715, pVoiceMgr) reserved for future use */
    657 static void WT_UpdateChannel (S_VOICE_MGR *pVoiceMgr, S_SYNTH *pSynth, EAS_U8 channel)
    658 {
    659     EAS_I32 staticGain;
    660     EAS_I32 pitchBend;
    661     S_SYNTH_CHANNEL *pChannel;
    663     pChannel = &pSynth->channels[channel];
    665     /*
    666     nChannelGain = (CC7 * CC11)^2  * master volume
    667     where CC7 == 100 by default, CC11 == 127, master volume == 32767
    668     */
    669     staticGain = MULT_EG1_EG1((pChannel->volume) << (NUM_EG1_FRAC_BITS - 7),
    670         (pChannel->expression) << (NUM_EG1_FRAC_BITS - 7));
    672     /* staticGain has to be squared */
    673     staticGain = MULT_EG1_EG1(staticGain, staticGain);
    675     pChannel->staticGain = (EAS_I16) MULT_EG1_EG1(staticGain, pSynth->masterVolume);
    677     /*
    678     calculate pitch bend: RPN0 * ((2*pitch wheel)/16384  -1)
    679     However, if we use the EG1 macros, remember that EG1 has a full
    680     scale value of 32768 (instead of 16384). So instead of multiplying
    681     by 2, multiply by 4 (left shift by 2), and subtract by 32768 instead
    682     of 16384. This utilizes the fact that the EG1 macro places a binary
    683     point 15 places to the left instead of 14 places.
    684     */
    685     /*lint -e{703} <avoid multiply for performance>*/
    686     pitchBend =
    687         (((EAS_I32)(pChannel->pitchBend) << 2)
    688         - 32768);
    690     pChannel->staticPitch =
    691         MULT_EG1_EG1(pitchBend, pChannel->pitchBendSensitivity);
    693     /* if this is not a drum channel, then add in the per-channel tuning */
    694     if (!(pChannel->channelFlags & CHANNEL_FLAG_RHYTHM_CHANNEL))
    695         pChannel->staticPitch += pChannel->finePitch + (pChannel->coarsePitch * 100);
    697     /* clear update flag */
    698     pChannel->channelFlags &= ~CHANNEL_FLAG_UPDATE_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS;
    699     return;
    700 }
    702 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    703  * WT_UpdateGain()
    704  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    705  * Purpose:
    706  * Calculate and assign static voice parameters as part of WT_UpdateVoice()
    707  *
    708  * Inputs:
    709  * pVoice - ptr to the synth voice that we want to synthesize
    710  * pEASData - pointer to overall EAS data structure
    711  *
    712  * Outputs:
    713  *
    714  * Side Effects:
    715  * - various voice parameters are calculated and assigned
    716  *
    717  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    718 */
    719 static EAS_I32 WT_UpdateGain (S_SYNTH_VOICE *pVoice, S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice, const S_ARTICULATION *pArt, S_SYNTH_CHANNEL *pChannel, EAS_I32 gain)
    720 {
    721     EAS_I32 lfoGain;
    722     EAS_I32 temp;
    724     /*
    725     If this voice was stolen, then the velocity is actually
    726     for the new note, not the note that we are currently ramping down.
    727     So we really shouldn't use this velocity. However, that would require
    728     more memory to store the velocity value, and the improvement may
    729     not be sufficient to warrant the added memory.
    730     */
    731     /* velocity is fixed at note start for a given voice and must be squared */
    732     temp = (pVoice->velocity) << (NUM_EG1_FRAC_BITS - 7);
    733     temp = MULT_EG1_EG1(temp, temp);
    735     /* region gain is fixed as part of the articulation */
    736     temp = MULT_EG1_EG1(temp, gain);
    738     /* include the channel gain */
    739     temp = MULT_EG1_EG1(temp, pChannel->staticGain);
    741     /* calculate LFO gain using an approximation for 10^x */
    742     lfoGain = MULT_EG1_EG1(pWTVoice->modLFO.lfoValue, pArt->lfoToGain);
    743     lfoGain = MULT_EG1_EG1(lfoGain, LFO_GAIN_TO_CENTS);
    745     /* convert from a dB-like value to linear gain */
    746     lfoGain = EAS_Calculate2toX(lfoGain);
    747     temp = MULT_EG1_EG1(temp, lfoGain);
    749     /* calculate the voice's gain */
    750     temp = (EAS_I16)MULT_EG1_EG1(temp, pWTVoice->eg1Value);
    752     return temp;
    753 }
    755 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    756  * WT_UpdateEG1()
    757  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    758  * Purpose:
    759  * Calculate the EG1 envelope for the given voice (but do not update any
    760  * state)
    761  *
    762  * Inputs:
    763  * pVoice - ptr to the voice whose envelope we want to update
    764  * nVoice - this voice's number - used only for debug
    765  * pEASData - pointer to overall EAS data structure
    766  *
    767  * Outputs:
    768  * nValue - the envelope value
    769  *
    770  * Side Effects:
    771  * - updates EG1 state value for the given voice
    772  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    773 */
    774 static void WT_UpdateEG1 (S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice, const S_ENVELOPE *pEnv)
    775 {
    776     EAS_I32 temp;
    778     switch (pWTVoice->eg1State)
    779     {
    780         case eEnvelopeStateAttack:
    781             temp = pWTVoice->eg1Value + pWTVoice->eg1Increment;
    783             /* check if we have reached peak amplitude */
    784             if (temp >= SYNTH_FULL_SCALE_EG1_GAIN)
    785             {
    786                 /* limit the volume */
    787                 temp = SYNTH_FULL_SCALE_EG1_GAIN;
    789                 /* prepare to move to decay state */
    790                 pWTVoice->eg1State = eEnvelopeStateDecay;
    791                 pWTVoice->eg1Increment = pEnv->decayTime;
    792             }
    794             break;
    796         /* exponential decay */
    797         case eEnvelopeStateDecay:
    798             temp = MULT_EG1_EG1(pWTVoice->eg1Value, pWTVoice->eg1Increment);
    800             /* check if we have reached sustain level */
    801             if (temp <= pEnv->sustainLevel)
    802             {
    803                 /* enforce the sustain level */
    804                 temp = pEnv->sustainLevel;
    806                 /* if sustain level is zero, skip sustain & release the voice */
    807                 if (temp > 0)
    808                     pWTVoice->eg1State = eEnvelopeStateSustain;
    810                 /* move to sustain state */
    811                 else
    812                     pWTVoice->eg1State = eEnvelopeStateMuted;
    813             }
    815             break;
    817         case eEnvelopeStateSustain:
    818             return;
    820         case eEnvelopeStateRelease:
    821             temp = MULT_EG1_EG1(pWTVoice->eg1Value, pWTVoice->eg1Increment);
    823             /* if we hit zero, this voice isn't contributing any audio */
    824             if (temp <= 0)
    825             {
    826                 temp = 0;
    827                 pWTVoice->eg1State = eEnvelopeStateMuted;
    828             }
    829             break;
    831         /* voice is muted, set target to zero */
    832         case eEnvelopeStateMuted:
    833             temp = 0;
    834             break;
    836         case eEnvelopeStateInvalid:
    837         default:
    838             temp = 0;
    839 #ifdef  _DEBUG_SYNTH
    840             { /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_INFO, "WT_UpdateEG1: error, %d is an unrecognized state\n",
    841                 pWTVoice->eg1State); */ }
    842 #endif
    843             break;
    845     }
    847     pWTVoice->eg1Value = (EAS_I16) temp;
    848 }
    850 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    851  * WT_UpdateEG2()
    852  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    853  * Purpose:
    854  * Update the EG2 envelope for the given voice
    855  *
    856  * Inputs:
    857  * pVoice - ptr to the voice whose envelope we want to update
    858  * pEASData - pointer to overall EAS data structure
    859  *
    860  * Outputs:
    861  *
    862  * Side Effects:
    863  * - updates EG2 values for the given voice
    864  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    865 */
    867 static void WT_UpdateEG2 (S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice, const S_ENVELOPE *pEnv)
    868 {
    869     EAS_I32 temp;
    871     switch (pWTVoice->eg2State)
    872     {
    873         case eEnvelopeStateAttack:
    874             temp = pWTVoice->eg2Value + pWTVoice->eg2Increment;
    876             /* check if we have reached peak amplitude */
    877             if (temp >= SYNTH_FULL_SCALE_EG1_GAIN)
    878             {
    879                 /* limit the volume */
    880                 temp = SYNTH_FULL_SCALE_EG1_GAIN;
    882                 /* prepare to move to decay state */
    883                 pWTVoice->eg2State = eEnvelopeStateDecay;
    885                 pWTVoice->eg2Increment = pEnv->decayTime;
    886             }
    888             break;
    890             /* implement linear pitch decay in cents */
    891         case eEnvelopeStateDecay:
    892             temp = pWTVoice->eg2Value -pWTVoice->eg2Increment;
    894             /* check if we have reached sustain level */
    895             if (temp <= pEnv->sustainLevel)
    896             {
    897                 /* enforce the sustain level */
    898                 temp = pEnv->sustainLevel;
    900                 /* prepare to move to sustain state */
    901                 pWTVoice->eg2State = eEnvelopeStateSustain;
    902             }
    903             break;
    905         case eEnvelopeStateSustain:
    906             return;
    908         case eEnvelopeStateRelease:
    909             temp = pWTVoice->eg2Value - pWTVoice->eg2Increment;
    911             if (temp <= 0)
    912             {
    913                 temp = 0;
    914                 pWTVoice->eg2State = eEnvelopeStateMuted;
    915             }
    917             break;
    919         /* voice is muted, set target to zero */
    920         case eEnvelopeStateMuted:
    921             temp = 0;
    922             break;
    924         case eEnvelopeStateInvalid:
    925         default:
    926             temp = 0;
    927 #ifdef  _DEBUG_SYNTH
    928             { /* dpp: EAS_ReportEx(_EAS_SEVERITY_INFO, "WT_UpdateEG2: error, %d is an unrecognized state\n",
    929                 pWTVoice->eg2State); */ }
    930 #endif
    931             break;
    932     }
    934     pWTVoice->eg2Value = (EAS_I16) temp;
    935 }
    937 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    938  * WT_UpdateLFO ()
    939  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    940  * Purpose:
    941  * Calculate the LFO for the given voice
    942  *
    943  * Inputs:
    944  * pLFO         - ptr to the LFO data
    945  * phaseInc     - phase increment
    946  *
    947  * Outputs:
    948  *
    949  * Side Effects:
    950  * - updates LFO values for the given voice
    951  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    952 */
    953 void WT_UpdateLFO (S_LFO_CONTROL *pLFO, EAS_I16 phaseInc)
    954 {
    956     /* To save memory, if m_nPhaseValue is negative, we are in the
    957      * delay phase, and m_nPhaseValue represents the time left
    958      * in the delay.
    959      */
    960      if (pLFO->lfoPhase < 0)
    961      {
    962         pLFO->lfoPhase++;
    963         return;
    964      }
    966     /* calculate LFO output from phase value */
    967     /*lint -e{701} Use shift for performance */
    968     pLFO->lfoValue = (EAS_I16) (pLFO->lfoPhase << 2);
    969     /*lint -e{502} <shortcut to turn sawtooth into triangle wave> */
    970     if ((pLFO->lfoPhase > 0x1fff) && (pLFO->lfoPhase < 0x6000))
    971         pLFO->lfoValue = ~pLFO->lfoValue;
    973     /* update LFO phase */
    974     pLFO->lfoPhase = (pLFO->lfoPhase + phaseInc) & 0x7fff;
    975 }
    977 #ifdef _FILTER_ENABLED
    978 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    979  * WT_UpdateFilter()
    980  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    981  * Purpose:
    982  * Update the Filter parameters
    983  *
    984  * Inputs:
    985  * pVoice - ptr to the voice whose filter we want to update
    986  * pEASData - pointer to overall EAS data structure
    987  *
    988  * Outputs:
    989  *
    990  * Side Effects:
    991  * - updates Filter values for the given voice
    992  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    993 */
    994 static void WT_UpdateFilter (S_WT_VOICE *pWTVoice, S_WT_INT_FRAME *pIntFrame, const S_ARTICULATION *pArt)
    995 {
    996     EAS_I32 cutoff;
    998     /* no need to calculate filter coefficients if it is bypassed */
    999     if (pArt->filterCutoff == DEFAULT_EAS_FILTER_CUTOFF_FREQUENCY)
   1000     {
   1001         pIntFrame->frame.k = 0;
   1002         return;
   1003     }
   1005     /* determine the dynamic cutoff frequency */
   1006     cutoff = MULT_EG1_EG1(pWTVoice->eg2Value, pArt->eg2ToFc);
   1007     cutoff += pArt->filterCutoff;
   1009     /* subtract the A5 offset and the sampling frequency */
   1012     /* limit the cutoff frequency */
   1013     if (cutoff > FILTER_CUTOFF_MAX_PITCH_CENTS)
   1014         cutoff = FILTER_CUTOFF_MAX_PITCH_CENTS;
   1015     else if (cutoff < FILTER_CUTOFF_MIN_PITCH_CENTS)
   1016         cutoff = FILTER_CUTOFF_MIN_PITCH_CENTS;
   1018     WT_SetFilterCoeffs(pIntFrame, cutoff, pArt->filterQ);
   1019 }
   1020 #endif
   1022 #if defined(_FILTER_ENABLED) || defined(DLS_SYNTHESIZER)
   1023 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1024  * coef
   1025  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1026  * Table of filter coefficients for low-pass filter
   1027  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1028  *
   1029  * polynomial coefficients are based on 8kHz sampling frequency
   1030  * filter coef b2 = k2 = k2g0*k^0 + k2g1*k^1*(2^x) + k2g2*k^2*(2^x)
   1031  *
   1032  *where k2g0, k2g1, k2g2 are from the truncated power series expansion on theta
   1033  *(k*2^x = theta, but we incorporate the k along with the k2g0, k2g1, k2g2)
   1034  *note: this is a power series in 2^x, not k*2^x
   1035  *where k = (2*pi*440)/8kHz == convert octaves to radians
   1036  *
   1037  *  so actually, the following coefs listed as k2g0, k2g1, k2g2 are really
   1038  *  k2g0*k^0 = k2g0
   1039  *  k2g1*k^1
   1040  *  k2g2*k^2
   1041  *
   1042  *
   1043  * filter coef n1 = numerator = n1g0*k^0 + n1g1*k^1*(2^x) + n1g2*k^2*(2^x) + n1g3*k^3*(2^x)
   1044  *
   1045  *where n1g0, n1g1, n1g2, n1g3 are from the truncated power series expansion on theta
   1046  *(k*2^x = theta, but we incorporate the k along with the n1g0, n1g1, n1g2, n2g3)
   1047  *note: this is a power series in 2^x, not k*2^x
   1048  *where k = (2*pi*440)/8kHz == convert octaves to radians
   1049  *we also include the optimization factor of 0.81
   1050  *
   1051  *  so actually, the following coefs listed as n1g0, n1g1, n1g2, n2g3 are really
   1052  *  n1g0*k^0 = n1g0
   1053  *  n1g1*k^1
   1054  *  n1g2*k^2
   1055  *  n1g3*k^3
   1056  *
   1057  *  NOTE that n1g0 == n1g1 == 0, always, so we only need to store n1g2 and n1g3
   1058  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1059 */
   1061 static const EAS_I16 nk1g0 = -32768;
   1062 static const EAS_I16 nk1g2 = 1580;
   1063 static const EAS_I16 k2g0 = 32767;
   1065 static const EAS_I16 k2g1[] =
   1066 {
   1067         -11324, /* k2g1[0] = -0.3455751918948761 */
   1068         -10387, /* k2g1[1] = -0.3169878073928751 */
   1069         -9528,  /* k2g1[2] = -0.29076528753345476 */
   1070         -8740,  /* k2g1[3] = -0.2667120011011279 */
   1071         -8017,  /* k2g1[4] = -0.24464850028971705 */
   1072         -7353,  /* k2g1[5] = -0.22441018194495696 */
   1073         -6745,  /* k2g1[6] = -0.20584605955455101 */
   1074         -6187,  /* k2g1[7] = -0.18881763682420102 */
   1075         -5675,  /* k2g1[8] = -0.1731978744360067 */
   1076         -5206,  /* k2g1[9] = -0.15887024228080968 */
   1077         -4775,  /* k2g1[10] = -0.14572785009373057 */
   1078         -4380,  /* k2g1[11] = -0.13367265000706827 */
   1079         -4018,  /* k2g1[12] = -0.1226147050712642 */
   1080         -3685,  /* k2g1[13] = -0.11247151828678581 */
   1081         -3381,  /* k2g1[14] = -0.10316741714122014 */
   1082         -3101,  /* k2g1[15] = -0.0946329890599603 */
   1083         -2844,  /* k2g1[16] = -0.08680456355870586 */
   1084         -2609,  /* k2g1[17] = -0.07962373723441349 */
   1085         -2393,  /* k2g1[18] = -0.07303693805092666 */
   1086         -2195,  /* k2g1[19] = -0.06699502566866912 */
   1087         -2014,  /* k2g1[20] = -0.06145292483669077 */
   1088         -1847,  /* k2g1[21] = -0.056369289112013346 */
   1089         -1694,  /* k2g1[22] = -0.05170619239747895 */
   1090         -1554,  /* k2g1[23] = -0.04742884599684141 */
   1091         -1426,  /* k2g1[24] = -0.043505339076210514 */
   1092         -1308,  /* k2g1[25] = -0.03990640059558053 */
   1093         -1199,  /* k2g1[26] = -0.03660518093435039 */
   1094         -1100,  /* k2g1[27] = -0.03357705158166837 */
   1095         -1009,  /* k2g1[28] = -0.030799421397205727 */
   1096         -926,   /* k2g1[29] = -0.028251568071585884 */
   1097         -849    /* k2g1[30] = -0.025914483529091967 */
   1098 };
   1100 static const EAS_I16 k2g2[] =
   1101 {
   1102         1957,   /* k2g2[0] = 0.059711106626580836 */
   1103         1646,   /* k2g2[1] = 0.05024063501786333 */
   1104         1385,   /* k2g2[2] = 0.042272226217199664 */
   1105         1165,   /* k2g2[3] = 0.03556764576567844 */
   1106         981,    /* k2g2[4] = 0.029926444346999134 */
   1107         825,    /* k2g2[5] = 0.025179964880280382 */
   1108         694,    /* k2g2[6] = 0.02118630011706455 */
   1109         584,    /* k2g2[7] = 0.01782604998793514 */
   1110         491,    /* k2g2[8] = 0.014998751854573014 */
   1111         414,    /* k2g2[9] = 0.012619876941179595 */
   1112         348,    /* k2g2[10] = 0.010618303146468736 */
   1113         293,    /* k2g2[11] = 0.008934188679954682 */
   1114         246,    /* k2g2[12] = 0.007517182949855368 */
   1115         207,    /* k2g2[13] = 0.006324921212866403 */
   1116         174,    /* k2g2[14] = 0.005321757979794424 */
   1117         147,    /* k2g2[15] = 0.004477701309210577 */
   1118         123,    /* k2g2[16] = 0.00376751612730811 */
   1119         104,    /* k2g2[17] = 0.0031699697655869644 */
   1120         87,     /* k2g2[18] = 0.00266719715992703 */
   1121         74,     /* k2g2[19] = 0.0022441667321724647 */
   1122         62,     /* k2g2[20] = 0.0018882309854916855 */
   1123         52,     /* k2g2[21] = 0.0015887483774966232 */
   1124         44,     /* k2g2[22] = 0.0013367651661223448 */
   1125         37,     /* k2g2[23] = 0.0011247477162958733 */
   1126         31,     /* k2g2[24] = 0.0009463572640678758 */
   1127         26,     /* k2g2[25] = 0.0007962604042473498 */
   1128         22,     /* k2g2[26] = 0.0006699696356181593 */
   1129         18,     /* k2g2[27] = 0.0005637091964589207 */
   1130         16,     /* k2g2[28] = 0.00047430217920125243 */
   1131         13,     /* k2g2[29] = 0.00039907554925166274 */
   1132         11      /* k2g2[30] = 0.00033578022828973666 */
   1133 };
   1135 static const EAS_I16 n1g2[] =
   1136 {
   1137         3170,   /* n1g2[0] = 0.0967319927350769 */
   1138         3036,   /* n1g2[1] = 0.0926446051254155 */
   1139         2908,   /* n1g2[2] = 0.08872992911818503 */
   1140         2785,   /* n1g2[3] = 0.08498066682523227 */
   1141         2667,   /* n1g2[4] = 0.08138982872895201 */
   1142         2554,   /* n1g2[5] = 0.07795072065216213 */
   1143         2446,   /* n1g2[6] = 0.0746569312785634 */
   1144         2343,   /* n1g2[7] = 0.07150232020051943 */
   1145         2244,   /* n1g2[8] = 0.06848100647187474 */
   1146         2149,   /* n1g2[9] = 0.06558735764447099 */
   1147         2058,   /* n1g2[10] = 0.06281597926792246 */
   1148         1971,   /* n1g2[11] = 0.06016170483307614 */
   1149         1888,   /* n1g2[12] = 0.05761958614040857 */
   1150         1808,   /* n1g2[13] = 0.05518488407540374 */
   1151         1732,   /* n1g2[14] = 0.052853059773715245 */
   1152         1659,   /* n1g2[15] = 0.05061976615964251 */
   1153         1589,   /* n1g2[16] = 0.04848083984214659 */
   1154         1521,   /* n1g2[17] = 0.046432293353298 */
   1155         1457,   /* n1g2[18] = 0.04447030771468711 */
   1156         1396,   /* n1g2[19] = 0.04259122531793907 */
   1157         1337,   /* n1g2[20] = 0.040791543106060944 */
   1158         1280,   /* n1g2[21] = 0.03906790604290942 */
   1159         1226,   /* n1g2[22] = 0.037417100858604564 */
   1160         1174,   /* n1g2[23] = 0.035836050059229754 */
   1161         1125,   /* n1g2[24] = 0.03432180618965023 */
   1162         1077,   /* n1g2[25] = 0.03287154633875494 */
   1163         1032,   /* n1g2[26] = 0.03148256687687814 */
   1164         988,    /* n1g2[27] = 0.030152278415589925 */
   1165         946,    /* n1g2[28] = 0.028878200980459685 */
   1166         906,    /* n1g2[29] = 0.02765795938779331 */
   1167         868     /* n1g2[30] = 0.02648927881672521 */
   1168 };
   1170 static const EAS_I16 n1g3[] =
   1171 {
   1172         -548,   /* n1g3[0] = -0.016714088475899017 */
   1173         -481,   /* n1g3[1] = -0.014683605122742116 */
   1174         -423,   /* n1g3[2] = -0.012899791676436092 */
   1175         -371,   /* n1g3[3] = -0.01133268185193299 */
   1176         -326,   /* n1g3[4] = -0.00995594976868754 */
   1177         -287,   /* n1g3[5] = -0.008746467702146129 */
   1178         -252,   /* n1g3[6] = -0.00768391756106361 */
   1179         -221,   /* n1g3[7] = -0.006750449563854721 */
   1180         -194,   /* n1g3[8] = -0.005930382380083576 */
   1181         -171,   /* n1g3[9] = -0.005209939699767622 */
   1182         -150,   /* n1g3[10] = -0.004577018805123356 */
   1183         -132,   /* n1g3[11] = -0.004020987256990177 */
   1184         -116,   /* n1g3[12] = -0.003532504280467257 */
   1185         -102,   /* n1g3[13] = -0.00310336384922047 */
   1186         -89,    /* n1g3[14] = -0.002726356832432369 */
   1187         -78,    /* n1g3[15] = -0.002395149888601605 */
   1188         -69,    /* n1g3[16] = -0.0021041790717285314 */
   1189         -61,    /* n1g3[17] = -0.0018485563625771063 */
   1190         -53,    /* n1g3[18] = -0.001623987554831628 */
   1191         -47,    /* n1g3[19] = -0.0014267001167177025 */
   1192         -41,    /* n1g3[20] = -0.0012533798162347005 */
   1193         -36,    /* n1g3[21] = -0.0011011150453668693 */
   1194         -32,    /* n1g3[22] = -0.0009673479079754438 */
   1195         -28,    /* n1g3[23] = -0.0008498312496971563 */
   1196         -24,    /* n1g3[24] = -0.0007465909079943587 */
   1197         -21,    /* n1g3[25] = -0.0006558925481952733 */
   1198         -19,    /* n1g3[26] = -0.0005762125284029567 */
   1199         -17,    /* n1g3[27] = -0.0005062123038325457 */
   1200         -15,    /* n1g3[28] = -0.0004447159405951901 */
   1201         -13,    /* n1g3[29] = -0.00039069036118270117 */
   1202         -11     /* n1g3[30] = -0.00034322798979677605 */
   1203 };
   1205 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1206  * WT_SetFilterCoeffs()
   1207  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1208  * Purpose:
   1209  * Update the Filter parameters
   1210  *
   1211  * Inputs:
   1212  * pVoice - ptr to the voice whose filter we want to update
   1213  * pEASData - pointer to overall EAS data structure
   1214  *
   1215  * Outputs:
   1216  *
   1217  * Side Effects:
   1218  * - updates Filter values for the given voice
   1219  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1220 */
   1221 void WT_SetFilterCoeffs (S_WT_INT_FRAME *pIntFrame, EAS_I32 cutoff, EAS_I32 resonance)
   1222 {
   1223     EAS_I32 temp;
   1225     /*
   1226     Convert the cutoff, which has had A5 subtracted, using the 2^x approx
   1227     Note, this cutoff is related to theta cutoff by
   1228     theta = k * 2^x
   1229     We use 2^x and incorporate k in the power series coefs instead
   1230     */
   1231     cutoff = EAS_Calculate2toX(cutoff);
   1233     /* calculate b2 coef */
   1234     temp = k2g1[resonance] + MULT_AUDIO_COEF(cutoff, k2g2[resonance]);
   1235     temp = k2g0 + MULT_AUDIO_COEF(cutoff, temp);
   1236     pIntFrame->frame.b2 = temp;
   1238     /* calculate b1 coef */
   1239     temp = MULT_AUDIO_COEF(cutoff, nk1g2);
   1240     temp = nk1g0 + MULT_AUDIO_COEF(cutoff, temp);
   1241     temp += MULT_AUDIO_COEF(temp, pIntFrame->frame.b2);
   1242     pIntFrame->frame.b1 = temp >> 1;
   1244     /* calculate K coef */
   1245     temp = n1g2[resonance] + MULT_AUDIO_COEF(cutoff, n1g3[resonance]);
   1246     temp = MULT_AUDIO_COEF(cutoff, temp);
   1247     temp = MULT_AUDIO_COEF(cutoff, temp);
   1248     pIntFrame->frame.k = temp;
   1249 }
   1250 #endif