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      1 page.title=Full Screen
      2 page.tags="full screen","immersive", "leanback"
      3 @jd:body
      5 <p>
      6   Some content is best experienced full screen, like videos, games, image
      7   galleries, books, and slides in a presentation. You can engage users more
      8   deeply with content in full screen by minimizing visual distraction from app
      9   controls and protecting users from escaping the app accidentally.
     10 </p>
     12     <img src="{@docRoot}design/media/fullscreen_landing.png" style="margin:1em auto 2em auto;">
     14 <p>
     15   In version 4.4, Android offers two approaches for making your app go full
     16   screen: Lean Back and Immersive. In both approaches, all persistent system
     17   bars are hidden. The difference between them is how the user brings the bars
     18   back into view.
     19 </p>
     21 <div class="layout-content-row">
     22   <div class="layout-content-col span-6">
     23     <h4>Lean Back</h4>
     24     <p>Touch the screen anywhere to bring back system bars. </p>
     25     <img src="{@docRoot}design/media/fullscreen_leanback.png" style="width:311px;">
     26   </div>
     27   <div class="layout-content-col span-6">
     28     <h4>Immersive</h4>
     29     <p>Swipe from the any edge of the screen with a hidden bar to bring back system bars. </p>
     30     <img src="{@docRoot}design/media/fullscreen_immersive_swipe_bottom.png" style="width:160px;float:right">
     31     <img src="{@docRoot}design/media/fullscreen_immersive_swipe_top.png" style="width:160px">
     32   </div>
     33 </div>
     35 <h2 id="leanback">
     36   Lean Back
     37 </h2>
     39 <p>
     40   The Lean Back approach is for full-screen experiences in which users won't be
     41   interacting heavily with the screen while consuming content, like while
     42   watching a video.
     43 </p>
     45 <p>
     46   In this type of experience, users are leaning back and watching the screen.
     47   Then, when they need to bring back the bars, they simply touch anywhere. This
     48   gesture is easy and intuitive.
     49 </p>
     51     <img src="{@docRoot}design/media/fullscreen_leanback.png" style="width:311px;">
     53 <h2 id="immersive">
     54   Immersive
     55 </h2>
     57 <p>
     58   The Immersive approach is mainly intended for apps in which the user will be
     59   heavily interacting with the full screen as part of the primary experience.
     60   Examples are games, viewing images in a gallery, or reading paginated
     61   content, like a book or slides in a presentation.
     62 </p>
     64 <p>
     65   In this type of experience, when users need to bring back the system bars,
     66   they swipe from any edge where a system bar is hidden. By requiring this more
     67   deliberate gesture, the user's deep engagement with your app won't be
     68   interrupted by accidental touches and swipes.
     69 </p>
     71 <div class="layout-content-row">
     72   <div class="layout-content-col span-6">
     73     <img src="{@docRoot}design/media/fullscreen_immersive_swipe_bottom.png" style="width:160px;float:right">
     74     <img src="{@docRoot}design/media/fullscreen_immersive_swipe_top.png" style="width:160px">
     75   </div>
     76 </div>
     78 <p>
     79   The user learns about the gesture to bring back the system bars through a
     80   message that appears the first time the app goes full screen.
     81 </p>
     83 <p>
     84   If your app has its own controls that aren't needed when a user is immersed
     85   in content, make them disappear and reappear in sync with the system bars.
     86   This rule also applies to any app-specific gestures you might have for hiding
     87   and showing app controls. For example, if touching anywhere on the screen
     88   toggles the appearance of an action bar or a palette, then it must also
     89   toggle the appearance of system bars.
     90 </p>
     92 <p>
     93   You might be tempted to use this approach just to maximize screen real
     94   estate. But be mindful of how often users jump in and out of apps to check
     95   notifications, do impromptu searches, and more. This approach will cause
     96   users to lose easy access to system navigation, so a little extra space
     97   should not be the only benefit they're getting in return.
     98 </p>
    100 <h2 id="variation_using_edges">
    101   Variation: Swiping from edges with bars also affects the app
    102 </h2>
    104 <p>
    105   In the Immersive approach, any time a user swipes from an edge with a system
    106   bar, the Android framework takes care of revealing the system bars. Your app
    107   won't even be aware that this gesture occurred.
    108 </p>
    110 <p>
    111   But in some apps, the user might occasionally need to swipe from the edge as
    112   <strong>part of the primary app experience</strong>. Examples are games and
    113   drawing applications.
    114 </p>
    116 <p>
    117   For apps with this requirement, you can use a variation on the Immersive
    118   approach: when a user swipes from an edge with a system bar, system bars are
    119   shown and the gesture is passed to the app so the app can respond to the
    120   gesture.
    121 </p>
    123 <p>
    124   For example, in a drawing app that uses this approach, if a user wants to
    125   draw a line that begins at the very edge of the screen, swiping from the edge
    126   would reveal the system bars and also start drawing a line that begins at the
    127   very edge.
    128 </p>
    130 <p>
    131   In this approach, to minimize disruption while a user is deeply engaged in
    132   the app, the system bars are semi-transparent. The bars automatically
    133   disappear after a few seconds of no interaction or as soon as the user
    134   touches or gestures anywhere outside the system bars.
    135 </p>
    137 <h2 id="lightsout">What About Lights Out Mode?</h2>
    139 <p>
    140   Before Android 4.4, the design guideline was to use Lights Out mode, a mode
    141   in which the Action Bar and Status Bar fades away and becomes unavailable
    142   after a few seconds of inactivity. The Navigation Bar is still available and
    143   responds to touches but appears dimmed.
    144 </p>
    146 <p>
    147   Replace previous implementations of Lights Out mode with the Lean Back or
    148   Immersive approaches. Continue to use Lights Out mode for implementations of
    149   your app targeted for earlier releases.
    150 </p>