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      1 page.title=Action Bar
      2 page.tags="actionbar","menu","tabs"
      4 @jd:body
      7 <a class="notice-designers top" href="{@docRoot}design/patterns/actionbar.html">
      8   <div>
      9     <h3>Design Guide</h3>
     10     <p>Action Bar</p>
     11   </div>
     12 </a>
     14 <div id="qv-wrapper">
     15 <div id="qv">
     17   <h2>In this document</h2>
     18 <ol>
     19   <li><a href="#Adding">Adding the Action Bar</a>
     20     <ol>
     21       <li><a href="#Removing">Removing the action bar</a></li>
     22       <li><a href="#Logo">Using a logo instead of an icon</a></li>
     23     </ol>
     24   </li>
     25   <li><a href="#ActionItems">Adding Action Items</a>
     26     <ol>
     27       <li><a href="#ActionEvents">Handling clicks on action items</a></li>
     28       <li><a href="#SplitBar">Using split action bar</a></li>
     29     </ol>
     30   </li>
     31   <li><a href="#Home">Navigating Up with the App Icon</a></li>
     32   <li><a href="#ActionView">Adding an Action View</a>
     33     <ol>
     34       <li><a href="#ActionViewCollapsing">Handling collapsible action views</a></li>
     35     </ol>
     36   </li>
     37   <li><a href="#ActionProvider">Adding an Action Provider</a>
     38     <ol>
     39       <li><a href="#ShareActionProvider">Using the ShareActionProvider</a></li>
     40       <li><a href="#CreatingActionProvider">Creating a custom action provider</a></li>
     41     </ol>
     42   </li>
     43   <li><a href="#Tabs">Adding Navigation Tabs</a></li>
     44   <li><a href="#Dropdown">Adding Drop-down Navigation</a></li>
     45   <li><a href="#Style">Styling the Action Bar</a>
     46     <ol>
     47       <li><a href="#GeneralStyles">General appearance</a></li>
     48       <li><a href="#ActionItemStyles">Action items</a></li>
     49       <li><a href="#NavigationStyles">Navigation tabs</a></li>
     50       <li><a href="#DropDownStyles">Drop-down lists</a></li>
     51       <li><a href="#StyleExample">Example theme</a></li>
     52     </ol>
     53   </li>
     54 </ol>
     56   <h2>Key classes</h2>
     57   <ol>
     58     <li>{@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBar}</li>
     59     <li>{@link android.view.Menu}</li>
     60   </ol>
     62 </div>
     63 </div>
     65 <p>The action bar is a window feature that identifies the user location, and
     66 provides user actions and navigation modes. Using the action bar offers your users a
     67 familiar interface across applications that the system gracefully adapts
     68 for different screen configurations.</p>
     70 <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/actionbar@2x.png" alt="" width="428" height="215" />
     71 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 1.</strong> An action bar that includes the [1] app icon,
     72 [2] two action items, and [3] action overflow.</p>
     74 <p>The action bar provides several key functions:</p>
     76 <ul>
     77   <li>Provides a dedicated space for giving your app an identity and indicating the user's
     78   location in the app.</li>
     79   <li>Makes important actions prominent and accessible in a predictable way
     80   (such as <em>Search</em>).</li>
     81   <li>Supports consistent navigation and view switching within apps (with tabs or drop-down
     82   lists).</li>
     83 </ul>
     85 <p>For more information about the action bar's interaction patterns and design guidelines,
     86 see the <a href="{@docRoot}design/patterns/actionbar.html">Action Bar</a>
     87 design guide.</p>
     89 <p>The {@link android.app.ActionBar} APIs were first added in Android 3.0 (API level 11) but they
     90 are also available in the <a href="{@docRoot}tools/support-library/index.html">Support Library</a>
     91 for compatibility with Android 2.1 (API level 7) and above.</p>
     93 <p><b>This guide focuses on how to use the
     94 support library's action bar</b>, but if your app supports <em>only</em> Android 3.0 or higher, you
     95 should use the {@link android.app.ActionBar} APIs in the framework. Most of the APIs are
     96 the same&mdash;but reside in a different package namespace&mdash;with a few exceptions to method
     97 names or signatures that are noted in the sections below.</p>
    100 <div class="caution">
    101 <p><strong>Caution:</strong> Be certain you import
    102 the {@code ActionBar} class (and related APIs) from the appropriate package:</p>
    103 <ul>
    104 <li>If supporting API levels <em>lower than</em> 11: <br>
    105 {@code import android.support.v7.app.ActionBar}</li>
    106 <li>If supporting <em>only</em> API level 11 and higher: <br>
    107 {@code import android.app.ActionBar}</li>
    108 </ul>
    109 </div>
    112 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If you're looking for information about the <em>contextual
    113 action bar</em> for displaying contextual action items, see the <a
    114 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/menus.html#context-menu">Menu</a> guide.</p>
    118 <h2 id="Adding">Adding the Action Bar</h2>
    120 <p>As mentioned above, this guide focuses on how to use the {@link
    121 android.support.v7.app.ActionBar} APIs in the support library. So before you can add the action
    122 bar, you must set up your project with the <strong>appcompat v7</strong> support library by
    123 following the instructions in the <a href="{@docRoot}tools/support-library/setup.html">Support
    124 Library Setup</a>.</p>
    126 <p>Once your project is set up with the support library, here's how to add the action bar:</p>
    127 <ol>
    128   <li>Create your activity by extending {@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity}.</li>
    129   <li>Use (or extend) one of the {@link android.support.v7.appcompat.R.style#Theme_AppCompat
    130   Theme.AppCompat} themes for your activity. For example:
    131   <pre>&lt;activity android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light" ... ></pre>
    132   </li>
    133 </ol>
    135 <p>Now your activity includes the action bar when running on Android 2.1 (API level 7) or higher.
    136 </p>
    138 <div class="note">
    139 <p><b>On API level 11 or higher</b></p>
    140 <p>The action bar is included in all activities that use the
    141 {@link android.R.style#Theme_Holo Theme.Holo} theme (or one of its
    142 descendants), which is the default theme when either the <a
    143 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#target">{@code targetSdkVersion}</a> or
    144 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code minSdkVersion}</a>
    145 attribute is set to {@code "11"} or higher. If you don't want the action bar for an
    146 activity, set the activity theme to {@link android.R.style#Theme_Holo_NoActionBar
    147 Theme.Holo.NoActionBar}.</p>
    148 </div>
    151 <h3 id="Removing">Removing the action bar</h3>
    153 <p>You can hide the action bar at runtime by calling {@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBar#hide}.
    154 For example:</p>
    156 <pre>
    157 ActionBar actionBar = {@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity#getSupportActionBar()};
    158 actionBar.hide();
    159 </pre>
    161 <div class="note">
    162 <p><b>On API level 11 or higher</b></p>
    163 <p>Get the {@link android.app.ActionBar} with the {@link android.app.Activity#getActionBar}
    164 method.</p>
    165 </div>
    167 <p>When the action bar hides, the system adjusts your layout to fill the
    168 screen space now available. You can bring the action bar back by calling {@link
    169 android.support.v7.app.ActionBar#show()}.</p>
    171 <p>Beware that hiding and removing the action bar causes your activity to re-layout in order to
    172 account for the space consumed by the action bar. If your activity often hides and shows the
    173 action bar, you might want to enable <em>overlay mode</em>. Overlay mode
    174 draws the action bar in front of your activity layout, obscuring the top portion. This
    175 way, your layout remains fixed when the action bar hides and re-appears. To enable overlay mode,
    176 create a custom theme for your activity and set {@link
    177 android.support.v7.appcompat.R.attr#windowActionBarOverlay
    178 windowActionBarOverlay} to {@code true}. For more information, see the section below about <a
    179 href="#Style">Styling the Action Bar</a>.</p>
    182 <h3 id="Logo">Using a logo instead of an icon</h3>
    184 <p>By default, the system uses your application icon in the action bar, as specified by the <a
    185 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html#icon">{@code icon}</a>
    186 attribute in the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">{@code
    187 &lt;application&gt;}</a> or <a
    188 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code
    189 &lt;activity&gt;}</a> element. However, if you also specify the <a
    190 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html#logo">{@code logo}</a>
    191 attribute, then the action bar uses the logo image instead of the icon.</p>
    193 <p>A logo should usually be wider than the icon, but should not include unnecessary text. You
    194 should generally use a logo only when it represents your brand in a traditional format that users
    195 recognize. A good example is the YouTube app's logo&mdash;the logo represents the expected user
    196 brand, whereas the app's icon is a modified version that conforms to the square requirement
    197 for the launcher icon.</p>
    202 <h2 id="ActionItems">Adding Action Items</h2>
    204 <div class="figure" style="width:340px">
    205   <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/actionbar-item-withtext.png" width="340" alt="" />
    206   <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 2.</strong> Action bar with three action buttons and
    207 the overflow button.</p>
    208 </div>
    210 <p>The action bar provides users access to the most important action
    211 items relating to the app's current
    212 context. Those that appear directly in the action bar with an icon and/or text are known
    213 as <em>action buttons</em>. Actions that can't fit in the action bar or aren't
    214 important enough are hidden in the action overflow.
    215 The user can reveal a list of the other actions by pressing the overflow button
    216 on the right side (or the device <em>Menu</em> button, if available).</p>
    218 <p>When your activity starts, the system populates the action items by calling your activity's
    219 {@link android.app.Activity#onCreateOptionsMenu onCreateOptionsMenu()} method. Use this
    220 method to inflate a <a
    221 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/menu-resource.html">menu resource</a> that defines all the
    222 action items. For example, here's a menu resource defining a couple of menu items:</p>
    224 <p class="code-caption">res/menu/main_activity_actions.xml</p>
    225 <pre>
    226 &lt;menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >
    227     &lt;item android:id="@+id/action_search"
    228           android:icon="@drawable/ic_action_search"
    229           android:title="@string/action_search"/&gt;
    230     &lt;item android:id="@+id/action_compose"
    231           android:icon="@drawable/ic_action_compose"
    232           android:title="@string/action_compose" /&gt;
    233 &lt;/menu&gt;
    234 </pre>
    236 <p>Then in your activity's {@link android.app.Activity#onCreateOptionsMenu onCreateOptionsMenu()}
    237 method, inflate the menu resource into the given {@link android.view.Menu}
    238 to add each item to the action bar:</p>
    240 <pre>
    241 &#64;Override
    242 public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    243     // Inflate the menu items for use in the action bar
    244     MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
    245     inflater.inflate(R.menu.main_activity_actions, menu);
    246     return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);
    247 }
    248 </pre>
    250 <p>To request that an item appear directly in the action bar
    251 as an action button, include {@code
    252 showAsAction="ifRoom"} in the {@code &lt;item&gt;} tag. For example:</p>
    254 <pre>
    255 &lt;menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    256       <strong>xmlns:yourapp="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto"</strong> >
    257     &lt;item android:id="@+id/action_search"
    258           android:icon="@drawable/ic_action_search"
    259           android:title="@string/action_search"
    260           <strong>yourapp:showAsAction="ifRoom"</strong>  /&gt;
    261     ...
    262 &lt;/menu&gt;
    263 </pre>
    265 <p>If there's not enough room for the item in the action bar, it will appear in the action
    266 overflow.</p>
    269 <div class="note" id="XmlAttributes">
    270 <p><strong>Using XML attributes from the support library</strong></p>
    271 Notice that the {@code showAsAction} attribute above uses a custom namespace defined in the
    272 {@code &lt;menu>} tag. This is necessary when using any XML attributes defined by the support
    273 library, because these attributes do not exist in the Android framework on older devices.
    274 So you must use your own namespace as a prefix for all attributes defined by the support library.
    275 </p>
    276 </div>
    278 <p>If your menu item supplies both a title and an icon&mdash;with the {@code title} and
    279 {@code icon} attributes&mdash;then the action item shows only the icon by default. If you
    280 want to display the text title, add {@code "withText"} to the {@code showAsAction}
    281 attribute. For example:</p>
    283 <pre>
    284 &lt;item yourapp:showAsAction="ifRoom|withText" ... /&gt;
    285 </pre>
    287 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> The {@code "withText"} value is a <em>hint</em> to the
    288 action bar that the text title should appear. The action bar will show the title when possible, but
    289 might not if an icon is available and the action bar is constrained for space.</p>
    291 <p>You should always define the {@code title} for each item even if you don't declare that
    292 the title appear with the action item, for the following reasons:</p>
    293 <ul>
    294   <li>If there's not enough room in the action bar for the action item, the menu item appears
    295 in the overflow where only the title appears.</li>
    296   <li>Screen readers for sight-impaired users read the menu item's title.</li>
    297   <li>If the action item appears with only the icon, a user can long-press the item to reveal a
    298 tool-tip that displays the action title.</li>
    299 </ul>
    301 <p>The {@code icon} is optional, but recommended. For icon design recommendations,
    302 see the <a href="{@docRoot}design/style/iconography.html#action-bar">Iconography</a> design
    303 guide. You can also download a set of standard action bar icons (such as for Search or Discard)
    304 from the <a href="{@docRoot}design/downloads/index.html">Downloads</a> page.</p>
    306 <p>You can also use {@code "always"} to declare that an item always appear as an action button.
    307 However, you <strong>should not</strong> force an item to appear in the action bar this
    308 way. Doing so can create layout problems on devices with a narrow screen. It's best to instead
    309 use {@code "ifRoom"} to request that an item appear in the action bar, but allow the system to move
    310 it into the overflow when there's not enough room. However, it might be necessary to use this value
    311 if the item includes an <a href="#ActionView">action view</a> that cannot be collapsed and
    312 must always be visible to provide access to a critical feature.</p>
    317 <h3 id="ActionEvents">Handling clicks on action items</h3>
    319 <p>When the user presses an action, the system calls your activity's {@link
    320 android.app.Activity#onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) onOptionsItemSelected()} method. Using the
    321 {@link android.view.MenuItem} passed to this method, you can identify the action by calling {@link
    322 android.view.MenuItem#getItemId()}. This returns the unique ID provided by the {@code &lt;item&gt;}
    323 tag's {@code id} attribute so you can perform the appropriate action. For example:</p>
    325 <pre>
    326 &#64;Override
    327 public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    328     // Handle presses on the action bar items
    329     switch (item.getItemId()) {
    330         case R.id.action_search:
    331             openSearch();
    332             return true;
    333         case R.id.action_compose:
    334             composeMessage();
    335             return true;
    336         default:
    337             return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
    338     }
    339 }
    340 </pre>
    342 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If you inflate menu items from a fragment, via the {@link
    343 android.app.Fragment} class's {@link android.app.Fragment#onCreateOptionsMenu onCreateOptionsMenu()}
    344 callback, the system calls {@link
    345 android.app.Fragment#onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) onOptionsItemSelected()} for that
    346 fragment when the user selects one of those items. However, the activity gets a chance to
    347 handle the event first, so the system first calls {@link
    348 android.app.Activity#onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) onOptionsItemSelected()} on the activity,
    349 before calling the same callback for the fragment. To ensure that any fragments in the
    350 activity also have a chance to handle the callback, always pass the call to the superclass
    351 as the default behavior instead of returning {@code false} when you do not handle the item.</p>
    355 <div class="figure" style="width:420px;margin-top:0">
    356 <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/actionbar-splitaction@2x.png" alt="" width="420"/>
    357 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 3.</strong> Mock-ups showing an action bar with
    358 tabs (left), then with split action bar (middle); and with the app icon and title disabled
    359 (right).</p>
    360 </p>
    361 </div>
    363 <h3 id="SplitBar">Using split action bar</h3>
    365 <p>Split action bar provides a separate
    366 bar at the bottom of the screen to display all action items when the activity is running on
    367 a narrow screen (such as a portrait-oriented handset).</p>
    369 <p>Separating the action items this way
    370 ensures that a reasonable amount of space is available to display all your action
    371 items on a narrow screen, while leaving room for navigation and title elements at the top.</p>
    373 <p>To enable split action bar when using the support library, you must do two things:</p>
    374 <ol>
    375   <li>Add {@code uiOptions="splitActionBarWhenNarrow"} to each
    376 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code &lt;activity&gt;}</a>
    377 element or to the
    378 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">{@code &lt;application&gt;}</a>
    379 element. This attribute is understood only by API level 14 and higher (it is ignored
    380 by older versions).</li>
    381   <li>To support older versions, add a <a
    382   href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/meta-data-element.html">{@code &lt;meta-data>}</a>
    383   element as a child of each
    384   <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code &lt;activity&gt;}</a>
    385   element that declares the same value for {@code "android.support.UI_OPTIONS"}.</li>
    386 </ol>
    388 <p>For example:</p>
    390 <pre>
    391 &lt;manifest ...>
    392     &lt;activity uiOptions="splitActionBarWhenNarrow" ... >
    393         &lt;meta-data android:name="android.support.UI_OPTIONS"
    394                    android:value="splitActionBarWhenNarrow" />
    395     &lt;/activity>
    396 &lt;/manifest>
    397 </pre>
    400 <p>Using split action bar also allows <a href="#Tabs">navigation tabs</a> to collapse into the
    401 main action bar if you remove the icon and title (as shown on the right in figure 3).
    402 To create this effect, disable the action bar
    403 icon and title with {@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBar#setDisplayShowHomeEnabled
    404 setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false)} and {@link
    405 android.support.v7.app.ActionBar#setDisplayShowTitleEnabled setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false)}.</p>
    409 <h2 id="Home">Navigating Up with the App Icon</h2>
    411 <a class="notice-designers" href="{@docRoot}design/patterns/navigation.html">
    412   <div>
    413     <h3>Design Guide</h3>
    414     <p>Navigation with Back and Up</p>
    415   </div>
    416 </a>
    418 <div class="figure" style="width:240px">
    419   <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/actionbar-up.png" width="240" alt="" />
    420   <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 4.</strong> The <em>Up</em> button in Gmail.</p>
    421 </div>
    423 <p>Enabling the app icon as an <em>Up</em> button allows the user to navigate your app based
    424 on the hierarchical relationships between screens. For instance, if screen A displays a list of
    425 items, and selecting an item leads to screen B, then
    426 screen B should include the <em>Up</em> button, which returns to screen A.</p>
    428 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Up navigation is distinct from the back navigation provided
    429 by the system <em>Back</em> button. The <em>Back</em> button is used to navigate in reverse
    430 chronological order through the history of screens the user has recently worked with. It is
    431 generally based on the temporal relationships between screens, rather than the app's hierarchy
    432 structure (which is the basis for up navigation).</p>
    434 <p>To enable the app icon as an <em>Up</em> button, call {@link
    435 android.support.v7.app.ActionBar#setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled()}.
    436 For example:</p>
    438 <pre>
    439 &#64;Override
    440 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    441     super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
    442     setContentView(R.layout.activity_details);
    444     ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
    445     actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);
    446     ...
    447 }
    448 </pre>
    450 <p>Now the icon in the action bar appears with the <em>Up</em> caret (as shown in figure 4).
    451 However, it won't do anything by default. To specify the activity to open when the
    452 user presses <em>Up</em> button, you have two options:</p>
    454 <ul>
    455   <li><b>Specify the parent activity in the manifest file.</b>
    456     <p>This is the best option when <strong>the parent activity is always the same</strong>. By
    457 declaring in the manifest which activity is the parent, the action bar automatically performs the
    458 correct action when the user presses the <em>Up</em> button.</p>
    460     <p>Beginning in Android 4.1 (API level 16), you can declare the parent with the <a href=
    461 "{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html#parent">{@code parentActivityName}</a>
    462 attribute in the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code
    463 &lt;activity&gt;}</a> element.</p>
    464     <p>To support older devices with the support library, also
    465 include a <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/meta-data-element.html">{@code
    466 &lt;meta-data&gt;}</a> element that specifies
    467 the parent activity as the value for {@code android.support.PARENT_ACTIVITY}. For example:</p>
    468 <pre>
    469 &lt;application ... >
    470     ...
    471     &lt;!-- The main/home activity (has no parent activity) -->
    472     &lt;activity
    473         android:name="com.example.myfirstapp.MainActivity" ...>
    474         ...
    475     &lt;/activity>
    476     &lt;!-- A child of the main activity -->
    477     &lt;activity
    478         android:name="com.example.myfirstapp.DisplayMessageActivity"
    479         android:label="&#64;string/title_activity_display_message"
    480         android:parentActivityName="com.example.myfirstapp.MainActivity" >
    481         &lt;!-- Parent activity meta-data to support API level 7+ -->
    482         &lt;meta-data
    483             android:name="android.support.PARENT_ACTIVITY"
    484             android:value="com.example.myfirstapp.MainActivity" />
    485     &lt;/activity>
    486 &lt;/application>
    487 </pre>
    489   <p>Once the parent activity is specified in the manifest like this and you enable the <em>Up</em>
    490   button with {@link
    491 android.support.v7.app.ActionBar#setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled()}, your work
    492 is done and the action bar properly navigates up.</p>
    493   </li>
    496   <li><strong>Or, override {@link
    497 android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity#getSupportParentActivityIntent()} and {@link
    498 android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity#onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack
    499 onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack()} in your activity</strong>.</li>
    501     <p>This is appropriate when <strong>the parent activity may be different</strong> depending
    502     on how the user arrived at the current screen. That is, if there are many paths that the user
    503     could have taken to reach the current screen, the <em>Up</em> button should navigate
    504     backward along the path the user actually followed to get there.</p>
    506     <p>The system calls {@link
    507 android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity#getSupportParentActivityIntent()} when the user presses
    508 the <em>Up</em> button while navigating your app (within your app's own task). If the activity that
    509 should open upon up navigation differs depending on how the user arrived at the current location,
    510 then you should override this method to return the {@link
    511 android.content.Intent} that starts the appropriate parent activity.</p>
    513     <p>The system calls {@link
    514 android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity#onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack
    515 onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack()} for your activity when the user presses the <em>Up</em>
    516 button while your activity is running in a task that does <em>not</em> belong to your app. Thus,
    517 you must use the {@link android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder} passed to this method to construct
    518 the appropriate back stack that should be synthesized when the user navigates up.</p>
    520     <p>Even if you override {@link
    521 android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity#getSupportParentActivityIntent()} to specify up navigation
    522 as the user navigates your app, you can avoid the need to implement {@link
    523 android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity#onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack
    524 onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack()} by declaring "default" parent activities in the manifest file
    525 as shown above. Then the default implementation of {@link
    526 android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity#onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack
    527 onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack()} will synthesize a back stack based on the parent activities
    528 declared in the manifest.</p>
    530   </li>
    531 </ul>
    533 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
    534 If you've built your app hierarchy using a series of fragments instead of multiple
    535 activities, then neither of the above options will work. Instead, to navigate up through your
    536 fragments, override {@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity#onSupportNavigateUp()}
    537 to perform the appropriate fragment transaction&mdash;usually by popping
    538 the current fragment from the back stack by calling {@link
    539 android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager#popBackStack()}.</p>
    541 <p>For more information about implementing <em>Up</em> navigation, read
    542 <a href="{@docRoot}training/implementing-navigation/ancestral.html">Providing Up Navigation</a>.</p>
    546 <h2 id="ActionView">Adding an Action View</h2>
    548 <div class="figure" style="width:340px">
    549 <img src="/images/ui/actionbar-searchview@2x.png" alt="" width="340" />
    550 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 5.</strong> An action bar with a collapsible
    551 {@link android.support.v7.widget.SearchView}.</p>
    552 </div>
    555 <p>An <em>action view</em> is a widget that appears in the action bar as a substitute for an action
    556 button. An action view provides fast access to rich actions without changing activities or
    557 fragments, and without replacing the action bar. For example, if you have an action for Search, you
    558 can add an action view to
    559 embeds a {@link android.support.v7.widget.SearchView} widget in the action bar, as shown in figure
    560 5.</p>
    562 <p>To declare an action view, use either the {@code
    563 actionLayout} or {@code actionViewClass} attribute to specify either a layout
    564 resource or widget class to use, respectively. For example, here's how to add
    565 the {@link android.support.v7.widget.SearchView} widget:</p>
    567 <pre>
    568 &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    569 &lt;menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    570       xmlns:yourapp="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" >
    571     &lt;item android:id="@+id/action_search"
    572           android:title="@string/action_search"
    573           android:icon="@drawable/ic_action_search"
    574           yourapp:showAsAction="ifRoom|collapseActionView"
    575           <b>yourapp:actionViewClass="android.support.v7.widget.SearchView"</b> /&gt;
    576 &lt;/menu>
    577 </pre>
    579 <p>Notice that the {@code showAsAction} attribute also includes the {@code "collapseActionView"}
    580 value. This is optional and declares that the action view should be collapsed into a
    581 button. (This behavior is explained further in the following section about
    582 <a href="#ActionViewCollapsing">Handling collapsible action views</a>.)</p>
    584 <p>If you need to configure the action view (such as to add event listeners), you can do so during
    585 the {@link android.app.Activity#onCreateOptionsMenu onCreateOptionsMenu()} callback. You can
    586 acquire the action view object by calling the static method {@link
    587 android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat#getActionView MenuItemCompat.getActionView()} and passing it
    588 the corresponding {@link android.view.MenuItem}. For example, the search widget from the above
    589 sample is acquired like this:</p>
    592 <pre>
    593 &#64;Override
    594 public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    595     getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main_activity_actions, menu);
    596     MenuItem searchItem = menu.findItem(R.id.action_search);
    597     SearchView searchView = (SearchView) MenuItemCompat.getActionView(searchItem);
    598     // Configure the search info and add any event listeners
    599     ...
    600     return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);
    601 }
    602 </pre>
    604 <div class="note">
    605 <p><b>On API level 11 or higher</b></p>
    606 <p>Get the action view by calling {@link android.view.MenuItem#getActionView} on the
    607 corresponding {@link android.view.MenuItem}:</p>
    608 <pre>menu.findItem(R.id.action_search).getActionView()</pre>
    609 </div>
    611 <p>For more information about using the search widget, see <a
    612 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/search/search-dialog.html">Creating a Search Interface</a>.</p>
    616 <h3 id="ActionViewCollapsing">Handling collapsible action views</h3>
    618 <p>To preserve the action bar space, you can collapse your action view into an action button.
    619 When collapsed, the system might place the action
    620 into the action overflow, but the
    621 action view still appears in the action bar when the user selects it. You can make your action
    622 view collapsible by adding {@code "collapseActionView"} to the {@code showAsAction}
    623 attribute, as shown in the XML above.</p>
    625 <p>Because the system expands the action view when the user selects the action, you
    626 <em>do not</em> need to respond to the item in the {@link
    627 android.app.Activity#onOptionsItemSelected onOptionsItemSelected()} callback. The system still calls
    628 {@link android.app.Activity#onOptionsItemSelected onOptionsItemSelected()}, but if
    629 you return {@code true} (indicating you've handled the event instead), then the
    630 action view will <em>not</em> expand.</p>
    632 <p>The system also collapses your action view when the user presses the <em>Up</em> button
    633 or <em>Back</em> button.</p>
    635 <p>If you need to update your activity based on the visibility of your action view, you can receive
    636 callbacks when the action is expanded and collapsed by defining an {@link
    637 android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat.OnActionExpandListener OnActionExpandListener} and
    638 passing it to {@link android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat#setOnActionExpandListener
    639 setOnActionExpandListener()}. For example:</p>
    642 <pre>
    643 &#64;Override
    644 public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    645     getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.options, menu);
    646     MenuItem menuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.actionItem);
    647     ...
    649     // When using the support library, the setOnActionExpandListener() method is
    650     // static and accepts the MenuItem object as an argument
    651     MenuItemCompat.setOnActionExpandListener(menuItem, new OnActionExpandListener() {
    652         &#64;Override
    653         public boolean onMenuItemActionCollapse(MenuItem item) {
    654             // Do something when collapsed
    655             return true;  // Return true to collapse action view
    656         }
    658         &#64;Override
    659         public boolean onMenuItemActionExpand(MenuItem item) {
    660             // Do something when expanded
    661             return true;  // Return true to expand action view
    662         }
    663     });
    664 }
    665 </pre>
    670 <h2 id="ActionProvider">Adding an Action Provider</h2>
    672 <div class="figure" style="width:240px">
    673   <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/actionbar-shareaction@2x.png" alt="" width="240" />
    674   <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 6.</strong> An action bar with
    675   {@link android.widget.ShareActionProvider} expanded to show share targets.</p>
    676 </div>
    678 <p>Similar to an <a href="#ActionView">action view</a>, an <em>action provider</em>
    679 replaces an action button with a customized layout. However,
    680 unlike an action view, an action provider takes control of all the action's behaviors
    681 and an action provider can display a submenu when pressed.</p>
    683 <p>To declare an action provider, supply the {@code actionViewClass} attribute in the
    684 menu {@code &lt;item>} tag with a fully-qualified class name for an
    685 {@link android.support.v4.view.ActionProvider}.</p>
    687 <p>You can build your own action provider by extending the {@link
    688 android.support.v4.view.ActionProvider} class, but Android provides some pre-built action providers
    689 such as {@link android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider}, which facilitates a "share" action
    690 by showing a list of possible apps for sharing directly in the action bar (as shown in figure
    691 6).</p>
    693 <p>Because each {@link android.support.v4.view.ActionProvider} class defines its own action
    694 behaviors, you don't need to listen for the action in the {@link
    695 android.app.Activity#onOptionsItemSelected onOptionsItemSelected()} method. If necessary though,
    696 you can still listen for the click event in the {@link android.app.Activity#onOptionsItemSelected
    697 onOptionsItemSelected()} method in case you need to simultaneously perform another action. But be
    698 sure to return {@code false} so that the the action provider still receives the {@link
    699 android.support.v4.view.ActionProvider#onPerformDefaultAction()} callback to perform its intended
    700 action.</p>
    703 <p>However, if the action provider provides a submenu of actions, then your
    704 activity does not receive a call to {@link android.app.Activity#onOptionsItemSelected
    705 onOptionsItemSelected()} when the user opens the list or selects one of the submenu items.</p>
    709 <h3 id="ShareActionProvider">Using the ShareActionProvider</h3>
    711 <p>To add a "share" action with {@link android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider},
    712 define the {@code actionProviderClass} for an {@code &lt;item&gt;} tag with
    713 the {@link android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider} class. For example:</p>
    715 <pre>
    716 &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    717 &lt;menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    718       xmlns:yourapp="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" >
    719     &lt;item android:id="@+id/action_share"
    720           android:title="@string/share"
    721           yourapp:showAsAction="ifRoom"
    722           <strong>yourapp:actionProviderClass="android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider"</strong>
    723           /&gt;
    724     ...
    725 &lt;/menu>
    726 </pre>
    728 <p>Now the action provider takes control of the action item and handles both
    729 its appearance and behavior. But you must
    730 still provide a title for the item to be used when it appears in the action overflow.</p>
    732 <p>The only thing left to do is define
    733 the {@link android.content.Intent} you want to use for sharing. To do so, edit
    734 your {@link
    735 android.app.Activity#onCreateOptionsMenu onCreateOptionsMenu()} method to call {@link
    736 android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat#getActionProvider MenuItemCompat.getActionProvider()}
    737 and pass it the {@link android.view.MenuItem} holding the action provider. Then call {@link
    738 android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider#setShareIntent setShareIntent()} on the
    739 returned {@link android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider} and pass it an
    740 {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEND} intent with the appropriate content attached.</p>
    742 <p>You should call {@link
    743 android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider#setShareIntent setShareIntent()} once during {@link
    744 android.app.Activity#onCreateOptionsMenu onCreateOptionsMenu()} to initialize the share action,
    745 but because the user context might change, you must update the intent any time the shareable
    746 content changes by again calling {@link
    747 android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider#setShareIntent setShareIntent()}.</p>
    749 <p>For example:</p>
    751 <pre>
    752 private ShareActionProvider mShareActionProvider;
    754 &#64;Override
    755 public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    756     getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main_activity_actions, menu);
    758     // Set up ShareActionProvider's default share intent
    759     MenuItem shareItem = menu.findItem(R.id.action_share);
    760     mShareActionProvider = (ShareActionProvider)
    761             MenuItemCompat.getActionProvider(shareItem);
    762     mShareActionProvider.setShareIntent(getDefaultIntent());
    764     return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);
    765 }
    767 /** Defines a default (dummy) share intent to initialize the action provider.
    768   * However, as soon as the actual content to be used in the intent
    769   * is known or changes, you must update the share intent by again calling
    770   * mShareActionProvider.{@link android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider#setShareIntent setShareIntent()}
    771   */
    772 private Intent getDefaultIntent() {
    773     Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
    774     intent.setType("image/*");
    775     return intent;
    776 }
    777 </pre>
    779 <p>The {@link android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider} now handles all user interaction with
    780 the item and you <em>do not</em> need to handle click events from the {@link
    781 android.app.Activity#onOptionsItemSelected onOptionsItemSelected()} callback method.</p>
    784 <p>By default, the {@link android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider} retains a ranking for each
    785 share target based on how often the user selects each one. The share targets used more frequently
    786 appear at the top of the drop-down list and the target used most often appears directly in the
    787 action bar as the default share target. By default, the ranking information is saved in a private
    788 file with a name specified by {@link
    789 android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider#DEFAULT_SHARE_HISTORY_FILE_NAME}. If you use the
    790 {@link android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider} or an extension of it for only one type of
    791 action, then you should continue to use this default history file and there's nothing you need to
    792 do. However, if you use {@link android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider} or an extension of it
    793 for multiple actions with semantically different meanings, then each {@link
    794 android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider} should specify its own history file in order to
    795 maintain its own history. To specify a different history file for the {@link
    796 android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider}, call {@link
    797 android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider#setShareHistoryFileName setShareHistoryFileName()}
    798 and provide an XML file name (for example, {@code "custom_share_history.xml"}).</p>
    801 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Although the {@link
    802 android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider} ranks share targets based on frequency of use, the
    803 behavior is extensible and extensions of {@link android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider} can
    804 perform different behaviors and ranking based on the history file (if appropriate).</p>
    809 <h3 id="CreatingActionProvider">Creating a custom action provider</h3>
    811 <p>Creating your own action provider allows you to re-use and manage dynamic action item
    812 behaviors in a self-contained module, rather than handle action item transformations and
    813 behaviors in your fragment or activity
    814 code. As shown in the previous section, Android already provides an implementation of {@link
    815 android.support.v4.view.ActionProvider} for share actions: the {@link
    816 android.support.v7.widget.ShareActionProvider}.</p>
    818 <p>To create your own action provider for a different action, simply extend the
    819 {@link android.support.v4.view.ActionProvider} class and implement
    820 its callback methods as appropriate. Most importantly, you should implement the following:</p>
    822 <dl>
    823   <dt>{@link android.support.v4.view.ActionProvider#ActionProvider ActionProvider()}</dt>
    824   <dd>This constructor passes you the application {@link android.content.Context}, which you
    825 should save in a member field to use in the other callback methods.</dd>
    827   <dt>{@link android.support.v4.view.ActionProvider#onCreateActionView(MenuItem)}</dt>
    828   <dd>This is where you define the action view for the item. Use the {@link
    829 android.content.Context} acquired from the constructor to instantiate a {@link
    830 android.view.LayoutInflater} and inflate your action view layout from an XML resource, then hook
    831 up event listeners. For example:
    832 <pre>
    833 public View onCreateActionView(MenuItem forItem) {
    834     // Inflate the action view to be shown on the action bar.
    835     LayoutInflater layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(mContext);
    836     View view = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.action_provider, null);
    837     ImageButton button = (ImageButton) view.findViewById(R.id.button);
    838     button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    839         &#064;Override
    840         public void onClick(View v) {
    841             // Do something...
    842         }
    843     });
    844     return view;
    845 }
    846 </pre>
    847 </dd>
    849   <dt>{@link android.support.v4.view.ActionProvider#onPerformDefaultAction()}</dt>
    850   <dd>The system calls this when the menu item is selected from the action overflow and the
    851 action provider should perform a default action for the menu item.
    852   <p>However, if your action provider provides a submenu, through the {@link
    853 android.support.v4.view.ActionProvider#onPrepareSubMenu onPrepareSubMenu()} callback, then the
    854 submenu appears even when the action provider is placed in the action overflow. Thus, {@link
    855 android.support.v4.view.ActionProvider#onPerformDefaultAction()} is never called when there is a
    856 submenu.</p>
    858   <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> An activity or a fragment that implements {@link
    859 android.app.Activity#onOptionsItemSelected onOptionsItemSelected()} can override the action
    860 provider's default behavior (unless it uses a submenu) by handling the item-selected event (and
    861 returning <code>true</code>), in which case, the system does not call {@link
    862 android.support.v4.view.ActionProvider#onPerformDefaultAction()}.</p>
    864 </dd>
    865 </dl>
    867 <p>For an example extension of {@link android.view.ActionProvider}, see <a
    868 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/ActionBarSettingsActionProviderActivity.html"
    869 >ActionBarSettingsActionProviderActivity</a>.</p>
    874 <h2 id="Tabs">Adding Navigation Tabs</h2>
    876 <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/actionbar-tabs@2x.png" width="760" alt="" />
    877 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 7.</strong> Action bar tabs on a wide screen.</p>
    879 <a class="notice-designers" href="{@docRoot}design/building-blocks/tabs.html">
    880   <div>
    881     <h3>Design Guide</h3>
    882     <p>Tabs</p>
    883   </div>
    884 </a>
    886 <a class="notice-developers" href="{@docRoot}training/implementing-navigation/lateral.html">
    887   <div>
    888     <h3>Also read</h3>
    889     <p>Creating Swipe Views with Tabs</p>
    890   </div>
    891 </a>
    894 <div class="figure" style="width:240px">
    895   <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/actionbar-tabs-stacked@2x.png" width="240" alt="" />
    896   <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 8.</strong> Tabs on a narrow screen.</p>
    897 </div>
    899 <p>Tabs in the action bar make it easy for users to explore and switch between different views in
    900 your app. The tabs provided by the {@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBar} are ideal because they
    901 adapt to different screen sizes. For example, when the screen is wide enough the tabs appear in the
    902 action bar alongside the action buttons (such as when on a tablet, shown in figure 7), while when
    903 on a narrow screen they appear in a separate bar (known as the "stacked action bar", shown in
    904 figure 8). In some cases, the Android system will instead show your tab items as a drop-down list
    905 to ensure the best fit in the action bar.</p>
    907 <p>To get started, your layout must include a {@link android.view.ViewGroup} in which you place
    908 each {@link android.app.Fragment} associated with a tab. Be sure the {@link android.view.ViewGroup}
    909 has a resource ID so you can reference it from your code and swap the tabs within it.
    910 Alternatively, if the tab content will fill the activity layout, then your activity doesn't need a
    911 layout at all (you don't even need to call {@link android.app.Activity#setContentView
    912 setContentView()}). Instead, you can place each fragment in the default root view, which you can
    913 refer to with the {@code android.R.id.content} ID.</p>
    916 <p>Once you determine where the fragments appear in the layout, the basic procedure to add tabs
    917 is:</p>
    918 <ol>
    919   <li>Implement the {@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBar.TabListener} interface. This interface
    920   provides callbacks for tab events, such as when the user presses one so you can swap the
    921   tabs.</li>
    922   <li>For each tab you want to add, instantiate an {@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBar.Tab}
    923   and set the {@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBar.TabListener} by calling {@link
    924   android.support.v7.app.ActionBar.Tab#setTabListener setTabListener()}. Also set the tab's title
    925   and with {@link android.app.ActionBar.Tab#setText setText()} (and optionally, an icon with
    926   {@link android.app.ActionBar.Tab#setIcon setIcon()}).</li>
    927   <li>Then add each tab to the action bar by calling {@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBar#addTab
    928   addTab()}.</li>
    929 </ol>
    931 <p>Notice that the {@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBar.TabListener}
    932 callback methods don't specify which fragment is associated with the tab, but merely which
    933 {@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBar.Tab} was selected.
    934 You must define your own association
    935 between each {@link android.app.ActionBar.Tab} and the appropriate {@link android.app.Fragment} that
    936 it represents. There are several ways you
    937 can define the association, depending on your design.</p>
    939 <p>For example, here's how you might implement the {@link android.app.ActionBar.TabListener}
    940 such that each tab uses its own instance of the listener:</p>
    941 <pre>
    942 public static class TabListener&lt;T extends Fragment> implements ActionBar.TabListener {
    943     private Fragment mFragment;
    944     private final Activity mActivity;
    945     private final String mTag;
    946     private final Class&lt;T> mClass;
    948     /** Constructor used each time a new tab is created.
    949       * @param activity  The host Activity, used to instantiate the fragment
    950       * @param tag  The identifier tag for the fragment
    951       * @param clz  The fragment's Class, used to instantiate the fragment
    952       */
    953     public TabListener(Activity activity, String tag, Class&lt;T> clz) {
    954         mActivity = activity;
    955         mTag = tag;
    956         mClass = clz;
    957     }
    959     /* The following are each of the {@link android.app.ActionBar.TabListener} callbacks */
    961     public void onTabSelected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {
    962         // Check if the fragment is already initialized
    963         if (mFragment == null) {
    964             // If not, instantiate and add it to the activity
    965             mFragment = Fragment.instantiate(mActivity, mClass.getName());
    966             ft.add(android.R.id.content, mFragment, mTag);
    967         } else {
    968             // If it exists, simply attach it in order to show it
    969             ft.attach(mFragment);
    970         }
    971     }
    973     public void onTabUnselected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {
    974         if (mFragment != null) {
    975             // Detach the fragment, because another one is being attached
    976             ft.detach(mFragment);
    977         }
    978     }
    980     public void onTabReselected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {
    981         // User selected the already selected tab. Usually do nothing.
    982     }
    983 }
    984 </pre>
    986 <p class="caution"><strong>Caution:</strong> You <strong>must not</strong> call {@link
    987 android.app.FragmentTransaction#commit} for the fragment transaction in each of these
    988 callbacks&mdash;the system calls it for you and it may throw an exception if you call it yourself.
    989 You also <strong>cannot</strong> add these fragment transactions to the back stack.</p>
    991 <p>In this example, the listener simply attaches ({@link android.app.FragmentTransaction#attach
    992 attach()}) a fragment to the activity layout&mdash;or if not instantiated, creates the fragment and
    993 adds ({@link android.app.FragmentTransaction#add add()}) it to the layout (as a child of the {@code
    994 android.R.id.content} view group)&mdash;when the respective tab is selected, and detaches ({@link
    995 android.app.FragmentTransaction#detach detach()}) it when the tab is unselected.</p>
    997 <p>All that remains is to create each {@link android.app.ActionBar.Tab} and add it to the {@link
    998 android.app.ActionBar}. Additionally, you must call {@link
    999 android.app.ActionBar#setNavigationMode(int) setNavigationMode(NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS)} to make the
   1000 tabs visible.</p>
   1002 <p>For example, the following code adds two tabs using the listener defined above:</p>
   1004 <pre>
   1005 &#64;Override
   1006 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   1007     super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
   1008     // Notice that setContentView() is not used, because we use the root
   1009     // android.R.id.content as the container for each fragment
   1011     // setup action bar for tabs
   1012     ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
   1013     actionBar.setNavigationMode(ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS);
   1014     actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false);
   1016     Tab tab = actionBar.newTab()
   1017                        .setText(R.string.artist)
   1018                        .setTabListener(new TabListener&lt;ArtistFragment>(
   1019                                this, "artist", ArtistFragment.class));
   1020     actionBar.addTab(tab);
   1022     tab = actionBar.newTab()
   1023                    .setText(R.string.album)
   1024                    .setTabListener(new TabListener&lt;AlbumFragment>(
   1025                            this, "album", AlbumFragment.class));
   1026     actionBar.addTab(tab);
   1027 }
   1028 </pre>
   1031 <p>If your activity stops, you should retain the currently selected tab with the <a href=
   1032 "{@docRoot}guide/components/activities.html#SavingActivityState">saved instance state</a> so you
   1033 can open the appropriate tab when the user returns. When it's time to save the state, you can query
   1034 the currently selected tab with {@link
   1035 android.support.v7.app.ActionBar#getSelectedNavigationIndex()}. This returns the index position of
   1036 the selected tab.</p>
   1039 <p class="caution"><strong>Caution:</strong> It's important that you save the state of each fragment
   1040 so when users switch fragments with the tabs and then return to a previous
   1041 fragment, it looks the way it did when they left. Some of the state is saved by default, but you
   1042 may need to manually save state for customized views. For information about saving the state of your
   1043 fragment, see the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/fragments.html">Fragments</a>
   1044 API guide.</p>
   1046 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> The above implementation for {@link
   1047 android.support.v7.app.ActionBar.TabListener} is one of several possible techniques. Another popular
   1048 option is to use {@link android.support.v4.view.ViewPager} to manage the fragments so users
   1049 can also use a swipe gesture to switch tabs. In this case, you simply tell the
   1050 {@link android.support.v4.view.ViewPager} the current tab position in the
   1051 {@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBar.TabListener#onTabSelected onTabSelected()} callback.
   1052 For more information, read
   1053 <a href="{@docRoot}training/implementing-navigation/lateral.html"
   1054 >Creating Swipe Views with Tabs</a>.</p>
   1060 <h2 id="Dropdown">Adding Drop-down Navigation</h2>
   1062 <div class="figure" style="width:240px">
   1063   <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/actionbar-dropdown@2x.png" alt="" width="240" />
   1064   <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 9.</strong> A drop-down navigation list in the
   1065 action bar.</p>
   1066 </div>
   1068 <p>As another mode of navigation (or filtering) for your activity, the action bar offers a built
   1069 in drop-down list (also known as a "spinner"). For example, the drop-down list can offer different
   1070 modes by which content in the activity is sorted.</p>
   1072 <p>Using the drop-down list is useful when changing the content is important but not necessarily a
   1073 frequent occurrence. In cases where switching the content is more frequent,
   1074 you should use <a href="#Tabs">navigation tabs</a> instead.</p>
   1077 <p>The basic procedure to enable drop-down navigation is:</p>
   1079 <ol>
   1080   <li>Create a {@link android.widget.SpinnerAdapter} that provides the
   1081 list of selectable items for the drop-down and the layout to use when drawing each item in the
   1082 list.</li>
   1083   <li>Implement {@link android.support.v7.app.ActionBar.OnNavigationListener} to define the
   1084   behavior that occurs when the user selects an item from the list.</li>
   1085   <li>During your activity's {@link android.app.Activity#onCreate
   1086 onCreate()} method, enable the action bar's drop-down list by calling {@link
   1087 android.support.v7.app.ActionBar#setNavigationMode setNavigationMode(NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST)}.
   1088   </li>
   1089   <li>Set the callback for the drop-down list with {@link
   1090 android.support.v7.app.ActionBar#setListNavigationCallbacks setListNavigationCallbacks()}.
   1091 For example:
   1092 <pre>
   1093 actionBar.setListNavigationCallbacks(mSpinnerAdapter, mNavigationCallback);
   1094 </pre>
   1095 <p>This method takes your {@link android.widget.SpinnerAdapter} and {@link
   1096 android.support.v7.app.ActionBar.OnNavigationListener}.</p>
   1097 </li>
   1098 </ol>
   1100 <p>This procedure is relatively short, but implementing the {@link android.widget.SpinnerAdapter}
   1101 and {@link android.app.ActionBar.OnNavigationListener} is where most of the work is done. There are
   1102 many ways you can implement these to define the functionality for your drop-down navigation and
   1103 implementing various types of {@link android.widget.SpinnerAdapter} is beyond the scope of this
   1104 document (you should refer to the {@link android.widget.SpinnerAdapter} class reference for more
   1105 information). However, below is an example for a {@link android.widget.SpinnerAdapter} and {@link
   1106 android.app.ActionBar.OnNavigationListener} to get you started (click the title to reveal the
   1107 sample).</p>
   1111 <div class="toggle-content closed">
   1113   <h3 id="Spinner"><a href="#" onclick="return toggleContent(this)">
   1114     <img src="{@docRoot}assets/images/triangle-closed.png" class="toggle-content-img" alt="" />
   1115     Example SpinnerAdapter and OnNavigationListener
   1116   </a></h3>
   1118   <div class="toggle-content-toggleme">
   1120 <p>{@link android.widget.SpinnerAdapter} is an adapter that provides data for a spinner widget,
   1121 such as the drop-down list in the action bar. {@link android.widget.SpinnerAdapter} is an interface
   1122 that you can implement, but Android includes some useful implementations that you can extend, such
   1123 as {@link android.widget.ArrayAdapter} and {@link
   1124 android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter}. For example, here's an easy way to create a {@link
   1125 android.widget.SpinnerAdapter} by using {@link android.widget.ArrayAdapter} implementation, which
   1126 uses a string array as the data source:</p>
   1128 <pre>
   1129 SpinnerAdapter mSpinnerAdapter = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(this, R.array.action_list,
   1130           android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item);
   1131 </pre>
   1133 <p>The {@link android.widget.ArrayAdapter#createFromResource createFromResource()} method takes
   1134 three parameters: the application {@link android.content.Context}, the resource ID for the string
   1135 array, and the layout to use for each list item.</p>
   1137 <p>A <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html#StringArray">string array</a>
   1138 defined in a resource looks like this:</p>
   1140 <pre>
   1141 &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
   1142 &lt;resources&gt;
   1143     &lt;string-array name="action_list"&gt;
   1144         &lt;item&gt;Mercury&lt;/item&gt;
   1145         &lt;item&gt;Venus&lt;/item&gt;
   1146         &lt;item&gt;Earth&lt;/item&gt;
   1147     &lt;/string-array&gt;
   1148 &lt;/pre&gt;
   1149 </pre>
   1151 <p>The {@link android.widget.ArrayAdapter} returned by {@link
   1152 android.widget.ArrayAdapter#createFromResource createFromResource()} is complete and ready for you
   1153 to pass it to {@link android.app.ActionBar#setListNavigationCallbacks setListNavigationCallbacks()}
   1154 (in step 4 from above). Before you do, though, you need to create the {@link
   1155 android.app.ActionBar.OnNavigationListener OnNavigationListener}.</p>
   1158 <p>Your implementation of {@link android.app.ActionBar.OnNavigationListener} is where you handle
   1159 fragment changes or other modifications to your activity when the user selects an item from the
   1160 drop-down list. There's only one callback method to implement in the listener: {@link
   1161 android.app.ActionBar.OnNavigationListener#onNavigationItemSelected onNavigationItemSelected()}.</p>
   1163 <p>The {@link
   1164 android.app.ActionBar.OnNavigationListener#onNavigationItemSelected onNavigationItemSelected()}
   1165 method receives the position of the item in the list and a unique item ID provided by the {@link
   1166 android.widget.SpinnerAdapter}.</p>
   1168 <p>Here's an example that instantiates an anonymous implementation of {@link
   1169 android.app.ActionBar.OnNavigationListener OnNavigationListener}, which inserts a {@link
   1170 android.app.Fragment} into the
   1171 layout container identified by {@code R.id.fragment_container}:</p>
   1173 <pre>
   1174 mOnNavigationListener = new OnNavigationListener() {
   1175   // Get the same strings provided for the drop-down's ArrayAdapter
   1176   String[] strings = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.action_list);
   1178   &#64;Override
   1179   public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(int position, long itemId) {
   1180     // Create new fragment from our own Fragment class
   1181     ListContentFragment newFragment = new ListContentFragment();
   1182     FragmentTransaction ft = openFragmentTransaction();
   1183     // Replace whatever is in the fragment container with this fragment
   1184     //  and give the fragment a tag name equal to the string at the position selected
   1185     ft.replace(R.id.fragment_container, newFragment, strings[position]);
   1186     // Apply changes
   1187     ft.commit();
   1188     return true;
   1189   }
   1190 };
   1191 </pre>
   1193 <p>This instance of {@link android.app.ActionBar.OnNavigationListener OnNavigationListener} is
   1194 complete and you can now call {@link android.app.ActionBar#setListNavigationCallbacks
   1195 setListNavigationCallbacks()} (in step 4), passing the {@link android.widget.ArrayAdapter} and this
   1196 {@link android.app.ActionBar.OnNavigationListener OnNavigationListener}.</p>
   1198 <p>In this example, when the user selects an item from the drop-down list, a fragment is added to
   1199 the layout (replacing the current fragment in the {@code R.id.fragment_container} view). The
   1200 fragment added is given a tag that uniquely identifies it, which is the same string used to
   1201 identify the fragment in the drop-down list.</p>
   1203 <p>Here's a look at the {@code ListContentFragment} class that defines each fragment in this
   1204 example:</p>
   1206 <pre>
   1207 public class ListContentFragment extends Fragment {
   1208     private String mText;
   1210     &#64;Override
   1211     public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
   1212       // This is the first callback received; here we can set the text for
   1213       // the fragment as defined by the tag specified during the fragment transaction
   1214       super.onAttach(activity);
   1215       mText = getTag();
   1216     }
   1218     &#64;Override
   1219     public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
   1220             Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   1221         // This is called to define the layout for the fragment;
   1222         // we just create a TextView and set its text to be the fragment tag
   1223         TextView text = new TextView(getActivity());
   1224         text.setText(mText);
   1225         return text;
   1226     }
   1227 }
   1228 </pre>
   1230   </div><!-- end toggle-content-toggleme -->
   1232 </div><!-- end toggle-content -->
   1240 <h2 id="Style">Styling the Action Bar</h2>
   1242 <p>If you want to implement a visual design that represents your app's brand, the action bar allows
   1243 you to customize each detail of its appearance, including the action bar color, text colors, button
   1244 styles, and more. To do so, you need to use Android's <a href=
   1245 "{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/themes.html">style and theme</a> framework to restyle the action bar
   1246 using special style properties.</p>
   1248 <p class="caution"><strong>Caution:</strong> For all background drawables you provide, be sure to
   1249 use <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/graphics/2d-graphics.html#nine-patch">Nine-Patch drawables</a>
   1250 to allow stretching. The nine-patch image should be <em>smaller</em> than 40dp tall and 30dp
   1251 wide.</p>
   1255 <h3 id="GeneralStyles">General appearance</h3>
   1257 <dl>
   1258   <dt>{@link android.R.attr#actionBarStyle
   1259       actionBarStyle}</dt>
   1260   <dd>Specifies a style resource that defines various style properties
   1261   for the action bar.
   1262       <p>The default for this style for this
   1263       is {@link android.support.v7.appcompat.R.style#Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar
   1264       Widget.AppCompat.ActionBar}, which is what you should use as the parent style.</p>
   1265       <p>Supported styles include:</p>
   1266     <dl>
   1267       <dt>{@link android.R.attr#background}</dt>
   1268         <dd>Defines a drawable resource for the action bar background.</dd>
   1269       <dt>{@link android.R.attr#backgroundStacked}</dt>
   1270         <dd>Defines a drawable resource for the stacked action bar
   1271           (the <a href="#Tabs">tabs</a>).</dd>
   1272       <dt>{@link android.R.attr#backgroundSplit}</dt>
   1273         <dd>Defines a drawable resource for the <a href="#SplitBar">split action bar</a>.</dd>
   1274       <dt>{@link android.R.attr#actionButtonStyle}</dt>
   1275         <dd>Defines a style resource for action buttons.
   1276           <p>The default for this style for this
   1277       is {@link android.support.v7.appcompat.R.style#Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton
   1278       Widget.AppCompat.ActionButton}, which is what you should use as the parent style.</p>
   1279         </dd>
   1280       <dt>{@link android.R.attr#actionOverflowButtonStyle}</dt>
   1281         <dd>Defines a style resource for overflow action items.
   1282           <p>The default for this style for this
   1283       is {@link android.support.v7.appcompat.R.style#Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton_Overflow
   1284       Widget.AppCompat.ActionButton.Overflow}, which is what you should use as the parent style.</p>
   1285         </dd>
   1286       <dt>{@link android.R.attr#displayOptions}</dt>
   1287         <dd>Defines one or more action bar display options, such as whether to use the app logo,
   1288         show the activity title, or enable the <em>Up</em> action. See {@link
   1289         android.R.attr#displayOptions} for all possible values.
   1290       <dt>{@link android.R.attr#divider}</dt>
   1291         <dd>Defines a drawable resource for the divider between action items.</dd>
   1292       <dt>{@link android.R.attr#titleTextStyle}</dt>
   1293         <dd>Defines a style resource for the action bar title.
   1294           <p>The default for this style for this
   1295       is {@link android.support.v7.appcompat.R.style#TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Title
   1296       TextAppearance.AppCompat.Widget.ActionBar.Title}, which is what you should use as the parent
   1297       style.</p></dd>
   1298     </dl>
   1299   </dd>
   1301   <dt>{@link android.R.attr#windowActionBarOverlay
   1302       windowActionBarOverlay}</dt>
   1303   <dd>Declares whether the action bar should overlay the activity layout rather than offset the
   1304 activity's layout position (for example, the Gallery app uses overlay mode). This is
   1305 {@code false} by default.
   1306   <p>Normally, the action bar requires its own space on the screen and your activity layout fills in
   1307 what's left over. When the action bar is in overlay mode, your activity layout uses all the
   1308 available space and the system draws the action bar on top. Overlay mode can be useful if you want
   1309 your content to keep a fixed size and position when the action bar is hidden and shown. You might
   1310 also like to use it purely as a visual effect, because you can use a semi-transparent background
   1311 for the action bar so the user can still see some of your activity layout behind the action
   1312 bar.</p>
   1313   <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> The {@link android.R.style#Theme_Holo Holo} theme families
   1314 draw the action bar with a semi-transparent background by default. However, you can modify it with
   1315 your own styles and the {@link android.R.style#Theme_DeviceDefault DeviceDefault} theme on
   1316 different devices might use an opaque background by default.</p>
   1317   <p>When overlay mode is enabled, your activity layout has no awareness of the action bar lying on
   1318 top of it. So, you must be careful not to place any important information or UI components in the
   1319 area overlaid by the action bar. If appropriate, you can refer to the platform's value for {@link
   1320 android.R.attr#actionBarSize} to determine the height of the action bar, by referencing it
   1321 in your XML layout. For example:</p>
   1322 <pre>
   1323 &lt;SomeView
   1324     ...
   1325     android:layout_marginTop="?android:attr/actionBarSize" /&gt;
   1326 </pre>
   1327   <p>You can also retrieve the action bar height at runtime with {@link
   1328 android.app.ActionBar#getHeight()}. This reflects the height of the action bar at the time it's
   1329 called, which might not include the stacked action bar (due to navigation tabs) if called during
   1330 early activity lifecycle methods. To see how you can determine the total height at runtime,
   1331 including the stacked action bar, see the <a href=
   1332 "{@docRoot}resources/samples/HoneycombGallery/src/com/example/android/hcgallery/TitlesFragment.html">
   1333 {@code TitlesFragment}</a> class in the <a href=
   1334 "{@docRoot}resources/samples/HoneycombGallery/index.html">Honeycomb Gallery</a> sample app.</p>
   1336 </dd>
   1338 </dl>
   1341 <h3 id="ActionItemStyles">Action items</h3>
   1343 <dl>
   1344   <dt>{@link android.R.attr#actionButtonStyle
   1345       actionButtonStyle}</dt>
   1346   <dd>Defines a style resource for the action item buttons.
   1347       <p>The default for this style for this
   1348   is {@link android.support.v7.appcompat.R.style#Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton
   1349   Widget.AppCompat.ActionButton}, which is what you should use as the parent style.</p></dd>
   1351   <dt>{@link android.R.attr#actionBarItemBackground
   1352       actionBarItemBackground}</dt>
   1353   <dd>Defines a drawable resource for each action item's background.
   1354     This should be a <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/drawable-resource.html#StateList"
   1355     >state-list drawable</a> to indicate different selected states.</dd>
   1357   <dt>{@link android.R.attr#itemBackground
   1358       itemBackground}</dt>
   1359   <dd>Defines a drawable resource for each action overflow item's background.
   1360     This should be a <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/drawable-resource.html#StateList"
   1361     >state-list drawable</a> to indicate different selected states.</dd>
   1363   <dt>{@link android.R.attr#actionBarDivider
   1364       actionBarDivider}</dt>
   1365   <dd>Defines a drawable resource for the divider between action items.</dd>
   1367   <dt>{@link android.R.attr#actionMenuTextColor
   1368       actionMenuTextColor}</dt>
   1369   <dd>Defines a color for text that appears in an action item.</dd>
   1371   <dt>{@link android.R.attr#actionMenuTextAppearance
   1372       actionMenuTextAppearance}</dt>
   1373   <dd>Defines a style resource for text that appears in an action item.</dd>
   1375   <dt>{@link android.R.attr#actionBarWidgetTheme
   1376       actionBarWidgetTheme}</dt>
   1377   <dd>Defines a theme resource for widgets that are inflated into the action bar as <a
   1378 href="#ActionView">action views</a>.</dd>
   1379 </dl>
   1382 <h3 id="NavigationStyles">Navigation tabs</h3>
   1384 <dl>
   1385   <dt>{@link android.R.attr#actionBarTabStyle
   1386       actionBarTabStyle}</dt>
   1387   <dd>Defines a style resource for tabs in the action bar.
   1388       <p>The default for this style for this
   1389   is {@link android.support.v7.appcompat.R.style#Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabView
   1390   Widget.AppCompat.ActionBar.TabView}, which is what you should use as the parent style.</p></dd>
   1392   <dt>{@link android.R.attr#actionBarTabBarStyle
   1393       actionBarTabBarStyle}</dt>
   1394   <dd>Defines a style resource for the thin bar that appears below the navigation tabs.
   1395       <p>The default for this style for this
   1396   is {@link android.support.v7.appcompat.R.style#Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabBar
   1397   Widget.AppCompat.ActionBar.TabBar}, which is what you should use as the parent style.</p></dd>
   1399   <dt>{@link android.R.attr#actionBarTabTextStyle
   1400       actionBarTabTextStyle}</dt>
   1401   <dd>Defines a style resource for text in the navigation tabs.
   1402       <p>The default for this style for this
   1403   is {@link android.support.v7.appcompat.R.style#Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabText
   1404   Widget.AppCompat.ActionBar.TabText}, which is what you should use as the parent style.</p></dd>
   1405 </dl>
   1408 <h3 id="DropDownStyles">Drop-down lists</h3>
   1410 <dl>
   1411   <dt>{@link android.R.attr#actionDropDownStyle
   1412       actionDropDownStyle}</dt>
   1413   <dd>Defines a style for the drop-down navigation (such as the background and text styles).
   1414       <p>The default for this style for this
   1415   is {@link android.support.v7.appcompat.R.style#Widget_AppCompat_Spinner_DropDown_ActionBar
   1416   Widget.AppCompat.Spinner.DropDown.ActionBar}, which is what you should use as the parent
   1417   style.</p></dd>
   1418 </dl>
   1421 <h3 id="StyleExample">Example theme</h3>
   1423 <p>Here's an example that defines a custom theme for an activity, {@code CustomActivityTheme},
   1424 that includes several styles to customize the action bar.</p>
   1426 <p>Notice that there are two version for each action bar style property. The first one
   1427 includes the {@code android:} prefix on the property name to support API levels 11 and higher
   1428 that include these properties in the framework. The second version does <em>not</em>
   1429 include the {@code android:} prefix and is for older versions of the platform, on which
   1430 the system uses the style property from the support library. The effect for each is the same.</p>
   1432 <pre>
   1433 &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   1434 &lt;resources>
   1435     &lt;!-- the theme applied to the application or activity -->
   1436     &lt;style name="CustomActionBarTheme"
   1437            parent="&#64;style/Theme.AppCompat.Light">
   1438         &lt;item name="android:actionBarStyle">&#64;style/MyActionBar&lt;/item>
   1439         &lt;item name="android:actionBarTabTextStyle">&#64;style/TabTextStyle&lt;/item>
   1440         &lt;item name="android:actionMenuTextColor">&#64;color/actionbar_text&lt;/item>
   1442         &lt;!-- Support library compatibility -->
   1443         &lt;item name="actionBarStyle">&#64;style/MyActionBar&lt;/item>
   1444         &lt;item name="actionBarTabTextStyle">&#64;style/TabTextStyle&lt;/item>
   1445         &lt;item name="actionMenuTextColor">&#64;color/actionbar_text&lt;/item>
   1446     &lt;/style>
   1448     &lt;!-- general styles for the action bar -->
   1449     &lt;style name="MyActionBar"
   1450            parent="&#64;style/Widget.AppCompat.ActionBar">
   1451         &lt;item name="android:titleTextStyle">&#64;style/TitleTextStyle&lt;/item>
   1452         &lt;item name="android:background">&#64;drawable/actionbar_background&lt;/item>
   1453         &lt;item name="android:backgroundStacked">&#64;drawable/actionbar_background&lt;/item>
   1454         &lt;item name="android:backgroundSplit">&#64;drawable/actionbar_background&lt;/item>
   1456         &lt;!-- Support library compatibility -->
   1457         &lt;item name="titleTextStyle">&#64;style/TitleTextStyle&lt;/item>
   1458         &lt;item name="background">&#64;drawable/actionbar_background&lt;/item>
   1459         &lt;item name="backgroundStacked">&#64;drawable/actionbar_background&lt;/item>
   1460         &lt;item name="backgroundSplit">&#64;drawable/actionbar_background&lt;/item>
   1461     &lt;/style>
   1463     &lt;!-- action bar title text -->
   1464     &lt;style name="TitleTextStyle"
   1465            parent="&#64;style/TextAppearance.AppCompat.Widget.ActionBar.Title">
   1466         &lt;item name="android:textColor">&#64;color/actionbar_text&lt;/item>
   1467     &lt;/style>
   1469     &lt;!-- action bar tab text -->
   1470     &lt;style name="TabTextStyle"
   1471            parent="&#64;style/Widget.AppCompat.ActionBar.TabText">
   1472         &lt;item name="android:textColor">&#64;color/actionbar_text&lt;/item>
   1473     &lt;/style>
   1474 &lt;/resources>
   1476 </pre>
   1478 <p>In your manifest file, you can apply the theme to your entire app:</p>
   1480 <pre>
   1481 &lt;application android:theme="&#64;style/CustomActionBarTheme" ... />
   1482 </pre>
   1484 <p>Or to individual activities:</p>
   1486 <pre>
   1487 &lt;activity android:theme="&#64;style/CustomActionBarTheme" ... />
   1488 </pre>
   1491 <p class="caution"><strong>Caution:</strong> Be certain that each theme and style declares a parent
   1492 theme in the {@code &lt;style&gt;} tag, from which it inherits all styles not explicitly declared
   1493 by your theme. When modifying the action bar, using a parent theme is important so that you can
   1494 simply override the action bar styles you want to change without re-implementing the styles you
   1495 want to leave alone (such as text size or padding in action items).</p>
   1497 <p>For more information about using style and theme resources in your application, read <a
   1498 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/themes.html">Styles and Themes</a>.</p>