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      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 #
      3 # Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     16 #
     17 # dev-platform-expand.sh
     18 #
     19 # This tool is used to expand the content of development/ndk/platforms
     20 # into a _single_ directory containing all headers / libraries corresponding
     21 # to a given API level and architecture.
     22 #
     23 # The idea is that the content of $SRC/android-N/ only contains stuff
     24 # that is relevant to API level N, and not contain anything that is already
     25 # provided by API level N-1, N-2, etc..
     26 #
     27 # More precisely, for each architecture A:
     28 #  $SRC/android-N/include        --> $DST/android-N/arch-A/usr/include
     29 #  $SRC/android-N/arch-A/include --> $DST/android-N/arch-A/usr/include
     30 #  $SRC/android-N/arch-A/lib     --> $DST/android-N/arch-A/usr/lib
     31 #
     32 # If we target level $API, we're going to copy the contents of android-3 to
     33 # android-$API to the destination directory.
     34 #
     36 . `dirname $0`/prebuilt-common.sh
     38 # Return the list of platform supported from $1/platforms
     39 # as a single space-separated list of levels. (e.g. "3 4 5 8 9")
     40 # $1: source directory
     41 extract_platforms_from ()
     42 {
     43     local RET
     44     if [ -d "$1" ] ; then
     45         RET=$((cd "$1/platforms" && ls -d android-*) | sed -e "s!android-!!" | sort -g)
     46     else
     47         RET=""
     48     fi
     49     RET=$(echo $RET)  # converts newlines to spaces
     50     echo $RET
     51 }
     53 # The default platform is the last entry in the API_LEVELS default variable
     54 PLATFORM=android-$(echo $API_LEVELS | tr ' ' '\n' | tail -1)
     55 register_var_option "--platform=<level>" PLATFORM "Target API level"
     57 # We take by default stuff from $NDK/../development/ndk
     58 SRCDIR="$(cd $ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/../development/ndk/platforms && pwd)"
     59 register_var_option "--src-dir=<path>" SRCDIR "Source for compressed platforms"
     61 # The default destination directory is a temporary one
     62 DSTDIR=/tmp/ndk-$USER/platforms
     63 register_var_option "--dst-dir=<path>" DSTDIR "Destination directory"
     65 # Default architecture, note we can have several ones here
     66 ARCHS="arm,x86,mips"
     67 register_var_option "--arch=<name>" ARCHS "List of target architectures"
     72 "Uncompress the platform files (headers/libraries) correspond to a given
     73 platform into a single directory. The main idea is that the files are stored
     74 in a platform-specific way under SRC=$$NDK/../development/ndk, i.e.:
     76   \$SRC/platforms/android-3/  -> all files corresponding to API level 3
     77   \$SRC/platforms/android-4/  -> only new/modified files corresponding to API level 4
     78   \$SRC/platforms/android-5/  -> only new/modified files corresponding to API level 5
     79   ...
     81 As an example, expanding android-5 would mean:
     83   1 - copy all files from android-3 to \$DST directory
     85   2 - copy all files from android-4 to \$DST, eventually overwriting stuff
     86       from android-3 that was modified in API level 4
     88   3 - copy all files from android-5 to \$DST, eventually overwriting stuff
     89       from android-4 that was modified in API level 5
     91 The script 'dev-platform-compress.sh' can be used to perform the opposite
     92 operation, and knows which files are part of which API level.
     93 "
     95 extract_parameters "$@"
     97 # Check source directory
     98 if [ ! -d "$SRCDIR" ] ; then
     99     echo "ERROR: Source directory doesn't exist: $SRCDIR"
    100     exit 1
    101 fi
    102 if [ ! -d "$SRCDIR/android-3" ]; then
    103     echo "ERROR: Source directory doesn't seem to be valid: $SRCDIR"
    104     exit 1
    105 fi
    106 log "Using source directory: $SRCDIR"
    108 # Check platform (normalize it, i.e. android-9 -> 9}
    109 PLATFORM=${PLATFORM##android-}
    110 if [ ! -d "$SRCDIR/android-$PLATFORM" ]; then
    111     echo "ERROR: Platform directory doesn't exist: $SRCDIR/android-$PLATFORM"
    112     exit 1
    113 fi
    114 log "Using platform: $PLATFORM"
    116 if [ ! -d "$DSTDIR" ]; then
    117     mkdir -p "$DSTDIR"
    118     if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    119         echo "ERROR: Could not create destination directory: $DSTDIR"
    120         exit 1
    121     fi
    122 fi
    123 log "Using destination directory: $DSTDIR"
    125 # Handle architecture list
    126 #
    127 # We support both --arch and --abi for backwards compatibility reasons
    128 # --arch is the new hotness, --abi is deprecated.
    129 #
    130 if [ -n "$OPTION_ARCH" ]; then
    131     OPTION_ARCH=$(commas_to_spaces $OPTION_ARCH)
    132 fi
    134 if [ -n "$OPTION_ABI" ] ; then
    135     echo "WARNING: --abi=<names> is deprecated. Use --arch=<names> instead!"
    136     OPTION_ABI=$(commas_to_spaces $OPTION_ABI)
    137     if [ -n "$OPTION_ARCH" -a "$OPTION_ARCH" != "$OPTION_ABI" ]; then
    138         echo "ERROR: You can't use both --abi and --arch with different values!"
    139         exit 1
    140     fi
    142 fi
    144 ARCHS=$(commas_to_spaces $ARCHS)
    145 log "Using architectures: $(commas_to_spaces $ARCHS)"
    147 # log "Checking source platform architectures."
    148 # BAD_ARCHS=
    149 # for ARCH in $ARCHS; do
    150 #     eval CHECK_$ARCH=no
    151 # done
    152 # for ARCH in $ARCHS; do
    153 #     DIR="$SRCDIR/android-$PLATFORM/arch-$ARCH"
    154 #     if [ -d $DIR ] ; then
    155 #         log "  $DIR"
    156 #         eval CHECK_$ARCH=yes
    157 #     fi
    158 # done
    159 # 
    160 # BAD_ARCHS=
    161 # for ARCH in $ARCHS; do
    162 #     CHECK=`var_value CHECK_$ARCH`
    163 #     log "  $ARCH check: $CHECK"
    164 #     if [ "$CHECK" = no ] ; then
    165 #         if [ -z "$BAD_ARCHS" ] ; then
    166 #             BAD_ARCHS=$ARCH
    167 #         else
    168 #             BAD_ARCHS="$BAD_ARCHS $ARCH"
    169 #         fi
    170 #     fi
    171 # done
    172 # 
    173 # if [ -n "$BAD_ARCHS" ] ; then
    174 #     echo "ERROR: Source directory doesn't support these ARCHs: $BAD_ARCHS"
    175 #     exit 3
    176 # fi
    178 copy_optional_directory ()
    179 {
    180     if [ -d "$1" ]; then
    181         copy_directory "$1" "$2"
    182     fi
    183 }
    185 # Copy platform sysroot and samples into your destination
    186 #
    188 # $SRC/android-$PLATFORM/include --> $DST/platforms/android-$PLATFORM/arch-$ARCH/usr/include
    189 # $SRC/android-$PLATFORM/arch-$ARCH/include --> $DST/platforms/android-$PLATFORM/arch-$ARCH/usr/include
    190 # for compatibility:
    191 # $SRC/android-$PLATFORM/arch-$ARCH/usr/include --> $DST/platforms/android-$PLATFORM/arch-$ARCH/usr/include
    195 # $SRC/android-$PLATFORM/arch-$ARCH/usr --> $DST/platforms/android-$PLATFORM/arch-$ARCH/usr
    196 # $SRC/android-$PLATFORM/samples       --> $DST/samples
    197 #
    198 for LEVEL in $API_LEVELS; do
    199     if [ "$LEVEL" -gt "$PLATFORM" ]; then
    200         break
    201     fi
    202     log "Copying android-$LEVEL platform files"
    203     for ARCH in $ARCHS; do
    204         SDIR="$SRCDIR/android-$LEVEL"
    205         DDIR="$DSTDIR/android-$PLATFORM"
    206         if [ -d "$SDIR" ]; then
    207             copy_directory "$SDIR/include" "$DDIR/include"
    208         fi
    209         ARCH_SDIR="$SDIR/arch-$ARCH"
    210         ARCH_DDIR="$DDIR/arch-$ARCH"
    211         if [ -d "$ARCH_SDIR" ]; then
    212             copy_optional_directory "$ARCH_SDIR/include" "$ARCH_DDIR/include"
    213             copy_optional_directory "$ARCH_SDIR/lib"     "$ARCH_DDIR/lib"
    214             rm -f "$ARCH_DDIR"/lib/*.so
    215             copy_optional_directory "$ARCH_SDIR/symbols" "$ARCH_DDIR/symbols"
    216             rm -f "$ARCH_DDIR"/symbols/*.so.txt
    217         fi
    218     done
    219 done
    221 log "Done !"
    222 exit 0