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     30         <!-- VALUE -->
     31         <div id="valueTemplate">
     32           <dt>
     33             <var>paramName</var>
     34               <em>
     36                 <!-- TYPE -->
     37                 <div style="display:inline">
     38                   (
     39                     <span class="optional">optional</span>
     40                     <span class="enum">enumerated</span>
     41                     <span id="typeTemplate">
     42                       <span>
     43                         <a> Type</a>
     44                       </span>
     45                       <span>
     46                         <span>
     47                           array of <span><span></span></span>
     48                         </span>
     49                         <span>paramType</span>
     50                         <span></span>
     51                       </span>
     52                     </span>
     53                   )
     54                 </div>
     56               </em>
     57           </dt>
     58           <dd class="todo">
     59             Undocumented.
     60           </dd>
     61           <dd>
     62             Description of this parameter from the json schema.
     63           </dd>
     64           <dd>
     65             This parameter was added in version
     66             <b><span></span></b>.
     67             You must omit this parameter in earlier versions,
     68             and you may omit it in any version.  If you require this
     69             parameter, the manifest key
     70             <a href="manifest.html#minimum_chrome_version">minimum_chrome_version</a>
     71             can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
     72           </dd>
     74           <!-- OBJECT PROPERTIES -->
     75           <dd>
     76             <dl>
     77               <div>
     78                 <div>
     79                 </div>
     80               </div>
     81             </dl>
     82           </dd>
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     85           <dd>
     86             <div></div>
     87           </dd>
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     90           <dd>
     91             <div></div>
     92           </dd>
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     95           <dd>
     96             <div></div>
     97           </dd>
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    106               </div>
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    157             <a href="samples.html" title="Sample extensions (with source code)">Samples</a>
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    169           <li><a href="getstarted.html">Getting Started</a></li>
    170           <li class="leftNavSelected">Overview</li>
    171           <li><a href="whats_new.html">What's New?</a></li>
    172           <li><h2><a href="devguide.html">Developer's Guide</a></h2>
    173             <ul>
    174               <li>Browser UI
    175                 <ul>
    176                   <li><a href="browserAction.html">Browser Actions</a></li>
    177                   <li><a href="contextMenus.html">Context Menus</a></li>
    178                   <li><a href="notifications.html">Desktop Notifications</a></li>
    179                   <li><a href="omnibox.html">Omnibox</a></li>
    180                   <li><a href="options.html">Options Pages</a></li>
    181                   <li><a href="override.html">Override Pages</a></li>
    182                   <li><a href="pageAction.html">Page Actions</a></li>
    183                 </ul>
    184               </li>
    185               <li>Browser Interaction
    186                 <ul>
    187                   <li><a href="bookmarks.html">Bookmarks</a></li>
    188                   <li><a href="cookies.html">Cookies</a></li>
    189                   <li><a href="events.html">Events</a></li>
    190                   <li><a href="history.html">History</a></li>
    191                   <li><a href="management.html">Management</a></li>
    192                   <li><a href="tabs.html">Tabs</a></li>
    193                   <li><a href="windows.html">Windows</a></li>
    194                 </ul>
    195               </li>
    196               <li>Implementation
    197                 <ul>
    198                   <li><a href="a11y.html">Accessibility</a></li>
    199                   <li><a href="background_pages.html">Background Pages</a></li>
    200                   <li><a href="content_scripts.html">Content Scripts</a></li>
    201                   <li><a href="xhr.html">Cross-Origin XHR</a></li>
    202                   <li><a href="idle.html">Idle</a></li>
    203                   <li><a href="i18n.html">Internationalization</a></li>
    204                   <li><a href="messaging.html">Message Passing</a></li>
    205                   <li><a href="npapi.html">NPAPI Plugins</a></li>
    206                 </ul>
    207               </li>
    208               <li>Finishing
    209                 <ul>
    210                   <li><a href="hosting.html">Hosting</a></li>
    211                   <li><a href="external_extensions.html">Other Deployment Options</a></li>
    212                 </ul>
    213               </li>
    214             </ul>
    215           </li>
    216           <li><h2><a href="apps.html">Packaged Apps</a></h2></li>
    217           <li><h2><a href="tutorials.html">Tutorials</a></h2>
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    219               <li><a href="tut_debugging.html">Debugging</a></li>
    220               <li><a href="tut_analytics.html">Google Analytics</a></li>
    221               <li><a href="tut_oauth.html">OAuth</a></li>
    222             </ul>
    223           </li>
    224           <li><h2>Reference</h2>
    225             <ul>
    226               <li>Formats
    227                 <ul>
    228                   <li><a href="manifest.html">Manifest Files</a></li>
    229                   <li><a href="match_patterns.html">Match Patterns</a></li>
    230                 </ul>
    231               </li>
    232               <li><a href="permission_warnings.html">Permission Warnings</a></li>
    233               <li><a href="api_index.html">chrome.* APIs</a></li>
    234               <li><a href="api_other.html">Other APIs</a></li>
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    237           <li><h2><a href="samples.html">Samples</a></h2></li>
    238           <div class="line"> </div>
    239           <li><h2>More</h2>
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    241               <li><a href="http://code.google.com/chrome/webstore/docs/index.html">Chrome Web Store</a></li>
    242               <li><a href="http://code.google.com/chrome/apps/docs/developers_guide.html">Hosted Apps</a></li>
    243               <li><a href="themes.html">Themes</a></li>
    244             </ul>
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    254         <h1 class="page_title">Overview</h1>
    255       </div>
    256         <!-- TABLE OF CONTENTS -->
    257         <div id="toc">
    258           <h2>Contents</h2>
    259           <ol>
    260             <li>
    261               <a href="#what">The basics</a>
    262               <ol>
    263                 <li>
    264                   <a href="#extension-ui">Extension UIs</a>
    265                 </li><li>
    266                   <a href="#packagedapp-ui">Packaged app UIs</a>
    267                 </li>
    268               </ol>
    269             </li><li>
    270               <a href="#files">Files</a>
    271               <ol>
    272                 <li>
    273                   <a href="#relative-urls">Referring to files</a>
    274                 </li><li>
    275                   <a href="#H3-5">The manifest file</a>
    276                 </li>
    277               </ol>
    278             </li><li>
    279               <a href="#arch">Architecture</a>
    280               <ol>
    281                 <li>
    282                   <a href="#background_page">The background page</a>
    283                 </li><li>
    284                   <a href="#pages">UI pages</a>
    285                 </li><li>
    286                   <a href="#contentScripts">Content scripts</a>
    287                 </li>
    288               </ol>
    289             </li><li>
    290               <a href="#apis"> Using the chrome.* APIs </a>
    291               <ol>
    292                 <li>
    293                   <a href="#sync"> Asynchronous vs. synchronous methods </a>
    294                 </li><li>
    295                   <a href="#sync-example"> Example: Using a callback </a>
    296                 </li><li>
    297                   <a href="#chrome-more"> More details </a>
    298                 </li>
    299               </ol>
    300             </li><li>
    301               <a href="#pageComm">Communication between pages </a>
    302               <ol>
    303                 <li style="display: none; ">
    304                   <a>h3Name</a>
    305                 </li>
    306               </ol>
    307             </li><li>
    308               <a href="#incognito"> Saving data and incognito mode </a>
    309               <ol>
    310                 <li style="display: none; ">
    311                   <a>h3Name</a>
    312                 </li>
    313               </ol>
    314             </li><li>
    315               <a href="#now-what"> Now what? </a>
    316               <ol>
    317                 <li style="display: none; ">
    318                   <a>h3Name</a>
    319                 </li>
    320               </ol>
    321             </li>
    322               <li style="display: none; ">
    323                 <a href="#apiReference">API reference</a>
    324                 <ol>
    325                   <li>
    326                     <a href="#properties">Properties</a>
    327                     <ol>
    328                       <li>
    329                         <a href="#property-anchor">propertyName</a>
    330                       </li>
    331                     </ol>
    332                   </li>
    333                   <li>
    334                     <a>Methods</a>
    335                     <ol>
    336                       <li>
    337                         <a href="#method-anchor">methodName</a>
    338                       </li>
    339                     </ol>
    340                   </li>
    341                   <li>
    342                     <a>Events</a>
    343                     <ol>
    344                       <li>
    345                         <a href="#event-anchor">eventName</a>
    346                       </li>
    347                     </ol>
    348                   </li>
    349                   <li>
    350                     <a href="#types">Types</a>
    351                     <ol>
    352                       <li>
    353                         <a href="#id-anchor">id</a>
    354                       </li>
    355                     </ol>
    356                   </li>
    357                 </ol>
    358               </li>
    359           </ol>
    360         </div>
    361         <!-- /TABLE OF CONTENTS -->
    363         <!-- Standard content lead-in for experimental API pages -->
    364         <p id="classSummary" style="display: none; ">
    365           For information on how to use experimental APIs, see the <a href="experimental.html">chrome.experimental.* APIs</a> page.
    366         </p>
    368         <!-- STATIC CONTENT PLACEHOLDER -->
    369         <div id="static"><div id="pageData-name" class="pageData">Overview</div>
    370 <div id="pageData-showTOC" class="pageData">true</div>
    372 <p>
    373 Once you've finished this page
    374 and the
    375 <a href="getstarted.html">Getting Started</a> tutorial,
    376 you'll be all set to start writing extensions and packaged apps.
    377 </p>
    379 <p class="caution">
    380 <strong>Note:</strong>
    381 <em>Packaged apps</em> are implemented as extensions,
    382 so unless otherwise stated,
    383 everything in this page applies to packaged apps.
    384 </p>
    386 <h2 id="what">The basics</h2>
    388 <p>
    389 An extension is a zipped bundle of filesHTML,
    390 CSS, JavaScript, images, and anything else you needthat
    391 adds functionality to the Google Chrome browser.
    392 Extensions are essentially web pages,
    393 and they can use all the
    394 <a href="api_other.html">APIs that the browser provides to web pages</a>,
    395 from XMLHttpRequest to JSON to HTML5.
    396 </p>
    398 <p>
    399 Extensions can interact with web pages or servers using
    400 <a href="content_scripts.html">content scripts</a> or
    401 <a href="xhr.html">cross-origin XMLHttpRequests</a>.
    402 Extensions can also interact programmatically
    403 with browser features such as
    404 <a href="bookmarks.html">bookmarks</a>
    405 and <a href="tabs.html">tabs</a>.
    406 </p>
    408 <h3 id="extension-ui">Extension UIs</h3>
    410 <p>
    411 Many extensionsbut not packaged appsadd
    412 UI to Google Chrome in the form of
    413 <a href="browserAction.html">browser actions</a>
    414 or <a href="pageAction.html">page actions</a>.
    415 Each extension can have at most one browser action or page action.
    416 Choose a <b>browser action</b> when the extension is relevant to most pages.
    417 Choose a <b>page action</b> when the extension's icon
    418 should appear or disappear,
    419 depending on the page.
    420 </p>
    422 <table class="columns">
    423 <tbody><tr>
    424   <td width="33%">
    425     <img src="images/overview/browser-action.png" width="147" height="100" alt="screenshot">
    426   </td>
    427   <td width="33%">
    428     <img src="images/overview/page-action.png" width="147" height="100" alt="screenshot">
    429   </td>
    430   <td>
    431     <img src="images/overview/browser-action-with-popup.png" width="147" height="100" alt="screenshot">
    432   </td>
    433 </tr>
    435 <tr>
    436   <td>
    437     This <a href="samples.html#gmail">mail extension</a>
    438     uses a <em>browser action</em>
    439     (icon in the toolbar).
    440   </td>
    441   <td>
    442     This <a href="samples.html#mappy">map extension</a>
    443     uses a <em>page action</em>
    444     (icon in the address bar)
    445     and <em>content script</em>
    446     (code injected into a web page).
    447   </td>
    448   <td>
    449     This <a href="samples.html#news">news extension</a>
    450     features a browser action that,
    451     when clicked,
    452     shows a <em>popup</em>.
    453   </td>
    454 </tr>
    455 </tbody></table>
    457 <p>
    458 Extensions (and packaged apps) can also present a UI in other ways,
    459 such as adding to the Chrome context menu,
    460 providing an options page,
    461 or using a content script that changes how pages look.
    462 See the <a href="devguide.html">Developer's Guide</a>
    463 for a complete list of extension features,
    464 with links to implementation details
    465 for each one.
    466 </p>
    469 <h3 id="packagedapp-ui">Packaged app UIs</h3>
    471 <p>
    472 A packaged app usually presents its main functionality using
    473 an HTML page that's bundled into the app.
    474 For example, the following packaged app
    475 displays a Flash file within an HTML page.
    476 </p>
    478 <img src="images/overview/flash-app.png" width="372" height="300" alt="screenshot">
    480 <p>
    481 For more information,
    482 see <a href="apps.html">Packaged Apps</a>.
    483 </p>
    485 <h2 id="files">Files</h2>
    486 <p>
    487 Each extension has the following files:
    488 <!-- PENDING: This could use a picture -->
    489 </p>
    491 <ul>
    492   <li>A <b>manifest file</b></li>
    493   <li>One or more <b>HTML files</b> (unless the extension is a theme)</li>
    494   <li><em>Optional:</em> One or more <b>JavaScript files</b></li>
    495   <li><em>Optional:</em> Any other files your extension needsfor
    496   example, image files</li>
    497 </ul>
    499 <p>
    500 While you're working on your extension,
    501 you put all these files into a single folder.
    502 When you distribute your extension,
    503 the contents of the folder are packaged into a special ZIP file
    504 that has a <code>.crx</code> suffix.
    505 If you upload your extension using the
    506 <a href="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/developer/dashboard">Chrome Developer Dashboard</a>,
    507 the <code>.crx</code> file is created for you.
    508 For details on distributing extensions,
    509 see <a href="hosting.html">Hosting</a>.
    510 </p>
    513 <h3 id="relative-urls">Referring to files</h3>
    515 <p>
    516 You can put any file you like into an extension,
    517 but how do you use it?
    518 Usually,
    519 you can refer to the file using a relative URL,
    520 just as you would in an ordinary HTML page.
    521 Here's an example of referring to
    522 a file named <code>myimage.png</code>
    523 that's in a subfolder named <code>images</code>.
    524 </p>
    526 <pre>&lt;img <b>src="images/myimage.png"</b>&gt;
    527 </pre>
    529 <p>
    530 As you might notice while you use the Google Chrome debugger,
    531 every file in an extension is also accessible by an absolute URL like this:
    532 </p>
    534 <blockquote>
    535 <b>chrome-extension://</b><em>&lt;extensionID&gt;</em><b>/</b><em>&lt;pathToFile&gt;</em>
    536 </blockquote>
    538 <p>
    539 In that URL, the <em>&lt;extensionID&gt;</em> is a unique identifier
    540 that the extension system generates for each extension.
    541 You can see the IDs for all your loaded extensions
    542 by going to the URL <b>chrome://extensions</b>.
    543 The <em>&lt;pathToFile&gt;</em> is the location of the file
    544 under the extension's top folder;
    545 it's the same as the relative URL.
    546 </p>
    548 <!-- [PENDING: Should mention/reflect/link to <a href="http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/extensions/i18n">internationalization</a> when it's ready.] -->
    551 <a name="H3-5"></a><h3>The manifest file</h3>
    553 <p>
    554 The manifest file, called <code>manifest.json</code>,
    555 gives information about the extension,
    556 such as the most important files
    557 and the capabilities that the extension might use.
    558 Here's a typical manifest file for a browser action
    559 that uses information from google.com:
    560 </p>
    562 <pre>{
    563   "name": "My Extension",
    564   "version": "2.1",
    565   "description": "Gets information from Google.",
    566   "icons": { "128": "icon_128.png" },
    567   "background_page": "bg.html",
    568   "permissions": ["http://*.google.com/", "https://*.google.com/"],
    569   "browser_action": {
    570     "default_title": "",
    571     "default_icon": "icon_19.png",
    572     "default_popup": "popup.html"
    573   }
    574 }</pre>
    576 <p>
    577 For details, see
    578 <a href="manifest.html">Manifest Files</a>.
    579 </p>
    581 <h2 id="arch">Architecture</h2>
    583 <p>
    584 Many extensions have a <em>background page</em>,
    585 an invisible page
    586 that holds the main logic of the extension.
    587 An extension can also contain other pages
    588 that present the extension's UI.
    589 If an extension needs to interact with web pages that the user loads
    590 (as opposed to pages that are included in the extension),
    591 then the extension must use a content script.
    592 </p>
    595 <h3 id="background_page">The background page</h3>
    597 <p>
    598 The following figure shows a browser
    599 that has at least two extensions installed:
    600 a browser action (yellow icon)
    601 and a page action (blue icon).
    602 Both the browser action and the page action
    603 have background pages defined by HTML files.
    604 This figure shows the browser action's background page,
    605 which is defined by <code>background.html</code>
    606 and has JavaScript code that controls
    607 the behavior of the browser action in both windows.
    608 </p>
    610 <img src="images/overview/arch-1.gif" width="232" height="168" alt="Two windows and a box representing a background page (background.html). One window has a yellow icon; the other has both a yellow icon and a blue icon. The yellow icons are connected to the background page.">
    612 <p>
    613 Although background pages can be useful,
    614 don't use one if you don't need it.
    615 Background pages are always open,
    616 so when a user installs many extensions that have background pages,
    617 Chrome's performance can suffer.
    618 </p>
    620 <!-- PENDING: Perhaps show a picture of many background page processes.
    621   This could build on a figure that shows the process architecture,
    622   and perhaps the differences between packaged apps and extensions. -->
    624 <p>
    625 Here are some examples of extensions that usually
    626 <b>do not need</b> a background page:
    627 </p>
    629 <ul>
    630   <li> An extension with a browser action that
    631     presents its UI solely through a popup
    632     (and perhaps an options page).
    633   </li>
    634   <li> 
    635     An extension that provides an <em>override page</em>a
    636     page that replaces a standard Chrome page.
    637   </li>
    638   <li>
    639     An extension with a content script
    640     that doesn't use cross-origin XMLHttpRequests or localStorage,
    641     and that doesn't need to use
    642     <a href="#apis">extension APIs</a>.
    643   </li>
    644   <li>
    645     An extension that has no UI except for an options page.
    646   </li>
    647 </ul>
    649 <p>
    650 See <a href="background_pages.html">Background Pages</a>
    651 for more details.
    652 </p>
    654 <h3 id="pages">UI pages</h3>
    656 <p>
    657 Extensions can contain ordinary HTML pages that display the extension's UI.
    658 For example, a browser action can have a popup,
    659 which is implemented by an HTML file.
    660 Any extension can have an options page,
    661 which lets users customize how the extension works.
    662 Another type of special page is the override page.
    663 And finally, you can
    664 use <a href="tabs.html#method-create">chrome.tabs.create()</a>
    665 or <code>window.open()</code>
    666 to display any other HTML files that are in the extension.
    667 </p>
    669 <p>
    670 The HTML pages inside an extension
    671 have complete access to each other's DOMs,
    672 and they can invoke functions on each other.
    673 </p>
    675 <!-- PENDING: Change the following example and figure
    676 to use something that's not a popup?
    677 (It might lead people to think that popups need background pages.) -->
    679 <p>
    680 The following figure shows the architecture
    681 of a browser action's popup.
    682 The popup's contents are a web page
    683 defined by an HTML file
    684 (<code>popup.html</code>).
    685 This extension also happens to have a background page
    686 (<code>background.html</code>).
    687 The popup doesn't need to duplicate code
    688 that's in the background page
    689 because the popup can invoke functions on the background page.
    690 </p>
    692 <img src="images/overview/arch-2.gif" width="256" height="168" alt="A browser window containing a browser action that's displaying a popup. The popup's HTML file (popup.html) can communicate with the extension's background page (background.html).">
    694 <p>
    695 See <a href="browserAction.html">Browser Actions</a>,
    696 <a href="options.html">Options</a>,
    697 <a href="override.html">Override Pages</a>,
    698 and the <a href="#pageComm">Communication between pages</a> section
    699 for more details.
    700 </p>
    703 <h3 id="contentScripts">Content scripts</h3>
    705 <p>
    706 If your extension needs to interact with web pages,
    707 then it needs a <em>content script</em>.
    708 A content script is some JavaScript
    709 that executes in the context of a page
    710 that's been loaded into the browser.
    711 Think of a content script as part of that loaded page,
    712 not as part of the extension it was packaged with
    713 (its <em>parent extension</em>).
    714 </p>
    716 <!-- [PENDING: Consider explaining that the reason content scripts are separated from the extension is due to chrome's multiprocess design.  Something like:
    718 Each extension runs in its own process.
    719 To have rich interaction with a web page, however,
    720 the extension must be able to
    721 run some code in the web page's process.
    722 Extensions accomplish this with content scripts.]
    723 -->
    725 <p>
    726 Content scripts can read details of the web pages the browser visits,
    727 and they can make changes to the pages.
    728 In the following figure,
    729 the content script
    730 can read and modify
    731 the DOM for the displayed web page.
    732 It cannot, however, modify the DOM of its parent extension's background page.
    733 </p>
    735 <img src="images/overview/arch-3.gif" width="238" height="169" alt="A browser window with a browser action (controlled by background.html) and a content script (controlled by contentscript.js).">
    737 <p>
    738 Content scripts aren't completely cut off from their parent extensions.
    739 A content script can exchange messages with its parent extension,
    740 as the arrows in the following figure show.
    741 For example, a content script might send a message
    742 whenever it finds an RSS feed in a browser page.
    743 Or a background page might send a message
    744 asking a content script to change the appearance of its browser page.
    745 </p>
    747 <img src="images/overview/arch-cs.gif" width="238" height="194" alt="Like the previous figure, but showing more of the parent extension's files, as well as a communication path between the content script and the parent extension.">
    749 <!-- [PENDING: Add overview of message passing.] -->
    751 <p>
    752 For more information,
    753 see <a href="content_scripts.html">Content Scripts</a>.
    754 </p>
    757 <h2 id="apis"> Using the chrome.* APIs </h2>
    759 <p>
    760 In addition to having access to all the APIs that web pages and apps can use,
    761 extensions can also use Chrome-only APIs
    762 (often called <em>chrome.* APIs</em>)
    763 that allow tight integration with the browser.
    764 For example, any extension or web app can use the
    765 standard <code>window.open()</code> method to open a URL.
    766 But if you want to specify which window that URL should be displayed in,
    767 your extension can use the Chrome-only 
    768 <a href="tabs.html#method-create">chrome.tabs.create()</a>
    769 method instead.
    770 </p>
    772 <h3 id="sync"> Asynchronous vs. synchronous methods </h3>
    773 <p>
    774 Most methods in the chrome.* APIs are <b>asynchronous</b>:
    775 they return immediately, without waiting for the operation to finish.
    776 If you need to know the outcome of that operation,
    777 then you pass a callback function into the method.
    778 That callback is executed later (potentially <em>much</em> later),
    779 sometime after the method returns.
    780 Here's an example of the signature for an asynchronous method:
    781 </p>
    783 <p>
    784 <code>
    785 chrome.tabs.create(object <em>createProperties</em>, function <em>callback</em>)
    786 </code>
    787 </p>
    789 <p>
    790 Other chrome.* methods are <b>synchronous</b>.
    791 Synchronous methods never have a callback
    792 because they don't return until they've completed all their work.
    793 Often, synchronous methods have a return type.
    794 Consider the
    795 <a href="extension.html#method-getBackgroundPage">chrome.extensions.getBackgroundPage()</a> method:
    796 </p>
    798 <p>
    799 <code>
    800 DOMWindow chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()
    801 </code>
    802 </p>
    804 <p>
    805 This method has no callback and a return type of <code>DOMWindow</code>
    806 because it synchronously returns the background page
    807 and performs no other, asynchronous work.
    808 </p>
    811 <h3 id="sync-example"> Example: Using a callback </h3>
    813 <p>
    814 Say you want to navigate
    815 the user's currently selected tab to a new URL.
    816 To do this, you need to get the current tab's ID
    817 (using <a href="tabs.html#method-getSelected">chrome.tabs.getSelected()</a>)
    818 and then make that tab go to the new URL
    819 (using <a href="tabs.html#method-update">chrome.tabs.update()</a>).
    820 </p>
    822 <p>
    823 If <code>getSelected()</code> were synchronous,
    824 you might write code like this:
    825 </p>
    827 <pre>   <b>//THIS CODE DOESN'T WORK</b>
    828 <span class="linenumber">1: </span>var tab = chrome.tabs.getSelected(null); <b>//WRONG!!!</b>
    829 <span class="linenumber">2: </span>chrome.tabs.update(tab.id, {url:newUrl});
    830 <span class="linenumber">3: </span>someOtherFunction();
    831 </pre>
    833 <p>
    834 That approach fails
    835 because <code>getSelected()</code> is asynchronous.
    836 It returns without waiting for its work to complete,
    837 and it doesn't even return a value
    838 (although some asynchronous methods do).
    839 You can tell that <code>getSelected()</code> is asynchronous
    840 by the <em>callback</em> parameter in its signature:
    842 </p><p>
    843 <code>
    844 chrome.tabs.getSelected(integer <em>windowId</em>, function <em>callback</em>)
    845 </code>
    846 </p>
    848 <p>
    849 To fix the preceding code,
    850 you must use that callback parameter.
    851 The following code shows
    852 how to define a callback function
    853 that gets the results from <code>getSelected()</code>
    854 (as a parameter named <code>tab</code>)
    855 and calls <code>update()</code>.
    856 </p>
    858 <pre>   <b>//THIS CODE WORKS</b>
    859 <span class="linenumber">1: </span>chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, <b>function(tab) {</b>
    860 <span class="linenumber">2: </span>  chrome.tabs.update(tab.id, {url:newUrl});
    861 <span class="linenumber">3: </span><b>}</b>);
    862 <span class="linenumber">4: </span>someOtherFunction();
    863 </pre>
    865 <p>
    866 In this example, the lines are executed in the following order: 1, 4, 2.
    867 The callback function specified to <code>getSelected</code> is called
    868 (and line 2 executed)
    869 only after information about the currently selected tab is available,
    870 which is sometime after <code>getSelected()</code> returns.
    871 Although <code>update()</code> is asynchronous,
    872 this example doesn't use its callback parameter,
    873 since we don't do anything about the results of the update.
    874 </p>
    877 <h3 id="chrome-more"> More details </h3>
    879 <p>
    880 For more information, see the
    881 <a href="api_index.html">chrome.* API docs</a>
    882 and watch this video:
    883 </p>
    885 <p>
    886 <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/bmxr75CV36A?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
    887 </p>
    889 <h2 id="pageComm">Communication between pages </h2>
    891 <p>
    892 The HTML pages within an extension often need to communicate.
    893 <!-- [PENDING: For example, ...] -->
    894 Because all of an extension's pages
    895 execute in same process on the same thread,
    896 the pages can make direct function calls to each other.
    897 </p>
    899 <p>
    900 To find pages in the extension, use
    901 <a href="extension.html"><code>chrome.extension</code></a>
    902 methods such as
    903 <code>getViews()</code> and
    904 <code>getBackgroundPage()</code>.
    905 Once a page has a reference to other pages within the extension,
    906 the first page can invoke functions on the other pages,
    907 and it can manipulate their DOMs.
    908 </p>
    910 <!-- [PENDING: Here's an example of communication between xyz and the background page.  (code example goes here)] -->
    913 <h2 id="incognito"> Saving data and incognito mode </h2>
    915 <p>
    916 Extensions can save data using
    917 the HTML5 <a href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/webstorage/">web storage API</a>
    918 (such as <code>localStorage</code>)
    919 or by making server requests that result in saving data.
    920 Whenever you want to save something,
    921 first consider whether it's
    922 from a window that's in incognito mode.
    923 By default, extensions don't run in incognito windows,
    924 and packaged apps <em>do</em>.
    925 You need to consider what a user expects
    926 from your extension or packaged app
    927 when the browser is incognito.
    928 </p>
    930 <p>
    931 <em>Incognito mode</em> promises that the window will leave no tracks.
    932 When dealing with data from incognito windows,
    933 do your best to honor this promise.
    934 For example, if your extension normally
    935 saves browsing history to the cloud,
    936 don't save history from incognito windows.
    937 On the other hand, you can store
    938 your extension's settings from any window,
    939 incognito or not.
    940 </p>
    942 <p class="note">
    943 <b>Rule of thumb:</b>
    944 If a piece of data might show where a user
    945 has been on the web or what the user has done,
    946 don't store it if it's from an incognito window.
    947 </p>
    949 <p>
    950 To detect whether a window is in incognito mode,
    951 check the <code>incognito</code> property of the relevant
    952 <a href="tabs.html#type-Tab">Tab</a> or
    953 <a href="windows.html#type-Window">Window</a> object.
    954 For example:
    955 </p>
    957 <pre>var bgPage = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();
    959 function saveTabData(tab, data) {
    960   if (tab.incognito) {
    961     bgPage[tab.url] = data;       // Persist data ONLY in memory
    962   } else {
    963     localStorage[tab.url] = data; // OK to store data
    964 }
    965 </pre>
    968 <h2 id="now-what"> Now what? </h2>
    970 <p>
    971 Now that you've been introduced to extensions,
    972 you should be ready to write your own.
    973 Here are some ideas for where to go next:
    974 </p>
    976 <ul>
    977   <li> <a href="getstarted.html">Tutorial: Getting Started</a> </li>
    978   <li> <a href="tut_debugging.html">Tutorial: Debugging</a> </li>
    979   <li> <a href="devguide.html">Developer's Guide</a> </li>
    980   <li> <a href="http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/extensions/samples">Samples</a> </li>
    981   <li> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=CA101D6A85FE9D4B">Videos</a>,
    982     such as
    983     <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4M_a7xejYI&feature=PlayList&p=CA101D6A85FE9D4B&index=6">Extension Message Passing</a>
    984     </li>
    985 </ul>
    986 </div>
    988         <!-- API PAGE -->
    989         <div class="apiPage" style="display: none; ">
    990         <a name="apiReference"></a>
    991         <h2>API reference: chrome.apiname </h2>
    993           <!-- PROPERTIES -->
    994           <div class="apiGroup">
    995             <a name="properties"></a>
    996             <h3 id="properties">Properties</h3>
    998             <div>
    999               <a></a>
   1000               <h4>getLastError</h4>
   1001               <div class="summary">
   1002                 <!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns -->
   1003                 <span>chrome.extension</span><span>lastError</span>
   1004               </div>
   1005               <div>
   1006               </div>
   1007             </div>
   1009           </div> <!-- /apiGroup -->
   1011           <!-- METHODS -->
   1012           <div id="methodsTemplate" class="apiGroup">
   1013             <a></a>
   1014             <h3>Methods</h3>
   1016             <!-- iterates over all functions -->
   1017             <div class="apiItem">
   1018               <a></a> <!-- method-anchor -->
   1019               <h4>method name</h4>
   1021               <div class="summary"><span>void</span>
   1022                   <!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns -->
   1023                   <span>chrome.module.methodName</span>(<span><span>, </span><span></span>
   1024                       <var><span></span></var></span>)</div>
   1026               <div class="description">
   1027                 <p class="todo">Undocumented.</p>
   1028                 <p>
   1029                   A description from the json schema def of the function goes here.
   1030                 </p>
   1032                 <!-- PARAMETERS -->
   1033                 <h4>Parameters</h4>
   1034                 <dl>
   1035                   <div>
   1036                     <div>
   1037                     </div>
   1038                   </div>
   1039                 </dl>
   1041                 <!-- RETURNS -->
   1042                 <h4>Returns</h4>
   1043                 <dl>
   1044                   <div>
   1045                     <div>
   1046                     </div>
   1047                   </div>
   1048                 </dl>
   1050                 <!-- CALLBACK -->
   1051                 <div>
   1052                   <div>
   1053                   <h4>Callback function</h4>
   1054                   <p>
   1055                     The callback <em>parameter</em> should specify a function
   1056                     that looks like this:
   1057                   </p>
   1058                   <p>
   1059                     If you specify the <em>callback</em> parameter, it should
   1060                     specify a function that looks like this:
   1061                   </p>
   1063                   <!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns -->
   1064                   <pre>function(<span>Type param1, Type param2</span>) <span class="subdued">{...}</span>;</pre>
   1065                   <dl>
   1066                     <div>
   1067                       <div>
   1068                       </div>
   1069                     </div>
   1070                   </dl>
   1071                   </div>
   1072                 </div>
   1074                 <!-- MIN_VERSION -->
   1075                 <p>
   1076                   This function was added in version <b><span></span></b>.
   1077                   If you require this function, the manifest key
   1078                   <a href="manifest.html#minimum_chrome_version">minimum_chrome_version</a>
   1079                   can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
   1080                 </p>
   1081               </div> <!-- /description -->
   1083             </div>  <!-- /apiItem -->
   1085           </div>  <!-- /apiGroup -->
   1087           <!-- EVENTS -->
   1088           <div id="eventsTemplate" class="apiGroup">
   1089             <a></a>
   1090             <h3>Events</h3>
   1091             <!-- iterates over all events -->
   1092             <div class="apiItem">
   1093               <a></a>
   1094               <h4>event name</h4>
   1096               <div class="summary">
   1097                 <!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns -->
   1098                 <span class="subdued">chrome.bookmarks</span><span>onEvent</span><span class="subdued">.addListener</span>(function(<span>Type param1, Type param2</span>) <span class="subdued">{...}</span>);
   1099               </div>
   1101               <div class="description">
   1102                 <p class="todo">Undocumented.</p>
   1103                 <p>
   1104                   A description from the json schema def of the event goes here.
   1105                 </p>
   1107                 <!-- PARAMETERS -->
   1108                 <div>
   1109                   <h4>Parameters</h4>
   1110                   <dl>
   1111                     <div>
   1112                       <div>
   1113                       </div>
   1114                     </div>
   1115                   </dl>
   1116                 </div>
   1117               </div> <!-- /decription -->
   1119             </div> <!-- /apiItem -->
   1121           </div> <!-- /apiGroup -->
   1123           <!-- TYPES -->
   1124           <div class="apiGroup">
   1125             <a name="types"></a>
   1126             <h3 id="types">Types</h3>
   1128             <!-- iterates over all types -->
   1129             <div class="apiItem">
   1130               <a></a>
   1131               <h4>type name</h4>
   1133               <div>
   1134               </div>
   1136             </div> <!-- /apiItem -->
   1138           </div> <!-- /apiGroup -->
   1140         </div> <!-- /apiPage -->
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