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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      7 #pragma once
      9 #include <string>
     11 #include "net/url_request/url_request.h"
     12 #include "net/url_request/url_request_job.h"
     14 namespace net {
     16 // This job type is designed to help with simple unit tests. To use, you
     17 // probably want to inherit from it to set up the state you want. Then install
     18 // it as the protocol handler for the "test" scheme.
     19 //
     20 // It will respond to three URLs, which you can retrieve using the test_url*
     21 // getters, which will in turn respond with the corresponding responses returned
     22 // by test_data*. Any other URLs that begin with "test:" will return an error,
     23 // which might also be useful, you can use test_url_error() to retreive a
     24 // standard one.
     25 //
     26 // You can override the known URLs or the response data by overriding Start().
     27 //
     28 // Optionally, you can also construct test jobs to return a headers and data
     29 // provided to the contstructor in response to any request url.
     30 //
     31 // When a job is created, it gets put on a queue of pending test jobs. To
     32 // process jobs on this queue, use ProcessOnePendingMessage, which will process
     33 // one step of the next job. If the job is incomplete, it will be added to the
     34 // end of the queue.
     35 //
     36 // Optionally, you can also construct test jobs that advance automatically
     37 // without having to call ProcessOnePendingMessage.
     38 class URLRequestTestJob : public URLRequestJob {
     39  public:
     40   // Constructs a job to return one of the canned responses depending on the
     41   // request url, with auto advance disabled.
     42   explicit URLRequestTestJob(URLRequest* request);
     44   // Constructs a job to return one of the canned responses depending on the
     45   // request url, optionally with auto advance enabled.
     46   explicit URLRequestTestJob(URLRequest* request, bool auto_advance);
     48   // Constructs a job to return the given response regardless of the request
     49   // url. The headers should include the HTTP status line and be formatted as
     50   // expected by HttpResponseHeaders.
     51   explicit URLRequestTestJob(URLRequest* request,
     52                              const std::string& response_headers,
     53                              const std::string& response_data,
     54                              bool auto_advance);
     56   // The three canned URLs this handler will respond to without having been
     57   // explicitly initialized with response headers and data.
     58   // FIXME(brettw): we should probably also have a redirect one
     59   static GURL test_url_1();
     60   static GURL test_url_2();
     61   static GURL test_url_3();
     62   static GURL test_url_error();
     64   // The data that corresponds to each of the URLs above
     65   static std::string test_data_1();
     66   static std::string test_data_2();
     67   static std::string test_data_3();
     69   // The headers that correspond to each of the URLs above
     70   static std::string test_headers();
     72   // The headers for a redirect response
     73   static std::string test_redirect_headers();
     75   // The headers for a server error response
     76   static std::string test_error_headers();
     78   // Processes one pending message from the stack, returning true if any
     79   // message was processed, or false if there are no more pending request
     80   // notifications to send. This is not applicable when using auto_advance.
     81   static bool ProcessOnePendingMessage();
     83   // With auto advance enabled, the job will advance thru the stages without
     84   // the caller having to call ProcessOnePendingMessage. Auto advance depends
     85   // on having a message loop running. The default is to not auto advance.
     86   // Should not be altered after the job has started.
     87   bool auto_advance() { return auto_advance_; }
     88   void set_auto_advance(bool auto_advance) { auto_advance_ = auto_advance; }
     90   // Factory method for protocol factory registration if callers don't subclass
     91   static URLRequest::ProtocolFactory Factory;
     93   // Job functions
     94   virtual void Start();
     95   virtual bool ReadRawData(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_size, int *bytes_read);
     96   virtual void Kill();
     97   virtual bool GetMimeType(std::string* mime_type) const;
     98   virtual void GetResponseInfo(HttpResponseInfo* info);
     99   virtual int GetResponseCode() const;
    100   virtual bool IsRedirectResponse(GURL* location, int* http_status_code);
    102  protected:
    103   // This is what operation we are going to do next when this job is handled.
    104   // When the stage is DONE, this job will not be put on the queue.
    105   enum Stage { WAITING, DATA_AVAILABLE, ALL_DATA, DONE };
    107   virtual ~URLRequestTestJob();
    109   // Call to process the next opeation, usually sending a notification, and
    110   // advancing the stage if necessary. THIS MAY DELETE THE OBJECT.
    111   void ProcessNextOperation();
    113   // Call to move the job along to the next operation.
    114   void AdvanceJob();
    116   // Called via InvokeLater to cause callbacks to occur after Start() returns.
    117   virtual void StartAsync();
    119   bool auto_advance_;
    121   Stage stage_;
    123   // The headers the job should return, will be set in Start() if not provided
    124   // in the explicit ctor.
    125   scoped_refptr<HttpResponseHeaders> response_headers_;
    127   // The data to send, will be set in Start() if not provided in the explicit
    128   // ctor.
    129   std::string response_data_;
    131   // current offset within response_data_
    132   int offset_;
    134   // Holds the buffer for an asynchronous ReadRawData call
    135   IOBuffer* async_buf_;
    136   int async_buf_size_;
    137 };
    139 }  // namespace net