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      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html i18n-values="dir:textdirection">
      3 <head>
      4   <meta charset="utf-8">
      5   <title i18n-content="title"></title>
      6   <style type="text/css">
      8   html {
      9     background-color: rgb(92, 0, 0);
     10     background-image: url(roadblock_background.png);
     11     background-repeat: repeat-x;
     12     height: 100%;
     13   }
     15   html[dir='rtl'] #twisty-closed {
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     19   body {
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     21     margin: 0;
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     39   .icon {
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     43   .main {
     44     margin: 1em 80px;
     45   }
     47   .more {
     48     border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
     49     margin: 0 80px;
     50     padding-top: 6px;
     51   }
     53   .more-info-title {
     54     margin-left: 5px;
     55     margin-right: 5px;
     56   }
     58   .more-link {
     59     color: #0000FF;
     60     cursor: pointer;
     61     text-decoration: underline;
     62   }
     64   .test-image {
     65     float: right;
     66     height: 140px;
     67     padding-left: 30px;
     68     padding-right: 30px;
     69     width: 140px;
     70   }
     72   html[dir='rtl'] .test-image {
     73     float: left;
     74   }
     76   .title {
     77     color: #660000;
     78     font-size: 18pt;
     79     font-weight: bold;
     80     line-height: 140%;
     81     margin: 0 77px 6pt;
     82   }
     84   .twisty {
     85     display: inline;
     86   }
     87   </style>
     88   <script src="../../../../ui/webui/resources/js/assert.js"></script>
     89   <script>
     90     // Should match SSLBlockingPageCommands in ssl_blocking_page.cc.
     91     var CMD_DONT_PROCEED = 0;
     92     var CMD_PROCEED = 1;
     93     var CMD_FOCUS = 2;
     94     var CMD_MORE = 3;
     96     var showedMore = false;
     97     var keyPressState = 0;
     98     var gainFocus = false;
     99     var setupExperiment = false;
    101     function $(o) {
    102       return document.getElementById(o);
    103     }
    105     function sendCommand(cmd) {
    106       window.domAutomationController.setAutomationId(1);
    107       window.domAutomationController.send(cmd);
    108     }
    110     function toggleMoreInfo(collapse) {
    111       $('more-info-long').hidden = collapse;
    112       $('more-info-short').hidden = !collapse;
    113       if (!collapse && !showedMore) {
    114         sendCommand(CMD_MORE);
    115         showedMore = true;
    116       }
    117     }
    119     // This allows errors to be skippped by typing "proceed" into the page.
    120     function keyPressHandler(e) {
    121       var sequence = 'proceed';
    122       if (sequence.charCodeAt(keyPressState) == e.keyCode) {
    123         keyPressState++;
    124         if (keyPressState == sequence.length) {
    125           sendCommand(CMD_PROCEED);
    126           keyPressState = 0;
    127         }
    128       } else {
    129         keyPressState = 0;
    130       }
    131     }
    133     // Supports UMA timing, which starts after the warning is first viewed.
    134     function handleFocusEvent() {
    135       if (gainFocus == false) {
    136         sendCommand(CMD_FOCUS);
    137         gainFocus = true;
    138       }
    139     }
    141     // UI modifications and event listeners that take place after load.
    142     function setupEvents() {
    143       if (templateData.errorType == "overridable") {
    144         // This is the blocking page you can click through.
    145         $('proceed-button').hidden = false;
    146         $('proceed-button').addEventListener('click', function() {
    147           sendCommand(CMD_PROCEED);
    148         });
    149       } else {
    150         document.addEventListener('keypress', keyPressHandler);
    151       }
    153       if ($('more-info-title').textContent == '') {
    154         // Malware warning currently doesn't have more info.
    155         $('more-info-short').hidden = true;
    156         $('more-info-long').hidden = true;
    157         $('twisty-closed').style.display = 'none';
    158       } else {
    159         $('more-info-short').addEventListener('click', function() {
    160           toggleMoreInfo(false);
    161         });
    162         $('more-info-long').addEventListener('click', function() {
    163           toggleMoreInfo(true);
    164         });
    165       }
    167       $('exit-button').addEventListener('click', function() {
    168         sendCommand(CMD_DONT_PROCEED);
    169       });
    171       document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) {
    172         e.preventDefault();
    173       });
    174     }
    176     function setupIconExperiments() {
    177       if (templateData.trialType == '') return;
    178       assert(!setupExperiment);
    179       setupExperiment = true;
    180       var condition = templateData.trialType.split('SSL')[1].toLowerCase();
    181       if (/policeman|stoplight|badguy/.test(condition)) {
    182         $('trial-' + condition).hidden = false;
    183         $('more-info-short').style.webkitMarginEnd = '30px';
    184         $('more-info-long').style.webkitMarginEnd = '30px';
    185       }
    186     }
    188     window.addEventListener('focus', handleFocusEvent);
    189     document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', setupEvents);
    190     document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', setupIconExperiments);
    191   </script>
    192 </head>
    193 <body>
    194   <div class="box">
    195     <div class="icon">
    196       <img src="roadblock_icon.png" alt="SSL Error Icon" id="roadblock-icon">
    197     </div>
    198     <div class="title" i18n-content="headLine"></div>
    200     <!-- RHS images for the field trial. -->
    201     <div id="trial-badguy" class="test-image" hidden>
    202       <img src="badguy.png" alt="Bad guy">
    203     </div>
    204     <div id="trial-policeman" class="test-image" hidden>
    205       <img src="policeman.png" alt="Policeman">
    206     </div>
    207     <div id="trial-stoplight" class="test-image" hidden>
    208       <img src="stoplight.png" alt="Stoplight">
    209     </div>
    211     <div class="main" i18n-values=".innerHTML:description;dir:textdirection"></div>
    212     <div class="main" i18n-values=".innerHTML:reasonForNotProceeding"></div>
    213     <div class="main">
    214       <button i18n-content="proceed" id="proceed-button" hidden></button>
    215       <button i18n-content="exit" id="exit-button"></button>
    216     </div>
    217     <div class="more" id="more-info-short">
    218       <span class="more-link">
    219         <img id="twisty-closed" class="twisty" src="twisty_closed.png"
    220             border="0"><span i18n-content="moreInfoTitle" id="more-info-title"
    221             class="show-more-info-title"></span>
    222       </span>
    223     </div>
    224     <div class="more" id="more-info-long" hidden>
    225       <span class="more-link">
    226         <img class="twisty" src="twisty_open.png" border="0"><span
    227             i18n-content="moreInfoTitle" class="more-info-title"></span>
    228       </span>
    229       <p i18n-values=".innerHTML:moreInfo1"></p>
    230       <p i18n-values=".innerHTML:moreInfo2"></p>
    231       <p i18n-values=".innerHTML:moreInfo3"></p>
    232       <p i18n-values=".innerHTML:moreInfo4"></p>
    233       <p i18n-values=".innerHTML:moreInfo5"></p>
    234     </div>
    235   </div>
    236 </table>
    237 </body>
    238 </html>