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      1 <h1>Packaged Apps</h1>
      4 <p class="warning">
      5 <b>Warning: </b>
      6 All content in this doc refers to the legacy version of packaged apps.
      7 Your legacy packaged apps will still work,
      8 but you won't have access to any of the new APIs.
      9 Check out the new version of
     10 <a href="../apps/about_apps.html">packaged apps</a>;
     11 otherwise, you're missing out!
     12 </p>
     14 <p>
     15 This page talks about packaged apps&mdash;how
     16 you implement them,
     17 and how they're different from
     18 extensions and ordinary web apps.
     19 </p>
     21 <h2 id="overview">Overview</h2>
     23 <p>
     24 A packaged app is a web app
     25 that's bundled into a <code>.crx</code> file
     26 and can use Chrome extension features.
     27 You build a packaged app just like you build an extension,
     28 except that a packaged app can't include a
     29 <a href="browserAction.html">browser action</a> or
     30 <a href="pageAction.html">page action</a>.
     31 Instead, a packaged app includes at least one HTML file
     32 within its <code>.crx</code> file
     33 that provides the app's user interface.
     34 </p>
     36 <p>
     37 Packaged apps are a type of
     38 <a href="http://code.google.com/chrome/apps/">installable web app</a>&mdash;a
     39 web app that can be installed in Chrome.
     40 The other type of installable web app is a
     41 <a href="http://code.google.com/chrome/apps/docs/developers_guide.html">hosted app</a>,
     42 which is an ordinary web app with a bit of additional metadata.
     43 </p>
     45 <p>
     46 If you're developing a web app for the Chrome Web Store,
     47 you might want to use a packaged app
     48 instead of a hosted app if any of the following are true:
     49 </p>
     51 <ul>
     52   <li>
     53     You don't want to run a service to host your app.
     54   </li>
     55   <li>
     56     You want to build an app that works really well offline.
     57   </li>
     58   <li>
     59     You want tighter integration with Chrome,
     60     using the extension APIs.
     61   </li>
     62 </ul>
     64 <p>
     65 To learn more about
     66 the differences between web apps and websites,
     67 extensions and packaged apps, and packaged apps and hosted apps,
     68 read these:
     69 </p>
     71 <ul>
     72   <li> <a href="http://code.google.com/chrome/webstore/docs/choosing.html">Choosing an App Type</a> </li>
     73   <li> <a href="http://code.google.com/chrome/apps/articles/thinking_in_web_apps.html">Thinking in Web Apps</a> </li>
     74   <li> <a href="http://code.google.com/chrome/webstore/articles/apps_vs_extensions.html">Extensions, Packaged Apps, and Hosted Apps in the Chrome Web Store</a> </li>
     75 </ul>
     78 <h2 id="manifest"> The manifest </h2>
     80 <p>
     81 A packaged app's manifest can have any field
     82 that's available to extensions,
     83 except for "browser_action" and "page_action".
     84 In addition, a packaged app's manifest <b>must</b>
     85 have an "app" field.
     86 Here is a typical manifest for a packaged app:
     87 </p>
     89 <pre>
     90 {
     91   "name": "My Awesome Racing Game",
     92   "description": "Enter a world where a Vanagon can beat a Maserati",
     93   "version": "1",
     94   <b>"app": {
     95     "launch": {
     96       "local_path": "main.html"
     97     }
     98   },</b>
     99   "icons": {
    100     "16": "icon_16.png",
    101     "128": "icon_128.png"
    102   }
    103 }
    104 </pre>
    106 <p>
    107 The "app" field has one subfield, "launch",
    108 which specifies the <em>launch page</em> for the app&mdash;the
    109 page (HTML file bundled into the <code>.crx</code> file)
    110 that the browser goes to when the user clicks the app's icon
    111 in the New Tab page.
    112 The "launch" field can contain the following:
    113 </p>
    115 <dl>
    116   <dt>local_path:</dt>
    117     <dd><em>Required.</em>
    118     Specifies the launch page
    119     as a relative path referring to a file
    120     in the <code>.crx</code> package.
    121     </dd>
    122   <dt>container:</dt>
    123     <dd> The value "panel" makes the app appear
    124     in an app panel.
    125     By default, or when you specify "tab",
    126     the app appears in a tab.
    128     <!-- PENDING: In the overview
    129     (or somewhere else before here)
    130     we should show and define both app panels and tabs.
    131     We should link to that place from here. -->
    132     </dd>
    133   <dt>height:</dt>
    134     <dd>
    135     If the container is set to "panel",
    136     this integer specifies the height
    137     of the panel in pixels.
    138     For example, you might specify
    139     <code>"height":400</code>.
    140     Note that you don't use quotation marks in the value.
    141     This field specifies the height of the area
    142     to display contents in;
    143     window decorations add a few more pixels to the total height.
    144     If the container isn't a panel, this field is ignored.
    145     </dd>
    146   <dt>width:</dt>
    147     <dd>
    148     Similar to "height",
    149     but specifies the width of the panel.
    150     </dd>
    151   </dd>
    152 </dl>
    154 <p>
    155 Packaged apps usually provide a 16x16 icon
    156 to be used as the favicon for
    157 tabs that contain app's pages.
    158 They also should provide a 128x128 icon,
    159 but not a 48x48 icon.
    160 See the manifest documentation for the
    161 <a href="manifest/icons.html">"icons" field</a>
    162 for more information.
    163 </p>
    165 <p>
    166 For further details on what a packaged app's manifest can contain, see the
    167 <a href="manifest.html">manifest documentation</a>.
    168 </p>
    170 <h2 id="next">What next?</h2>
    172 <p>
    173 Read the <a href="overview.html">Overview</a> to learn
    174 basic concepts about extensions.
    175 </p>
    177 <p class="backtotop"><a href="#top">Back to top</a></p>