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      1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chromeos/network/network_device_handler.h"
      7 #include "base/bind.h"
      8 #include "base/values.h"
      9 #include "chromeos/dbus/dbus_thread_manager.h"
     10 #include "chromeos/dbus/shill_device_client.h"
     11 #include "chromeos/dbus/shill_ipconfig_client.h"
     12 #include "chromeos/network/device_state.h"
     13 #include "chromeos/network/network_event_log.h"
     14 #include "dbus/object_path.h"
     15 #include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/service_constants.h"
     17 namespace chromeos {
     19 namespace {
     21 const char kDevicePath[] = "devicePath";
     23 // TODO(armansito): Add bindings for these to service_constants.h
     24 // (crbug.com/256889)
     25 const char kShillErrorFailure[] = "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.Failure";
     26 const char kShillErrorNotSupported[] =
     27     "org.chromium.flimflam.Error.NotSupported";
     29 std::string GetErrorNameForShillError(const std::string& shill_error_name) {
     30   // TODO(armansito): Use the new SIM error names once the ones below get
     31   // deprecated (crbug.com/256855)
     32   if (shill_error_name == kShillErrorFailure)
     33     return NetworkDeviceHandler::kErrorFailure;
     34   if (shill_error_name == kShillErrorNotSupported)
     35     return NetworkDeviceHandler::kErrorNotSupported;
     36   if (shill_error_name == flimflam::kErrorIncorrectPinMsg)
     37     return NetworkDeviceHandler::kErrorIncorrectPin;
     38   if (shill_error_name == flimflam::kErrorPinBlockedMsg)
     39     return NetworkDeviceHandler::kErrorPinBlocked;
     40   if (shill_error_name == flimflam::kErrorPinRequiredMsg)
     41     return NetworkDeviceHandler::kErrorPinRequired;
     42   return NetworkDeviceHandler::kErrorUnknown;
     43 }
     45 void HandleShillCallFailure(
     46     const std::string& device_path,
     47     const network_handler::ErrorCallback& error_callback,
     48     const std::string& shill_error_name,
     49     const std::string& shill_error_message) {
     50   network_handler::ShillErrorCallbackFunction(
     51       GetErrorNameForShillError(shill_error_name),
     52       device_path,
     53       error_callback,
     54       shill_error_name,
     55       shill_error_message);
     56 }
     58 void IPConfigRefreshCallback(const std::string& ipconfig_path,
     59                              DBusMethodCallStatus call_status) {
     60   if (call_status != DBUS_METHOD_CALL_SUCCESS) {
     61     NET_LOG_ERROR(
     62         base::StringPrintf("IPConfigs.Refresh Failed: %d", call_status),
     63         ipconfig_path);
     64   } else {
     65     NET_LOG_EVENT("IPConfigs.Refresh Succeeded", ipconfig_path);
     66   }
     67 }
     69 void RefreshIPConfigsCallback(
     70     const base::Closure& callback,
     71     const network_handler::ErrorCallback& error_callback,
     72     const std::string& device_path,
     73     const base::DictionaryValue& properties) {
     74   const ListValue* ip_configs;
     75   if (!properties.GetListWithoutPathExpansion(
     76           flimflam::kIPConfigsProperty, &ip_configs)) {
     77     NET_LOG_ERROR("RequestRefreshIPConfigs Failed", device_path);
     78     network_handler::ShillErrorCallbackFunction(
     79         "RequestRefreshIPConfigs Failed",
     80         device_path,
     81         error_callback,
     82         std::string("Missing ") + flimflam::kIPConfigsProperty, "");
     83     return;
     84   }
     86   for (size_t i = 0; i < ip_configs->GetSize(); i++) {
     87     std::string ipconfig_path;
     88     if (!ip_configs->GetString(i, &ipconfig_path))
     89       continue;
     90     DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetShillIPConfigClient()->Refresh(
     91         dbus::ObjectPath(ipconfig_path),
     92         base::Bind(&IPConfigRefreshCallback, ipconfig_path));
     93   }
     94   // It is safe to invoke |callback| here instead of waiting for the
     95   // IPConfig.Refresh callbacks to complete because the Refresh DBus calls will
     96   // be executed in order and thus before any further DBus requests that
     97   // |callback| may issue.
     98   if (!callback.is_null())
     99     callback.Run();
    100 }
    102 void ProposeScanCallback(
    103     const std::string& device_path,
    104     const base::Closure& callback,
    105     const network_handler::ErrorCallback& error_callback,
    106     DBusMethodCallStatus call_status) {
    107   if (call_status != DBUS_METHOD_CALL_SUCCESS) {
    108     NET_LOG_ERROR(
    109         base::StringPrintf("Device.ProposeScan failed: %d", call_status),
    110         device_path);
    111     network_handler::ShillErrorCallbackFunction(
    112         "Device.ProposeScan Failed",
    113         device_path,
    114         error_callback,
    115         base::StringPrintf("DBus call failed: %d", call_status), "");
    116     return;
    117   }
    118   NET_LOG_EVENT("Device.ProposeScan succeeded.", device_path);
    119   if (!callback.is_null())
    120     callback.Run();
    121 }
    123 }  // namespace
    125 const char NetworkDeviceHandler::kErrorFailure[] = "failure";
    126 const char NetworkDeviceHandler::kErrorIncorrectPin[] = "incorrect-pin";
    127 const char NetworkDeviceHandler::kErrorNotSupported[] = "not-supported";
    128 const char NetworkDeviceHandler::kErrorPinBlocked[] = "pin-blocked";
    129 const char NetworkDeviceHandler::kErrorPinRequired[] = "pin-required";
    130 const char NetworkDeviceHandler::kErrorUnknown[] = "unknown";
    132 NetworkDeviceHandler::NetworkDeviceHandler() {
    133 }
    135 NetworkDeviceHandler::~NetworkDeviceHandler() {
    136 }
    138 void NetworkDeviceHandler::GetDeviceProperties(
    139     const std::string& device_path,
    140     const network_handler::DictionaryResultCallback& callback,
    141     const network_handler::ErrorCallback& error_callback) const {
    142   DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetShillDeviceClient()->GetProperties(
    143       dbus::ObjectPath(device_path),
    144       base::Bind(&network_handler::GetPropertiesCallback,
    145                  callback, error_callback, device_path));
    146 }
    148 void NetworkDeviceHandler::SetDeviceProperty(
    149     const std::string& device_path,
    150     const std::string& name,
    151     const base::Value& value,
    152     const base::Closure& callback,
    153     const network_handler::ErrorCallback& error_callback) {
    154   DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetShillDeviceClient()->SetProperty(
    155       dbus::ObjectPath(device_path),
    156       name,
    157       value,
    158       callback,
    159       base::Bind(&HandleShillCallFailure, device_path, error_callback));
    160 }
    162 void NetworkDeviceHandler::RequestRefreshIPConfigs(
    163     const std::string& device_path,
    164     const base::Closure& callback,
    165     const network_handler::ErrorCallback& error_callback) {
    166   GetDeviceProperties(device_path,
    167                       base::Bind(&RefreshIPConfigsCallback,
    168                                  callback, error_callback),
    169                       error_callback);
    170 }
    172 void NetworkDeviceHandler::ProposeScan(
    173     const std::string& device_path,
    174     const base::Closure& callback,
    175     const network_handler::ErrorCallback& error_callback) {
    176   DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetShillDeviceClient()->ProposeScan(
    177       dbus::ObjectPath(device_path),
    178       base::Bind(&ProposeScanCallback, device_path, callback, error_callback));
    179 }
    181 void NetworkDeviceHandler::RegisterCellularNetwork(
    182     const std::string& device_path,
    183     const std::string& network_id,
    184     const base::Closure& callback,
    185     const network_handler::ErrorCallback& error_callback) {
    186   DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetShillDeviceClient()->Register(
    187       dbus::ObjectPath(device_path),
    188       network_id,
    189       callback,
    190       base::Bind(&HandleShillCallFailure, device_path, error_callback));
    191 }
    193 void NetworkDeviceHandler::SetCarrier(
    194     const std::string& device_path,
    195     const std::string& carrier,
    196     const base::Closure& callback,
    197     const network_handler::ErrorCallback& error_callback) {
    198   DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetShillDeviceClient()->SetCarrier(
    199       dbus::ObjectPath(device_path),
    200       carrier,
    201       callback,
    202       base::Bind(&HandleShillCallFailure, device_path, error_callback));
    203 }
    205 void NetworkDeviceHandler::RequirePin(
    206     const std::string& device_path,
    207     bool require_pin,
    208     const std::string& pin,
    209     const base::Closure& callback,
    210     const network_handler::ErrorCallback& error_callback) {
    211   DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetShillDeviceClient()->RequirePin(
    212       dbus::ObjectPath(device_path),
    213       pin,
    214       require_pin,
    215       callback,
    216       base::Bind(&HandleShillCallFailure, device_path, error_callback));
    217 }
    219 void NetworkDeviceHandler::EnterPin(
    220     const std::string& device_path,
    221     const std::string& pin,
    222     const base::Closure& callback,
    223     const network_handler::ErrorCallback& error_callback) {
    224   DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetShillDeviceClient()->EnterPin(
    225       dbus::ObjectPath(device_path),
    226       pin,
    227       callback,
    228       base::Bind(&HandleShillCallFailure, device_path, error_callback));
    229 }
    231 void NetworkDeviceHandler::UnblockPin(
    232     const std::string& device_path,
    233     const std::string& puk,
    234     const std::string& new_pin,
    235     const base::Closure& callback,
    236     const network_handler::ErrorCallback& error_callback) {
    237   DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetShillDeviceClient()->UnblockPin(
    238       dbus::ObjectPath(device_path),
    239       puk,
    240       new_pin,
    241       callback,
    242       base::Bind(&HandleShillCallFailure, device_path, error_callback));
    243 }
    245 void NetworkDeviceHandler::ChangePin(
    246     const std::string& device_path,
    247     const std::string& old_pin,
    248     const std::string& new_pin,
    249     const base::Closure& callback,
    250     const network_handler::ErrorCallback& error_callback) {
    251   DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetShillDeviceClient()->ChangePin(
    252       dbus::ObjectPath(device_path),
    253       old_pin,
    254       new_pin,
    255       callback,
    256       base::Bind(&HandleShillCallFailure, device_path, error_callback));
    257 }
    259 void NetworkDeviceHandler::HandleShillCallFailureForTest(
    260     const std::string& device_path,
    261     const network_handler::ErrorCallback& error_callback,
    262     const std::string& shill_error_name,
    263     const std::string& shill_error_message) {
    264   HandleShillCallFailure(
    265       device_path, error_callback, shill_error_name, shill_error_message);
    266 }
    268 }  // namespace chromeos