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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 #include <queue>
      9 #include <set>
     10 #include <string>
     11 #include <vector>
     13 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     14 #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
     15 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
     16 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
     17 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
     18 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
     19 #include "base/time/time.h"
     20 #include "content/common/content_export.h"
     21 #include "content/public/browser/download_item.h"
     22 #include "content/public/browser/download_manager_delegate.h"
     23 #include "content/public/browser/save_page_type.h"
     24 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
     25 #include "content/public/common/referrer.h"
     26 #include "net/base/net_errors.h"
     27 #include "url/gurl.h"
     29 class GURL;
     31 namespace content {
     32 class DownloadItemImpl;
     33 class DownloadManagerImpl;
     34 class WebContents;
     35 class SaveFileManager;
     36 class SaveItem;
     37 class SavePackage;
     38 struct SaveFileCreateInfo;
     40 // The SavePackage object manages the process of saving a page as only-html or
     41 // complete-html or MHTML and providing the information for displaying saving
     42 // status.  Saving page as only-html means means that we save web page to a
     43 // single HTML file regardless internal sub resources and sub frames.  Saving
     44 // page as complete-html page means we save not only the main html file the user
     45 // told it to save but also a directory for the auxiliary files such as all
     46 // sub-frame html files, image files, css files and js files.  Saving page as
     47 // MHTML means the same thing as complete-html, but it uses the MHTML format to
     48 // contain the html and all auxiliary files in a single text file.
     49 //
     50 // Each page saving job may include one or multiple files which need to be
     51 // saved. Each file is represented by a SaveItem, and all SaveItems are owned
     52 // by the SavePackage. SaveItems are created when a user initiates a page
     53 // saving job, and exist for the duration of one contents's life time.
     54 class CONTENT_EXPORT SavePackage
     55     : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SavePackage>,
     56       public WebContentsObserver,
     57       public DownloadItem::Observer,
     58       public base::SupportsWeakPtr<SavePackage> {
     59  public:
     60   enum WaitState {
     61     // State when created but not initialized.
     62     INITIALIZE = 0,
     63     // State when after initializing, but not yet saving.
     64     START_PROCESS,
     65     // Waiting on a list of savable resources from the backend.
     66     RESOURCES_LIST,
     67     // Waiting for data sent from net IO or from file system.
     68     NET_FILES,
     69     // Waiting for html DOM data sent from render process.
     70     HTML_DATA,
     71     // Saving page finished successfully.
     72     SUCCESSFUL,
     73     // Failed to save page.
     74     FAILED
     75   };
     77   static const base::FilePath::CharType kDefaultHtmlExtension[];
     79   // Constructor for user initiated page saving. This constructor results in a
     80   // SavePackage that will generate and sanitize a suggested name for the user
     81   // in the "Save As" dialog box.
     82   explicit SavePackage(WebContents* web_contents);
     84   // This contructor is used only for testing. We can bypass the file and
     85   // directory name generation / sanitization by providing well known paths
     86   // better suited for tests.
     87   SavePackage(WebContents* web_contents,
     88               SavePageType save_type,
     89               const base::FilePath& file_full_path,
     90               const base::FilePath& directory_full_path);
     92   // Initialize the SavePackage. Returns true if it initializes properly.  Need
     93   // to make sure that this method must be called in the UI thread because using
     94   // g_browser_process on a non-UI thread can cause crashes during shutdown.
     95   // |cb| will be called when the DownloadItem is created, before data is
     96   // written to disk.
     97   bool Init(const SavePackageDownloadCreatedCallback& cb);
     99   // Cancel all in progress request, might be called by user or internal error.
    100   void Cancel(bool user_action);
    102   void Finish();
    104   // Notifications sent from the file thread to the UI thread.
    105   void StartSave(const SaveFileCreateInfo* info);
    106   bool UpdateSaveProgress(int32 save_id, int64 size, bool write_success);
    107   void SaveFinished(int32 save_id, int64 size, bool is_success);
    108   void SaveFailed(const GURL& save_url);
    109   void SaveCanceled(SaveItem* save_item);
    111   // Rough percent complete, -1 means we don't know (since we didn't receive a
    112   // total size).
    113   int PercentComplete();
    115   bool canceled() const { return user_canceled_ || disk_error_occurred_; }
    116   bool finished() const { return finished_; }
    117   SavePageType save_type() const { return save_type_; }
    118   int contents_id() const { return contents_id_; }
    119   int id() const { return unique_id_; }
    120   WebContents* web_contents() const;
    122   void GetSaveInfo();
    124  private:
    125   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SavePackage>;
    127   void InitWithDownloadItem(
    128       const SavePackageDownloadCreatedCallback& download_created_callback,
    129       DownloadItemImpl* item);
    131   // Callback for WebContents::GenerateMHTML().
    132   void OnMHTMLGenerated(const base::FilePath& path, int64 size);
    134   // For testing only.
    135   SavePackage(WebContents* web_contents,
    136               const base::FilePath& file_full_path,
    137               const base::FilePath& directory_full_path);
    139   virtual ~SavePackage();
    141   // Notes from Init() above applies here as well.
    142   void InternalInit();
    144   void Stop();
    145   void CheckFinish();
    146   void SaveNextFile(bool process_all_remainder_items);
    147   void DoSavingProcess();
    149   // WebContentsObserver implementation.
    150   virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;
    152   // DownloadItem::Observer implementation.
    153   virtual void OnDownloadDestroyed(DownloadItem* download) OVERRIDE;
    155   // Update the download history of this item upon completion.
    156   void FinalizeDownloadEntry();
    158   // Detach from DownloadManager.
    159   void StopObservation();
    161   // Return max length of a path for a specific base directory.
    162   // This is needed on POSIX, which restrict the length of file names in
    163   // addition to the restriction on the length of path names.
    164   // |base_dir| is assumed to be a directory name with no trailing slash.
    165   static uint32 GetMaxPathLengthForDirectory(const base::FilePath& base_dir);
    167   static bool GetSafePureFileName(
    168       const base::FilePath& dir_path,
    169       const base::FilePath::StringType& file_name_ext,
    170       uint32 max_file_path_len,
    171       base::FilePath::StringType* pure_file_name);
    173   // Create a file name based on the response from the server.
    174   bool GenerateFileName(const std::string& disposition,
    175                         const GURL& url,
    176                         bool need_html_ext,
    177                         base::FilePath::StringType* generated_name);
    179   // Get all savable resource links from current web page, include main
    180   // frame and sub-frame.
    181   void GetAllSavableResourceLinksForCurrentPage();
    182   // Get html data by serializing all frames of current page with lists
    183   // which contain all resource links that have local copy.
    184   void GetSerializedHtmlDataForCurrentPageWithLocalLinks();
    186   // Look up SaveItem by save id from in progress map.
    187   SaveItem* LookupItemInProcessBySaveId(int32 save_id);
    189   // Remove SaveItem from in progress map and put it to saved map.
    190   void PutInProgressItemToSavedMap(SaveItem* save_item);
    192   // Retrieves the URL to be saved from the WebContents.
    193   GURL GetUrlToBeSaved();
    195   void CreateDirectoryOnFileThread(const base::FilePath& website_save_dir,
    196                                    const base::FilePath& download_save_dir,
    197                                    bool skip_dir_check,
    198                                    const std::string& mime_type,
    199                                    const std::string& accept_langs);
    200   void ContinueGetSaveInfo(const base::FilePath& suggested_path,
    201                            bool can_save_as_complete);
    202   void OnPathPicked(
    203       const base::FilePath& final_name,
    204       SavePageType type,
    205       const SavePackageDownloadCreatedCallback& cb);
    206   void OnReceivedSavableResourceLinksForCurrentPage(
    207       const std::vector<GURL>& resources_list,
    208       const std::vector<Referrer>& referrers_list,
    209       const std::vector<GURL>& frames_list);
    211   void OnReceivedSerializedHtmlData(const GURL& frame_url,
    212                                     const std::string& data,
    213                                     int32 status);
    215   typedef base::hash_map<std::string, SaveItem*> SaveUrlItemMap;
    216   // in_progress_items_ is map of all saving job in in-progress state.
    217   SaveUrlItemMap in_progress_items_;
    218   // saved_failed_items_ is map of all saving job which are failed.
    219   SaveUrlItemMap saved_failed_items_;
    221   // The number of in process SaveItems.
    222   int in_process_count() const {
    223     return static_cast<int>(in_progress_items_.size());
    224   }
    226   // The number of all SaveItems which have completed, including success items
    227   // and failed items.
    228   int completed_count() const {
    229     return static_cast<int>(saved_success_items_.size() +
    230                             saved_failed_items_.size());
    231   }
    233   // The current speed in files per second. This is used to update the
    234   // DownloadItem associated to this SavePackage. The files per second is
    235   // presented by the DownloadItem to the UI as bytes per second, which is
    236   // not correct but matches the way the total and received number of files is
    237   // presented as the total and received bytes.
    238   int64 CurrentSpeed() const;
    240   // Helper function for preparing suggested name for the SaveAs Dialog. The
    241   // suggested name is determined by the web document's title.
    242   base::FilePath GetSuggestedNameForSaveAs(
    243       bool can_save_as_complete,
    244       const std::string& contents_mime_type,
    245       const std::string& accept_langs);
    247   // Ensures that the file name has a proper extension for HTML by adding ".htm"
    248   // if necessary.
    249   static base::FilePath EnsureHtmlExtension(const base::FilePath& name);
    251   // Ensures that the file name has a proper extension for supported formats
    252   // if necessary.
    253   static base::FilePath EnsureMimeExtension(const base::FilePath& name,
    254       const std::string& contents_mime_type);
    256   // Returns extension for supported MIME types (for example, for "text/plain"
    257   // it returns "txt").
    258   static const base::FilePath::CharType* ExtensionForMimeType(
    259       const std::string& contents_mime_type);
    261   typedef std::queue<SaveItem*> SaveItemQueue;
    262   // A queue for items we are about to start saving.
    263   SaveItemQueue waiting_item_queue_;
    265   typedef base::hash_map<int32, SaveItem*> SavedItemMap;
    266   // saved_success_items_ is map of all saving job which are successfully saved.
    267   SavedItemMap saved_success_items_;
    269   // Non-owning pointer for handling file writing on the file thread.
    270   SaveFileManager* file_manager_;
    272   // DownloadManager owns the DownloadItem and handles history and UI.
    273   DownloadManagerImpl* download_manager_;
    274   DownloadItemImpl* download_;
    276   // The URL of the page the user wants to save.
    277   GURL page_url_;
    278   base::FilePath saved_main_file_path_;
    279   base::FilePath saved_main_directory_path_;
    281   // The title of the page the user wants to save.
    282   string16 title_;
    284   // Used to calculate package download speed (in files per second).
    285   base::TimeTicks start_tick_;
    287   // Indicates whether the actual saving job is finishing or not.
    288   bool finished_;
    290   // Indicates whether a call to Finish() has been scheduled.
    291   bool mhtml_finishing_;
    293   // Indicates whether user canceled the saving job.
    294   bool user_canceled_;
    296   // Indicates whether user get disk error.
    297   bool disk_error_occurred_;
    299   // Type about saving page as only-html or complete-html.
    300   SavePageType save_type_;
    302   // Number of all need to be saved resources.
    303   size_t all_save_items_count_;
    305   typedef std::set<base::FilePath::StringType,
    306                    bool (*)(const base::FilePath::StringType&,
    307                             const base::FilePath::StringType&)> FileNameSet;
    308   // This set is used to eliminate duplicated file names in saving directory.
    309   FileNameSet file_name_set_;
    311   typedef base::hash_map<base::FilePath::StringType, uint32> FileNameCountMap;
    312   // This map is used to track serial number for specified filename.
    313   FileNameCountMap file_name_count_map_;
    315   // Indicates current waiting state when SavePackage try to get something
    316   // from outside.
    317   WaitState wait_state_;
    319   // Since for one contents, it can only have one SavePackage in same time.
    320   // Now we actually use render_process_id as the contents's unique id.
    321   const int contents_id_;
    323   // Unique ID for this SavePackage.
    324   const int unique_id_;
    326   // Variables to record errors that happened so we can record them via
    327   // UMA statistics.
    328   bool wrote_to_completed_file_;
    329   bool wrote_to_failed_file_;
    331   friend class SavePackageTest;
    332   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SavePackageTest, TestSuggestedSaveNames);
    333   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SavePackageTest, TestLongSafePureFilename);
    335   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SavePackage);
    336 };
    338 }  // namespace content