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      1   // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "goose.h"
      7 namespace {
      8 // The maximum speed of a goose.  Measured in meters/second.
      9 const double kMaxSpeed = 2.0;
     11 // The maximum force that can be applied to turn a goose when computing the
     12 // aligment.  Measured in meters/second/second.
     13 const double kMaxTurningForce = 0.05;
     15 // The neighbour radius of a goose.  Only geese within this radius will affect
     16 // the flocking computations of this goose.  Measured in pixels.
     17 const double kNeighbourRadius = 64.0;
     19 // The minimum distance that a goose can be from this goose.  If another goose
     20 // comes within this distance of this goose, the flocking algorithm tries to
     21 // move the geese apart.  Measured in pixels.
     22 const double kPersonalSpace = 32.0;
     24 // The distance at which attractors have effect on a goose's direction.
     25 const double kAttractorRadius = 320.0;
     27 // The goose will try to turn towards geese within this distance (computed
     28 // during the cohesion phase).  Measured in pixels.
     29 const double kMaxTurningDistance = 100.0;
     31 // The weights used when computing the weighted sum the three flocking
     32 // components.
     33 const double kSeparationWeight = 2.0;
     34 const double kAlignmentWeight = 1.0;
     35 const double kCohesionWeight = 1.0;
     37 }  // namespace
     40 Goose::Goose() : location_(0, 0), velocity_(0, 0) {
     41 }
     43 Goose::Goose(const Vector2& location, const Vector2& velocity)
     44   : location_(location),
     45     velocity_(velocity) {
     46 }
     48 void Goose::SimulationTick(const std::vector<Goose>& geese,
     49                            const std::vector<Vector2>& attractors,
     50                            const pp::Rect& flock_box) {
     52   Vector2 acceleration = DesiredVector(geese, attractors);
     53   velocity_.Add(acceleration);
     55   // Limit the velocity to a maximum speed.
     56   velocity_.Clamp(kMaxSpeed);
     58   location_.Add(velocity_);
     60   // Wrap the goose location to the flock box.
     61   if (!flock_box.IsEmpty()) {
     62     while (location_.x() < flock_box.x())
     63       location_.set_x(location_.x() + flock_box.width());
     65     while (location_.x() >= flock_box.right())
     66       location_.set_x(location_.x() - flock_box.width());
     68     while (location_.y() < flock_box.y())
     69       location_.set_y(location_.y() + flock_box.height());
     71     while  (location_.y() >= flock_box.bottom())
     72       location_.set_y(location_.y() - flock_box.height());
     73   }
     74 }
     76 Vector2 Goose::DesiredVector(const std::vector<Goose>& geese,
     77                              const std::vector<Vector2>& attractors) {
     78   // Loop over all the neighbouring geese in the flock, accumulating
     79   // the separation mean, the alignment mean and the cohesion mean.
     80   int32_t separation_count = 0;
     81   Vector2 separation;
     82   int32_t align_count = 0;
     83   Vector2 alignment;
     84   int32_t cohesion_count = 0;
     85   Vector2 cohesion;
     87   for (std::vector<Goose>::const_iterator goose_it = geese.begin();
     88        goose_it < geese.end();
     89        ++goose_it) {
     90     const Goose& goose = *goose_it;
     92   // Compute the distance from this goose to its neighbour.
     93     Vector2 goose_delta = Vector2::Difference(
     94         location_, goose.location());
     95     double distance = goose_delta.Magnitude();
     97     separation_count = AccumulateSeparation(
     98         distance, goose_delta, &separation, separation_count);
    100     align_count = AccumulateAlignment(
    101         distance, goose, &alignment, align_count);
    102     cohesion_count = AccumulateCohesion(
    103         distance, goose, &cohesion, cohesion_count);
    104   }
    106   // Compute the means and create a weighted sum.  This becomes the goose's new
    107   // acceleration.
    108   if (separation_count > 0) {
    109     separation.Scale(1.0 / static_cast<double>(separation_count));
    110   }
    111   if (align_count > 0) {
    112     alignment.Scale(1.0 / static_cast<double>(align_count));
    113     // Limit the effect that alignment has on the final acceleration.  The
    114     // alignment component can overpower the others if there is a big
    115     // difference between this goose's velocity and its neighbours'.
    116     alignment.Clamp(kMaxTurningForce);
    117   }
    119   // Compute the effect of the attractors and blend this in with the flock
    120   // cohesion component.  An attractor has to be within kAttractorRadius to
    121   // effect the heading of a goose.
    122   for (size_t i = 0; i < attractors.size(); ++i) {
    123     Vector2 attractor_direction = Vector2::Difference(
    124         attractors[i], location_);
    125     double distance = attractor_direction.Magnitude();
    126     if (distance < kAttractorRadius) {
    127       attractor_direction.Scale(1000);  // Each attractor acts like 1000 geese.
    128       cohesion.Add(attractor_direction);
    129       cohesion_count++;
    130     }
    131   }
    133   // If there is a non-0 cohesion component, steer the goose so that it tries
    134   // to follow the flock.
    135   if (cohesion_count > 0) {
    136     cohesion.Scale(1.0 / static_cast<double>(cohesion_count));
    137     cohesion = TurnTowardsTarget(cohesion);
    138   }
    139   // Compute the weighted sum.
    140   separation.Scale(kSeparationWeight);
    141   alignment.Scale(kAlignmentWeight);
    142   cohesion.Scale(kCohesionWeight);
    143   Vector2 weighted_sum = cohesion;
    144   weighted_sum.Add(alignment);
    145   weighted_sum.Add(separation);
    146   return weighted_sum;
    147 }
    149 Vector2 Goose::TurnTowardsTarget(const Vector2& target) {
    150   Vector2 desired_direction = Vector2::Difference(target, location_);
    151   double distance = desired_direction.Magnitude();
    152   Vector2 new_direction;
    153   if (distance > 0.0) {
    154     desired_direction.Normalize();
    155     // If the target is within the turning affinity distance, then make the
    156     // desired direction based on distance to the target.  Otherwise, base
    157     // the desired direction on MAX_SPEED.
    158     if (distance < kMaxTurningDistance) {
    159       // Some pretty arbitrary dampening.
    160       desired_direction.Scale(kMaxSpeed * distance / 100.0);
    161     } else {
    162       desired_direction.Scale(kMaxSpeed);
    163     }
    164     new_direction = Vector2::Difference(desired_direction, velocity_);
    165     new_direction.Clamp(kMaxTurningForce);
    166   }
    167   return new_direction;
    168 }
    170 int32_t Goose::AccumulateSeparation(double distance,
    171                                     const Vector2& goose_delta,
    172                                     Vector2* separation, /* inout */
    173                                     int32_t separation_count) {
    174   if (distance > 0.0 && distance < kPersonalSpace) {
    175     Vector2 weighted_direction = goose_delta;
    176     weighted_direction.Normalize();
    177     weighted_direction.Scale(1.0  / distance);
    178     separation->Add(weighted_direction);
    179     separation_count++;
    180   }
    181   return separation_count;
    182 }
    184 int32_t Goose::AccumulateAlignment(double distance,
    185                                    const Goose& goose,
    186                                    Vector2* alignment, /* inout */
    187                                    int32_t align_count) {
    188   if (distance > 0.0 && distance < kNeighbourRadius) {
    189     alignment->Add(goose.velocity());
    190     align_count++;
    191   }
    192   return align_count;
    193 }
    195 int32_t Goose::AccumulateCohesion(double distance,
    196                                   const Goose& goose,
    197                                   Vector2* cohesion, /* inout */
    198                                   int32_t cohesion_count) {
    199   if (distance > 0.0 && distance < kNeighbourRadius) {
    200     cohesion->Add(goose.location());
    201     cohesion_count++;
    202   }
    203   return cohesion_count;
    204 }