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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #ifndef NET_DNS_HOST_RESOLVER_H_
      6 #define NET_DNS_HOST_RESOLVER_H_
      8 #include <string>
     10 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     11 #include "net/base/address_family.h"
     12 #include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
     13 #include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
     14 #include "net/base/net_export.h"
     15 #include "net/base/net_util.h"
     16 #include "net/base/request_priority.h"
     18 namespace base {
     19 class Value;
     20 }
     22 namespace net {
     24 class AddressList;
     25 class BoundNetLog;
     26 class HostCache;
     27 class HostResolverProc;
     28 class NetLog;
     30 // This class represents the task of resolving hostnames (or IP address
     31 // literal) to an AddressList object.
     32 //
     33 // HostResolver can handle multiple requests at a time, so when cancelling a
     34 // request the RequestHandle that was returned by Resolve() needs to be
     35 // given.  A simpler alternative for consumers that only have 1 outstanding
     36 // request at a time is to create a SingleRequestHostResolver wrapper around
     37 // HostResolver (which will automatically cancel the single request when it
     38 // goes out of scope).
     39 class NET_EXPORT HostResolver {
     40  public:
     41   // |max_concurrent_resolves| is how many resolve requests will be allowed to
     42   // run in parallel. Pass HostResolver::kDefaultParallelism to choose a
     43   // default value.
     44   // |max_retry_attempts| is the maximum number of times we will retry for host
     45   // resolution. Pass HostResolver::kDefaultRetryAttempts to choose a default
     46   // value.
     47   // |enable_caching| controls whether a HostCache is used.
     48   struct NET_EXPORT Options {
     49     Options();
     51     size_t max_concurrent_resolves;
     52     size_t max_retry_attempts;
     53     bool enable_caching;
     54   };
     56   // The parameters for doing a Resolve(). A hostname and port are required,
     57   // the rest are optional (and have reasonable defaults).
     58   class NET_EXPORT RequestInfo {
     59    public:
     60     explicit RequestInfo(const HostPortPair& host_port_pair);
     62     const HostPortPair& host_port_pair() const { return host_port_pair_; }
     63     void set_host_port_pair(const HostPortPair& host_port_pair) {
     64       host_port_pair_ = host_port_pair;
     65     }
     67     int port() const { return host_port_pair_.port(); }
     68     const std::string& hostname() const { return host_port_pair_.host(); }
     70     AddressFamily address_family() const { return address_family_; }
     71     void set_address_family(AddressFamily address_family) {
     72       address_family_ = address_family;
     73     }
     75     HostResolverFlags host_resolver_flags() const {
     76       return host_resolver_flags_;
     77     }
     78     void set_host_resolver_flags(HostResolverFlags host_resolver_flags) {
     79       host_resolver_flags_ = host_resolver_flags;
     80     }
     82     bool allow_cached_response() const { return allow_cached_response_; }
     83     void set_allow_cached_response(bool b) { allow_cached_response_ = b; }
     85     bool is_speculative() const { return is_speculative_; }
     86     void set_is_speculative(bool b) { is_speculative_ = b; }
     88     RequestPriority priority() const { return priority_; }
     89     void set_priority(RequestPriority priority) { priority_ = priority; }
     91    private:
     92     // The hostname to resolve, and the port to use in resulting sockaddrs.
     93     HostPortPair host_port_pair_;
     95     // The address family to restrict results to.
     96     AddressFamily address_family_;
     98     // Flags to use when resolving this request.
     99     HostResolverFlags host_resolver_flags_;
    101     // Whether it is ok to return a result from the host cache.
    102     bool allow_cached_response_;
    104     // Whether this request was started by the DNS prefetcher.
    105     bool is_speculative_;
    107     // The priority for the request.
    108     RequestPriority priority_;
    109   };
    111   // Opaque type used to cancel a request.
    112   typedef void* RequestHandle;
    114   // This value can be passed into CreateSystemResolver as the
    115   // |max_concurrent_resolves| parameter. It will select a default level of
    116   // concurrency.
    117   static const size_t kDefaultParallelism = 0;
    119   // This value can be passed into CreateSystemResolver as the
    120   // |max_retry_attempts| parameter.
    121   static const size_t kDefaultRetryAttempts = -1;
    123   // If any completion callbacks are pending when the resolver is destroyed,
    124   // the host resolutions are cancelled, and the completion callbacks will not
    125   // be called.
    126   virtual ~HostResolver();
    128   // Resolves the given hostname (or IP address literal), filling out the
    129   // |addresses| object upon success.  The |info.port| parameter will be set as
    130   // the sin(6)_port field of the sockaddr_in{6} struct.  Returns OK if
    131   // successful or an error code upon failure.  Returns
    132   // ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED if hostname is invalid, or if it is an
    133   // incompatible IP literal (e.g. IPv6 is disabled and it is an IPv6
    134   // literal).
    135   //
    136   // If the operation cannot be completed synchronously, ERR_IO_PENDING will
    137   // be returned and the real result code will be passed to the completion
    138   // callback.  Otherwise the result code is returned immediately from this
    139   // call.
    140   //
    141   // If |out_req| is non-NULL, then |*out_req| will be filled with a handle to
    142   // the async request. This handle is not valid after the request has
    143   // completed.
    144   //
    145   // Profiling information for the request is saved to |net_log| if non-NULL.
    146   virtual int Resolve(const RequestInfo& info,
    147                       AddressList* addresses,
    148                       const CompletionCallback& callback,
    149                       RequestHandle* out_req,
    150                       const BoundNetLog& net_log) = 0;
    152   // Resolves the given hostname (or IP address literal) out of cache or HOSTS
    153   // file (if enabled) only. This is guaranteed to complete synchronously.
    154   // This acts like |Resolve()| if the hostname is IP literal, or cached value
    155   // or HOSTS entry exists. Otherwise, ERR_DNS_CACHE_MISS is returned.
    156   virtual int ResolveFromCache(const RequestInfo& info,
    157                                AddressList* addresses,
    158                                const BoundNetLog& net_log) = 0;
    160   // Cancels the specified request. |req| is the handle returned by Resolve().
    161   // After a request is canceled, its completion callback will not be called.
    162   // CancelRequest must NOT be called after the request's completion callback
    163   // has already run or the request was canceled.
    164   virtual void CancelRequest(RequestHandle req) = 0;
    166   // Sets the default AddressFamily to use when requests have left it
    167   // unspecified. For example, this could be used to restrict resolution
    168   // results to AF_INET by passing in ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV4, or to
    169   // AF_INET6 by passing in ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV6.
    170   virtual void SetDefaultAddressFamily(AddressFamily address_family) {}
    171   virtual AddressFamily GetDefaultAddressFamily() const;
    173   // Enable or disable the built-in asynchronous DnsClient.
    174   virtual void SetDnsClientEnabled(bool enabled);
    176   // Returns the HostResolverCache |this| uses, or NULL if there isn't one.
    177   // Used primarily to clear the cache and for getting debug information.
    178   virtual HostCache* GetHostCache();
    180   // Returns the current DNS configuration |this| is using, as a Value, or NULL
    181   // if it's configured to always use the system host resolver.  Caller takes
    182   // ownership of the returned Value.
    183   virtual base::Value* GetDnsConfigAsValue() const;
    185   // Creates a HostResolver implementation that queries the underlying system.
    186   // (Except if a unit-test has changed the global HostResolverProc using
    187   // ScopedHostResolverProc to intercept requests to the system).
    188   static scoped_ptr<HostResolver> CreateSystemResolver(
    189       const Options& options,
    190       NetLog* net_log);
    192   // As above, but uses default parameters.
    193   static scoped_ptr<HostResolver> CreateDefaultResolver(NetLog* net_log);
    195  protected:
    196   HostResolver();
    198  private:
    199   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HostResolver);
    200 };
    202 }  // namespace net
    204 #endif  // NET_DNS_HOST_RESOLVER_H_