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      1 # Copyright (c) 2010 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 {
      6   'targets': [
      7     {
      8       'target_name': 'essl_to_glsl',
      9       'type': 'executable',
     10       'dependencies': [
     11         '../src/build_angle.gyp:translator_glsl',
     12       ],
     13       'include_dirs': [
     14         '../include',
     15       ],
     16       'sources': [
     17         'translator/translator.cpp',
     18       ],
     19     },
     20   ],
     21   'conditions': [
     22     ['OS=="win"', {
     23       'targets': [
     24         {
     25           'target_name': 'essl_to_hlsl',
     26           'type': 'executable',
     27           'dependencies': [
     28             '../src/build_angle.gyp:translator_hlsl',
     29           ],
     30           'include_dirs': [
     31             '../include',
     32             '../src',
     33           ],
     34           'sources': [
     35             'translator/translator.cpp',
     36             '../src/common/debug.cpp',
     37           ],
     38           'msvs_settings': {
     39             'VCLinkerTool': {
     40               'AdditionalDependencies': ['d3d9.lib'],
     41             }
     42           }
     43         },
     44         {
     45           'target_name': 'es_util',
     46           'type': 'static_library',
     47           'dependencies': [
     48             '../src/build_angle.gyp:libEGL',
     49             '../src/build_angle.gyp:libGLESv2',
     50           ],
     51           'include_dirs': [
     52             'gles2_book/Common',
     53             '../include',
     54           ],
     55           'sources': [
     56             'gles2_book/Common/esShader.c',
     57             'gles2_book/Common/esShapes.c',
     58             'gles2_book/Common/esTransform.c',
     59             'gles2_book/Common/esUtil.c',
     60             'gles2_book/Common/esUtil.h',
     61             'gles2_book/Common/esUtil_win.h',
     62             'gles2_book/Common/Win32/esUtil_TGA.c',
     63             'gles2_book/Common/Win32/esUtil_win32.c',
     64           ],
     65           'direct_dependent_settings': {
     66             'include_dirs': [
     67               'gles2_book/Common',
     68               '../include',
     69             ],
     70           },
     71         },
     72         {
     73           'target_name': 'hello_triangle',
     74           'type': 'executable',
     75           'dependencies': ['es_util'],
     76           'sources': [
     77             'gles2_book/Hello_Triangle/Hello_Triangle.c',
     78           ],
     79         },
     80         {
     81           'target_name': 'mip_map_2d',
     82           'type': 'executable',
     83           'dependencies': ['es_util'],
     84           'sources': [
     85             'gles2_book/MipMap2D/MipMap2D.c',
     86           ],
     87         },
     88         {
     89           'target_name': 'multi_texture',
     90           'type': 'executable',
     91           'dependencies': ['es_util'],
     92           'sources': [
     93             'gles2_book/MultiTexture/MultiTexture.c',
     94           ],
     95           'copies': [
     96             {
     97               'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
     98               'files': [
     99                 'gles2_book/MultiTexture/basemap.tga',
    100                 'gles2_book/MultiTexture/lightmap.tga',
    101               ],
    102             },
    103           ],
    104         },
    105         {
    106           'target_name': 'particle_system',
    107           'type': 'executable',
    108           'dependencies': ['es_util'],
    109           'sources': [
    110             'gles2_book/ParticleSystem/ParticleSystem.c',
    111           ],
    112           'copies': [
    113             {
    114               'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
    115               'files': [
    116                 'gles2_book/ParticleSystem/smoke.tga',
    117               ],
    118             },
    119           ],
    120         },
    121         {
    122           'target_name': 'simple_texture_2d',
    123           'type': 'executable',
    124           'dependencies': ['es_util'],
    125           'sources': [
    126             'gles2_book/Simple_Texture2D/Simple_Texture2D.c',
    127           ],
    128         },
    129         {
    130           'target_name': 'simple_texture_cubemap',
    131           'type': 'executable',
    132           'dependencies': ['es_util'],
    133           'sources': [
    134             'gles2_book/Simple_TextureCubemap/Simple_TextureCubemap.c',
    135           ],
    136         },
    137         {
    138           'target_name': 'simple_vertex_shader',
    139           'type': 'executable',
    140           'dependencies': ['es_util'],
    141           'sources': [
    142             'gles2_book/Simple_VertexShader/Simple_VertexShader.c',
    143           ],
    144         },
    145         {
    146           'target_name': 'stencil_test',
    147           'type': 'executable',
    148           'dependencies': ['es_util'],
    149           'sources': [
    150             'gles2_book/Stencil_Test/Stencil_Test.c',
    151           ],
    152         },
    153         {
    154           'target_name': 'texture_wrap',
    155           'type': 'executable',
    156           'dependencies': ['es_util'],
    157           'sources': [
    158             'gles2_book/TextureWrap/TextureWrap.c',
    159           ],
    160         },
    161         {
    162           'target_name': 'post_sub_buffer',
    163           'type': 'executable',
    164           'dependencies': ['es_util'],
    165           'sources': [
    166             'gles2_book/PostSubBuffer/PostSubBuffer.c',
    167           ],
    168         },
    169       ],
    170     }],
    171   ],
    172 }
    174 # Local Variables:
    175 # tab-width:2
    176 # indent-tabs-mode:nil
    177 # End:
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