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      2 % -*- mode: latex; TeX-master: "Vorbis_I_spec"; -*-
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      5 \section{Codec Setup and Packet Decode} \label{vorbis:spec:codec}
      7 \subsection{Overview}
      9 This document serves as the top-level reference document for the
     10 bit-by-bit decode specification of Vorbis I.  This document assumes a
     11 high-level understanding of the Vorbis decode process, which is
     12 provided in \xref{vorbis:spec:intro}.  \xref{vorbis:spec:bitpacking} covers reading and writing bit fields from
     13 and to bitstream packets.
     17 \subsection{Header decode and decode setup}
     19 A Vorbis bitstream begins with three header packets. The header
     20 packets are, in order, the identification header, the comments header,
     21 and the setup header. All are required for decode compliance.  An
     22 end-of-packet condition during decoding the first or third header
     23 packet renders the stream undecodable.  End-of-packet decoding the
     24 comment header is a non-fatal error condition.
     26 \subsubsection{Common header decode}
     28 Each header packet begins with the same header fields.
     31 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
     32   1) [packet_type] : 8 bit value
     33   2) 0x76, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x62, 0x69, 0x73: the characters 'v','o','r','b','i','s' as six octets
     34 \end{Verbatim}
     36 Decode continues according to packet type; the identification header
     37 is type 1, the comment header type 3 and the setup header type 5
     38 (these types are all odd as a packet with a leading single bit of '0'
     39 is an audio packet).  The packets must occur in the order of
     40 identification, comment, setup.
     44 \subsubsection{Identification header}
     46 The identification header is a short header of only a few fields used
     47 to declare the stream definitively as Vorbis, and provide a few externally
     48 relevant pieces of information about the audio stream. The
     49 identification header is coded as follows:
     51 \begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]
     52  1) [vorbis_version] = read 32 bits as unsigned integer
     53  2) [audio_channels] = read 8 bit integer as unsigned
     54  3) [audio_sample_rate] = read 32 bits as unsigned integer
     55  4) [bitrate_maximum] = read 32 bits as signed integer
     56  5) [bitrate_nominal] = read 32 bits as signed integer
     57  6) [bitrate_minimum] = read 32 bits as signed integer
     58  7) [blocksize_0] = 2 exponent (read 4 bits as unsigned integer)
     59  8) [blocksize_1] = 2 exponent (read 4 bits as unsigned integer)
     60  9) [framing_flag] = read one bit
     61 \end{Verbatim}
     63 \varname{[vorbis_version]} is to read '0' in order to be compatible
     64 with this document.  Both \varname{[audio_channels]} and
     65 \varname{[audio_sample_rate]} must read greater than zero.  Allowed final
     66 blocksize values are 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 and 8192 in
     67 Vorbis I.  \varname{[blocksize_0]} must be less than or equal to
     68 \varname{[blocksize_1]}.  The framing bit must be nonzero.  Failure to
     69 meet any of these conditions renders a stream undecodable.
     71 The bitrate fields above are used only as hints. The nominal bitrate
     72 field especially may be considerably off in purely VBR streams.  The
     73 fields are meaningful only when greater than zero.
     75 \begin{itemize}
     76   \item All three fields set to the same value implies a fixed rate, or tightly bounded, nearly fixed-rate bitstream
     77   \item Only nominal set implies a VBR or ABR stream that averages the nominal bitrate
     78   \item Maximum and or minimum set implies a VBR bitstream that obeys the bitrate limits
     79   \item None set indicates the encoder does not care to speculate.
     80 \end{itemize}
     85 \subsubsection{Comment header}
     86 Comment header decode and data specification is covered in
     87 \xref{vorbis:spec:comment}.
     90 \subsubsection{Setup header}
     92 Vorbis codec setup is configurable to an extreme degree:
     94 \begin{center}
     95 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{components}
     96 \captionof{figure}{decoder pipeline configuration}
     97 \end{center}
    100 The setup header contains the bulk of the codec setup information
    101 needed for decode.  The setup header contains, in order, the lists of
    102 codebook configurations, time-domain transform configurations
    103 (placeholders in Vorbis I), floor configurations, residue
    104 configurations, channel mapping configurations and mode
    105 configurations. It finishes with a framing bit of '1'.  Header decode
    106 proceeds in the following order:
    108 \paragraph{Codebooks}
    110 \begin{enumerate}
    111 \item \varname{[vorbis_codebook_count]} = read eight bits as unsigned integer and add one
    112 \item Decode \varname{[vorbis_codebook_count]} codebooks in order as defined
    113 in \xref{vorbis:spec:codebook}.  Save each configuration, in
    114 order, in an array of
    115 codebook configurations \varname{[vorbis_codebook_configurations]}.
    116 \end{enumerate}
    120 \paragraph{Time domain transforms}
    122 These hooks are placeholders in Vorbis I.  Nevertheless, the
    123 configuration placeholder values must be read to maintain bitstream
    124 sync.
    126 \begin{enumerate}
    127 \item \varname{[vorbis_time_count]} = read 6 bits as unsigned integer and add one
    128 \item read \varname{[vorbis_time_count]} 16 bit values; each value should be zero.  If any value is nonzero, this is an error condition and the stream is undecodable.
    129 \end{enumerate}
    133 \paragraph{Floors}
    135 Vorbis uses two floor types; header decode is handed to the decode
    136 abstraction of the appropriate type.
    138 \begin{enumerate}
    139  \item \varname{[vorbis_floor_count]} = read 6 bits as unsigned integer and add one
    140  \item For each \varname{[i]} of \varname{[vorbis_floor_count]} floor numbers:
    141   \begin{enumerate}
    142    \item read the floor type: vector \varname{[vorbis_floor_types]} element \varname{[i]} =
    143 read 16 bits as unsigned integer
    144    \item If the floor type is zero, decode the floor
    145 configuration as defined in \xref{vorbis:spec:floor0}; save
    146 this
    147 configuration in slot \varname{[i]} of the floor configuration array \varname{[vorbis_floor_configurations]}.
    148    \item If the floor type is one,
    149 decode the floor configuration as defined in \xref{vorbis:spec:floor1}; save this configuration in slot \varname{[i]} of the floor configuration array \varname{[vorbis_floor_configurations]}.
    150    \item If the the floor type is greater than one, this stream is undecodable; ERROR CONDITION
    151   \end{enumerate}
    153 \end{enumerate}
    157 \paragraph{Residues}
    159 Vorbis uses three residue types; header decode of each type is identical.
    162 \begin{enumerate}
    163 \item \varname{[vorbis_residue_count]} = read 6 bits as unsigned integer and add one
    165 \item For each of \varname{[vorbis_residue_count]} residue numbers:
    166  \begin{enumerate}
    167   \item read the residue type; vector \varname{[vorbis_residue_types]} element \varname{[i]} = read 16 bits as unsigned integer
    168   \item If the residue type is zero,
    169 one or two, decode the residue configuration as defined in \xref{vorbis:spec:residue}; save this configuration in slot \varname{[i]} of the residue configuration array \varname{[vorbis_residue_configurations]}.
    170   \item If the the residue type is greater than two, this stream is undecodable; ERROR CONDITION
    171  \end{enumerate}
    173 \end{enumerate}
    177 \paragraph{Mappings}
    179 Mappings are used to set up specific pipelines for encoding
    180 multichannel audio with varying channel mapping applications. Vorbis I
    181 uses a single mapping type (0), with implicit PCM channel mappings.
    183 % FIXME/TODO: LaTeX cannot nest enumerate that deeply, so I have to use
    184 % itemize at the innermost level. However, it would be much better to 
    185 % rewrite this pseudocode using listings or algoritmicx or some other
    186 % package geared towards this.
    187 \begin{enumerate}
    188  \item \varname{[vorbis_mapping_count]} = read 6 bits as unsigned integer and add one
    189  \item For each \varname{[i]} of \varname{[vorbis_mapping_count]} mapping numbers:
    190   \begin{enumerate}
    191    \item read the mapping type: 16 bits as unsigned integer.  There's no reason to save the mapping type in Vorbis I.
    192    \item If the mapping type is nonzero, the stream is undecodable
    193    \item If the mapping type is zero:
    194     \begin{enumerate}
    195      \item read 1 bit as a boolean flag
    196       \begin{enumerate}
    197        \item if set, \varname{[vorbis_mapping_submaps]} = read 4 bits as unsigned integer and add one
    198        \item if unset, \varname{[vorbis_mapping_submaps]} = 1
    199       \end{enumerate}
    202      \item read 1 bit as a boolean flag
    203        \begin{enumerate}
    204          \item if set, square polar channel mapping is in use:
    205            \begin{itemize}
    206              \item \varname{[vorbis_mapping_coupling_steps]} = read 8 bits as unsigned integer and add one
    207              \item for \varname{[j]} each of \varname{[vorbis_mapping_coupling_steps]} steps:
    208                \begin{itemize}
    209                  \item vector \varname{[vorbis_mapping_magnitude]} element \varname{[j]}= read \link{vorbis:spec:ilog}{ilog}(\varname{[audio_channels]} - 1) bits as unsigned integer
    210                  \item vector \varname{[vorbis_mapping_angle]} element \varname{[j]}= read \link{vorbis:spec:ilog}{ilog}(\varname{[audio_channels]} - 1) bits as unsigned integer
    211                  \item the numbers read in the above two steps are channel numbers representing the channel to treat as magnitude and the channel to treat as angle, respectively.  If for any coupling step the angle channel number equals the magnitude channel number, the magnitude channel number is greater than \varname{[audio_channels]}-1, or the angle channel is greater than \varname{[audio_channels]}-1, the stream is undecodable.
    212                \end{itemize}
    215            \end{itemize}
    218          \item if unset, \varname{[vorbis_mapping_coupling_steps]} = 0
    219        \end{enumerate}
    222      \item read 2 bits (reserved field); if the value is nonzero, the stream is undecodable
    223      \item if \varname{[vorbis_mapping_submaps]} is greater than one, we read channel multiplex settings. For each \varname{[j]} of \varname{[audio_channels]} channels:
    224       \begin{enumerate}
    225        \item vector \varname{[vorbis_mapping_mux]} element \varname{[j]} = read 4 bits as unsigned integer
    226        \item if the value is greater than the highest numbered submap (\varname{[vorbis_mapping_submaps]} - 1), this in an error condition rendering the stream undecodable
    227       \end{enumerate}
    229      \item for each submap \varname{[j]} of \varname{[vorbis_mapping_submaps]} submaps, read the floor and residue numbers for use in decoding that submap:
    230       \begin{enumerate}
    231        \item read and discard 8 bits (the unused time configuration placeholder)
    232        \item read 8 bits as unsigned integer for the floor number; save in vector \varname{[vorbis_mapping_submap_floor]} element \varname{[j]}
    233        \item verify the floor number is not greater than the highest number floor configured for the bitstream. If it is, the bitstream is undecodable
    234        \item read 8 bits as unsigned integer for the residue number; save in vector \varname{[vorbis_mapping_submap_residue]} element \varname{[j]}
    235        \item verify the residue number is not greater than the highest number residue configured for the bitstream.  If it is, the bitstream is undecodable
    236       \end{enumerate}
    238      \item save this mapping configuration in slot \varname{[i]} of the mapping configuration array \varname{[vorbis_mapping_configurations]}.
    239     \end{enumerate}
    241   \end{enumerate}
    243 \end{enumerate}
    247 \paragraph{Modes}
    249 \begin{enumerate}
    250  \item \varname{[vorbis_mode_count]} = read 6 bits as unsigned integer and add one
    251  \item For each of \varname{[vorbis_mode_count]} mode numbers:
    252   \begin{enumerate}
    253   \item \varname{[vorbis_mode_blockflag]} = read 1 bit
    254   \item \varname{[vorbis_mode_windowtype]} = read 16 bits as unsigned integer
    255   \item \varname{[vorbis_mode_transformtype]} = read 16 bits as unsigned integer
    256   \item \varname{[vorbis_mode_mapping]} = read 8 bits as unsigned integer
    257   \item verify ranges; zero is the only legal value in Vorbis I for
    258 \varname{[vorbis_mode_windowtype]}
    259 and \varname{[vorbis_mode_transformtype]}.  \varname{[vorbis_mode_mapping]} must not be greater than the highest number mapping in use.  Any illegal values render the stream undecodable.
    260   \item save this mode configuration in slot \varname{[i]} of the mode configuration array
    261 \varname{[vorbis_mode_configurations]}.
    262  \end{enumerate}
    264 \item read 1 bit as a framing flag.  If unset, a framing error occurred and the stream is not
    265 decodable.
    266 \end{enumerate}
    268 After reading mode descriptions, setup header decode is complete.
    277 \subsection{Audio packet decode and synthesis}
    279 Following the three header packets, all packets in a Vorbis I stream
    280 are audio.  The first step of audio packet decode is to read and
    281 verify the packet type. \emph{A non-audio packet when audio is expected
    282 indicates stream corruption or a non-compliant stream. The decoder
    283 must ignore the packet and not attempt decoding it to audio}.
    286 \subsubsection{packet type, mode and window decode}
    288 \begin{enumerate}
    289  \item read 1 bit \varname{[packet_type]}; check that packet type is 0 (audio)
    290  \item read \link{vorbis:spec:ilog}{ilog}([vorbis_mode_count]-1) bits
    291 \varname{[mode_number]}
    292  \item decode blocksize \varname{[n]} is equal to \varname{[blocksize_0]} if
    293 \varname{[vorbis_mode_blockflag]} is 0, else \varname{[n]} is equal to \varname{[blocksize_1]}.
    294  \item perform window selection and setup; this window is used later by the inverse MDCT:
    295   \begin{enumerate}
    296    \item if this is a long window (the \varname{[vorbis_mode_blockflag]} flag of this mode is
    297 set):
    298     \begin{enumerate}
    299      \item read 1 bit for \varname{[previous_window_flag]}
    300      \item read 1 bit for \varname{[next_window_flag]}
    301      \item if \varname{[previous_window_flag]} is not set, the left half
    302          of the window will be a hybrid window for lapping with a
    303          short block.  See \xref{vorbis:spec:window} for an illustration of overlapping
    304 dissimilar
    305          windows. Else, the left half window will have normal long
    306          shape.
    307      \item if \varname{[next_window_flag]} is not set, the right half of
    308          the window will be a hybrid window for lapping with a short
    309          block.  See \xref{vorbis:spec:window} for an
    310 illustration of overlapping dissimilar
    311          windows. Else, the left right window will have normal long
    312          shape.
    313     \end{enumerate}
    315    \item  if this is a short window, the window is always the same
    316        short-window shape.
    317   \end{enumerate}
    319 \end{enumerate}
    321 Vorbis windows all use the slope function $y=\sin(\frac{\pi}{2} * \sin^2((x+0.5)/n * \pi))$,
    322 where $n$ is window size and $x$ ranges $0 \ldots n-1$, but dissimilar
    323 lapping requirements can affect overall shape.  Window generation
    324 proceeds as follows:
    326 \begin{enumerate}
    327  \item  \varname{[window_center]} = \varname{[n]} / 2
    328  \item  if (\varname{[vorbis_mode_blockflag]} is set and \varname{[previous_window_flag]} is
    329 not set) then
    330   \begin{enumerate}
    331    \item \varname{[left_window_start]} = \varname{[n]}/4 -
    332 \varname{[blocksize_0]}/4
    333    \item \varname{[left_window_end]} = \varname{[n]}/4 + \varname{[blocksize_0]}/4
    334    \item \varname{[left_n]} = \varname{[blocksize_0]}/2
    335   \end{enumerate}
    336  else
    337   \begin{enumerate}
    338    \item \varname{[left_window_start]} = 0
    339    \item \varname{[left_window_end]} = \varname{[window_center]}
    340    \item \varname{[left_n]} = \varname{[n]}/2
    341   \end{enumerate}
    343  \item  if (\varname{[vorbis_mode_blockflag]} is set and \varname{[next_window_flag]} is not
    344 set) then
    345   \begin{enumerate}
    346    \item \varname{[right_window_start]} = \varname{[n]*3}/4 -
    347 \varname{[blocksize_0]}/4
    348    \item \varname{[right_window_end]} = \varname{[n]*3}/4 +
    349 \varname{[blocksize_0]}/4
    350    \item \varname{[right_n]} = \varname{[blocksize_0]}/2
    351   \end{enumerate}
    352  else
    353   \begin{enumerate}
    354    \item \varname{[right_window_start]} = \varname{[window_center]}
    355    \item \varname{[right_window_end]} = \varname{[n]}
    356    \item \varname{[right_n]} = \varname{[n]}/2
    357   \end{enumerate}
    359  \item  window from range 0 ... \varname{[left_window_start]}-1 inclusive is zero
    360  \item  for \varname{[i]} in range \varname{[left_window_start]} ...
    361 \varname{[left_window_end]}-1, window(\varname{[i]}) = $\sin(\frac{\pi}{2} * \sin^2($ (\varname{[i]}-\varname{[left_window_start]}+0.5) / \varname{[left_n]} $* \frac{\pi}{2})$ )
    362  \item  window from range \varname{[left_window_end]} ... \varname{[right_window_start]}-1
    363 inclusive is one\item  for \varname{[i]} in range \varname{[right_window_start]} ... \varname{[right_window_end]}-1, window(\varname{[i]}) = $\sin(\frac{\pi}{2} * \sin^2($ (\varname{[i]}-\varname{[right_window_start]}+0.5) / \varname{[right_n]} $ * \frac{\pi}{2} + \frac{\pi}{2})$ )
    364 \item  window from range \varname{[right_window_start]} ... \varname{[n]}-1 is
    365 zero
    366 \end{enumerate}
    368 An end-of-packet condition up to this point should be considered an
    369 error that discards this packet from the stream.  An end of packet
    370 condition past this point is to be considered a possible nominal
    371 occurrence.
    375 \subsubsection{floor curve decode}
    377 From this point on, we assume out decode context is using mode number
    378 \varname{[mode_number]} from configuration array
    379 \varname{[vorbis_mode_configurations]} and the map number
    380 \varname{[vorbis_mode_mapping]} (specified by the current mode) taken
    381 from the mapping configuration array
    382 \varname{[vorbis_mapping_configurations]}.
    384 Floor curves are decoded one-by-one in channel order.
    386 For each floor \varname{[i]} of \varname{[audio_channels]}
    387  \begin{enumerate}
    388   \item \varname{[submap_number]} = element \varname{[i]} of vector [vorbis_mapping_mux]
    389   \item \varname{[floor_number]} = element \varname{[submap_number]} of vector
    390 [vorbis_submap_floor]
    391   \item if the floor type of this
    392 floor (vector \varname{[vorbis_floor_types]} element
    393 \varname{[floor_number]}) is zero then decode the floor for
    394 channel \varname{[i]} according to the
    395 \xref{vorbis:spec:floor0-decode}
    396   \item if the type of this floor
    397 is one then decode the floor for channel \varname{[i]} according
    398 to the \xref{vorbis:spec:floor1-decode}
    399   \item save the needed decoded floor information for channel for later synthesis
    400   \item if the decoded floor returned 'unused', set vector \varname{[no_residue]} element
    401 \varname{[i]} to true, else set vector \varname{[no_residue]} element \varname{[i]} to
    402 false
    403  \end{enumerate}
    406 An end-of-packet condition during floor decode shall result in packet
    407 decode zeroing all channel output vectors and skipping to the
    408 add/overlap output stage.
    412 \subsubsection{nonzero vector propagate}
    414 A possible result of floor decode is that a specific vector is marked
    415 'unused' which indicates that that final output vector is all-zero
    416 values (and the floor is zero).  The residue for that vector is not
    417 coded in the stream, save for one complication.  If some vectors are
    418 used and some are not, channel coupling could result in mixing a
    419 zeroed and nonzeroed vector to produce two nonzeroed vectors.
    421 for each \varname{[i]} from 0 ... \varname{[vorbis_mapping_coupling_steps]}-1
    423 \begin{enumerate}
    424  \item if either \varname{[no_residue]} entry for channel
    425 (\varname{[vorbis_mapping_magnitude]} element \varname{[i]})
    426 or channel
    427 (\varname{[vorbis_mapping_angle]} element \varname{[i]})
    428 are set to false, then both must be set to false.  Note that an 'unused'
    429 floor has no decoded floor information; it is important that this is
    430 remembered at floor curve synthesis time.
    431 \end{enumerate}
    436 \subsubsection{residue decode}
    438 Unlike floors, which are decoded in channel order, the residue vectors
    439 are decoded in submap order.
    441 for each submap \varname{[i]} in order from 0 ... \varname{[vorbis_mapping_submaps]}-1
    443 \begin{enumerate}
    444  \item \varname{[ch]} = 0
    445  \item for each channel \varname{[j]} in order from 0 ... \varname{[audio_channels]} - 1
    446   \begin{enumerate}
    447    \item if channel \varname{[j]} in submap \varname{[i]} (vector \varname{[vorbis_mapping_mux]} element \varname{[j]} is equal to \varname{[i]})
    448     \begin{enumerate}
    449      \item if vector \varname{[no_residue]} element \varname{[j]} is true
    450       \begin{enumerate}
    451        \item vector \varname{[do_not_decode_flag]} element \varname{[ch]} is set
    452       \end{enumerate}
    453      else
    454       \begin{enumerate}
    455        \item vector \varname{[do_not_decode_flag]} element \varname{[ch]} is unset
    456       \end{enumerate}
    458      \item increment \varname{[ch]}
    459     \end{enumerate}
    461   \end{enumerate}
    462  \item \varname{[residue_number]} = vector \varname{[vorbis_mapping_submap_residue]} element \varname{[i]}
    463  \item \varname{[residue_type]} = vector \varname{[vorbis_residue_types]} element \varname{[residue_number]}
    464  \item decode \varname{[ch]} vectors using residue \varname{[residue_number]}, according to type \varname{[residue_type]}, also passing vector \varname{[do_not_decode_flag]} to indicate which vectors in the bundle should not be decoded. Correct per-vector decode length is \varname{[n]}/2.
    465  \item \varname{[ch]} = 0
    466  \item for each channel \varname{[j]} in order from 0 ... \varname{[audio_channels]}
    467   \begin{enumerate}
    468    \item if channel \varname{[j]} is in submap \varname{[i]} (vector \varname{[vorbis_mapping_mux]} element \varname{[j]} is equal to \varname{[i]})
    469     \begin{enumerate}
    470      \item residue vector for channel \varname{[j]} is set to decoded residue vector \varname{[ch]}
    471      \item increment \varname{[ch]}
    472     \end{enumerate}
    474   \end{enumerate}
    476 \end{enumerate}
    480 \subsubsection{inverse coupling}
    482 for each \varname{[i]} from \varname{[vorbis_mapping_coupling_steps]}-1 descending to 0
    484 \begin{enumerate}
    485  \item \varname{[magnitude_vector]} = the residue vector for channel
    486 (vector \varname{[vorbis_mapping_magnitude]} element \varname{[i]})
    487  \item \varname{[angle_vector]} = the residue vector for channel (vector
    488 \varname{[vorbis_mapping_angle]} element \varname{[i]})
    489  \item for each scalar value \varname{[M]} in vector \varname{[magnitude_vector]} and the corresponding scalar value \varname{[A]} in vector \varname{[angle_vector]}:
    490   \begin{enumerate}
    491    \item if (\varname{[M]} is greater than zero)
    492     \begin{enumerate}
    493      \item if (\varname{[A]} is greater than zero)
    494       \begin{enumerate}
    495        \item \varname{[new_M]} = \varname{[M]}
    496        \item \varname{[new_A]} = \varname{[M]}-\varname{[A]}
    497       \end{enumerate}
    498      else
    499       \begin{enumerate}
    500        \item \varname{[new_A]} = \varname{[M]}
    501        \item \varname{[new_M]} = \varname{[M]}+\varname{[A]}
    502       \end{enumerate}
    504     \end{enumerate}
    505    else
    506     \begin{enumerate}
    507      \item if (\varname{[A]} is greater than zero)
    508       \begin{enumerate}
    509        \item \varname{[new_M]} = \varname{[M]}
    510        \item \varname{[new_A]} = \varname{[M]}+\varname{[A]}
    511       \end{enumerate}
    512      else
    513       \begin{enumerate}
    514        \item \varname{[new_A]} = \varname{[M]}
    515        \item \varname{[new_M]} = \varname{[M]}-\varname{[A]}
    516       \end{enumerate}
    518     \end{enumerate}
    520    \item set scalar value \varname{[M]} in vector \varname{[magnitude_vector]} to \varname{[new_M]}
    521    \item set scalar value \varname{[A]} in vector \varname{[angle_vector]} to \varname{[new_A]}
    522   \end{enumerate}
    524 \end{enumerate}
    529 \subsubsection{dot product}
    531 For each channel, synthesize the floor curve from the decoded floor
    532 information, according to packet type. Note that the vector synthesis
    533 length for floor computation is \varname{[n]}/2.
    535 For each channel, multiply each element of the floor curve by each
    536 element of that channel's residue vector.  The result is the dot
    537 product of the floor and residue vectors for each channel; the produced
    538 vectors are the length \varname{[n]}/2 audio spectrum for each
    539 channel.
    541 % TODO/FIXME: The following two paragraphs have identical twins
    542 %   in section 1 (under "compute floor/residue dot product")
    543 One point is worth mentioning about this dot product; a common mistake
    544 in a fixed point implementation might be to assume that a 32 bit
    545 fixed-point representation for floor and residue and direct
    546 multiplication of the vectors is sufficient for acceptable spectral
    547 depth in all cases because it happens to mostly work with the current
    548 Xiph.Org reference encoder.
    550 However, floor vector values can span \~140dB (\~24 bits unsigned), and
    551 the audio spectrum vector should represent a minimum of 120dB (\~21
    552 bits with sign), even when output is to a 16 bit PCM device.  For the
    553 residue vector to represent full scale if the floor is nailed to
    554 $-140$dB, it must be able to span 0 to $+140$dB.  For the residue vector
    555 to reach full scale if the floor is nailed at 0dB, it must be able to
    556 represent $-140$dB to $+0$dB.  Thus, in order to handle full range
    557 dynamics, a residue vector may span $-140$dB to $+140$dB entirely within
    558 spec.  A 280dB range is approximately 48 bits with sign; thus the
    559 residue vector must be able to represent a 48 bit range and the dot
    560 product must be able to handle an effective 48 bit times 24 bit
    561 multiplication.  This range may be achieved using large (64 bit or
    562 larger) integers, or implementing a movable binary point
    563 representation.
    567 \subsubsection{inverse MDCT}
    569 Convert the audio spectrum vector of each channel back into time
    570 domain PCM audio via an inverse Modified Discrete Cosine Transform
    571 (MDCT).  A detailed description of the MDCT is available in \cite{Sporer/Brandenburg/Edler}.  The window
    572 function used for the MDCT is the function described earlier.
    576 \subsubsection{overlap_add}
    578 Windowed MDCT output is overlapped and added with the right hand data
    579 of the previous window such that the 3/4 point of the previous window
    580 is aligned with the 1/4 point of the current window (as illustrated in
    581 \xref{vorbis:spec:window}).  The overlapped portion
    582 produced from overlapping the previous and current frame data is
    583 finished data to be returned by the decoder.  This data spans from the
    584 center of the previous window to the center of the current window.  In
    585 the case of same-sized windows, the amount of data to return is
    586 one-half block consisting of and only of the overlapped portions. When
    587 overlapping a short and long window, much of the returned range does not
    588 actually overlap.  This does not damage transform orthogonality.  Pay
    589 attention however to returning the correct data range; the amount of
    590 data to be returned is:
    592 \begin{programlisting}
    593 window_blocksize(previous_window)/4+window_blocksize(current_window)/4
    594 \end{programlisting}
    596 from the center (element windowsize/2) of the previous window to the
    597 center (element windowsize/2-1, inclusive) of the current window.
    599 Data is not returned from the first frame; it must be used to 'prime'
    600 the decode engine.  The encoder accounts for this priming when
    601 calculating PCM offsets; after the first frame, the proper PCM output
    602 offset is '0' (as no data has been returned yet).
    606 \subsubsection{output channel order}
    608 Vorbis I specifies only a channel mapping type 0.  In mapping type 0,
    609 channel mapping is implicitly defined as follows for standard audio
    610 applications. As of revision 16781 (20100113), the specification adds
    611 defined channel locations for 6.1 and 7.1 surround.  Ordering/location
    612 for greater-than-eight channels remains 'left to the implementation'.
    614 These channel orderings refer to order within the encoded stream.  It
    615 is naturally possible for a decoder to produce output with channels in
    616 any order. Any such decoder should explicitly document channel
    617 reordering behavior.
    619 \begin{description} %[style=nextline]
    620  \item[one channel]
    621 	the stream is monophonic
    623 \item[two channels]
    624 	the stream is stereo.  channel order: left, right
    626 \item[three channels]
    627 	the stream is a 1d-surround encoding.  channel order: left,
    628 center, right
    630 \item[four channels]
    631 	the stream is quadraphonic surround.  channel order: front left,
    632 front right, rear left, rear right
    634 \item[five channels]
    635 	the stream is five-channel surround.  channel order: front left,
    636 center, front right, rear left, rear right
    638 \item[six channels]
    639 	the stream is 5.1 surround.  channel order: front left, center, 
    640 front right, rear left, rear right, LFE
    642 \item[seven channels]
    643         the stream is 6.1 surround.  channel order: front left, center, 
    644 front right, side left, side right, rear center, LFE
    646 \item[eight channels]
    647         the stream is 7.1 surround.  channel order: front left, center, 
    648 front right, side left, side right, rear left, rear right, 
    649 LFE
    651 \item[greater than eight channels]
    652 	channel use and order is defined by the application
    654 \end{description}
    656 Applications using Vorbis for dedicated purposes may define channel
    657 mapping as seen fit.  Future channel mappings (such as three and four
    658 channel \href{http://www.ambisonic.net/}{Ambisonics}) will
    659 make use of channel mappings other than mapping 0.