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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      7 #include "SkIntersections.h"
      8 #include "SkPathOpsLine.h"
     10 /* Determine the intersection point of two lines. This assumes the lines are not parallel,
     11    and that that the lines are infinite.
     12    From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line-line_intersection
     13  */
     14 SkDPoint SkIntersections::Line(const SkDLine& a, const SkDLine& b) {
     15     double axLen = a[1].fX - a[0].fX;
     16     double ayLen = a[1].fY - a[0].fY;
     17     double bxLen = b[1].fX - b[0].fX;
     18     double byLen = b[1].fY - b[0].fY;
     19     double denom = byLen * axLen - ayLen * bxLen;
     20     SkASSERT(denom);
     21     double term1 = a[1].fX * a[0].fY - a[1].fY * a[0].fX;
     22     double term2 = b[1].fX * b[0].fY - b[1].fY * b[0].fX;
     23     SkDPoint p;
     24     p.fX = (term1 * bxLen - axLen * term2) / denom;
     25     p.fY = (term1 * byLen - ayLen * term2) / denom;
     26     return p;
     27 }
     29 int SkIntersections::computePoints(const SkDLine& line, int used) {
     30     fPt[0] = line.ptAtT(fT[0][0]);
     31     if ((fUsed = used) == 2) {
     32         fPt[1] = line.ptAtT(fT[0][1]);
     33     }
     34     return fUsed;
     35 }
     37 int SkIntersections::intersectRay(const SkDLine& a, const SkDLine& b) {
     38     double axLen = a[1].fX - a[0].fX;
     39     double ayLen = a[1].fY - a[0].fY;
     40     double bxLen = b[1].fX - b[0].fX;
     41     double byLen = b[1].fY - b[0].fY;
     42     /* Slopes match when denom goes to zero:
     43                       axLen / ayLen ==                   bxLen / byLen
     44     (ayLen * byLen) * axLen / ayLen == (ayLen * byLen) * bxLen / byLen
     45              byLen  * axLen         ==  ayLen          * bxLen
     46              byLen  * axLen         -   ayLen          * bxLen == 0 ( == denom )
     47      */
     48     double denom = byLen * axLen - ayLen * bxLen;
     49     double ab0y = a[0].fY - b[0].fY;
     50     double ab0x = a[0].fX - b[0].fX;
     51     double numerA = ab0y * bxLen - byLen * ab0x;
     52     double numerB = ab0y * axLen - ayLen * ab0x;
     53     numerA /= denom;
     54     numerB /= denom;
     55     int used;
     56     if (!approximately_zero(denom)) {
     57         fT[0][0] = numerA;
     58         fT[1][0] = numerB;
     59         used = 1;
     60     } else {
     61        /* See if the axis intercepts match:
     62                   ay - ax * ayLen / axLen  ==          by - bx * ayLen / axLen
     63          axLen * (ay - ax * ayLen / axLen) == axLen * (by - bx * ayLen / axLen)
     64          axLen *  ay - ax * ayLen          == axLen *  by - bx * ayLen
     65         */
     66         if (!AlmostEqualUlps(axLen * a[0].fY - ayLen * a[0].fX,
     67                 axLen * b[0].fY - ayLen * b[0].fX)) {
     68             return fUsed = 0;
     69         }
     70         // there's no great answer for intersection points for coincident rays, but return something
     71         fT[0][0] = fT[1][0] = 0;
     72         fT[1][0] = fT[1][1] = 1;
     73         used = 2;
     74     }
     75     return computePoints(a, used);
     76 }
     78 // note that this only works if both lines are neither horizontal nor vertical
     79 int SkIntersections::intersect(const SkDLine& a, const SkDLine& b) {
     80     // see if end points intersect the opposite line
     81     double t;
     82     for (int iA = 0; iA < 2; ++iA) {
     83         if ((t = b.exactPoint(a[iA])) >= 0) {
     84             insert(iA, t, a[iA]);
     85         }
     86     }
     87     for (int iB = 0; iB < 2; ++iB) {
     88         if ((t = a.exactPoint(b[iB])) >= 0) {
     89             insert(t, iB, b[iB]);
     90         }
     91     }
     92     /* Determine the intersection point of two line segments
     93        Return FALSE if the lines don't intersect
     94        from: http://paulbourke.net/geometry/lineline2d/ */
     95     double axLen = a[1].fX - a[0].fX;
     96     double ayLen = a[1].fY - a[0].fY;
     97     double bxLen = b[1].fX - b[0].fX;
     98     double byLen = b[1].fY - b[0].fY;
     99     /* Slopes match when denom goes to zero:
    100                       axLen / ayLen ==                   bxLen / byLen
    101     (ayLen * byLen) * axLen / ayLen == (ayLen * byLen) * bxLen / byLen
    102              byLen  * axLen         ==  ayLen          * bxLen
    103              byLen  * axLen         -   ayLen          * bxLen == 0 ( == denom )
    104      */
    105     double axByLen = axLen * byLen;
    106     double ayBxLen = ayLen * bxLen;
    107     // detect parallel lines the same way here and in SkOpAngle operator <
    108     // so that non-parallel means they are also sortable
    109     bool parallel = AlmostEqualUlps(axByLen, ayBxLen);
    110     if (!parallel) {
    111         double ab0y = a[0].fY - b[0].fY;
    112         double ab0x = a[0].fX - b[0].fX;
    113         double numerA = ab0y * bxLen - byLen * ab0x;
    114         double numerB = ab0y * axLen - ayLen * ab0x;
    115         double denom = axByLen - ayBxLen;
    116         if (between(0, numerA, denom) && between(0, numerB, denom)) {
    117             fT[0][0] = numerA / denom;
    118             fT[1][0] = numerB / denom;
    119             computePoints(a, 1);
    120         }
    121     }
    122     if (fAllowNear || parallel) {
    123         for (int iA = 0; iA < 2; ++iA) {
    124             if ((t = b.nearPoint(a[iA])) >= 0) {
    125                 insert(iA, t, a[iA]);
    126             }
    127         }
    128         for (int iB = 0; iB < 2; ++iB) {
    129             if ((t = a.nearPoint(b[iB])) >= 0) {
    130                 insert(t, iB, b[iB]);
    131             }
    132         }
    133     }
    134     return fUsed;
    135 }
    137 static int horizontal_coincident(const SkDLine& line, double y) {
    138     double min = line[0].fY;
    139     double max = line[1].fY;
    140     if (min > max) {
    141         SkTSwap(min, max);
    142     }
    143     if (min > y || max < y) {
    144         return 0;
    145     }
    146     if (AlmostEqualUlps(min, max) && max - min < fabs(line[0].fX - line[1].fX)) {
    147         return 2;
    148     }
    149     return 1;
    150 }
    152 static double horizontal_intercept(const SkDLine& line, double y) {
    153      return (y - line[0].fY) / (line[1].fY - line[0].fY);
    154 }
    156 int SkIntersections::horizontal(const SkDLine& line, double y) {
    157     int horizontalType = horizontal_coincident(line, y);
    158     if (horizontalType == 1) {
    159         fT[0][0] = horizontal_intercept(line, y);
    160     } else if (horizontalType == 2) {
    161         fT[0][0] = 0;
    162         fT[0][1] = 1;
    163     }
    164     return fUsed = horizontalType;
    165 }
    167 int SkIntersections::horizontal(const SkDLine& line, double left, double right,
    168                                 double y, bool flipped) {
    169     // see if end points intersect the opposite line
    170     double t;
    171     const SkDPoint leftPt = { left, y };
    172     if ((t = line.exactPoint(leftPt)) >= 0) {
    173         insert(t, (double) flipped, leftPt);
    174     }
    175     if (left != right) {
    176         const SkDPoint rightPt = { right, y };
    177         if ((t = line.exactPoint(rightPt)) >= 0) {
    178             insert(t, (double) !flipped, rightPt);
    179         }
    180         for (int index = 0; index < 2; ++index) {
    181             if ((t = SkDLine::ExactPointH(line[index], left, right, y)) >= 0) {
    182                 insert((double) index, flipped ? 1 - t : t, line[index]);
    183             }
    184         }
    185     }
    186     int result = horizontal_coincident(line, y);
    187     if (result == 1 && fUsed == 0) {
    188         fT[0][0] = horizontal_intercept(line, y);
    189         double xIntercept = line[0].fX + fT[0][0] * (line[1].fX - line[0].fX);
    190         if (between(left, xIntercept, right)) {
    191             fT[1][0] = (xIntercept - left) / (right - left);
    192             if (flipped) {
    193                 // OPTIMIZATION: ? instead of swapping, pass original line, use [1].fX - [0].fX
    194                 for (int index = 0; index < result; ++index) {
    195                     fT[1][index] = 1 - fT[1][index];
    196                 }
    197             }
    198             return computePoints(line, result);
    199         }
    200     }
    201     if (!fAllowNear && result != 2) {
    202         return fUsed;
    203     }
    204     if ((t = line.nearPoint(leftPt)) >= 0) {
    205         insert(t, (double) flipped, leftPt);
    206     }
    207     if (left != right) {
    208         const SkDPoint rightPt = { right, y };
    209         if ((t = line.nearPoint(rightPt)) >= 0) {
    210             insert(t, (double) !flipped, rightPt);
    211         }
    212         for (int index = 0; index < 2; ++index) {
    213             if ((t = SkDLine::NearPointH(line[index], left, right, y)) >= 0) {
    214                 insert((double) index, flipped ? 1 - t : t, line[index]);
    215             }
    216         }
    217     }
    218     return fUsed;
    219 }
    221 static int vertical_coincident(const SkDLine& line, double x) {
    222     double min = line[0].fX;
    223     double max = line[1].fX;
    224     if (min > max) {
    225         SkTSwap(min, max);
    226     }
    227     if (!precisely_between(min, x, max)) {
    228         return 0;
    229     }
    230     if (AlmostEqualUlps(min, max)) {
    231         return 2;
    232     }
    233     return 1;
    234 }
    236 static double vertical_intercept(const SkDLine& line, double x) {
    237     return (x - line[0].fX) / (line[1].fX - line[0].fX);
    238 }
    240 int SkIntersections::vertical(const SkDLine& line, double x) {
    241     int verticalType = vertical_coincident(line, x);
    242     if (verticalType == 1) {
    243         fT[0][0] = vertical_intercept(line, x);
    244     } else if (verticalType == 2) {
    245         fT[0][0] = 0;
    246         fT[0][1] = 1;
    247     }
    248     return fUsed = verticalType;
    249 }
    251 int SkIntersections::vertical(const SkDLine& line, double top, double bottom,
    252                               double x, bool flipped) {
    253     // see if end points intersect the opposite line
    254     double t;
    255     SkDPoint topPt = { x, top };
    256     if ((t = line.exactPoint(topPt)) >= 0) {
    257         insert(t, (double) flipped, topPt);
    258     }
    259     if (top != bottom) {
    260         SkDPoint bottomPt = { x, bottom };
    261         if ((t = line.exactPoint(bottomPt)) >= 0) {
    262             insert(t, (double) !flipped, bottomPt);
    263         }
    264         for (int index = 0; index < 2; ++index) {
    265             if ((t = SkDLine::ExactPointV(line[index], top, bottom, x)) >= 0) {
    266                 insert((double) index, flipped ? 1 - t : t, line[index]);
    267             }
    268         }
    269     }
    270     int result = vertical_coincident(line, x);
    271     if (result == 1 && fUsed == 0) {
    272         fT[0][0] = vertical_intercept(line, x);
    273         double yIntercept = line[0].fY + fT[0][0] * (line[1].fY - line[0].fY);
    274         if (between(top, yIntercept, bottom)) {
    275             fT[1][0] = (yIntercept - top) / (bottom - top);
    276             if (flipped) {
    277                 // OPTIMIZATION: instead of swapping, pass original line, use [1].fY - [0].fY
    278                 for (int index = 0; index < result; ++index) {
    279                     fT[1][index] = 1 - fT[1][index];
    280                 }
    281             }
    282             return computePoints(line, result);
    283         }
    284     }
    285     if (!fAllowNear && result != 2) {
    286         return fUsed;
    287     }
    288     if ((t = line.nearPoint(topPt)) >= 0) {
    289         insert(t, (double) flipped, topPt);
    290     }
    291     if (top != bottom) {
    292         SkDPoint bottomPt = { x, bottom };
    293         if ((t = line.nearPoint(bottomPt)) >= 0) {
    294             insert(t, (double) !flipped, bottomPt);
    295         }
    296         for (int index = 0; index < 2; ++index) {
    297             if ((t = SkDLine::NearPointV(line[index], top, bottom, x)) >= 0) {
    298                 insert((double) index, flipped ? 1 - t : t, line[index]);
    299             }
    300         }
    301     }
    302     return fUsed;
    303 }
    305 // from http://www.bryceboe.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2006/10/intersect.py
    306 // 4 subs, 2 muls, 1 cmp
    307 static bool ccw(const SkDPoint& A, const SkDPoint& B, const SkDPoint& C) {
    308     return (C.fY - A.fY) * (B.fX - A.fX) > (B.fY - A.fY) * (C.fX - A.fX);
    309 }
    311 // 16 subs, 8 muls, 6 cmps
    312 bool SkIntersections::Test(const SkDLine& a, const SkDLine& b) {
    313     return ccw(a[0], b[0], b[1]) != ccw(a[1], b[0], b[1])
    314             && ccw(a[0], a[1], b[0]) != ccw(a[0], a[1], b[1]);
    315 }