Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in v4
      1 apply plugin: 'java'
      3 archivesBaseName = 'support-v4'
      5 sourceSets {
      6     main.java.srcDir 'java'
      7     eclair.java.srcDir 'eclair'
      8     froyo.java.srcDir 'froyo'
      9     gingerbread.java.srcDir 'gingerbread'
     10     honeycomb.java.srcDir 'honeycomb'
     11     honeycombmr2.java.srcDir 'honeycomb_mr2'
     12     ics.java.srcDir 'ics'
     13     icsmr1.java.srcDir 'ics-mr1'
     14     jellybean.java.srcDir 'jellybean'
     15     jellybeanmr1.java.srcDir 'jellybean-mr1'
     16     jellybeanmr2.java.srcDir 'jellybean-mr2'
     17     kitkat.java.srcDir 'kitkat'
     18 }
     20 dependencies {
     21     eclairCompile getAndroidPrebuilt('5')
     22     froyoCompile getAndroidPrebuilt('8')
     23     gingerbreadCompile getAndroidPrebuilt('9')
     24     honeycombCompile getAndroidPrebuilt('11')
     25     honeycombmr2Compile getAndroidPrebuilt('13')
     26     icsCompile getAndroidPrebuilt('14')
     27     icsmr1Compile getAndroidPrebuilt('15')
     28     jellybeanCompile getAndroidPrebuilt('16')
     29     jellybeanmr1Compile getAndroidPrebuilt('17')
     30     jellybeanmr2Compile getAndroidPrebuilt('18')
     31     kitkatCompile getAndroidPrebuilt('current')
     33     compile getAndroidPrebuilt('4')
     34     compile sourceSets.eclair.output
     35     compile sourceSets.froyo.output
     36     compile sourceSets.gingerbread.output
     37     compile sourceSets.honeycomb.output
     38     compile sourceSets.honeycombmr2.output
     39     compile sourceSets.ics.output
     40     compile sourceSets.icsmr1.output
     41     compile sourceSets.jellybean.output
     42     compile sourceSets.jellybeanmr1.output
     43     compile sourceSets.jellybeanmr2.output
     44     compile sourceSets.kitkat.output
     45 }
     48 jar {
     49     from sourceSets.eclair.output
     50     from sourceSets.froyo.output
     51     from sourceSets.gingerbread.output
     52     from sourceSets.honeycomb.output
     53     from sourceSets.honeycombmr2.output
     54     from sourceSets.ics.output
     55     from sourceSets.icsmr1.output
     56     from sourceSets.jellybean.output
     57     from sourceSets.jellybeanmr1.output
     58     from sourceSets.jellybeanmr2.output
     59     from sourceSets.kitkat.output
     60 }
     62 uploadArchives {
     63     repositories {
     64         mavenDeployer {
     65             repository(url: uri(project.parent.ext.androidRepoOut)) {
     66             }
     68             pom.project {
     69                 name 'Android Support Library v4'
     70                 description "The Support Library is a static library that you can add to your Android application in order to use APIs that are either not available for older platform versions or utility APIs that aren't a part of the framework APIs. Compatible on devices running API 4 or later."
     71                 url 'http://developer.android.com/tools/extras/support-library.html'
     72                 inceptionYear '2011'
     74                 licenses {
     75                     license {
     76                         name 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0'
     77                         url 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt'
     78                         distribution 'repo'
     79                     }
     80                 }
     82                 scm {
     83                     url "http://source.android.com"
     84                     connection "scm:git:https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support"
     85                 }
     86                 developers {
     87                     developer {
     88                         name 'The Android Open Source Project'
     89                     }
     90                 }
     91             }
     92         }
     93     }
     94 }
     96 // configuration for the javadoc to include all source sets.
     97 javadoc {
     98     source    sourceSets.main.allJava
     99     source    sourceSets.eclair.allJava
    100     source    sourceSets.froyo.allJava
    101     source    sourceSets.gingerbread.allJava
    102     source    sourceSets.honeycomb.allJava
    103     source    sourceSets.honeycombmr2.allJava
    104     source    sourceSets.ics.allJava
    105     source    sourceSets.icsmr1.allJava
    106     source    sourceSets.jellybean.allJava
    107     source    sourceSets.jellybeanmr1.allJava
    108     source    sourceSets.jellybeanmr2.allJava
    109     source    sourceSets.kitkat.allJava
    110 }
    112 // custom tasks for creating source/javadoc jars
    113 task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn:classes) {
    114     classifier = 'sources'
    115     from sourceSets.main.allSource
    116     from sourceSets.eclair.allSource
    117     from sourceSets.froyo.allSource
    118     from sourceSets.gingerbread.allSource
    119     from sourceSets.honeycomb.allSource
    120     from sourceSets.honeycombmr2.allSource
    121     from sourceSets.ics.allSource
    122     from sourceSets.icsmr1.allSource
    123     from sourceSets.jellybean.allSource
    124     from sourceSets.jellybeanmr1.allSource
    125     from sourceSets.jellybeanmr2.allSource
    126     from sourceSets.kitkat.allSource
    127 }
    129 task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn:javadoc) {
    130     classifier         'javadoc'
    131     from               javadoc.destinationDir
    132 }
    134 // add javadoc/source jar tasks as artifacts
    135 artifacts {
    136     archives jar
    137     archives sourcesJar
    138     archives javadocJar
    139 }