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      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      2 <!--
      3   ~ Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
      4   ~
      5   ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6   ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7   ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8   ~
      9   ~      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10   ~
     11   ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12   ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13   ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14   ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15   ~ limitations under the License
     16   -->
     18 <!-- Array resources for the Phone app. -->
     19 <resources>
     20     <string-array translatable="false" name="transport_types">
     21         <item>UDP</item>
     22         <item>TCP</item>
     23     </string-array>
     25     <string-array translatable="true" name="sip_call_options_entries">
     26         <item>@string/sip_call_options_entry_1</item>
     27         <item>@string/sip_call_options_entry_2</item>
     28         <item>@string/sip_call_options_entry_3</item>
     29     </string-array>
     31     <string-array translatable="true" name="sip_call_options_wifi_only_entries">
     32         <item>@string/sip_call_options_wifi_only_entry_1</item>
     33         <item>@string/sip_call_options_entry_2</item>
     34         <item>@string/sip_call_options_entry_3</item>
     35     </string-array>
     37     <string-array translatable="false" name="sip_call_options_values">
     38         <item>@string/sip_always</item>
     39         <item>@string/sip_address_only</item>
     40         <item>@string/sip_ask_me_each_time</item>
     41     </string-array>
     43     <string-array translatable="false" name="phone_type_values">
     44         <item>@string/pstn_phone</item>
     45         <item>@string/internet_phone</item>
     46     </string-array>
     48     <string-array translatable="true" name="sip_send_keepalive_options">
     49         <item>@string/sip_system_decide</item>
     50         <item>@string/sip_always_send_keepalive</item>
     51     </string-array>
     53     <!-- "Target" resources for the GlowPadView widget used for incoming calls;
     54          see InCallTouchUi.showIncomingCallWidget() and incall_touch_ui.xml.  -->
     56     <!-- For most incoming calls the GlowPadView widget provides 3 choices:
     57          - Answer (drag right)
     58          - Reject (drag left)
     59          - Respond via SMS (drag up) -->
     60     <array name="incoming_call_widget_3way_targets">
     61         <item>@drawable/ic_lockscreen_answer</item>
     62         <item>@drawable/ic_lockscreen_text</item>
     63         <item>@drawable/ic_lockscreen_decline</item>
     64         <item>@null</item>"
     65     </array>
     66     <array name="incoming_call_widget_3way_target_descriptions">
     67         <item>@string/description_target_answer</item>
     68         <item>@string/description_target_send_sms</item>
     69         <item>@string/description_target_decline</item>
     70         <item>@null</item>"
     71     </array>
     72     <array name="incoming_call_widget_3way_direction_descriptions">
     73         <item>@string/description_direction_right</item>
     74         <item>@string/description_direction_up</item>
     75         <item>@string/description_direction_left</item>
     76         <item>@null</item>
     77     </array>
     79     <!-- But in some cases "Respond via SMS" isn't available, so there are
     80          only 2 choices:
     81          - Answer (drag right)
     82          - Reject (drag left) -->
     83     <array name="incoming_call_widget_2way_targets">
     84         <item>@drawable/ic_lockscreen_answer</item>
     85         <item>@null</item>
     86         <item>@drawable/ic_lockscreen_decline</item>
     87         <item>@null</item>"
     88     </array>
     89     <array name="incoming_call_widget_2way_target_descriptions">
     90         <item>@string/description_target_answer</item>
     91         <item>@null</item>
     92         <item>@string/description_target_decline</item>
     93         <item>@null</item>"
     94     </array>
     95     <array name="incoming_call_widget_2way_direction_descriptions">
     96         <item>@string/description_direction_right</item>
     97         <item>@null</item>
     98         <item>@string/description_direction_left</item>
     99         <item>@null</item>
    100     </array>
    102 </resources>