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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 #
      3 # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      4 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5 # found in the LICENSE file.
      7 import collections
      8 import json
      9 import optparse
     10 import os
     11 import re
     12 import threading
     13 import time
     14 import sys
     16 from sets import Set
     17 from string import Template
     19 sys.path.append(os.path.join(sys.path[0], os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir,
     20                              'build','android'))
     21 from pylib import android_commands
     22 from pylib import constants
     25 _ENTRIES = [
     26     ('Total', '.* r... '),
     27     ('Read-only', '.* r--. '),
     28     ('Read-write', '.* rw.. '),
     29     ('Executable', '.* ..x. '),
     30     ('Anonymous total', '.* ""'),
     31     ('Anonymous read-write', '.* rw.. .* ""'),
     32     ('Anonymous executable (JIT\'ed code)', '.* ..x. .* ""'),
     33     ('File total', '.* .... .* "/.*"'),
     34     ('File read-write', '.* rw.. .* "/.*"'),
     35     ('File executable', '.* ..x. .* "/.*"'),
     36     ('/dev files', '.* r... .* "/dev/.*"'),
     37     ('Dalvik', '.* rw.. .* "/.*dalvik.*"'),
     38     ('Dalvik heap', '.* rw.. .* "/.*dalvik-heap.*"'),
     39     ('Native heap (malloc)', '.* r... .* ".*malloc.*"'),
     40     ('Ashmem', '.* rw.. .* "/dev/ashmem '),
     41     ('Native library total', '.* r... .* "/data/app-lib/'),
     42     ('Native library read-only', '.* r--. .* "/data/app-lib/'),
     43     ('Native library read-write', '.* rw-. .* "/data/app-lib/'),
     44     ('Native library executable', '.* r.x. .* "/data/app-lib/'),
     45 ]
     48 def _CollectMemoryStats(memdump, region_filters):
     49   processes = []
     50   mem_usage_for_regions = None
     51   regexps = {}
     52   for region_filter in region_filters:
     53     regexps[region_filter] = re.compile(region_filter)
     54   for line in memdump:
     55     if 'PID=' in line:
     56       mem_usage_for_regions = {}
     57       processes.append(mem_usage_for_regions)
     58       continue
     59     matched_regions = Set([])
     60     for region_filter in region_filters:
     61       if regexps[region_filter].match(line.rstrip('\r\n')):
     62         matched_regions.add(region_filter)
     63         if not region_filter in mem_usage_for_regions:
     64           mem_usage_for_regions[region_filter] = {
     65               'private_unevictable': 0,
     66               'private': 0,
     67               'shared_app': 0.0,
     68               'shared_app_unevictable': 0.0,
     69               'shared_other_unevictable': 0,
     70               'shared_other': 0,
     71           }
     72     for matched_region in matched_regions:
     73       mem_usage = mem_usage_for_regions[matched_region]
     74       for key in mem_usage:
     75         for token in line.split(' '):
     76           if (key + '=') in token:
     77             field = token.split('=')[1]
     78             if key != 'shared_app':
     79               mem_usage[key] += int(field)
     80             else:  # shared_app=[\d:\d,\d:\d...]
     81               array = field[1:-1].split(',')
     82               for i in xrange(len(array)):
     83                 shared_app, shared_app_unevictable = array[i].split(':')
     84                 mem_usage['shared_app'] += float(shared_app) / (i + 2)
     85                 mem_usage['shared_app_unevictable'] += \
     86                     float(shared_app_unevictable) / (i + 2)
     87             break
     88   return processes
     91 def _ConvertMemoryField(field):
     92   return str(field / (1024.0 * 1024))
     95 def _DumpCSV(processes_stats):
     96   total_map = {}
     97   i = 0
     98   for process in processes_stats:
     99     i += 1
    100     print (',Process ' + str(i) + ',private,private_unevictable,shared_app,' +
    101            'shared_app_unevictable,shared_other,shared_other_unevictable,')
    102     for (k, v) in _ENTRIES:
    103       if not v in process:
    104         print ',' + k + ',0,0,0,0,0,'
    105         continue
    106       if not v in total_map:
    107         total_map[v] = {'resident':0, 'unevictable':0}
    108       total_map[v]['resident'] += (process[v]['private'] +
    109                                    process[v]['shared_app'])
    110       total_map[v]['unevictable'] += process[v]['private_unevictable'] + \
    111           process[v]['shared_app_unevictable']
    112       print (
    113           ',' + k + ',' +
    114           _ConvertMemoryField(process[v]['private']) + ',' +
    115           _ConvertMemoryField(process[v]['private_unevictable']) + ',' +
    116           _ConvertMemoryField(process[v]['shared_app']) + ',' +
    117           _ConvertMemoryField(process[v]['shared_app_unevictable']) + ',' +
    118           _ConvertMemoryField(process[v]['shared_other']) + ',' +
    119           _ConvertMemoryField(process[v]['shared_other_unevictable']) + ','
    120           )
    121     print ''
    123   for (k, v) in _ENTRIES:
    124     if not v in total_map:
    125       print ',' + k + ',0,0,'
    126       continue
    127     print (',' + k + ',' + _ConvertMemoryField(total_map[v]['resident']) + ',' +
    128            _ConvertMemoryField(total_map[v]['unevictable']) + ',')
    129   print ''
    132 def _RunManualGraph(package_name, interval):
    133   _AREA_TYPES = ('private', 'private_unevictable', 'shared_app',
    134                  'shared_app_unevictable', 'shared_other',
    135                  'shared_other_unevictable')
    136   all_pids = {}
    137   legends = ['Seconds'] + [entry + '_' + area
    138                            for entry, _ in _ENTRIES
    139                            for area in _AREA_TYPES]
    140   should_quit = threading.Event()
    142   def _GenerateGraph():
    143     _HTML_TEMPLATE = """
    144 <html>
    145   <head>
    146     <script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.google.com/jsapi'></script>
    147     <script type='text/javascript'>
    148       google.load('visualization', '1', {packages:['corechart', 'table']});
    149       google.setOnLoadCallback(createPidSelector);
    150       var pids = $JSON_PIDS;
    151       var pids_info = $JSON_PIDS_INFO;
    152       function drawVisualization(pid) {
    153         var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(
    154           pids_info[pid]
    155         );
    157         var charOptions = {
    158           title: 'Memory Report (KB) for ' + pid,
    159           vAxis: {title: 'Time',  titleTextStyle: {color: 'red'}},
    160           isStacked : true
    161         };
    163         var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(
    164             document.getElementById('chart_div'));
    165         chart.draw(data, charOptions);
    167         var table = new google.visualization.Table(
    168             document.getElementById('table_div'));
    169         table.draw(data);
    170       }
    172       function createPidSelector() {
    173         var pid_selector = document.getElementById('pid_selector');
    174         for (pid in pids) {
    175           var option = document.createElement('option');
    176           option.text = option.value = pids[pid];
    177           pid_selector.appendChild(option);
    178         }
    179         pid_selector.addEventListener('change',
    180           function() {
    181             drawVisualization(this.selectedOptions[0].value);
    182           }
    183         );
    184         drawVisualization(pids[0]);
    185       }
    186     </script>
    187   </head>
    188   <body>
    189     PIDS: <select id='pid_selector'></select>
    190     <div id='chart_div' style="width: 1024px; height: 800px;"></div>
    191     <div id='table_div' style="width: 1024px; height: 640px;"></div>
    192   </body>
    193 </html>
    194 """
    195     pids = sorted(all_pids.keys())
    196     pids_info = dict(zip(pids,
    197                          [ [legends] +
    198                            all_pids[p] for p in pids
    199                          ]))
    200     print Template(_HTML_TEMPLATE).safe_substitute({
    201         'JSON_PIDS': json.dumps(pids),
    202         'JSON_PIDS_INFO': json.dumps(pids_info)
    203     })
    207   def _CollectStats(count):
    208     adb = android_commands.AndroidCommands()
    209     pid_list = adb.ExtractPid(package_name)
    210     memdump = adb.RunShellCommand('/data/local/tmp/memdump ' +
    211                                   ' '.join(pid_list))
    212     process_stats = _CollectMemoryStats(memdump,
    213                                         [value for (key, value) in _ENTRIES])
    214     for (pid, process) in zip(pid_list, process_stats):
    215       first_pid_entry = True
    216       for (k, v) in _ENTRIES:
    217         if v not in process:
    218           continue
    219         for area_type in _AREA_TYPES:
    220           legend = k + '_' + area_type
    221           if pid not in all_pids:
    222             all_pids[pid] = []
    223           if first_pid_entry:
    224             all_pids[pid].append(['%ds' % (count * interval)] +
    225                                  [0] * (len(legends) - 1))
    226             first_pid_entry = False
    227           mem_kb = process[v][area_type] / 1024
    228           all_pids[pid][-1][legends.index(legend)] = mem_kb
    230   def _Loop():
    231     count = 0
    232     while not should_quit.is_set():
    233       print >>sys.stderr, 'Collecting ', count
    234       _CollectStats(count)
    235       count += 1
    236       should_quit.wait(interval)
    238   t = threading.Thread(target=_Loop)
    241   print >>sys.stderr, 'Press enter or CTRL+C to stop'
    242   t.start()
    243   try:
    244     _ = raw_input()
    245   except KeyboardInterrupt:
    246     pass
    247   finally:
    248     should_quit.set()
    250   t.join()
    252   _GenerateGraph()
    255 def main(argv):
    256   parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog [options]',
    257                                  description=__doc__)
    258   parser.add_option('-m',
    259                     '--manual-graph',
    260                     action='store_true',
    261                     help='Manually collect data and generate a graph.')
    262   parser.add_option('-p',
    263                     '--package',
    264                     default=constants.PACKAGE_INFO['chrome'].package,
    265                     help='Package name to collect.')
    266   parser.add_option('-i',
    267                     '--interval',
    268                     default=5,
    269                     type='int',
    270                     help='Interval in seconds for manual collections.')
    271   options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
    272   if options.manual_graph:
    273     return _RunManualGraph(options.package, options.interval)
    274   _DumpCSV(_CollectMemoryStats(sys.stdin, [value for (key, value) in _ENTRIES]))
    277 if __name__ == '__main__':
    278   main(sys.argv)