1 # This build script corresponds to a library containing many definitions 2 # common to both the guest and the host. They relate to 3 # 4 LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) 5 6 commonSources := \ 7 GLClientState.cpp \ 8 GLSharedGroup.cpp \ 9 glUtils.cpp \ 10 SocketStream.cpp \ 11 TcpStream.cpp \ 12 TimeUtils.cpp 13 14 ### CodecCommon guest ############################################## 15 $(call emugl-begin-static-library,libOpenglCodecCommon) 16 17 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(commonSources) 18 19 LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DLOG_TAG=\"eglCodecCommon\" 20 21 $(call emugl-export,SHARED_LIBRARIES,libcutils libutils liblog) 22 $(call emugl-export,C_INCLUDES,$(LOCAL_PATH)) 23 $(call emugl-end-module) 24