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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/username_view.h"
      7 #include "base/logging.h"
      8 #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
      9 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/rounded_view.h"
     10 #include "grit/generated_resources.h"
     11 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorShader.h"
     12 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkComposeShader.h"
     13 #include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkGradientShader.h"
     14 #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
     15 #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
     16 #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
     17 #include "ui/gfx/canvas_skia.h"
     18 #include "ui/gfx/gtk_util.h"
     19 #include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
     21 namespace chromeos {
     23 namespace {
     24 // Username label background color.
     25 const SkColor kLabelBackgoundColor = 0x55000000;
     26 // Holds margin to height ratio.
     27 const double kMarginRatio = 1.0 / 3.0;
     28 // Holds the frame width for the small shaped username view.
     29 const SkScalar kSmallShapeFrameWidth = SkIntToScalar(1);
     31 // Class that sets up half rounded rectangle (only the bottom corners are
     32 // rounded) as a clip region of the view.
     33 // For more info see the file "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/rounded_view.h".
     34 template<typename C>
     35 class HalfRoundedView : public RoundedView<C> {
     36  public:
     37   HalfRoundedView(const std::wstring &text, bool use_small_shape)
     38       : RoundedView<C>(text, use_small_shape) {
     39   }
     41  protected:
     42   // Overrides ViewFilter.
     43   virtual SkPath GetClipPath() const {
     44     if (!C::use_small_shape()) {
     45       return RoundedView<C>::GetClipPath();
     46     } else {
     47       SkPath path;
     48       gfx::Rect frame_bounds = this->bounds();
     49       frame_bounds.Inset(kSmallShapeFrameWidth, kSmallShapeFrameWidth,
     50                    kSmallShapeFrameWidth, kSmallShapeFrameWidth);
     51       path.addRect(SkIntToScalar(frame_bounds.x()),
     52                    SkIntToScalar(frame_bounds.y()),
     53                    SkIntToScalar(frame_bounds.x() + frame_bounds.width()),
     54                    SkIntToScalar(frame_bounds.y() + frame_bounds.height()));
     55       return path;
     56     }
     57   }
     59   virtual void DrawFrame(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
     60     // No frame is needed.
     61   }
     63   virtual SkRect GetViewRect() const {
     64     SkRect view_rect;
     65     // The rectangle will be intersected with the bounds, so the correct half
     66     // of the round rectangle will be obtained.
     67     view_rect.iset(this->x(),
     68                    this->y() - this->height(),
     69                    this->x() + this->width(),
     70                    this->y() + this->height());
     71     return view_rect;
     72   }
     73 };
     75 }  // namespace
     77 UsernameView::UsernameView(const std::wstring& username, bool use_small_shape)
     78     : views::Label(username.empty()
     79           ? UTF16ToWide(l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_GUEST)) : username),
     80       use_small_shape_(use_small_shape),
     81       is_guest_(username.empty()) {
     82 }
     84 void UsernameView::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
     85   gfx::Rect bounds = GetContentsBounds();
     86   if (text_image_ == NULL)
     87     PaintUsername(bounds);
     88   DCHECK(text_image_ != NULL);
     89   DCHECK(bounds.size() ==
     90          gfx::Size(text_image_->width(), text_image_->height()));
     91   canvas->DrawBitmapInt(*text_image_, bounds.x(), bounds.y());
     92 }
     94 // static
     95 UsernameView* UsernameView::CreateShapedUsernameView(
     96     const std::wstring& username, bool use_small_shape) {
     97   return new HalfRoundedView<UsernameView>(username, use_small_shape);
     98 }
    100 gfx::NativeCursor UsernameView::GetCursorForPoint(
    101     ui::EventType event_type,
    102     const gfx::Point& p) {
    103   return use_small_shape_ ? gfx::GetCursor(GDK_HAND2) : NULL;
    104 }
    106 void UsernameView::PaintUsername(const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
    107   margin_width_ = bounds.height() * kMarginRatio;
    108   gfx::CanvasSkia canvas(bounds.width(), bounds.height(), false);
    109   // Draw transparent background.
    110   canvas.drawColor(0);
    112   // Calculate needed space.
    113   int flags = gfx::Canvas::TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT |
    114       gfx::Canvas::TEXT_VALIGN_MIDDLE |
    115       gfx::Canvas::NO_ELLIPSIS;
    116   int text_height, text_width;
    117   gfx::CanvasSkia::SizeStringInt(WideToUTF16Hack(GetText()), font(),
    118                                  &text_width, &text_height,
    119                                  flags);
    120   text_width += margin_width_;
    122   // Also leave the right margin.
    123   bool use_fading_for_text = text_width + margin_width_ >= bounds.width();
    125   // Only alpha channel counts.
    126   SkColor gradient_colors[2];
    127   gradient_colors[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    128   gradient_colors[1] = 0x00FFFFFF;
    130   int gradient_start = use_fading_for_text ?
    131                        bounds.width() - bounds.height() - margin_width_ :
    132                        text_width;
    133   int gradient_end = std::min(gradient_start + bounds.height(),
    134                               bounds.width() - margin_width_);
    136   SkPoint gradient_borders[2];
    137   gradient_borders[0].set(SkIntToScalar(gradient_start), SkIntToScalar(0));
    138   gradient_borders[1].set(SkIntToScalar(gradient_end), SkIntToScalar(0));
    140   SkShader* gradient_shader =
    141       SkGradientShader::CreateLinear(gradient_borders, gradient_colors, NULL, 2,
    142                                      SkShader::kClamp_TileMode, NULL);
    144   if (!use_fading_for_text) {
    145     // Draw the final background with the fading in the end.
    146     SkShader* solid_shader = new SkColorShader(kLabelBackgoundColor);
    147     SkXfermode* mode = SkXfermode::Create(SkXfermode::kSrcIn_Mode);
    148     SkShader* composite_shader = new SkComposeShader(gradient_shader,
    149                                                      solid_shader, mode);
    150     gradient_shader->unref();
    151     solid_shader->unref();
    153     SkPaint paint;
    154     paint.setShader(composite_shader)->unref();
    155     canvas.drawPaint(paint);
    156   }
    158   // Draw the text.
    159   // Note, direct call of the DrawStringInt method produces the green dots
    160   // along the text perimeter (when the label is place on the white background).
    161   SkColor kInvisibleHaloColor = 0x00000000;
    162   canvas.DrawStringWithHalo(WideToUTF16Hack(GetText()), font(), GetColor(),
    163                             kInvisibleHaloColor, bounds.x() + margin_width_,
    164                             bounds.y(), bounds.width() - 2 * margin_width_,
    165                             bounds.height(), flags);
    167   text_image_.reset(new SkBitmap(canvas.ExtractBitmap()));
    169   if (use_fading_for_text) {
    170     // Fade out only the text in the end. Use regular background.
    171     canvas.drawColor(kLabelBackgoundColor, SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode);
    172     SkShader* image_shader = SkShader::CreateBitmapShader(
    173         *text_image_,
    174         SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode,
    175         SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode);
    176     SkXfermode* mode = SkXfermode::Create(SkXfermode::kSrcIn_Mode);
    177     SkShader* composite_shader = new SkComposeShader(gradient_shader,
    178                                                      image_shader, mode);
    179     gradient_shader->unref();
    180     image_shader->unref();
    182     SkPaint paint;
    183     paint.setShader(composite_shader)->unref();
    184     canvas.drawPaint(paint);
    185     text_image_.reset(new SkBitmap(canvas.ExtractBitmap()));
    186   }
    187 }
    189 void UsernameView::OnLocaleChanged() {
    190   if (is_guest_) {
    191     SetText(UTF16ToWide(l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_GUEST)));
    192   }
    193   // Repaint because the font may have changed.
    194   text_image_.reset();
    195   SchedulePaint();
    196 }
    198 }  // namespace chromeos