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      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <!--
      3  * Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.  Use of this
      4  * source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the
      5  * LICENSE file.
      6 -->
      7 <html
      8   <head>
      9     <script src="imageinfo/binaryajax.js"></script>
     10     <script src="imageinfo/imageinfo.js" ></script>
     11     <script src="imageinfo/exif.js" ></script>
     12     <style>
     13       body {
     14         font: 14px Arial;
     15       }
     17       h1 {
     18         margin: 30px 0 5px 0;
     19         padding: 0;
     20       }
     21       code {
     22         padding: 0;
     23         margin: 5px 0;
     24         display: block;
     25       }
     26       table {
     27         border-collapse: collapse;
     28         width: 100%;
     29         margin: 15px 0;
     30       }
     31       td, th {
     32         padding: 4px;
     33       }
     34       th {
     35         text-align: left;
     36         width: 130px;
     37       }
     38       tr {
     39         display: none;
     40       }
     41       tr.rendered {
     42         display: block;
     43       }
     44       tr.rendered:nth-child(odd) {
     45         background: #eee;
     46       }
     47       #thumbnail {
     48         position: fixed;
     49         right: 20px;
     50         top: 20px;
     51         -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 6px #000;
     52         border: 4px solid #fff;
     53         background: #fff;
     54       }
     55       #loader {
     56         font: 30px Arial;
     57         text-align: center;
     58         padding: 100px;
     59       }
     60     </style>
     61     <script>
     62       /**
     63        * Quick template rendering function.  For each cell passed to it, check
     64        * to see if the cell's text content is a key in the supplied data array.
     65        * If yes, replace the cell's contents with the corresponding value and
     66        * unhide the cell.  If no, then remove the cell's parent (tr) from the
     67        * DOM.
     68        */
     69       function renderCells(cells, data) {
     70         for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
     71           var cell = cells[i];
     72           var key = cell.innerText;
     73           if (data[key]) {
     74             cell.innerText = data[key];
     75             cell.parentElement.className = "rendered";
     76           } else {
     77             cell.parentElement.parentElement.removeChild(cell.parentElement);
     78           }
     79         }
     80       };
     82       /**
     83        * Returns true if the supplies object has no properties.
     84        */
     85       function isEmpty(obj) {
     86         for (var key in obj) {
     87           if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
     88             return false;
     89           }
     90         }
     91         return true;
     92       };
     94       /**
     95        * Resizes the window to the current dimensions of this page's body.
     96        */
     97       function resizeWindow() {
     98         window.setTimeout(function() {
     99           chrome.tabs.getCurrent(function (tab) {
    100             var newHeight = Math.min(document.body.offsetHeight + 140, 700);
    101             chrome.windows.update(tab.windowId, {
    102               height: newHeight,
    103               width: 520
    104             });
    105           });
    106         }, 150);
    107       };
    109       /**
    110        * Called directly by the background page with information about the
    111        * image.  Outputs image data to the DOM.
    112        */
    113       function renderImageInfo(imageinfo) {
    114         console.log('imageinfo', imageinfo);
    116         var divloader = document.querySelector('#loader');
    117         var divoutput = document.querySelector('#output');
    118         divloader.style.display = "none";
    119         divoutput.style.display = "block";
    121         var divinfo = document.querySelector('#info');
    122         var divexif = document.querySelector('#exif');
    124         // Render general image data.
    125         var datacells = divinfo.querySelectorAll('td');
    126         renderCells(datacells, imageinfo);
    128         // If EXIF data exists, unhide the EXIF table and render.
    129         if (imageinfo['exif'] && !isEmpty(imageinfo['exif'])) {
    130           divexif.style.display = 'block';
    131           var exifcells = divexif.querySelectorAll('td');
    132           renderCells(exifcells, imageinfo['exif']);
    133         }
    134       };
    136       /**
    137        * Renders the URL for the image, trimming if the length is too long.
    138        */
    139       function renderUrl(url) {
    140         var divurl = document.querySelector('#url');
    141         var urltext = (url.length < 45) ? url : url.substr(0, 42) + '...';
    142         var anchor = document.createElement('a');
    143         anchor.href = url;
    144         anchor.innerText = urltext;
    145         divurl.appendChild(anchor);
    146       };
    148       /**
    149        * Renders a thumbnail view of the image.
    150        */
    151       function renderThumbnail(url) {
    152         var canvas = document.querySelector('#thumbnail');
    153         var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
    155         canvas.width = 100;
    156         canvas.height = 100;
    158         var image = new Image();
    159         image.addEventListener('load', function() {
    160           var src_w = image.width;
    161           var src_h = image.height;
    162           var new_w = canvas.width;
    163           var new_h = canvas.height;
    164           var ratio = src_w / src_h;
    165           if (src_w > src_h) {
    166             new_h /= ratio;
    167           } else {
    168             new_w *= ratio;
    169           }
    170           canvas.width = new_w;
    171           canvas.height = new_h;
    172           context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, src_w, src_h, 0, 0, new_w, new_h);
    173         });
    174         image.src = url;
    175       };
    177       /**
    178        * Returns a function which will handle displaying information about the
    179        * image once the ImageInfo class has finished loading.
    180        */
    181       function getImageInfoHandler(url) {
    182         return function() {
    183           renderUrl(url);
    184           renderThumbnail(url);
    185           var imageinfo = ImageInfo.getAllFields(url);
    186           renderImageInfo(imageinfo);
    187           resizeWindow();
    188         };
    189       };
194 Loading... loader.gif" /> 195
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