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      1 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 """Parses options for the instrumentation tests."""
      7 import os
     10 # TODO(gkanwar): Some downstream scripts current rely on these functions
     11 # existing. This dependency should be removed, and this file deleted, in the
     12 # future.
     13 def AddBuildTypeOption(option_parser):
     14   """Decorates OptionParser with build type option."""
     15   default_build_type = 'Debug'
     16   if 'BUILDTYPE' in os.environ:
     17     default_build_type = os.environ['BUILDTYPE']
     18   option_parser.add_option('--debug', action='store_const', const='Debug',
     19                            dest='build_type', default=default_build_type,
     20                            help='If set, run test suites under out/Debug. '
     21                            'Default is env var BUILDTYPE or Debug')
     22   option_parser.add_option('--release', action='store_const', const='Release',
     23                            dest='build_type',
     24                            help='If set, run test suites under out/Release. '
     25                            'Default is env var BUILDTYPE or Debug.')
     28 def AddTestRunnerOptions(option_parser, default_timeout=60):
     29   """Decorates OptionParser with options applicable to all tests."""
     31   option_parser.add_option('-t', dest='timeout',
     32                            help='Timeout to wait for each test',
     33                            type='int',
     34                            default=default_timeout)
     35   option_parser.add_option('-c', dest='cleanup_test_files',
     36                            help='Cleanup test files on the device after run',
     37                            action='store_true')
     38   option_parser.add_option('--num_retries', dest='num_retries', type='int',
     39                            default=2,
     40                            help='Number of retries for a test before '
     41                            'giving up.')
     42   option_parser.add_option('-v',
     43                            '--verbose',
     44                            dest='verbose_count',
     45                            default=0,
     46                            action='count',
     47                            help='Verbose level (multiple times for more)')
     48   profilers = ['devicestatsmonitor', 'chrometrace', 'dumpheap', 'smaps',
     49                'traceview']
     50   option_parser.add_option('--profiler', dest='profilers', action='append',
     51                            choices=profilers,
     52                            help='Profiling tool to run during test. '
     53                            'Pass multiple times to run multiple profilers. '
     54                            'Available profilers: %s' % profilers)
     55   option_parser.add_option('--tool',
     56                            dest='tool',
     57                            help='Run the test under a tool '
     58                            '(use --tool help to list them)')
     59   option_parser.add_option('--flakiness-dashboard-server',
     60                            dest='flakiness_dashboard_server',
     61                            help=('Address of the server that is hosting the '
     62                                  'Chrome for Android flakiness dashboard.'))
     63   option_parser.add_option('--skip-deps-push', dest='push_deps',
     64                            action='store_false', default=True,
     65                            help='Do not push dependencies to the device. '
     66                            'Use this at own risk for speeding up test '
     67                            'execution on local machine.')
     68   AddBuildTypeOption(option_parser)