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      1 // Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "cc/layers/texture_layer_impl.h"
      7 #include <vector>
      9 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
     10 #include "cc/layers/quad_sink.h"
     11 #include "cc/output/renderer.h"
     12 #include "cc/quads/texture_draw_quad.h"
     13 #include "cc/resources/platform_color.h"
     14 #include "cc/resources/scoped_resource.h"
     15 #include "cc/resources/single_release_callback.h"
     16 #include "cc/trees/layer_tree_impl.h"
     18 namespace cc {
     20 TextureLayerImpl::TextureLayerImpl(LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl,
     21                                    int id,
     22                                    bool uses_mailbox)
     23     : LayerImpl(tree_impl, id),
     24       texture_id_(0),
     25       external_texture_resource_(0),
     26       premultiplied_alpha_(true),
     27       blend_background_color_(false),
     28       flipped_(true),
     29       uv_top_left_(0.f, 0.f),
     30       uv_bottom_right_(1.f, 1.f),
     31       uses_mailbox_(uses_mailbox),
     32       own_mailbox_(false),
     33       valid_texture_copy_(false) {
     34   vertex_opacity_[0] = 1.0f;
     35   vertex_opacity_[1] = 1.0f;
     36   vertex_opacity_[2] = 1.0f;
     37   vertex_opacity_[3] = 1.0f;
     38 }
     40 TextureLayerImpl::~TextureLayerImpl() { FreeTextureMailbox(); }
     42 void TextureLayerImpl::SetTextureMailbox(
     43     const TextureMailbox& mailbox,
     44     scoped_ptr<SingleReleaseCallback> release_callback) {
     45   DCHECK(uses_mailbox_);
     46   DCHECK_EQ(mailbox.IsValid(), !!release_callback);
     47   FreeTextureMailbox();
     48   texture_mailbox_ = mailbox;
     49   release_callback_ = release_callback.Pass();
     50   own_mailbox_ = true;
     51   valid_texture_copy_ = false;
     52 }
     54 scoped_ptr<LayerImpl> TextureLayerImpl::CreateLayerImpl(
     55     LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl) {
     56   return TextureLayerImpl::Create(tree_impl, id(), uses_mailbox_).
     57       PassAs<LayerImpl>();
     58 }
     60 void TextureLayerImpl::PushPropertiesTo(LayerImpl* layer) {
     61   LayerImpl::PushPropertiesTo(layer);
     63   TextureLayerImpl* texture_layer = static_cast<TextureLayerImpl*>(layer);
     64   texture_layer->set_flipped(flipped_);
     65   texture_layer->set_uv_top_left(uv_top_left_);
     66   texture_layer->set_uv_bottom_right(uv_bottom_right_);
     67   texture_layer->set_vertex_opacity(vertex_opacity_);
     68   texture_layer->set_premultiplied_alpha(premultiplied_alpha_);
     69   texture_layer->set_blend_background_color(blend_background_color_);
     70   if (uses_mailbox_ && own_mailbox_) {
     71     texture_layer->SetTextureMailbox(texture_mailbox_,
     72                                      release_callback_.Pass());
     73     own_mailbox_ = false;
     74   } else {
     75     texture_layer->set_texture_id(texture_id_);
     76   }
     77 }
     79 bool TextureLayerImpl::WillDraw(DrawMode draw_mode,
     80                                 ResourceProvider* resource_provider) {
     81   if (draw_mode == DRAW_MODE_RESOURCELESS_SOFTWARE)
     82     return false;
     84   if (uses_mailbox_) {
     85     if (own_mailbox_) {
     86       DCHECK(!external_texture_resource_);
     87       if ((draw_mode == DRAW_MODE_HARDWARE && texture_mailbox_.IsTexture()) ||
     88           (draw_mode == DRAW_MODE_SOFTWARE &&
     89            texture_mailbox_.IsSharedMemory())) {
     90         external_texture_resource_ =
     91             resource_provider->CreateResourceFromTextureMailbox(
     92                 texture_mailbox_,
     93                 release_callback_.Pass());
     94         DCHECK(external_texture_resource_);
     95         texture_copy_.reset();
     96         valid_texture_copy_ = false;
     97       }
     98       if (external_texture_resource_)
     99         own_mailbox_ = false;
    100     }
    102     if (!valid_texture_copy_ && draw_mode == DRAW_MODE_HARDWARE &&
    103         texture_mailbox_.IsSharedMemory()) {
    104       DCHECK(!external_texture_resource_);
    105       // Have to upload a copy to a texture for it to be used in a
    106       // hardware draw.
    107       if (!texture_copy_)
    108         texture_copy_ = ScopedResource::Create(resource_provider);
    109       if (texture_copy_->size() != texture_mailbox_.shared_memory_size() ||
    110           resource_provider->InUseByConsumer(texture_copy_->id()))
    111         texture_copy_->Free();
    113       if (!texture_copy_->id()) {
    114         texture_copy_->Allocate(texture_mailbox_.shared_memory_size(),
    115                                 ResourceProvider::TextureUsageAny,
    116                                 resource_provider->best_texture_format());
    117       }
    119       if (texture_copy_->id()) {
    120         std::vector<uint8> swizzled;
    121         uint8* pixels =
    122             static_cast<uint8*>(texture_mailbox_.shared_memory()->memory());
    124         if (!PlatformColor::SameComponentOrder(texture_copy_->format())) {
    125           // Swizzle colors. This is slow, but should be really uncommon.
    126           swizzled.resize(texture_mailbox_.shared_memory_size_in_bytes());
    127           for (size_t i = 0; i < texture_mailbox_.shared_memory_size_in_bytes();
    128                i += 4) {
    129             swizzled[i] = pixels[i + 2];
    130             swizzled[i + 1] = pixels[i + 1];
    131             swizzled[i + 2] = pixels[i];
    132             swizzled[i + 3] = pixels[i + 3];
    133           }
    134           pixels = &swizzled[0];
    135         }
    137         resource_provider->SetPixels(
    138             texture_copy_->id(),
    139             pixels,
    140             gfx::Rect(texture_mailbox_.shared_memory_size()),
    141             gfx::Rect(texture_mailbox_.shared_memory_size()),
    142             gfx::Vector2d());
    144         valid_texture_copy_ = true;
    145       }
    146     }
    147   } else if (texture_id_) {
    148     DCHECK(!external_texture_resource_);
    149     if (draw_mode == DRAW_MODE_HARDWARE) {
    150       external_texture_resource_ =
    151           resource_provider->CreateResourceFromExternalTexture(
    152               GL_TEXTURE_2D,
    153               texture_id_);
    154     }
    155   }
    156   return (external_texture_resource_ || valid_texture_copy_) &&
    157          LayerImpl::WillDraw(draw_mode, resource_provider);
    158 }
    160 void TextureLayerImpl::AppendQuads(QuadSink* quad_sink,
    161                                    AppendQuadsData* append_quads_data) {
    162   DCHECK(external_texture_resource_ || valid_texture_copy_);
    164   SharedQuadState* shared_quad_state =
    165       quad_sink->UseSharedQuadState(CreateSharedQuadState());
    166   AppendDebugBorderQuad(quad_sink, shared_quad_state, append_quads_data);
    168   SkColor bg_color = blend_background_color_ ?
    169       background_color() : SK_ColorTRANSPARENT;
    170   bool opaque = contents_opaque() || (SkColorGetA(bg_color) == 0xFF);
    172   gfx::Rect quad_rect(content_bounds());
    173   gfx::Rect opaque_rect = opaque ? quad_rect : gfx::Rect();
    174   scoped_ptr<TextureDrawQuad> quad = TextureDrawQuad::Create();
    175   ResourceProvider::ResourceId id =
    176       valid_texture_copy_ ? texture_copy_->id() : external_texture_resource_;
    177   quad->SetNew(shared_quad_state,
    178                quad_rect,
    179                opaque_rect,
    180                id,
    181                premultiplied_alpha_,
    182                uv_top_left_,
    183                uv_bottom_right_,
    184                bg_color,
    185                vertex_opacity_,
    186                flipped_);
    187   quad_sink->Append(quad.PassAs<DrawQuad>(), append_quads_data);
    188 }
    190 void TextureLayerImpl::DidDraw(ResourceProvider* resource_provider) {
    191   LayerImpl::DidDraw(resource_provider);
    192   if (uses_mailbox_ || !external_texture_resource_)
    193     return;
    194   // TODO(danakj): the following assert will not be true when sending resources
    195   // to a parent compositor. A synchronization scheme (double-buffering or
    196   // pipelining of updates) for the client will need to exist to solve this.
    197   DCHECK(!resource_provider->InUseByConsumer(external_texture_resource_));
    198   resource_provider->DeleteResource(external_texture_resource_);
    199   external_texture_resource_ = 0;
    200 }
    202 Region TextureLayerImpl::VisibleContentOpaqueRegion() const {
    203   if (contents_opaque())
    204     return visible_content_rect();
    206   if (blend_background_color_ && (SkColorGetA(background_color()) == 0xFF))
    207     return visible_content_rect();
    209   return Region();
    210 }
    212 void TextureLayerImpl::DidLoseOutputSurface() {
    213   if (external_texture_resource_ && !uses_mailbox_) {
    214     ResourceProvider* resource_provider =
    215         layer_tree_impl()->resource_provider();
    216     resource_provider->DeleteResource(external_texture_resource_);
    217   } else {
    218     FreeTextureMailbox();
    219   }
    220   texture_copy_.reset();
    221   texture_id_ = 0;
    222   external_texture_resource_ = 0;
    223   valid_texture_copy_ = false;
    224 }
    226 const char* TextureLayerImpl::LayerTypeAsString() const {
    227   return "cc::TextureLayerImpl";
    228 }
    230 void TextureLayerImpl::FreeTextureMailbox() {
    231   if (!uses_mailbox_)
    232     return;
    233   if (own_mailbox_) {
    234     DCHECK(!external_texture_resource_);
    235     if (release_callback_)
    236       release_callback_->Run(texture_mailbox_.sync_point(), false);
    237     texture_mailbox_ = TextureMailbox();
    238     release_callback_.reset();
    239   } else if (external_texture_resource_) {
    240     DCHECK(!own_mailbox_);
    241     ResourceProvider* resource_provider =
    242         layer_tree_impl()->resource_provider();
    243     resource_provider->DeleteResource(external_texture_resource_);
    244     external_texture_resource_ = 0;
    245   }
    246 }
    248 }  // namespace cc