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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 #
      3 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      4 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5 # found in the LICENSE file.
      7 # TODO(mmoss) This currently only works with official builds, since non-official
      8 # builds don't add the "${BUILDDIR}/installer/" files needed for packaging.
     10 set -e
     11 if [ "$VERBOSE" ]; then
     12   set -x
     13 fi
     14 set -u
     16 gen_spec() {
     17   rm -f "${SPEC}"
     18   # Trunk packages need to install to a custom path so they don't conflict with
     19   # release channel packages.
     20   local PACKAGE_FILENAME="${PACKAGE}"
     21   if [ "$CHANNEL" = "trunk" ] || [ "$CHANNEL" = "asan" ]; then
     22     local INSTALLDIR="${INSTALLDIR}-${CHANNEL}"
     24     local MENUNAME="${MENUNAME} (${CHANNEL})"
     25   fi
     26   process_template "${SCRIPTDIR}/chrome.spec.template" "${SPEC}"
     27 }
     29 # Setup the installation directory hierachy in the package staging area.
     30 prep_staging_rpm() {
     31   prep_staging_common
     32   install -m 755 -d "${STAGEDIR}/etc/cron.daily"
     33 }
     35 # Put the package contents in the staging area.
     36 stage_install_rpm() {
     37   # TODO(phajdan.jr): Deduplicate this and debian/build.sh .
     38   # For now duplication is going to help us avoid merge conflicts
     39   # as changes are frequently merged to older branches related to SxS effort.
     40   if [ "$CHANNEL" != "stable" ]; then
     41     # This would ideally be compiled into the app, but that's a bit too
     42     # intrusive of a change for these limited use channels, so we'll just hack
     43     # it into the wrapper script. The user can still override since it seems to
     44     # work to specify --user-data-dir multiple times on the command line, with
     45     # the last occurrence winning.
     46     local SXS_USER_DATA_DIR="\${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-\${HOME}/.config}/${PACKAGE}-${CHANNEL}"
     47     local DEFAULT_FLAGS="--user-data-dir=\"${SXS_USER_DATA_DIR}\""
     49     # Avoid file collisions between channels.
     50     # TODO(phajdan.jr): Do that for all packages for SxS,
     51     # http://crbug.com/38598 .
     52     # We can't do this for now for all packages because of
     53     # http://crbug.com/295103 , and ultimately http://crbug.com/22703 .
     54     # Also see https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/msg/chromium-dev/DBEqOORaRiw/pE0bNI6h0kcJ .
     55     if [ "$CHANNEL" = "trunk" ] || [ "$CHANNEL" = "asan" ]; then
     56       local PACKAGE="${PACKAGE}-${CHANNEL}"
     57       local INSTALLDIR="${INSTALLDIR}-${CHANNEL}"
     58     fi
     60     # Make it possible to distinguish between menu entries
     61     # for different channels.
     62     local MENUNAME="${MENUNAME} (${CHANNEL})"
     63   fi
     64   prep_staging_rpm
     65   stage_install_common
     66   echo "Staging RPM install files in '${STAGEDIR}'..."
     67   process_template "${BUILDDIR}/installer/common/rpmrepo.cron" \
     68     "${STAGEDIR}/etc/cron.daily/${PACKAGE}"
     69   chmod 755 "${STAGEDIR}/etc/cron.daily/${PACKAGE}"
     70 }
     72 # Actually generate the package file.
     73 do_package() {
     74   echo "Packaging ${ARCHITECTURE}..."
     75   PROVIDES="${PACKAGE}"
     76   local REPS="$REPLACES"
     77   REPLACES=""
     78   for rep in $REPS; do
     79     if [ -z "$REPLACES" ]; then
     80       REPLACES="$PACKAGE-$rep"
     81     else
     82       REPLACES="$REPLACES $PACKAGE-$rep"
     83     fi
     84   done
     86   # The symbols in libX11.so are not versioned, so when a newer version has new
     87   # symbols like _XGetRequest, RPM's find-requires tool does not detect it, and
     88   # there is no way to specify a libX11.so version number to prevent
     89   # installation on affected distros like OpenSUSE 12.1 and Fedora 16.
     90   # Thus there has to be distro-specific conflict here.
     91   # TODO(thestig) Remove these in the future when other requirements prevent
     92   # installation on affected distros.
     93   ADDITIONAL_CONFLICTS="xorg-x11-libX11 < 7.6_1 libX11 < 1.4.99"
     96   # If we specify a dependecy of foo.so below, we would depend on both the
     97   # 32 and 64-bit versions on a 64-bit machine. The current version of RPM
     98   # we use is too old and doesn't provide %{_isa}, so we do this manually.
     99   if [ "$ARCHITECTURE" = "x86_64" ] ; then
    100     local EMPTY_VERSION="()"
    101     local PKG_ARCH="(64bit)"
    102   elif [ "$ARCHITECTURE" = "i386" ] ; then
    103     local EMPTY_VERSION=""
    104     local PKG_ARCH=""
    105   fi
    107   # Use find-requires script to make sure the dependencies are complete
    108   # (especially libc and libstdc++ versions). Filter out udev to avoid
    109   # libudev.so.0 vs. libudev.so.1 mismatches.
    110   DETECTED_DEPENDS="$(echo "${BUILDDIR}/chrome" | /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires |
    111       grep -v udev)"
    113   # Compare the expected dependency list to the generated list.
    114   BAD_DIFF=0
    115   diff "$SCRIPTDIR/expected_deps_$ARCHITECTURE" \
    116       <(echo "${DETECTED_DEPENDS}") || BAD_DIFF=1
    117   if [ $BAD_DIFF -ne 0 ] && [ -z "${IGNORE_DEPS_CHANGES:-}" ]; then
    118     echo
    119     echo "ERROR: Shared library dependencies changed!"
    120     echo "If this is intentional, please update:"
    121     echo "chrome/installer/linux/rpm/expected_deps_i386"
    122     echo "chrome/installer/linux/rpm/expected_deps_x86_64"
    123     echo
    124     exit $BAD_DIFF
    125   fi
    127   # libgdk_pixbuf is added in LSB 3.2 and no longer explicitly required.
    128   # libcairo, libpangocairo, libasound are in LSB 4. and no longer explicitly
    129   # required.
    130   # xdg-utils is still optional in LSB 4.0.
    131   # nss (bundled) is optional in LSB 4.0.
    132   #
    133   # We want to depend on the system SSL certs so wget can upload crash reports
    134   # securely, but there's no common capability between the distros. Bugs filed:
    135   # https://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=55714
    136   # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=538158
    137   # https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=556248
    138   DEPENDS="lsb >= 4.0, \
    139   libcurl.so.4${EMPTY_VERSION}${PKG_ARCH}, \
    140   libnss3.so(NSS_3.14.3)${PKG_ARCH}, \
    141   wget, \
    142   xdg-utils, \
    143   zlib, \
    144   $(echo "${DETECTED_DEPENDS}" | tr '\n' ',')"
    145   gen_spec
    147   # Create temporary rpmbuild dirs.
    148   RPMBUILD_DIR=$(mktemp -d -t rpmbuild.XXXXXX) || exit 1
    149   mkdir -p "$RPMBUILD_DIR/BUILD"
    150   mkdir -p "$RPMBUILD_DIR/RPMS"
    152   # '__os_install_post ${nil}' disables a bunch of automatic post-processing
    153   # (brp-compress, etc.), which by default appears to only be enabled on 32-bit,
    154   # and which doesn't gain us anything since we already explicitly do all the
    155   # compression, symbol stripping, etc. that we want.
    156   fakeroot rpmbuild -bb --target="$ARCHITECTURE" --rmspec \
    157     --define "_topdir $RPMBUILD_DIR" \
    158     --define "_binary_payload w9.bzdio" \
    159     --define "__os_install_post  %{nil}" \
    160     "${SPEC}"
    163      "${OUTPUTDIR}"
    164   # Make sure the package is world-readable, otherwise it causes problems when
    165   # copied to share drive.
    166   chmod a+r "${OUTPUTDIR}/${PKGNAME}.$ARCHITECTURE.rpm"
    167   rm -rf "$RPMBUILD_DIR"
    168 }
    170 # Remove temporary files and unwanted packaging output.
    171 cleanup() {
    172   rm -rf "${STAGEDIR}"
    173   rm -rf "${TMPFILEDIR}"
    174 }
    176 usage() {
    177   echo "usage: $(basename $0) [-c channel] [-a target_arch] [-o 'dir']"
    178   echo "                      [-b 'dir']"
    179   echo "-c channel the package channel (trunk, asan, unstable, beta, stable)"
    180   echo "-a arch    package architecture (ia32 or x64)"
    181   echo "-o dir     package output directory [${OUTPUTDIR}]"
    182   echo "-b dir     build input directory    [${BUILDDIR}]"
    183   echo "-h         this help message"
    184 }
    186 # Check that the channel name is one of the allowable ones.
    187 verify_channel() {
    188   case $CHANNEL in
    189     stable )
    190       CHANNEL=stable
    191       REPLACES="unstable beta"
    192       ;;
    193     unstable|dev|alpha )
    194       CHANNEL=unstable
    195       REPLACES="stable beta"
    196       ;;
    197     testing|beta )
    198       CHANNEL=beta
    199       REPLACES="unstable stable"
    200       ;;
    201     trunk|asan )
    202       # This is a special package, mostly for development testing, so don't make
    203       # it replace any installed release packages.
    204       REPLACES="dummy"
    205       # Setting this to empty will prevent it from updating any existing configs
    206       # from release packages.
    207       REPOCONFIG=""
    208       ;;
    209     * )
    210       echo
    211       echo "ERROR: '$CHANNEL' is not a valid channel type."
    212       echo
    213       exit 1
    214       ;;
    215   esac
    216 }
    218 process_opts() {
    219   while getopts ":o:b:c:a:h" OPTNAME
    220   do
    221     case $OPTNAME in
    222       o )
    223         OUTPUTDIR=$(readlink -f "${OPTARG}")
    224         mkdir -p "${OUTPUTDIR}"
    225         ;;
    226       b )
    227         BUILDDIR=$(readlink -f "${OPTARG}")
    228         ;;
    229       c )
    230         CHANNEL="$OPTARG"
    231         verify_channel
    232         ;;
    233       a )
    234         TARGETARCH="$OPTARG"
    235         ;;
    236       h )
    237         usage
    238         exit 0
    239         ;;
    240       \: )
    241         echo "'-$OPTARG' needs an argument."
    242         usage
    243         exit 1
    244         ;;
    245       * )
    246         echo "invalid command-line option: $OPTARG"
    247         usage
    248         exit 1
    249         ;;
    250     esac
    251   done
    252 }
    254 #=========
    255 # MAIN
    256 #=========
    258 SCRIPTDIR=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")")
    259 OUTPUTDIR="${PWD}"
    260 STAGEDIR=$(mktemp -d -t rpm.build.XXXXXX) || exit 1
    261 TMPFILEDIR=$(mktemp -d -t rpm.tmp.XXXXXX) || exit 1
    262 CHANNEL="trunk"
    263 # Default target architecture to same as build host.
    264 if [ "$(uname -m)" = "x86_64" ]; then
    265   TARGETARCH="x64"
    266 else
    267   TARGETARCH="ia32"
    268 fi
    269 SPEC="${TMPFILEDIR}/chrome.spec"
    271 # call cleanup() on exit
    272 trap cleanup 0
    273 process_opts "$@"
    274 if [ ! "$BUILDDIR" ]; then
    275   BUILDDIR=$(readlink -f "${SCRIPTDIR}/../../../../../out/Release")
    276 fi
    278 source ${BUILDDIR}/installer/common/installer.include
    280 get_version_info
    282 if [ "$CHROMIUM_BUILD" = "_google_chrome" ]; then
    283   source "${BUILDDIR}/installer/common/google-chrome.info"
    284 else
    285   source "${BUILDDIR}/installer/common/chromium-browser.info"
    286 fi
    287 eval $(sed -e "s/^\([^=]\+\)=\(.*\)$/export \1='\2'/" \
    288   "${BUILDDIR}/installer/theme/BRANDING")
    290 REPOCONFIG="http://dl.google.com/linux/${PACKAGE#google-}/rpm/stable"
    291 verify_channel
    294 # Make everything happen in the OUTPUTDIR.
    295 cd "${OUTPUTDIR}"
    297 case "$TARGETARCH" in
    298   ia32 )
    299     export ARCHITECTURE="i386"
    300     stage_install_rpm
    301     ;;
    302   x64 )
    303     export ARCHITECTURE="x86_64"
    304     stage_install_rpm
    305     ;;
    306   * )
    307     echo
    308     echo "ERROR: Don't know how to build RPMs for '$TARGETARCH'."
    309     echo
    310     exit 1
    311     ;;
    312 esac
    314 do_package